Title: Session 1 Introduction
1Session 1Introduction
2Session 1Introduction
- Welcome
- Introduction to the course
- Setting ground rules
- Domestics expense claims
- CRB forms
- Introduction by group members and volunteers
- Hopes and Fears
- Discuss own Breast feeding experiences.
- Handout provided by NHS Direct on Breast feeding
getting started.
3Session 2Benefits of the Breast feeding Method
4Session 2Learning Aims
- Identify the benefits of breast milk for the
baby. - Understanding the benefits of breast feeding for
the mother. - Social gains of breast feeding.
- How breast feeding works.
- Objectives
- At the end of this session, you will be able to
- Define the health benefits delivered to breast
fed babies. - Define the health and social/economic benefits
for the mother. - Understand the composition of breast milk.
- Can identify the difference between fore milk and
hind milk.
5Benefits Of The Breast Feeding Method.
- 9.30 Introduction and information on the purpose
of the session. - 10-10.30 In groups create a mind map of the
benefits of breast feeding for the mum and for
the baby. Followed by answers and hand out from
NCT Reasons to be Proud. - 10.30-10.45 Refreshment break
- 10.45-11.15 How breast feeding works. Hand out on
composition of breast milk. Followed by
discussion properties of fore milk and hind milk.
Hand out Breastfeeding the first seven days the
national childbirth trust. - 11.15-11.30 Close and provision of information
required for next session. - Suggested Reading
- Reasons to Be Proud the National Childbirth Trust
Hand out. - Breastfeeding the first seven days National
Childbirth Trust. - Patient Information Leaflet Breastfeeding the
whole view NHS Direct. - Breastfeeding Something Special National
Childbirth Trust handout.
6Supply and DemandHow Breast Feeding
WorksSession 3
7Learning Aims
- Understand the hormones responsible for
controlling the production of breast milk. - Identify how supply and demand works.
- Strategies to enable good positioning and
effective latching on at the breast
- Objectives At the end of this session, you will
be able to - Name the hormones responsible for producing
breast milk. - Describe positive signs and sensations of the
oxytocin reflex. - The process of the let down reflex.
- Identify a good latch on and most comfortable
position for mum and baby.
8Session 3Supply and Demand How Breast feeding
- 9.30-10.00 Hand out on supply and demand process.
Exercise on arranging sequence of captions on
lactation diagram. Followed by answers. - 10-10.30 Discuss factors which help and hinder
the oxytocin reflex. - 10.30-10.45 Refreshment break.
- 10.45-11.00 Positioning and latching on. 10
minute video Breastfeeding tips with the national
childbirth trust. Followed by groups arranging
pictures in the order of sequence to demonstrate
current latching on to the breast. Hand out
provided by NCT Breast Feeding not Nipple
feeding. - 11.00-11.30 In groups discuss factors which
contribute to a good/correct latch on, following
check list (work sheet provided by unicef breast
feeding counsellor training manual). Followed by
role play, in twos practice position doll on mum
and obtaining a good latch on. - Closure.
- Suggested Reading
- Breast Feeding not Nipple Feeding NCT.
- Breastfeeding Starting Out Right World Health
9Physical and Psychological Support Required In
BreastFeeding Mothers.Session 4
10Physical and Psychological Support.Learning aims.
- Understand psychological factors which may hinder
a mother from breast feeding. - Identify ineffective attachment and the
consequences there of. - Recognise a good attachment.
- Identify positive images of breast feeding.
- Objectives At the end of this session, you will
be able to - Describe the difference between effective and
ineffective attachment of a baby at the breast
and the consequences there of. - Describe the difference between effective and
ineffective suckling. - Able to recognise physical consequences of
ineffective suckling and attachment.
11Physical and Psychological Support Session 4
- 9.30-10.00 Using mind maps identify the
consequences of ineffective suckling and poor
attachment. - 10-10.30 Using a case study discuss how you would
deal with the breastfeeding mothers problems. - 10.30-10.45 Refreshment break.
- 10.45-11.15 Discuss in groups strategies to
relieve swollen breasts, and sore nipples.
Consider in groups when it would be appropriate
to refer to a health care practitioner.Hand out
from NCT B1A Breastfeeding Getting Started handy
hints. NCT B9 Feeding often is normal in the
early days. - 11.15-11.30 Close and setting of homework. Topic
of home work to create a colleague of positive
images of breast feeding. - Suggest Reading
- B2 handout NCT Breast feeding Getting Started.
- B9 handout NCT Feeding Often is normal in the
early days. - Patient Information Leaflet Breastfeeding the
whole view NHS Direct.
12What Influences Mothers ChoiceSession 5
13What Influences Mothers ChoiceSession 5
- Objectives by the end of this session you will be
able too - Describe the dangers of commercial promotion.
- Understand why health education plays a great
role in influencing. - Identify the role/value of peer opinion on the
mothers decision. - Understand how internal pressures can influence
decisions, the partners and immediate families
role. - Identify daily dietary requirements of the
breastfeeding mother.
- Learning Aims
- To understand the role that marketing and
advertising play on influencing mothers choice. - Promotions and how companies giving free samples
can influence mothers choice. - Cultural/social economic factors, which limit
choice. - The promotion of formulae coupons to support
financially disadvantaged mothers versus the
introduction of health eating grants to support
breastfeeding women. - Dietary requirements of the breastfeeding mother.
14What Influences Mothers ChoiceSession 5
- 9.30-10.00 Discuss what images are portrayed in
the press regarding breast feeding, if any.
Followed by comparison on the normalising effect
of formulae advertisements. - 10-10.30 Consider the impact of peer pressure on
the mothers decision. Hand out B2 NCT It takes
two to breast feed. Followed by discussion on
barriers which prevent the up take of breast
feeding, dispelling myth. - 10.30-10.45 Refreshment break.
- 10.45-11.15 List the advantages of breast
feeding, following which discuss how this could
be implemented in an advertisement to promote
breastfeeding. - 11.15-11.30 Discuss maternal mothers dietary
requirements and how this may effect her. In
groups create a menu suited to a breastfeeding
mother. - Suggested Reading
- Handout B2 It takes two to breast feed National
childbirth trust. - Patient Information Leaflet Breastfeeding the
whole view NHS Direct.
15Expressing breast MilkSession 6
16Expressing Breast MilkSession 6
- Aims
- Identify situations in which the expression of
breast milk may be useful or necessary. - Ways to express milk.
- How to teach hand milk expression.
- Storage of breast milk for use at home.
- Returning to work and what happens then.
- Objects by the end of this session you will be
able to - Explain why it is useful for a mother to know how
to express milk. - List the common situations in which a mother may
wish to express breast milk. - Demonstrate how to use a hand or electric pumps.
- Teach a mother the principles of hand expression
and ineffective techniques. - Consider risk assessment issues for mothers
returning to work. - Identify safe methods of storing expressed breast
17Expressing Breast MilkSession 6
- 9.30-10.00 list occasions when expressing breast
milk may be beneficial. - 10.00-10.30 Demonstrate hand expression of milk.
Using the hand expression checklist discuss how
to assess mothers technique, work sheet
unicef/WHO 3c. - 10.30-10.45 Refreshment break.
- 10.45-11.15 Using worksheet 6 unicef Expressing
and storing breast milk consider why a mother
might express breast milk, methods and storage
there of. - 11.15-11.30 Demonstrate different types of breast
pumps, hand and electric. - Suggested Reading
- BreastfeedingReturning to work national
childbirth trust. - Work sheet 6 Unicef and WHO breast feeding
management. - Hand Expression checklist, unicef and WHO
breastfeeding management module 3c.
18Training Material Alisa Stevenson RN Dip BSC
(hon) NVQ A1 assessor award.
19Session 7Safe guarding Children
20Session7Safe Guarding Children
- Aims and objectives
- Led by Home start
21Session 8How to be a Volunteer
22Session 8How to be a Volunteer
- Aims and Objective
- Led by home start
- How to be a volunteer and Responsibilities.
- Policies
- Confidentiality
- Sources of help
- When to refer on to a health care practitioner.
23Session 9Evaluation
24Session9Evaluation of the Breast feeding Course
- Completion of breast feeding evaluation.
- Discuss what was good about the course and what
was negative. - Discuss how future courses could be improved.
- Address factors which were missing.
25Session 10Implementation
26Session 10Implementation
- Discuss how the information learnt can be passed
on to the community. - Evaluation gaps in the market which do not assist
mothers wishing to breast feed. - Discuss roles, and where advise could be given.
- Discuss promotion and visibility.