- LEA Determinations and Considerations for Making
Determinations - Illinois State Performance Plan and Stakeholder
Involvement In the Determinations Process - 2008-2009 LEA Determinations Criteria and
Resources - Needs Assistance 2 Districts
- Appeals Process
- Public Reporting
3What Are Determinations?
- The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
of 2004 (IDEA 2004), Section 616 requires each
State to make determinations on the performance
of each local district. - The U.S. Department of Education through the
Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) is
also required to engage in making a Determination
for every State and U.S. Territory. - Determinations are a way of designating the
status of each LEA program in relation to one of
the four following categories - Meets Requirements
- Needs Assistance
- Needs Intervention
- Needs Substantial Intervention
4Considerations For Making Determinations
- ISBE has submitted a six-year State Performance
Plan (SPP), as well as the corresponding Annual
Performance Reports (APRs), to OSEP as required
by IDEA. The SPP contains 20 data-based
indicators, which are used to evaluate a states
performance and progress. These indicators are
separated into two categories by the federal
government - (1) Compliance Indicators measure compliance
within the district compared with IDEA
regulations. - (2) Results Indicators measure the performance
of students with disabilities within the district.
5SPP Indicators
- Compliance Indicators
- Disproportionality (9 10)
- Child Find (11)
- Early Childhood Transition (12)
- Secondary Transition Plans (13)
- General Supervision (15)
- Complaints (16)
- Due Process (17)
- Timely, Valid and Reliable Data (20)
- Results Indicators
- Graduation (1)
- Dropout (2)
- Assessment (3)
- Discipline (4)
- EE Ages 6-21 (5)
- EE Ages 3-5 (6)
- Early Childhood Outcomes (7)
- Parent Involvement (8)
- Post-School Outcomes (14)
- Resolution Sessions (18)
- Mediation Agreements (19)
Note For more information, please visit
62008-2009 Illinois LEA Determination Indicator
- Each State may choose whether to consider results
indicators when making determinations. - All States are required to consider the following
data when making determinations based on the
2008-2009 school year data - Indicators 9 Disproportionate Representation in
Special Education - Indicator 10 Disproportionate Representation in
Specific Disability Categories - Indicator 11 Child Find
- Indicator 12 Early Intervention to Early
Childhood Transition - Indicator 13 Secondary Transition
- Indicator 15 General Supervision, Uncorrected
Noncompliance - Indicator 20 Timely, Valid and Reliable data
submissions - IDEA Part B Audit Findings
7Stakeholder Involvement in Determination Process
- ISBE convened a small stakeholder group comprised
of - representatives from
- Regional Offices of Education (ROEs)
- Illinois Association of School Administrators
(IASA) - Illinois State Advisory Council for Children
with Disabilities (ISAC) - Illinois Alliance of Administrators of Special
Education (IAASE) - Illinois Federation of Teachers (IFT)
- Illinois Education Association (IEA)
8Changes to the Process
- The US Department of Education, Office of Special
Education Programs (OSEP) notified States of a
change in the Indicator 13 measurement for the
2008-2009 school year. As such, States were
informed that due to this change in measurement,
these data are not required to be publically
reported or used in LEA Determinations for FFY08
(2008-2009 school year data). These data will be
required to be reported for FFY09 (2009-2010
school year data). Districts reported Indicator
13 data (2009-2010 school year data) will be
included in the 2009-2010 LEA Determinations
cycle. - ISBE was notified through OSEP that States must
make findings of noncompliance based on data
reported by the LEAs through State Data
System(s). Therefore, ISBE is required to make
findings for any single instance of noncompliance
found within a district regardless of the
districts LEA Determination. Further, these
findings must be made outside of LEA
Determinations process.
92008-2009 LEA Determinations Criteria and
10Indicator 9 Criteria
11Indicator 10 Criteria
12Indicators 9 10 Resources
- The following tools and resources may be accessed
from the LEA - Determinations link found at www.isbe.net/spec-ed
- Illinois Process for Determining and Addressing
Disproportionality in Special Education - Weighted and Alternate Risk Ratios
- District Self-Assessment
- District Status Report
- Disproportionality PowerPoint Presentation
- Methods for Assessing Racial/Ethnic
Disproportionality in Special Education A
Technical Assistance Guide - October 2, 2008 Conference Call Audio Cast
- Special Education Disproportionality FAQ
- Use of IDEA Part B Funds for Early Intervening
13Indicator 11 Criteria
14Indicator 12 Criteria
15Indicators 11 12 Resources
- The following resources may be accessed from the
LEA Determinations - link found at www.isbe.net/spec-ed
- Indicator 11
- Special Education Funding and Child Tracking
System Instructions - Illinois School Code (Section 105 ILCS 5/14-8.02)
- State Performance Plan Indicator 11 Resource
Guide - http//www.isbe.net/spec-ed/pdfs/indicator_11_res
_guide.pdf - Indicator 12
- Designing and Implementing Effective Early
Childhood Transition Processes - Overview of IDEA/SPP Early Childhood Transition
Requirements - When Im 3, Where Will I Be? A Familys
Transition Workbook - Early Intervention to Early Childhood Tracking
Form Video Training - Early Intervention to Early Childhood Transition
FAQ - Early Intervention to Early Childhood Tracking
Form - Statewide Collaborative Transition Training
Presentation - Early Intervention to Early Childhood Federal
Register Citations - Extended School Year Services for Students with
16Indicator 13 Criteria
17Indicator 13 Resources
- The following resources may be accessed from the
LEA Determinations - link found at www.isbe.net/spec-ed
- FACTS Manual Instructions for Entry of Indicator
13 Data - Illinois SPP Indicator 13 Checklist
- Harrisburg Training Resources for FACTS Indicator
13 Data Entry - Training Video
- New User Basics Document
- Building a Better IEP Understanding Indicator 13
and the Transition Plan Requirements- a
PowerPoint Training - Transition Plan Sample
- Transition Outreach Training for Adult Living
(TOTAL) Training Videos - National Secondary Transition Technical
Assistance Center (NSTTAC) Indicator 13 FAQ - NSTTAC Web-based Examples and Non-Examples for
SPP Indicator 13 - NSTTAC Evidence Based Secondary Transition
Practices - Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Resources
- NSTTAC Age Appropriate Transition Assessment
Guide - National Collaborative on Workforce and
Disability for Youth (NCWDY) Career Planning
Begins with Assessment
18Indicator 13 Whats New?
- The following resources for Indicator 13 and
transition plan development - are accessible from the Secondary Transition page
at - http//www.isbe.state.il.us/spec-ed/html/total.htm
- 2009 PEATC Transition Webinar Series
- PEATC and VCU RRTC bring six 30 minute webinars
Next Steps Transition for students with
disabilities. This is a FREE opportunity for
students, families, educators, adult service
providers and others interested in Transition.
FREE, but registration is required. To register,
please link to http//www.peatc.org/newsmanager/ne
0anews_id66 - Proyecto Visión
- This bilingual web site is a project to connect
Latinos with disabilities to employment
opportunities. It provides information on
education, employment, and independent living
resources and lists hundreds of job, scholarship,
internship, grant, award, and other educational
opportunities of interest to Latinos and students
with disabilities
19Indicator 15 Criteria
20Indicator 20 Criteria
21Audit Finding Criteria
22Indicator 15, Indicator 20 and Audit Resources
- Indicator 15 September 3, 2008 OSEP FAQ
Regarding Identification and Correction of
Noncompliance and Reporting on Correction in the
SPP/APR at http//spp-apr-calendar.rrfcnetwork.or
g/explorer/view/id/530 - Indicator 20 Forum Guide to Building a Culture
of Quality Data A School District Resource - Audits IDEA Part B Grants link on the ISBE
website http//www.isbe.net/spec-ed/html/idea_par
23Overall LEA Determination Criteria
24NA2District Improvement Plan Requirements
25NA2 Districts
- For districts designated as NA2, ISBE, in
accordance with Section 616(e) of IDEA and 34 CFR
300.604, must take one or more enforcement
actions. Such actions include - advising districts of available sources of
technical assistance that may help them address
the area(s) in which they need assistance - directing the use of funds on the area or areas
in which the district needs assistance or - identifying the district as a high-risk grantee
and imposing special conditions on the districts
IDEA Part B grant award. - ISBE has chosen to advise districts of available
sources of technical assistance that may help
them address the Indicator area(s) in which they
need assistance.
26NA2 Districts
- If your districts LEA Determination letter
indicates a designation of NA2 your district is
required to add an objective regarding technical
assistance resources under Section II Action
Plan in the District Improvement Plan (DIP) found
on the Illinois Interactive Report Card (IIRC)
website. - Strategies and activities related to special
education must be incorporated into the existing
DIP to ensure alignment with current district
initiatives. - Districts are encouraged to access technical
resources for their specific SPP Indicators.
27IIRC District Improvement Plan
- District Improvement Plans (DIPs) for districts
designated as Needs Assistance - For Two Consecutive Years (NA2) must be
submitted via the Illinois Interactive - Report Card e-Plans by June 1, 2010.
- The DIP template is found at http//iirc.niu.edu//
. The school district superintendent - may access the template by entering the district
username and password already - provided to the district.
- Usernames and passwords can be obtained by
e-mailing gwilliam_at_isbe.net - please identify your region-county-district code.
If the school district has an existing - DIP, strategies and activities related to special
Education must be incorporated into the existing
plan to ensure alignment with current district
initiatives. This can be accomplished by
revising existing strategies and activities or
adding new ones or by creating strategies and
activities for a new objective. - Districts without an existing DIP only need to
complete Section II of the DIP - template.
28IIRC District Improvement Plan
- Once districts have accessed their 2009 DIP they
will select Manage Objectives under Section II
to add an objective related to technical
assistance resources. Districts must complete
only Part A under Section II by developing the
objective itself, and then describing the
objective by addressing 1) the technical
assistance sources from which they received, or
will receive assistance and 2) what actions they
took or plan to take in the immediate future as a
result of the technical assistance. - Districts are encouraged to access the technical
assistance resources for their specific SPP
Indicators on the ISBE Special Education webpage
found at www.isbe.net/spec-ed.html/lea_determinati
ons.htm. Additional resources are located on the
Regional Resource Federal Center Network
website at http//spp-apr-calendar.rrfcnetwork.org
/. - Please note DIPs must be submitted to the ISBE
consultant outlined in your LEA Determinations
letter no later than June 1, 2010, via the IIRC
e-Plans website. Districts will need to notify
their ISBE consultant via e-mail once they have
completed their plan. The consultant will then
access the plan and review it for approval.
29IIRC District Improvement Plan Website
Click District then enter your district name
and click Go
30IIRC District Improvement Plan Website
Log in to e-Plans for your district.
31IIRC District Improvement Plan Website
After entering your districts username and
password, click Submit
32IIRC District Improvement Plan Website
Select Edit to modify your Improvement Plan.
33IIRC District Improvement Plan Required Sections
Select Manage Objectives to add an Objective to
Section II
34IIRC District Improvement Plan Required Sections
Select Add More Objectives
35IIRC District Improvement Plan Required Sections
Insert a title, such as NA2 Requirement
List specific technical assistance resources
accessed and the actions taken as a result of
accessing those resources.
36Appeals Process
- Districts wishing to appeal their determination
must submit a written appeal - and supporting documentation by April 30, 2010 to
the ISBE consultant - identified in the last paragraph of the LEA
Determination letter. - Per Indicator 20 of the Illinois State
Performance Plan, appeals cannot be based on
instances in which inaccurate district data was
submitted to ISBE. Appeals based on inaccurate
district submitted data will not be accepted. - ISBE must use federal reporting guidelines to
calculate each LEAs performance in relation to
the SPP Indicators. Therefore, appeals based on
disputes with the prescribed measurement, will
not be accepted. - Each appeal will be reviewed on a case-by-case
basis by ISBE staff. - Districts are encouraged to discuss their intent
to appeal with their ISBE - Consultant before formally submitting a written
appeal with supporting - documentation.
37Public Reporting
ISBE will direct any inquires regarding local
district determinations to the district. ISBE
encourages districts to develop a plan regarding
how to share determination information with their
stakeholders. Furthermore, districts are
encouraged to share local determination
information with the local union leadership.