Title: 2 RTO planning process proposals
1Coordinated SSG-WI Planning Process
RTO Planning and Non-RTO Planning
WECC Processes
2) RTO planning process proposals
1) Load serving entity resource planning proposals
3) Non-RTO planning processes proposals
8) WECC Data Collection
SSG-WI Planning
4) SSG studies to identify economic transmission
additions (I.e., generation scenario studies,
historical path analysis, planning assessments,
5) Posting of system needs along with potential
solutions (both transmission and
non-transmission) for Stakeholders to screen
9) WECC Procedures for Regional Planning
Project Review . . . . . . and Rating
Transmission Facilities
6) SSG-WI development of overall SSG plan and
identification of specific economic projects
Project Sponsorship
10) Stakeholders (RTO or other entity) identify
alternatives for potential sponsorship
(transmission and non-transmission) and takes
project lead
12) Environmental, siting process (with
multi-state entity for interstate projects)
11) Arrange project financing
13) Construction
May 9, 2003