Title: Amelia Earhart
1Amelia Earhart
- The person that I chose for my project is Amelia
Earhart because she inspired women to follow
their heart and to not count on men to help them
and to do all of the work. She also inspired them
to never give up. Amelia was turned down many
times just because she was a girl .
3Background Information
- Full Name Amelia Mary Earhart
- Spouse George P. Putnam
- Birth Place Atchinson, Kansas
- Born July 24, 1897
- Sibling Grace Muriel Earhart
- Parents Father- Samuel Edwin Stanton Earhart
- Mother- Amelia Otis Earhart
- College Columbia University
4Important Accomplishments
- When Amelia was little she and a group of girls
got together and built a mini roller coaster in
Amelias backyard. The first roller coaster was a
failure but Amelia did not give up she kept on
trying and eventually she made a miniature roller
5More Accomplishments
- Amelia was called One of the best women pilots
in the United States by the Boston Globe. Amelia
set a record altitude for women, it was 14,000
feet. Amelia set a world altitude record of
18,415 feet. Amelia was the 16th woman to be
issued a pilots license.
6More Accomplishments cont.
Amelia became the Vice President of the
Aeronautical Societys Boston Chapter. Finally,
Amelia most popular flight, Amelia was trying to
go all the world. That attempt was baffled when
her plane was somehow lost and never found.
I hope you have learned a lot about Amelia
Earhart, the female aviator. This project has
made me realize how hard life was for women and
how lucky I am to be in this day and age.
- www.new.school.eb.com
- http//en.Wikipedia.org/wiki/amelia_Earhart
- http//library.thinkquest.org/J002076/Earhart.html
- Book
- Lauber,Patricia. Lost Star. New York Scholastic
Inc., 1988