Title: Imminent Failure Potential
1Imminent Failure Potential
- Condition of tree or tree part is highly
unstable, and failure could occur without further
2Imminent Failure Potential
Root sprung
3Imminent Failure Potential
Recent lean
4Imminent failure potential
Detached branches, hung up tops, hung up trees
5Imminent failure potential
Loose bark
6Likely to Imminent Failure Potential
Fomitopsis pinicola
- Dead trees that are not sound
7Likely to Imminent Failure Potential
- Fire-killed trees that are not sound
8Likely to Imminent Failure Potential
Significant heart rot for example many conks
within several feet
9Likely to Imminent Failure Potential
Dwarf Mistletoe Bole infection with decay over ½
bole diameter Canker with deep depression, bole
tissue missing over ½ bole diameter
10Likely to Imminent Failure Potential
Severely undermined root systems
11Root disease symptoms but still aliveLikely to
Imminent FP
- Root rots that often cause failure in trees with
green crowns - Laminated root rot
- (Phellinus weirii) on DF, WF, GF, and MH
- Annosum root and stem rot
- (Heterobasidion annosum) on WF, GF, SAF