Title: Sin ttulo de diapositiva
1Computational Aspects of Statistical
5th Framework program of the EU - Nº
2SDC Project Statistical Disclosure Project
CASC Project Computational Aspects of
Statistical Confidentiality (2000-2003)
3 Statistical Disclosure Control Practical
tools Tabular data ? ?-Argus Microdata ?
?-Argus New research on SDC techniques
Main Objectives
5CASC Partners
1. Statistics Netherlands (CBS) 2. Istituto
Nationale di Statistica (ISTAT) 3. University of
Plymouth UoP (UK) 4. Office for National
Statistics (ONS) 5. University of Southampton
(SOTON ) 6. The Victoria University of Manchester
(UNIMAN) 7. Statistisches Bundesambt (StBA) 8.
University La Laguna (ULL) 9. Institut
dEstadistica de Catalunya (IDESCAT ) 10.
Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE) 11. TU
Ilmenau (TUIlm ) 12. Institut dInvestigació en
Intelligència Artificial-(CSIC CIS) 13.
Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV) 14.
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC)
6Disclosure Control Techniques
Microfile protection
Tabular data protection
Data Base protection
7Microfile protection
Recoding Local suppression Randomisation(PRAM) Noi
se addition Micro-aggregation ...
sex x age x profession Female 29
Safe data file
8?-Argus 3.1.1
Looking for safe group attributes to construct
9MINE, Ltd YOURS, Inc., S.L.
Table protection
Recoding Controlled rounding Cell suppression ...
Protected table
Sales (thousands of )
10?-Argus 2.1.1
11Metadata specification in ARGUS
1, Groningen 2, Friesland 3, Drenthe ...
Taxonomy in
North .1 .2 East .3 ...
12ASSO-CASC links
Detect safe combinations of variables with
?-Argus to build up safe Symbolic Objects.
Use safe microfiles produced by Argus to
create our Symbolic Objects.
Take advantage of the metadata specification and
build up safe tables of Symbolic Objects with
More information about CASC project