Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1More UNIX Utilities for Shell programming
2at-at, batch--execute commands at a later time
3awk--pattern scanning and processing language
4banner--make posters
5basename--with a directory name delivers portions
of the pathname
6bc--processes precision arithmetic
7bdiffcompares two big files
- bdiff compares two files that are too large for
8caldisplays a calendar
9catconcatenates and displays files
10chmodchange the permissions mode of a file
11chownchanges owner of a file
12clear, clears the terminal screen
13cmpcompares two files
14compresscompress, uncompress, zcat compress,
uncompress files, or display expanded files
15cp copies files
16cpio copy file archives in and out
17cronthe clock daemon
- cron executes commands at specified dates and
times. Regularly scheduled jobs can be specified
in the /etc/crontab file. (Must have superuser
18cryptencode or decode a file
- crypt encrypts and decrypts the contents of a
file. The password is a key that selects a type
of transformation
19cutremoves selected fields or characters from
each line of a file
20datedisplays the date and time or sets the date
21diffcompares two files for differences diff
-biw-c -Cn
22dusummarizes disk usage
23echoechoes arguments
24egrepsearches a file for a pattern using full
regular expressions
25exprevaluates arguments as an expression
26fgrepsearch a file for a character string
27filedetermines the type of a file by looking at
its contents
28findfinds files
29fingerdisplays information about local and
remote users
- By default, the finger command displays
information about each logged in user, including
login name, full name, terminal line (prepended
with a if write permission is denied), idle
time, login time, and location if known
30fmtsimple text formatters
31foldfolds long lines
- Fold the contents of the specified filenames, or
the standard input if no files are specified,
breaking the lines to have maximum width. The
default for width is 80. Width should be a
multiple of 8 if tabs are present, or the tabs
should be expanded
32ftpfile transfer program
33getop(s)parses command line options
- The getopts command supersede getop. getops is
used to break up options in command lines for
easy parsing by shell procedures and to check for
legal options.
34grepsearches a file or a program
35groupsprints group membership of user
- The command groups prints on standard output the
groups to which you or the optionally specified
user belong.
36idprints the username, user ID, group name and
group ID
- id displays your user ID,user name, group ID, and
group name. If your real ID and your effective
IDs do not match, both are printed.
37jshthe standard, job control shell
- The command jsh in an interface to the standard
Bourne shell which provides all of the
functionality of the Bourne shell and enables job
38linereads one line
- line copies one line (up to a new line) from the
standard input and writes it on the standard
output. It returns an exit code of one on EOF and
always prints at least a new line. It is often
used within shell files to read from the users
39lognamegets the name of the user running the
40lp(ATT)sends output to a printer
41lpr(UCB)sends output to a printer
42lpsat(ATT)print information about the status of
the LP print service
43lpq(UCB)print information about the status of
the printer
44ls lists a contents of directory
45mailmail, rmailread mail or send mail to users
- A recipient is usually a username recognized by
login. When recipients are named, mail assumes a
message is being sent. It reads from the standard
input up to an end-of-file(Ctrl-D), or if reading
from a terminal, until it reads a line consisting
of just a period. When either of those indicators
is received, mail adds the letter to the mailfile
for each recipient.
46mailxinteractive message processing system
- The mail utilities listed above provide an
interactive interface for sending, receiving, and
manipulating mail messages. Basic networking
utilities must be installed for some of the
features to work. Incoming mail is stored in a
file called mailbox, and after it is read, it
sends to a file called mbox
47makemaintains, updates, and regenerates groups
of related program and files
- make updates file according to commands listed in
a description file, and if the target file is
newer than the dependency file of the same name,
make will update the target file.
48mesgpermits or denies messages resulting from
the write command
- mesg without argument n forbids messages via
write by revoking no user write permission on the
users terminal. mesg with argument y reinstates
permission. All by itself, mesg reports the
current state without changing it.
49mkdircreates a directory
50morebrowse or page through a text file
- more is a filter that displays the contents of a
text file on the terminal, one screenful at a
time. It normally pauses after each screenful,
and prints More at the bottom of the screen.
51mvmove or rename files
52nawkpattern scanning and processing language
- nawk scans each input filename for lines that
match any of a set of patterns. The command
string must be enclosed in single quotes() to
protect it from the shell. awk programs consists
of a set of pattern/action statements used to
filter specific information from a file, pipe, or
53newgrplog in to a new group
- newgrp logs a user into a new group by changing a
users real and effective group ID. The user
remains logged in and the current directory in
unchanged. The execution of newgrp always
replaces the current shell with a new shell,
even if the command terminates with an error
(unknown group)
54newsprints mew items
- news is used to keep the user informed of current
events. By convention, these events are described
by files in the directory /var/news. When invoked
without arguments, news prints the contents of
all current files in /var/news, most recent
first, with each preceded by an appropriate header
55niceruns a command at low priority
- /usr/bin/nice executes a command with a lower CPU
scheduling. The invoking process (generally the
users shell) must be the time-sharing scheduling
class. The command is executed in the
time-sharing class. An increment of 10 is the
default. The increment must be a range between 1
and 19, unless you are the superuser. Also a csh
56nohupmakes commands immune to hang-ups and quits
57odoctal dump
- od displays filename in one or more formats, as
selected by the first argument. If the first
argument is missing, -o is default e.g., the
file can be displayed in bytes octal, ASCII,
decimal, hex, etc.
58packpack, cat, unpack--compresses and expands
- pack compresses files. Wherever possible (and
useful), each input file name is replaced by a
packed file name.z with the same access modes,
access and modified dates, and owner as those of
name. Typically, text files are reduced to 60-70
of their original size. pcat does for packed file
what cat does for ordinary files, except that
pcat cannot be used as a filter. The specified
files are unpacked and written to the standard
output. Thus to view a packed file named name.z
use pcat name.z or just pcat name. unpack
expands files created by pack.
59passwdchanges the login password and password
- The passwd command changes the password or lists
password attributes associated with the users
login name. Additionally, privileged users may
use passwd to install or change passwords and
attributes associated with any login name.
60pastemerges same line of several files or
subsequent lines of one file
61pcat(see pack)
62pgdisplays files a page at a time
- The pg command is a filter that allows you to
page through one sreenful at a time on a
terminal. If no filename is specified or it
encounters the file name -, pg reads from
standard input. Each screenful is followed by a
prompt. If the user types a RETURN, another page
is displayed. It allows you to back up and review
something that has already passed.
63prprints file
64psreports process status
65pwddisplays the present working directory
66rcpremote file copy
67rshstarts a remote shell
68ruptimeshows the host status of local machines
- ruptime gives a status line like uptime for each
machine on the local network these are formed
from packets broadcast by each host on the
network once a minute. Machines for which no
status has been received for five minutes are
shown as being down. Normally, the listing is
sorted by host name, but this order can be
changed by specifying one of ruptimes options
69rwhowho is logged in on local machine
- The rwho command produces output similar to who,
but for all machines on your network. However, it
does not work through gateways and host must have
the directory /var/spool/rwho as well as the rwho
daemon running. If no report has been received
from a machine for five minutes, rwho assumes the
machine is down, and does not report users last
known to be logged into that machines. If a user
has no typed to the system for a minute or more,
rwho reports this idle time. If a user has not
typed to the system for an hour or more, the user
is omitted from the output of rwho, unless the a
flag is given
70scriptcreates a typescript of a terminal session
71sedstream editor
72sizeprints section sizes in bytes of object files
- The size command produces segment or section size
information in bytes for each loaded section in
ELF or COFF objects files. size prints out the
size of the next, data, and bss (uninitialized
data) segments (or section) and their total
73sleepsuspends execution for some number of
74sortsort and/or merge file
75spellfinds spelling errors
- spell collects word from the named filenames and
looks them up in a spelling list. Words that
neither occur among nor are derivable from words
in the spelling list are printed on the standard
output. If no filenames are named, words are
collected from the standard input
76splitsplits a file into pieces
77stringsfinds any printable string in an object
or binary file
78sttysets the options for a terminal
79subecome super-user or another user
- su allows one to become another user without
logging off. The default username is root
(superuser). To use su, the appropriate password
must be supplied (unless the invoker is already
root). If the password is correct, su creates a
new shell process that has the real and effective
user ID, group Ids, and supplementary group list
set to those of the specified username. The new
shell is specified, sh (Bourne shell) is used. To
return to normal user ID privileges, type Ctrl-D
to exit the new shell. The - option specifies a
complete login.
80sumcalculates a checksum for a file
81syncupdates the super block and sends changes
blocks to disk
82tabssets tab stops on a terminal
83taildisplays the tail end of a file
84talkallows you to talk to another user
85tarstores and retrieves files from an archive
file, normally a tape device
86teereplicates file standard output
87telnetcommunicates with a remote host
88testevaluates an expression
89timedisplays a summary of time used by this
shell and its children
90touchupdates access time and/or modification
time of a file
91tputinitializes a terminal or queries the term
info database
92trtranslates characters
93trueprovide successful exit status
- true does nothing, successfully, meaning that it
always returns a zero exit status, indicating
success. Used in Bourne and Korn shell programs
as a command to start an infinite loop - while true
- do
- command
- done
94tsorttopological sort
- The tsort command produces, on the standard
output, a totally ordered list of items
consistent with a partial ordering of items
mentioned in the input filename. If no filename
is specified, the standard input is understood.
The input consists of pairs of items (nonempty
strings) separated by blanks. Pairs of different
items indicate ordering. Pairs of identical items
indicate presence, but not ordering
95ttygets the name of the terminal
- tty prints the path name of users terminal
96umasksets file-creation mode mask for permissions
97unameprints name of current machine
98uncompressrestores files to their original state
after they have been compressed using the
compress command
99uniqreports on duplicate lines in a file
100unitsconverts quantities expressed in standard
scales to other scales
- units converts quantities expressed in various
standard scales to their equivalents in other
scales. It works interactively in this fashion - You haveinch
- You wantcm
- 2.540000e00
- /3.937008e-01
101unpackexpands files created by pack
- unpack expands files created by pack. For each
filename specified in the command, a search is
made for a file called name.z (or just name, if
name ends in .z). If this file appears to be
packed file, it is replaced by its expanded
version. The new file has the .z suffix stripped
from its name, and has the same access modes,
access and modification dates, and owner as those
of the packed file
102uucpcopy files to another system, UNIX-to-UNIX
system copy
103uuencodeuuencode, uudecodeencode a binary file
into ASCII text in order to send it through
e-mail, or convert it back into its original form
104wccounts lines, words, and characters
105whatextracts SCCS version information from a
file by printing information found after the _at_()
- What searches each filename for the occurrence of
the pattern, _at_(), that the SCCS get command
substitutes for the Z keyword, and prints what
follows up to a gt, new line, \, or null character
106which(UCB)locates a command and displays its
pathname or alias
- which takes a list of names and looks for the
files that would be executed had the names been
given as commands. Each argument is expanded if
it is aliased, and searched for along the users
path. Both alias and path are taken from the
users .cshrc file. Only .cshrc is used
107whereis(UCB)locates the binary, source, and
manual page file for a command
108whodisplays who is logged on the system
109writewrites a message to another user
- Writes copies to lines from your terminal to
anothers terminal
110xargsconstructs an argument list(s) and executes
a command
111zcatuncompress a compressed file to standard
output. Same as uncopmress -c