Title: Presentaci
Designed for the Enterprise I Flamenco Sync
June 2007
- Flamenco Sync Server
- Flamenco Green Box
- Flamenco EasyForms
- Mobile Architecture Best Practices
3Flamenco Sync Server
- What is a sync server ?
- Middleware for mobile applications
- Client-Server Architecture
- Administrative Tasks
- User authentication
- Install / Eliminate applications
- Data synchronization tasks
- Multiple data sources
- Based on TCP/IP
- API for third party developers
User Applications
Third Party Components
Flamenco Client
Operating System
Memory and Storage
Mobile Device
User Applications
Web server
Administrative Component
Third Party Components
Flamenco Client
Flamenco Server
Conduit 1 (SFA)
Conduit 2 (App 2)
Conduit Administration
Operating System
Data Base and Applications
Memory and Storage
Mobile Device
One server, multiple devices
Web server
Administrative Component
Flamenco Server
Conduit 1 (SFA)
Conduit 2 (App2)
Conduit Administration
Data Base and Applications
Universal Connectivity
Cellular phone
Web server
Administrative Component
Flamenco Server
Hub Ethernet/IrDA
Conduit 1 (SFA)
Conduit 2 (App 2)
Conduit Administration
Wireless LAN
Data Base and Applications
One server, multiple applications
Web server
Administrative Component
Flamenco Server
Conduit 1 (SFA)
Conduit 2 (EasyForms)
Conduit 3 (Other)
Data Source 1
Data Source 2
Standard add-in components
Web server
Desktop (Swing)
ActiveX Admin
Java Admin
Flamenco Server
Conduit 1 (SFA)
Conduit 2 (EasyForms)
Conduit 3 (Other)
Data Source 1
Data Source 2
Multiple servers, single administration point
Web server (IIS, Apache-Tomcat)
ActiveX Admin
Java Admin
Multiple servers, single shared data source
Data Source
12Conduit Architecture
Flamenco API
Win 32 API
13Administration Console
14Designed for the Enterprise
Information Systems
Information Technology
End User
15Designed for the Enterprise End User
- Single entry point for multiple applications
- With a button the user synchronizes all his
applications - Integrated with the applications (SFA, etc)
- Synchronization Log for each conduit
- A shared space to record the messages. Each
conduit can write its messages - Transparent management of dialing
- The user does not need to launch or close the
dialing. The Flamenco client does the
management. - Protocol designed to function in any bandwidth.
- Lower costs and faster sessions
16Designed for the Enterprise IT Department
- Platform shared by multiple mobile applications
- A single product for current and future mobile
applications - Firewall
- Executes behind the corporate firewall without
limitations - Password protected Client
- Better security in the remote device
- Can be integrated into Windows security
- Simplifies user and password management
- Remote updates
- Simple and low-cost implementations
17Designed for the Enterprise IT Department
- Remote Delete of applications
- Controls unapproved applications
- Executes as a native Windows service
- Can be started and stopped from a remote site
- Integrates with IT administrations products
- Records errors in the Windows Event Log
- The events can be controlled using standard tools
- Can block undesired applications
- Allows the enforcement of mobile applications
usage - Query of the remote device
- Battery level and memory usage
- SMS or email alerts regarding resource usage
18Designed for the Enterprise Systems
- Conduit Win32
- No constraints to conduit functionality
- Wide range of Data Sources
- Connects with existing systems through interfaces
and standard tools - Flamenco provides an API
- Third parties can use Flamenco as the
synchronization server - Generic Conduit
- Proven and reusable component
- No need to invest time in the development of
conduits, only parameterization is needed
19Designed for the Enterprise Systems
- Encrypted Communications
- Improved security allows the usage of mobile
devices in any organization - Remote update
- The IT Department can update the applications
frequently and rapidly
20Designed for the Enterprise Operations
- Remote query of the Log
- Improves the Help Desk service
- Web Administration
- Does not require installation
- Provide support from any location
- Mobile device Query
- Pro-active Help Desk
- Remote install and uninstall
- Enables the enforcement of policies regarding
mobile applications
21Designed for the Enterprise Benefits
- Field proven technology
- Thousands of mobile users in operation
- Commercial flexibility
- Development cost distributed among a large number
of users - Licensing based on total number of users,
concurrent users, numbers of conduits or CPUs
supported - Customization
- What functionality do you wish to see in
Flamenco? Simply ask for it...
Gabriela Madorno gabym_at_moviltek.com Alejandro
Rapoport arapoport_at_moviltek.com