Title: Communication
- James G. Adams, MD
- Professor and Chair
- Dept of Emergency Medicine
- Northwestern University
- Feinberg School of Medicine
- Northwestern Memorial Hospital
- Chicago, Illinois
2What if you could
- Ensure you have a fulfilling year
- Be respected
- Be effective
- Feel appreciated
- Minimize frustrations and irritations
3Wait, there is a problem
- A lot of the work will not be fulfilling
- A lot of people will not be respectful
- We cannot always be effective
- We will not always be appreciated
- There will be a lot of frustrations and
4You are making the schedule
- One of the junior residents submits an extensive
list of days requested off, more than can be
accommodated - You ask which requests are the highest priorities
- You make the schedule to the best of your ability
5- The resident sends this message
- I cannot believe you made me work on Friday
April 24. I specifically requested this day off.
I would appreciate it if this does not happen
6Hint 1 Only if we recognize our emotions we can
control them
- Recognize your emotions and reactions
- You cannot control how you feel but you can hold
back your response. - Take time to consider the situation
- Dont gossip, but seek the insight of another
He who the gods wish to destroy they first make
angry. Socrates
7These lessons are broadly applicable
- The hints, tips and lessons described here are
broadly applicable, now and in the future. - Intra-residency conflicts
- Inter-departmental conflicts
- Personal conflicts
- Communication challenges anywhere, anytime
8Lesson 1 We are emotional beings, we are not
- Our primitive instinctive responses rule us
- Fight or flight
- We have a constant voice in our heads that create
our reality, our perceptions - We can change the voice
- We can re-frame
9With this hint and lesson, we can choose our
- Ask for clarity,
- I dont understand
- Caution we may think we are rational, but we are
often still emotional. Evaluate yourself Only
when you are capable of thinking good thoughts
about this resident should you have any
discussion - Are you ok?
- We are on different wavelengths here
- Is there something going on that I dont know
about? - Get advice, know when to elevate the issue
- Make sure you have backup
- Stay shoulder to shoulder
10Hint 2 Anticipate bad behavior and prepare
- Get the ground rules straight
- I am here to take care of you, but
- Lower expectations
- Everyone will be treated unfairly
- Everybody will be cheated, lied to, and otherwise
mistreated - If we all work together to accommodate each other
we can minimize these problems, but it is up to
you, whether you are willing to give - If we are not all flexible and generous, then we
all will be mistreated - That has nothing to do with me, we all have to
stay together - Set rules, policies, guidelines
11Lesson 2 Set expectations and lower expectations
- Set rules, standards,
- Lower expectations
- Ensure fairness.
- Fairness is not equality. Establish expectations
of variability - Never reward bad behavior
- Give the bad shift to the complainer
12We are always striving, stretching,
overextending, reaching for grass that is
greener, But before we get ourselves trapped,
we better make sure that those who are behind
us Are really our friends
13(No Transcript)
14Hint 3 Gain insight and increase influence
- People are not against you, they are just for
themselves - Everyone is behaving absolutely
rationallyaccording to them - Figure out their needs and motivations and you
can create a solution - If you can quiet your own instinctive reactions
and judgments, you can understand the other
person and then be highly effective at figuring
out a solution
15Lesson 3 Active listening and building
relationships increase your influence and power
- Build social capital
- Establish your reputation
- Invite early contact
- Be generous
- Do small favors
- Get in synch with your residency director and key
faculty leaders
16Interdepartmental conflicts
- Others are behaving emotionally but they think
that they are behaving rationally - They are acting in their own interest. They are
not really against you, they are just for
themselves. - Your route to success
- Hint 1 If we recognize our emotions we can
control them - Lesson 1 Quiet our emotional impulses so that we
gain insight and control - Hint 2 Anticipate bad behavior and prepare
- Lesson 2 Set expectations
- Hint 3 Gain insight and increase influence
- Lesson 3 Active listening and building
relationships increase your influence and power
18Then when conflict comes
- A tense, but quiet disagreement occurred between
the ED attending and trauma attending when it was
suggested that a patient be kept in the ED for
several hours of observation instead of being
admitted. - When the ED attending could not get the trauma
attending to admit the patient, the ED attending
said, You are just a big fat f---ing baby.
19Shift to positive language
- Positive language reinforces good behaviors and
creates an effective and happy environment - The housekeeper
- Saving lives
- The technician
- You just saved this persons life!
- The nurse
- The saint
- The doctor
- My hero
20Hint 4 Your communication skills help you gain
- Your words can help you gain control
- Your body language matters
- Your communication skills matter
21Lesson 4 The norm of human reciprocity
- Your route to control
- People react, respond and mirror the emotions of
the other. - Kindness and compassion or
- Anger and frustration
- When it is not going well, recognize it, distance
yourself and reestablish a new norm. - Practice!
22Lessons we need to learn
- Hint 1 If we recognize our emotions we can
control them - Lesson 1 Quiet our emotional impulses so that we
gain insight and control - Hint 2 Anticipate bad behavior and prepare
- Lesson 2 Set expectations and lower expectations
- Hint 3 Gain insight by listening
- Lesson 3 Active listening and building
relationships increase your influence and power - Hint 4 Use your communication skills to help
you gain control - Lesson 4 The norm of human reciprocity
- A brand new intern presented a case of a young
woman with low abdominal pain and minor vaginal
bleeding. Asked by the attending, Well what do
you think? the intern said, Well, I think she
is ok and can probably go home and follow up. - The attending asked, What does the pregnancy
test show? - The intern said, Uhh
- To which the attending replied
24- What? What? Why do you hate her? What did she
ever do to you? You are trying to kill her! Why
dont you just go get a gun and make it a clean
25Hint Domination does not yield long term success
- Domination yields temporary satisfaction
- Domination prevents long term fulfillment,
relationships, happiness
26Lesson If you try to dominate you will always be
- Learn lessons 1-4 to minimize the need to
dominate - You will gain respect, happiness, fulfillment and
minimize your conflicts and frustrations
27Lessons we need to learn
- Hint 1 If we recognize our emotions we can
control them - Lesson 1 Quiet our emotional impulses so that we
gain insight and control - Hint 2 Anticipate bad behavior and prepare
- Lesson 2 Set expectations and lower expectations
- Hint 3 Gain insight by listening
- Lesson 3 Active listening and building
relationships increase your influence and power - Hint 4 Use your communication skills to help
you gain control - Lesson 4 The norm of human reciprocity
28- Ensure you have a fulfilling year
- Be respected
- Be effective
- Feel appreciated
- Minimize frustrations and irritations