Title: starter activity
1? starter activity
The arrival of Lenin in St Petersburg on 16 April
1917 raised the political tension in the city
enormously. Think about the failings of the
Provisional Government. Now imagine some of the
things Lenin would have said to the crowds in
this picture to win their support.
2How did the Bolsheviks seize power?
3Who was Lenin?
- Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov
- Son of school inspector
- Brother executed for assassination of Tsar
Alexander II - Studied law at university (expelled)
- Marxism pamphlets, groups
- Arrest exile
- Marriage to Nadezhda Krupskaya
- London, editor of Iskra (The Spark)
4- Lenin exiled in Switzerland, came back with
German support - End to co-operation with Provisional Govt.
- Soviet to take power
- Slogans, Bread, Peace, Land, All Power to the
Soviets - April Theses
5? Your task
- Work in groups of 3 or 4. Each group has been
given the responsibility to write Lenins Finland
Station speech. Nominate a speaker to present the
speech. The speech which gains the most support
from the people of St Petersburg (students in H3)
on the basis of its message and the
persuasiveness of the argument will be adopted as
the official one of the communist party.
6? Your task
- Imagine you are a Bolshevik leader in Russia in
1917. What would you do in the following
circumstances why?
Click here for a copy of the problem-solving task
7Problem 1.
- Lenin returns from exile in Switzerland
- Finland Station, uses slogans to proclaim Peace,
Bread, Land! All Power to the Soviets - April Theses
8Problem 2.
- July Offensive leads to rioting
- Soldiers sailors from Kronstadt march on Prov.
Govt. - 500,000 protestors
- 400 killed
- Trotsky arrested, Lenin flees
What is unusual about this photo compared with
the one above?
9 Problem 3.
- General Kornilov tries to impose marshal law
- Kerensky turns to Bolsheviks for support
- Bolshevik prisoners released given arms
- Railway workers stopped Kornilovs men entering
city - Bolsheviks portrayed as Defenders of the
10Problem 4
- Winter approaching food shortages will get
worse - Urgency history will not forgive us if we do
not assume power now!
Lenin steams back to St Petersburg
11Problem 5.
- Red guards took control of bridges, main
telegraph office, railways stations power
stations - Also seized State Bank
- Shops, offices factories left to function as
12Problem 6.
- Red Guards seize Winter Palace
- Opposition groups in Soviet walk out in protest
- Members of the Prov. Govt. arrested (Kerensky
fled) - Council of the Peoples Commissars set up in name
of all the soviets of Russia
The storming of the Winter Palace, by a Soviet
artist. How reliable is this painting?