Title: Religion in American Newspapers
1Religion in American Newspapers
University of Rochester April 30, 2003
- To analyze what Americans learn about religion
from reading the newspaper.
- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
- The Boston Globe
- The Chicago Tribune
- The Dallas Morning News
- The Denver Post
- The Los Angeles Times
- The New York Times
- The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle
- The Seattle Post-Intelligencer
- USA Today
- The Wall Street Journal
- The Washington Post
4Religion is Mentioned Far More Often Than it is
the Subject of a Story.
- Religion Stories 1,402
- Religion Mentions 4,918
5Religion is Widely Used as a Criterion of
- To add important information to the article
- Superfluous identity markers
- Negative stereotype identity markers
6Religion Stories Most Frequently Describe
Religion in Political and Legal Terms.
- 49 included references to political, legal, and
criminal activities - 20 were exclusively political or legal
- 28 discussed religious beliefs and values
- 10 were exclusively beliefs and values
7Coverage of the Religious Lives of
African-Americans, Hispanics, and Women is
Disproportionately Low.
- 51 of Americans are women
- 12 are African-American
- 14 are Hispanic
- Cities with high minority populations still
contained few religious references to these
8Coverage of Islam is Disproportionate to the
Percentage of Muslims in the U.S. Its Coverage
is Predominantly Associated With Criminality and
Bad Deeds.
- 1 of Americans are Muslim
- 74 of Americans are Christian
- Islam appears in 2,231 mentions vs.
Christianitys 3,822 - Islam appears in 331 stories vs. Christianitys
9Roman Catholicism is More Often Linked With Bad
Deeds and Criminality Than With Catholic Beliefs
and Values.
- 31 of stories about Catholicism referenced bad
deeds and criminality - In The Boston Globe, 47 of stories about
Catholicism referenced bad deeds and criminality
10Coverage of Protestantism, Judaism, and Other
Religions is More Balanced Than Coverage of
- Protestantism and Judaism stories generally
included good deeds, practices, beliefs and
values - Protestantism is underrepresented in terms of the
percentage of the American population
11Coverage of Religion in Response to Tragedy and
Death was More Generic Than Particular.
- Several tragedies gained national attention
Columbia space shuttle, Providence and Chicago
nightclub disasters - News coverage focused on general religion rather
than discrete rituals and teachings
12Coverage of the Iraqi War Presented Religious
Anti-war Views More Prominently Than Pro-war
- Anti-war coverage principally invoked religion to
justify opposition - Pro-war coverage cited politics, safety, and
public opinion to support its position
13Print Popularization of Some Religious Terms is
Widespread. However, These Terms are Often Used
- Sporting messiah
- Zen Master
- Ad gurus
- Tao of Yao
14Religion Sections Appear in a Minority of
Newspapers. These Sections Treat Religions in
Depth, and Show How Beliefs, Values, and
Practices Relate to and Influence Their Readers
- Two papers with self-contained religion sections
Dallas Morning News, Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Three papers with 1-2 religious pages Chicago
Tribune, L.A. Times, Washington Post - Religion sections are a model for the coverage of
15Some Newspapers Reflect Better Than Others Their
Community, Nation, and Religions Beliefs,
Values, and Practices.
- Coverage of religion does not necessarily reflect
regional demography - There are important regional differences in the
balance between the coverage of religion in terms
of beliefs and values and political/legal issues - However, in all papers, the quantity of coverage
devoted to bad deeds outweighs that of good deeds
- Remember that context is key to the complete
reporting of a story. - Distinguish between the group and the action.
- Consider Religion Sections.
- Accentuate religion close to home.
- Be balanced in terms of coverage.
- Reflect a newspapers region and country.
- Develop a means of obtaining advice and expertise
about religion.
17Directed by Professors William Scott Green and
Curt Smith
Research Assistant and Teaching Fellow Todd
Research Team Participants
- Aaron Anderson
- Meghan Barritt
- Stacey Rae Benner
- Corinne Carpenter
- Gregg Chesney
- Maxwell Cooper
- Melissa Dupere
- Jonathan Ferland
- Melissa Gonzalez
- Bryan Gross
- Talia Guttin
- Rebecca Kanengieter
- Shahrzad Kardonni
- Amy Kuenzi
- Meghna Kumar
- Jessica Maglietto
- Ryan Montgomery
- Hannah Newborn
- Joseph Ortunno
- Valerie Palermo
- Jonathan Rettinger
- Andrew Rosenthal
- Brian Scharfenberg
- Adam Sherman
- Theresa Spaulding
- Nicole Strait
- Jessica Torrence
- Teresa Tygert
- Matthew Willyard