Introduction to Informatica PowerCenter - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Informatica PowerCenter


Introduction to Informatica PowerCenter Data Warehousing Data warehousing is the entire process of data extraction, transformation, and loading of data ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Informatica PowerCenter

Introduction to Informatica PowerCenter
Data Warehousing
  • Data warehousing is the entire process of data
    extraction, transformation, and loading of data
    to the warehouse and the access of the data by
    end users and applications

Data Mart
  • A data mart stores data for a limited number of
    subject areas, such as marketing and sales data.
    It is used to support specific applications.
  • An independent data mart is created directly from
    source systems.
  • A dependent data mart is populated from a data

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Need For ETL Tool
  • Data Extraction
  • Often performed by COBOL routines (not
    recommended because of high program maintenance
    and no automatically generated meta data)
  • Sometimes source data is copied to the target
    database using the replication capabilities of
    standard RDBMS (not recommended because of dirty
    data in the source systems)
  • Increasing performed by specialized ETL software

Sample ETL Tools
  • DataStage from Ascential Software
  • SAS System from SAS Institute
  • Informatica
  • Data Integrator From BO
  • Hummingbird Genio Suite from Hummingbird
  • Oracle Express
  • Abinito
  • Decision Stream From Cognos
  • MS-DTS from Microsoft

Components Of Informatica
  • Repository Manager
  • Designer
  • Workflow Manager

Informatica provides the following integrated
  • Informatica repository. The Informatica
    repository is at the center of the Informatica
    suite. You create a set of metadata tables within
    the repository database that the Informatica
    applications and tools access. The Informatica
    Client and Server access the repository to save
    and retrieve metadata.
  • Informatica Client. Use the Informatica Client to
    manage users, define sources and targets, build
    mappings and mapplets with the transformation
    logic, and create sessions to run the mapping
    logic. The Informatica Client has three client
    applications Repository Manager, Designer, and
    Workflow Manager.
  • Informatica Server. The Informatica Server
    extracts the source data, performs the data
    transformation, and loads the transformed data
    into the targets.

Process Flow
  • Informatica Server moves the data from source to
    target based on the workflow and metadata stored
    in the repository.
  • A workflow is a set of instructions how and when
    to run the task related to ETL.
  • Informatica server runs workflow according to the
    conditional links connecting tasks.
  • Session is type of workflow task which describes
    how to move the data between source and target
    using a mapping.
  • Mapping is a set of source and target definitions
    linked by transformation objects that define the
    rules for data transformation.

  • Power Mart and Power Center access the following
  • Relational. Oracle, Sybase, Informix, IBM DB2,
    Microsoft SQL Server, and Teradata.
  • File. Fixed and delimited flat file, COBOL file,
    and XML.
  • Extended. If you use Power Center, you can
    purchase additional Power Connect products to
    access business sources such as PeopleSoft, SAP
    R/3, Siebel, and IBM MQSeries.
  • Mainframe. If you use Power Center, you can
    purchase Power Connect for IBM DB2 for faster
    access to IBM DB2 on MVS.
  • Other. Microsoft Excel and Access.

  • Power Mart and Power Center can load data into
    the following targets
  • Relational. Oracle, Sybase, Sybase IQ, Informix,
    IBM DB2, Microsoft SQL Server, and Teradata.
  • File. Fixed and delimited flat files and XML.
  • Extended. If you use Power Center, you can
    purchase an integration server to load data into
    SAP BW. You can also purchase Power Connect for
    IBM MQSeries to load data into IBM MQSeries
    message queues.
  • Other. Microsoft Access.
  • You can load data into targets using ODBC or
    native drivers, FTP, or external loaders.

General Flow of Informatica
  • Step 1 Creating Repository ,creating folders
    ,Creating users and assign permission in
    Repository Manager, so as to work in the client
  • Step 2Connecting to the repository from the
    designer. importing source and target tables ,
    creation of mappings.
  • Step 3 Creation of Workflow through workflow
    Manager which has different tasks connected
    between them. In that ,session is the task which
    is pointing to a mapping created in the designer.

  • The Informatica repository is a set of tables
    that stores the metadata you create using the
    Informatica Client tools. You create a database
    for the repository, and then use the Repository
    Manager to create the metadata tables in the
  • You add metadata to the repository tables when
    you perform tasks in the Informatica Client
    application such as creating users, analyzing
    sources, developing mappings or mapplets, or
    creating sessions. The Informatica Server reads
    metadata created in the Client application when
    you run a session. The Informatica Server also
    creates metadata such as start and finish times
    of a session or session status.
  • Contd -

Repository Contd..
  • When you use Power Center, you can develop
    global and local repository to share metadata
  • Global repository. The global repository is the
    hub of the domain. Use the global repository to
    store common objects that multiple developers can
    use through shortcuts. These objects may include
    operational or application source definitions,
    reusable transformations, mapplets, and mappings.
  • Local repositories. A local repository is within
    a domain that is not the global repository. Use
    local repositories for development. From a local
    repository, you can create shortcuts to objects
    in shared folders in the global repository. These
    objects typically include source definitions,
    common dimensions and lookups, and enterprise
    standard transformations. You can also create
    copies of objects in non-shared folders.

Repository Architecture

Repository Client
Repository Server
---------------------------- Repository Agent
Repository Database
Creating a Repository
  • To create Repository
  • 1. Launch the Repository Manager by choosing
    Programs-Power Center (or Power Mart)
    Client-Repository Manager from the Start Menu.
  • 2. In the Repository Manager, choose
    Repository-Create Repository.
  • Note You must be running the Repository
    Manager in Administrator mode to see the Create
    Repository option on the menu. Administrator mode
    is the default when you install the program.
  • 3. In the Create Repository dialog box, specify
    the name of the new repository, as well as the
    parameters needed to connect to the repository
    database through ODBC.

Working with Repository..
  • By default 2 users will be created in the
    repository .
  • Database user used to connect to the repository.
  • Administrator User.
  • By default 2 Groups will be created
  • Public
  • Administrators.
  • These groups and users cannot be deleted from the
    repository . The administrator group has only
    read privilege for other user groups.

Working with Repository contd..
  • Informatica tools include two basic types of
  • Privileges. Repository-wide security that
    controls which task or set of tasks a single user
    or group of users can access. Examples of these
    are Use Designer, Browse repository , Session
    operator etc.
  • Permissions. Security assigned to individual
    folders within the repository. You can perform
    various tasks for each privilege.
  • Ex - Read , Write and Execute.

  • Folders provide a way to organize and store all
    metadata in the repository, including mappings,
    schemas, and sessions. Folders are designed to be
    flexible, to help you organize your data
    warehouse logically. Each folder has a set of
    properties you can configure to define how users
    access the folder. For example, you can create a
    folder that allows all repository users to see
    objects within the folder, but not to edit them.
    Or you can create a folder that allows users to
    share objects within the folder.
  • Shared Folders
  • When you create a folder, you can configure it
    as a shared folder. Shared folders allow users to
    create shortcuts to objects in the folder. If you
    have reusable transformation that you want to use
    in several mappings or across multiple folders,
    you can place the object in a shared folder.
  • For example, you may have a reusable Expression
    transformation that calculates sales commissions.
    You can then use the object in other folders by
    creating a shortcut to the object.

Folder Permissions
  • Permissions allow repository users to perform
    tasks within a folder. With folder permissions,
    you can control user access to the folder, and
    the tasks you permit them to perform.
  • Folder permissions work closely with repository
    privileges. Privileges grant access to specific
    tasks while permissions grant access to specific
    folders with read, write, and execute qualifiers.
  • However, any user with the Super User privilege
    can perform all tasks across all folders in the
    repository. Folders have the following types of
  • Read permission. Allows you to view the folder as
    well as objects in the folder.
  • Write permission. Allows you to create or edit
    objects in the folder.
  • Execute permission. Allows you to execute or
    schedule a session or batch in the folder.

Creating Folders
Other Features of Repository Manager
  • Viewing , removing Locks
  • Adding Repository
  • Backup and Recovery of Repository
  • Taking Metadata reports like Completed Sessions
    details , List of reports on Jobs , session ,
    workflow etc

  • Questions/Comments?

  • Designer

Working with Designer
  • Connecting to the repository using User id and
  • Accessing the folder
  • Importing the source and target tables required
    for mapping.
  • Creation of mapping

Tools provided by Designer
  • Source Analyzer Importing Source definitions for
    Flat file, XML, COBOL and relational Sources.
  • Warehouse Designer Use to Import or create
    target definitions.
  • Transformation Developer Used to create reusable
  • Mapplet Designer Used to create mapplets
  • Mapping Designer Used to create mappings

Importing Sources
Import from Database
  • Use ODBC connection for importing from database

Import from File
Creating Targets
  • You can create target definitions in the
    Warehouse Designer for file and relational
    sources. Create definitions in the following
  • Import the definition for an existing target.
    Import the target definition from a relational
  • Create a target definition based on a source
    definition. Drag one of the following existing
    source definitions into the Warehouse Designer to
    make a target definition
  • Relational source definition
  • Flat file source definition
  • COBOL source definition
  • Manually create a target definition. Create and
    design a target definition in the Warehouse

Creating targets
Creation of simple mapping
Creation of simple mapping
  • Switch to the Mapping Designer.
  • Choose Mappings-Create.
  • While the workspace may appear blank, in fact it
    contains a new mapping without any sources,
    targets, or transformations.
  • In the Mapping Name dialog box, enter ltMapping
    Namegt as the name of the new mapping and click
  • The naming convention for mappings is
  • In the Navigator, under the ltRepository Namegt
    repository and ltFolder Namegt folder, click the
    Sources node to view source definitions added to
    the repository.

  • Contd..

Mapping creation Contd..
  • Click the icon representing the EMPLOYEES source
    and drag it into the workbook.

Mapping creation Contd..
  • The source definition appears in the workspace.
    The Designer automatically connects a Source
    Qualifier transformation to the source
    definition. After you add the target definition,
    you connect the Source Qualifier to the target.
  • Click the Targets icon in the Navigator to open
    the list of all target definitions.
  • Click and drag the icon for the T_EMPLOYEES
    target into the workspace.
  • The target definition appears. The final step is
    connecting the Source Qualifier to this target

Mapping creation Contd..
  • To Connect the Source Qualifier to Target
  • Click once in the middle of the ltColumn Namegt in
    the Source Qualifier. Hold down the mouse button,
    and drag the cursor to the ltColumn Namegt in the
    target. Then release the mouse button. An arrow
    (called a connector) now appears between the row

  • A transformation is a repository object that
    generates, modifies, or passes data
  • The Designer provides a set of transformations
    that perform specific functions
  • Data passes into and out of transformations
    through ports that you connect in a mapping or
  • Transformations can be active or passive

  • Active transformations
  • Aggregator performs aggregate
  • Filter serves as a
    conditional filter
  • Router serves as a conditional filter (more
    than one filters)
  • Joiner allows for
    heterogeneous joins
  • Source qualifier represents all data queried
    from the source
  • Passive transformations
  • Expression performs simple calculations
  • Lookup looks up values and passes to other
  • Sequence generator generates unique ID values
  • Stored procedure calls a stored procedure and
    captures return values
  • Update strategy allows for logic to insert,
    update, delete, or reject data

Transformations Contd..
  • Create the transformation. Create it in the
    Mapping Designer as part of a mapping, in the
    Mapplet Designer as part of a Mapplet, or in the
    Transformation Developer as a reusable
  • Configure the transformation. Each type of
    transformation has a unique set of options that
    you can configure.
  • Connect the transformation to other
    transformations and target definitions. Drag one
    port to another to connect them in the mapping or

Expression Transformation
  • You can use the Expression transformations to
    calculate values in a single row before you write
    to the target.
  • For example, you might need to adjust employee
    salaries, concatenate first and last names, or
    convert strings to numbers.
  • You can use the Expression transformation to
    perform any non-aggregate calculations.
  • You can also use the Expression transformation
    to test conditional statements before you output
    the results to target tables or other

Expression Transformation
  • Calculating Values
  • To use the Expression transformation to calculate
    values for a single row, you must include the
    following ports
  • Input or input/output ports for each value used
    in the calculation. For example, when
    calculating the total price for an order,
    determined by multiplying the unit price by the
    quantity ordered, the input or input/output
    ports. One port provides the unit price and the
    other provides the quantity ordered.
  • Output port for the expression. You enter the
    expression as a configuration option for the
    output port. The return value for the output
    port needs to match the return value of the
  • Variable Port Variable Port is used like local
    variable inside Expression Transformation , which
    can be used in other calculations

Source Qualifier Transformation
  • Every mapping includes a Source Qualifier
    transformation, representing all the columns of
    information read from a source and temporarily
    stored by the Informatica Server. In addition,
    you can add transformations such as a calculating
    sum, looking up a value, or generating a unique
    ID that modify information before it reaches the

Source Qualifier Transformation
  • When you add a relational or a flat file source
    definition to a mapping, you need to connect it
    to a Source Qualifier transformation.
  • The Source Qualifier represents the records that
    the Informatica Server reads when it runs a
    session. You can use the Source Qualifier to
    perform the following tasks
  • Join data originating from the same source
    database. You can join two or more tables with
    primary-foreign key relationships by linking the
    sources to one Source Qualifier.
  • Filter records when the Informatica Server reads
    source data. If you include a filter condition,
    the Informatica Server adds a WHERE clause to the
    default query.
  • Specify an outer join rather than the default
    inner join. If you include a user-defined join,
    the Informatica Server replaces the join
    information specified by the metadata in the SQL
  • Specify sorted ports. If you specify a number for
    sorted ports, the Informatica Server adds an
    ORDER BY clause to the default SQL query.
  • Select only distinct values from the source. If
    you choose Select Distinct, the Informatica
    Server adds a SELECT DISTINCT statement to the
    default SQL query.
  • Create a custom query to issue a special SELECT
    statement for the Informatica Server to read
    source data. For example, you might use a custom
    query to perform aggregate calculations or
    execute a stored procedure

Configuring Source Qualifier Transformation
  • To configure a Source Qualifier
  • In the Designer, open a mapping.
  • Double-click the title bar of the Source
  • In the Edit Transformations dialog box, click
    Rename, enter a descriptive name for the
    transformation, and click OK. The naming
    convention for Source Qualifier transformations
    is SQ_TransformationName,.
  • Click the Properties tab.

Configuring Source Qualifier
Option Description
SQL Query Defines a custom query that replaces the default query the Informatica Server uses to read data from sources represented in this Source Qualifier
User-Defined Join Specifies the condition used to join data from multiple sources represented in the same Source Qualifier transformation
Source Filter Specifies the filter condition the Informatica Server applies when querying records.
Number of Sorted Ports Indicates the number of columns used when sorting records queried from relational sources. If you select this option, the Informatica Server adds an ORDER BY to the default query when it reads source records. The ORDER BY includes the number of ports specified, starting from the top of the Source Qualifier. When selected, the database sort order must match the session sort order.
Tracing Level Sets the amount of detail included in the session log when you run a session containing this transformation.
Select Distinct Specifies if you want to select only unique records. The Informatica Server includes a SELECT DISTINCT statement if you choose this option.
Joiner Transformation
  • While a Source Qualifier transformation can join
    data originating from a common source database,
    the Joiner transformation joins two related
  • heterogeneous sources residing in different
    locations or file systems. The combination of
    sources can be varied. You can use the following
  • Two relational tables existing in separate
  • Two flat files in potentially different file
  • Two different ODBC sources
  • Two instances of the same XML source
  • A relational table and a flat file source
  • A relational table and an XML source
  • If two relational sources contain keys, then a
    Source Qualifier transformation can easily join
    the sources on those keys. Joiner transformations
    typically combine information from two different
    sources that do not have matching keys, such as
    flat file sources.
  • The Joiner transformation allows you to join
    sources that contain binary data.

Creating a Joiner Transformation
  • To create a Joiner Transformation
  • In the Mapping Designer, choose
    Transformation-Create. Select the Joiner
    transformation. Enter a name for the Joiner.
    Click OK. The naming convention for Joiner
    transformations is JNR_TransformationName. Enter
    a description for the transformation. This
    description appears in the Repository Manager,
    making it easier for you or others to understand
    or remember what the transformation does.
  • The Designer creates the Joiner transformation.
    Keep in mind that you cannot use a Sequence
    Generator or Update Strategy transformation as a
    source to a Joiner transformation.
  • Drag all the desired input/output ports from the
    first source into the Joiner transformation. The
    Designer creates input/output ports for the
    source fields in the Joiner as detail fields by
    default. You can edit this property later.
  • Select and drag all the desired input/output
    ports from the second source into the Joiner
    transformation. The Designer configures the
    second set of source fields and master fields by
  • Double-click the title bar of the Joiner
    transformation to open the Edit Transformations
    dialog box.
  • Select the Ports tab.
  • Click any box in the M column to switch the
    master/detail relationship for the sources.
    Change the master/detail relationship if
    necessary by selecting the master source in the M

Creating a Joiner Transformation
  • Select the Condition tab and set the condition.

Configuring Joiner transformation
Joiner Setting Description
Case-Sensitive String Comparison If selected, the Informatica Server uses case-sensitive string comparisons when performing joins on string columns.
Cache Directory Specifies the directory used to cache master records and the index to these records. By default, the caches are created in a directory specified by the server variable PMCacheDir. If you override the directory, be sure there is enough disk space on the file system. The directory can be a mapped or mounted drive.
Join Type Specifies the type of join Normal, Master Outer, Detail Outer, or Full Outer.
Lookup Transformation
  • Used to look up data in a relational table, view,
    synonym or Flat File.
  • It compares Lookup transformation port values to
    lookup table column values based on the lookup
  • Connected Lookups
  • Receives input values directly from another
    transformation in the pipeline
  • For each input row, the Informatica Server
    queries the lookup table or cache based on the
    lookup ports and the condition in the
  • Passes return values from the query to the next
  • Un Connected Lookups
  • Receives input values from an expression using
  • LKP (LKP.lookup_transformation_name (argument,
    argument, ...)) reference qualifier to call the
    lookup and returns one value.
  • With unconnected Lookups, you can pass multiple
    input values into the transformation, but only
    one column of data out of the transformation

Lookup Transformation
  • You can configure the Lookup transformation to
    perform different types of
  • lookups. You can configure the transformation to
    be connected or unconnected, cached or uncached
  • Connected or unconnected. Connected and
    unconnected transformations receive input and
    send output in different ways.
  • Cached or uncached. Sometimes you can improve
    session performance by caching the lookup table.
    If you cache the lookup table, you can choose to
    use a dynamic or static cache. By default, the
    lookup cache remains static and does not change
    during the session. With a dynamic cache, the
    Informatica Server inserts rows into the cache
    during the session. Informatica recommends that
    you cache the target table as the lookup. This
    enables you to look up values in the target and
    insert them if they do not exist.

Diff bet Connected Unconnected Lookup
Connected lookup Unconnected lookup
1) Receives input values directly from  of a the pipe line transformation. Receives input values from the result of LKP expression within other transformation.
2) U can use a dynamic or static cache   U can use a static cache.
3) Cache includes all lookup columns used in the mapping. Cache includes all lookup out put ports.
4) Support user defined default values Does not support user defined default values
Diff between Static Dynamic Cache
Static Cache Dynamic Cache
1)  U can not insert or update the cache U can insert rows into the cache as u pass to the target
2) The Informatica Server does not update the cache while it processes the Lookup transformation The Informatica Server dynamically inserts data into the lookup cache and passes data to the target table.
Update Strategy Transformation
  • When you design your data warehouse, you need to
    decide what type of information to store in
    targets. As part of your target table design, you
    need to determine whether to maintain all the
    historic data or just the most recent changes.
  • For example, you might have a target table,
    T_CUSTOMERS, that contains customer data. When a
    customer address changes, you may want to save
    the original address in the table, instead of
    updating that portion of the customer record. In
    this case, you would create a new record
    containing the updated address, and preserve the
    original record with the old customer address.
    This illustrates how you might store historical
    information in a target table. However, if you
    want the T_CUSTOMERS table to be a snapshot of
    current customer data, you would update the
    existing customer record and lose the original
  • The model you choose constitutes your update
    strategy, how to handle changes to existing
    records. In Power Mart and Power Center, you set
    your update strategy at two different levels
  • Within a session. When you configure a session,
    you can instruct the Informatica Server to either
    treat all records in the same way (for example,
    treat all records as inserts), or use
    instructions coded into the session mapping to
    flag records for different database operations.
  • Within a mapping. Within a mapping, you use the
    Update Strategy transformation to flag records
    for insert, delete, update, or reject.

Setting up Update Strategy at Session Level
  • During session configuration, you can select a
    single database operation for all records. For
    the Treat Rows As setting, you have the following

Setting Description
Insert Treat all records as inserts. If inserting the record violates a primary or foreign key constraint in the database, the Informatica Server rejects the record.
Delete Treat all records as deletes. For each record, if the Informatica Server finds a corresponding record in the target table (based on the primary key value), the Informatica Server deletes it. Note that the primary key constraint must exist in the target definition in the repository.
Update Treat all records as updates. For each record, the Informatica Server looks for a matching primary key value in the target table. If it exists, the Informatica Server updates the record. Again, the primary key constraint must exist in the target definition.
Data Driven The Informatica Server follows instructions coded into Update Strategy transformations within the session mapping to determine how to flag records for insert, delete, update, or reject. If the mapping for the session contains an Update Strategy transformation, this field is marked Data Driven by default. If you do not choose Data Driven setting, the Informatica Server ignores all Update Strategy transformations in the mapping.
Update Strategy Settings setting you choose
depends on your update strategy and the status of
data in target tables
Setting Use To
Insert Populate the target tables for the first time, or maintaining a historical data warehouse. In the latter case, you must set this strategy for the entire data warehouse, not just a select group of target tables.
Delete Clear target tables.
Update Update target tables. You might choose this setting whether your data warehouse contains historical data or a snapshot. Later, when you configure how to update individual target tables, you can determine whether to insert updated records as new records or use the updated information to modify existing records in the target.
Data Driven Exert finer control over how you flag records for insert, delete, update, or reject. Choose this setting if records destined for the same table need to be flagged on occasion for one operation (for example, update), or for a different operation (for example, reject). In addition, this setting provides the only way you can flag records for reject.
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