Title: The EFQM Excellence Model
1The EFQM Excellence Model
2The EFQM Excellence Model
- 1. Leadership
- 1a Leaders develop the mission, vision and values
and are role models of a culture of Excellence - 1b Leaders are personally involved in ensuring
the organisations management system is
developed, implemented and continuously improved - 1c Leaders are involved with customers, partners
and representatives of society - 1d Leaders motivate, support and recognise the
organisations people
3The EFQM Excellence Model
- 2. Policy Strategy
- 2a Policy and Strategy are based on the present
and future needs of stakeholders - 2b Policy and Strategy are based on information
from performance measurement, research, learning
and creativity related activities - 2c Policy and Strategy are developed, reviewed
and updated - 2d Policy and Strategy are deployed through a
framework of key processes - 2e Policy and Strategy are communicated and
4The EFQM Excellence Model
- 3. People
- 3a People resources are planned, managed and
improved - 3b Peoples knowledge and competencies are
identified, developed and sustained - 3c People are involved and empowered
- 3d People and the organisation have a dialogue
- 3e People are rewarded, recognised and cared for
- 4. Partnerships Resources
- 4a External partnerships are managed
- 4b Finances are managed
- 4c Buildings, equipment and materials are managed
- 4d Technology is managed
- 4e Information and knowledge are managed
5The EFQM Excellence Model
- 5. Processes
- 5a Processes are systematically designed and
managed - 5b Processes are improved, as needed, using
innovation in order to fully satisfy and generate
increasing value for customers and other
stakeholders - 5c Products and Services are designed and
developed based on customer needs and
expectations - 5d Products and Services are produced, delivered
and serviced - 5e Customer relationships are managed and
enhanced - 6. Customer Results
- 6a Perception Measures
- 6b Performance Indicators
6The EFQM Excellence Model
- 7. People Results
- 7a Perception Measures
- 7bPerformance Indicators
- 8. Society Results
- 8a Perception Measures
- 8bPerformance Indicators
- 9. Key Performance Results
- 9a Key Performance Outcomes
- 9bKey Performance Indicators
7The EFQM Excellence Model
- Introduced in 1992
- Reflects 8 fundamental concepts
- Results Orientation
- Customer Focus
- Leadership Constancy of Purpose
- Management by Processes Facts
- Development Involvement
- Continuous Learning, Innovation Improvement
- Partnership Development
- Public Responsibility
8The EFQM Excellence Model
- Thought to be a key framework in four ways
- Development of vision and goals for the future
- Identification and understanding of the systemic
nature of the business, the key linkages and
cause and effect relationships - Forms the basis for The European Quality Award
- A diagnostic tool to assess the health of an
organisation and to generate realistic business
plans as a part of the process - The fourth use is known as self-assessment
9The EFQM Excellence Model
- The most popular tool for self-assessment in
Europe - Used by app. 9 of Danish private/public
companies - What is self-assessment?
- Self-Assessment is a comprehensive, systematic
and regular review of an organisation's
activities and results referenced against the
EFQM Excellence Model . - Allows the organisation to discern clearly its
strengths and areas in which improvements can be
made and culminates in planned improvement
actions which are then monitored for progress - Causality is key to the fourth (and second) use
10The EFQM Excellence Model
- Causal relationship between these eight
fundamental concepts is assumed - This relationship must be reflected in the model
as a causal relationship between the enabler and
the result criteria. - Proposed causality
- Excellent results with respect to Performance,
Customers, People and Society are achieved
through Leadership, driving Policy Strategy
People, Partnerships Resources and Processes.
- Knowledge about the relationships between
individual criterions - for instance
- employee results and customer results
- customer results and key performance results
- Very little factual knowledge about the total
causal structure of the model - Very little factual knowledge about the
criterion weights - The result is a model with a questionable
usability as a self-assessment tool
12From Enablers to People Results
- Excellent People Results is the prerequisite for
business success - Konosuke Matushita
- People before products
- We make people. We also make electrical
appliances, but first we make people - The causal link between enablers and People
Results must be based on the theory of human
motivation - One of the most validated frameworks for this is
The Work Design Model by Hackman Oldham
13From Enablers to People Results
14From Enablers to People Results
15What affects the Bottom Line?
- Link from People Results to Key Performance
Results - supported by the ACSI model and a Danish HRM
survey - Link from Customer Results to Key Performance
Results - supported by the ACSI model as well as other
research (for instance Kristensen, 1997 Eklöf
et. al., 1999) - Link from Society Results to Customer Results
- supported by the ACSI model, the ECSI model as
well as environmental management theory
16What affects the Bottom Line?
- Link from Processes to Society Results
- supported by environmental management theory
- Link from Partnerships Resources to Society
Results - supported by environmental management theory
- Link from Processes to Customer Results
- supported by the ECSI model
- Link from People Results to Customer Results
- supported by the ECSI model
17Suggested Causal Relationships
- Simple random sampling from the database
Købmandsstandens Oplysningsbureau - Criterion at least 20 employees
- Assessment carried out by the CEO of the company
on an 11 point rating scale - No. of answers 756 covering app. 4,5 of the
total workforce in Denmark - 45 statements covering The EFQM Excellence Model
- 6 statements covering demographics
19Excellence Questionnaire
- Management
- The company has established a programme (vision,
mission) for the development of the organisation. - Policy Strategy
- The targets for the financial and non-financial
results of the organisation have been determined. - People
- A job and personal profile is determined for all
employees in accordance with the policy and
strategy chosen. - Partnerships Resources
- The cooperation with external business associates
(e.g. consultants, suppliers etc.) is currently
being evaluated. - Processes
- The processes decisive for the success of the
organisation have been identified and described.
- Customer Results
- The conditions creating customer/user
satisfaction have been defined. - People Results
- The conditions creating employee satisfaction
have been defined. - Society Results
- The organisation is systematically working on
reducing the consumption of resources. - Key Performance Results
- The results of the organisation have improved
during recent years.
20LISREL Statistics
- Goodness of fit measures for the fitted LISREL
21Empirical Excellence Model
22The Excellence Diamond
23The Excellence Diamond
- More research is needed on
- Simplification of The EFQM Excellence Model
- The criterion weights of The EFQM Excellence
Model - The connection between The EFQM Excellence Model
and other holistic models such as The Malcolm
Baldridge National Quality Award or The Balanced
Scorecard - The use of quantitative data in the
self-assessment process
25The EFQM Excellence Model
26The EFQM Excellence Model
- Why weights?
- Awards
- Weights are useful if used in the right way and
at the right time in the self-assessment process - When Weights?
- Awards
- If the organisation has scored each criterion and
wish to combine these scores into an overall
score - Can be incorporated into the improvement planning
process of the organisation - Can be used by top management to express the
organisations improvement priorities
27The EFQM Excellence Model
- What weights?
- Weights based on qualitative data
- Weights based on quantitative data
28EQA applicant scores 1992-93
29EQA applicant scores 1992-93
30EQA applicant scores 1992-93
31EQA applicant scores 1992-93
32EQA applicant scores 1992-93
33EQA applicant scores 1992-93
34EQA applicant scores 1992-93
35EQA applicant scores 1992-93
36EQA applicant scores 1992-93
- Simple random sampling from the database
Købmandsstandens Oplysningsbureau - Criterion at least 20 employees
- Assessment carried out by the CEO of the company
on an 11 point rating scale - 45 statements covering The EFQM Excellence Model
- 6 statements covering demographics
- No. of answers
- 1998 app. 300
- 1999 app. 750
- 2000 app. 750
- 2001 app. 700
38Excellence Questionnaire
- Management
- The company has established a programme (vision,
mission) for the development of the organisation - Policy Strategy
- The targets for the financial and non-financial
results of the organisation have been determined - People
- A job and personal profile is determined for all
employees in accordance with the policy and
strategy chosen - Partnerships Resources
- The cooperation with external business associates
(e.g. consultants, suppliers etc.) is currently
being evaluated - Processes
- The processes decisive for the success of the
organisation have been identified and described
- Customer Results
- The conditions creating customer/user
satisfaction have been defined - People Results
- The conditions creating employee satisfaction
have been defined - Society Results
- The organisation is systematically working on
reducing the consumption of resources - Key Performance Results
- The results of the organisation have improved
during recent years
- Questions aggregated to 9 variables - one for
each criterion - From the original sample for each year 5000 new
samples are drawn with replacement - On each a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with
one latent variable is performed - This is followed by factor scores regression
- Provides 5000 estimates per year for the impact
that each criterion has on the latent variable
40CFA Model for Excellence
41Empirical Weights
- The overall allocation of weights between
Enablers and Results is not 50/50 - If the weight structure is to reflect the way in
which Danish companies are working in 2001 the
enabler block of The EFQM Excellence Model should
weigh approximately 70 and the result block 30 - Excellent results are not created by focusing on
the result criteria according to Danish companies
42Empirical Weights
- Equal weighting of Leadership, Policy
Strategy and People cannot be rejected in any
of the four year included in the study - The empirical weights for these three criteria is
different from the official weights in 2001 - The mean for Leadership and People seems to
be quite stable over the years - Policy Strategy seems to be on an
up going trend since 1999
43Empirical Weights
- The empirical weight for Partnerships
Resources is significantly above the official
weight - The official 140 point weight for Processes is
included in the confidence interval - It can not be rejected that Danish companies
would allocate the same weight to all the enabler
criteria - The empirical weight for Customer Results is
the one that is furthest away from the official
mark set by EFQM
44Empirical Weights
- A lot has happened to People Results
- In 1998 and 1999 the official EFQM 90 weight is
below the lower confidence limit - In 2000 and 2001 the empirical weight of People
Results is significantly lower than in 1998 and
1999 - In 2001 the official weight is above the upper
confidence limit - Upward trend in the weights allocated to Society
Results - Key Performance Results displays a slight
downward trend very far from the official 150
point weight applied by EFQM - The empirical weight allocated to Key
Performance Results is significantly lower
than most of the other criteria from The
EFQM Excellence Model
45Empirical Excellence Model 2001
46Private vs. Public 2001
- Private companies more focused on Policy
Strategy - Trend towards higher focus on human factors in
the public sector - Trend towards higher focus on Key Performance
Results in the public sector - Trend towards higher result orientation in
the public sector
Private - Public
47Size Effect
48Industry Effect
49Ownership Effect
50Enabler-Result Ratio
- Danish companies do not perceive the enabler
block and the result block as being equally
important - The study also revealed that Danish companies are
unfocused within the enabler block in all four
years - The Empirical Excellence Model for 2001 is not in
accordance with the results from the previous
years - The criterion weights of The EFQM Excellence
Model are not stable and generic quantities that
can be applied uniformly across time - Future research
- widening the scope of the study to include such
factors as - country/culture
- industry
- size
- ownership structure
- The conclusion may very well be that using
generic criterion weights to compare companies
from different demographical settings is
52The use of holistic models
- In 2000 75,6 of companies with more than 200
employees use a holistic model
53The use of holistic reporting systems
- Among companies with more than 200 employees that
use a holistic model 73,5 is using a formal
approach in 2000 (balanced scorecard, excellence
model or shareholder value concept)
54Different approaches in Denmark 2001
55The choice of model
- The balanced scorecard seems to have won the
battle but why?
56Financial results and management models
Estimated marginal means for financial results
measured in index terms
57Financial effect (all companies)
58Financial effect (lt50 employees)
- The penetration of new reporting systems has been
increasing in Denmark since 1998 - Clear bottom-line effect from using holistic
reporting systems - The balanced scorecard vs. the excellence model
- The balanced scorecard is more popular than the
excellence model and the popularity gap is
increasing - The balanced scorecard has a financial effect for
both small and large companies - The excellence model has only got a financial
effect for large companies - The complexity of the excellence model is thought
to be one of the main reasons - There is a need to rethink the excellence model
especially in relation to small and medium sized