Title: EFQM Overview
1(No Transcript)
2European Foundation for Quality Management
EFQM, a not-for-profit membership foundation, is
the creator of the EFQM Excellence Model, manages
the European Quality Awards, and is a resource to
European organisations on business and continuous
improvement disciplines, tools and techniques.
- EFQM Overview
- EFQM Today
- Public Sector activities
- EFQM Local Government Prize
4Presenting EFQM
- EFQM Explained
- 14 Organisations
- Vision and Mission
- Current Members
- The Benefits
- Use of the EFQM Excellence Model
- Implementing Organisational Excellence
- Our Activities
- Management Practice Studies
- Model Related Recognition
- Networking and Member Services
5Origins of EFQM
- To stimulate and, where necessary, to assist
management in adopting and applying the
principles of organisational excellence - To improve the competitiveness of European
Industry and to close the gap of competitiveness
between Europe and US/Japan - Supported by the European Commission in The
European Quality Promotion Policy
"the battle for quality is one of the
prerequisites for the success of your companies
and for our competitive success". - Jacques
Delors, EC President
EFQM Explained
6The Very Beginning
- Founded in 1989 by 14 leading European
organisations - ? BT plc ? KLM - Royal Dutch Airlines
- ? Robert Bosch GmbH ? Nestlé AG
- ? Bull SA ? Philips Electronics NV
- ? Ciba-Geigy AG ? Ing. C. Olivetti C.S.p.A.
- ? Dassault Aviation ? Renault
- ? AB Electrolux ? Gebr. Sulzer AG
- ? Fiat Auto Spa ? Volkswagen AG
EFQM Explained
7Key Milestones
EFQM Excellence Model launched
Creation of Benchmarking Services
Creation of SME Award with EC support
Launch of Excellence One and Levels of Excellence
Fundamental revision of Model
First EQA in Madrid presented by King of Spain
Creation of Public Sector Award with EC support
Creation of Network of National Partners
EFQM Explained
8Vision and Mission
VisionA world in which organisations in Europe
MissionTo be the driving force for sustainable
excellence in organisations in Europe
Objectives A place to share, investigate and
validate management practices that make a
difference A variety of routes to business
improvement and development Recognition of
progress in organisational excellence through
the EFQM Levels of Excellence
EFQM Explained
9Membership Growth
- 14 members in our first year
- Over 750 members today!
- Rate of 70 new members each year
- Introduction of National Partners
- Across all Sectors
- private, public, non-for-profit
- all sizes, all industries
- Across the Globe
- All European countries
- Now extended to non-European organisations
EFQM Explained
10EFQM Members by Country
Cyprus 2 Malta1 South Africa 1 The Netherlands
Antilles 1 United Arab Emirates 3 Iran 1
750 Members in 2003
EFQM Explained
11National Partner Organisations
- Network of 25 NPOs
- Austrian Association for Quality
- Bbest
- Center for Ledelse
- Center for Excellence Finland
- Mouvement Français pour la Qualité
- DGQ Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualität
- Hellenic Management Association
- Associazione Italiana per la QualitÃ
- Excellence Norway
- Associaçao Portuguesa para a Qualidade
- Club Géstion de Calidad
- Swedish Institute for Quality
- Swiss Association for Promotion of Quality
- Turkish Society for Quality
- British Quality Foundation
- Centre for Competitiveness
- Quality Scotland Foundation
- Wales Quality Centre
- Czech Society for Quality (New!)
- Hungarian Quality Development Centre (New!)
- Polish Centre for Testing and Certification
(New!) - Metrology Institute of the Republic of Slovenia
(New!) - Ukrainian Association for Quality (New!)
EFQM Explained
12Who is using the Model?
- More than 20,000 organisations across Europe
- 60 of Europes largest 25 companies
- 9 of the 15 European companies in the FTs 50
Worlds Most Respected Companies in 2002 - More than 10,000 SMEs
- 20 out of the 50 Eurostock companies
? The EFQM Excellence Model is a registered
trademark of EFQM
The Benefits
13Who is using the Model?
- More than 18 different Excellence-related Awards
throughout Europe - European Quality Award
- Austrian Quality Award
- Belgian Quality Award
- Danish Quality Award
- Irish Business Excellence Awards
- Finnish Quality Award
- French Quality Award
- Ludwig Erhard Award
- Italian Quality Award
- INK Prize (based on Model)
- Northern Ireland Quality Award
- Norwegian Quality Award
- Excellence Award, Portugal
- Scottish Award for Business Excellence
- Swedish Quality Award
- Esprix Swiss Quality Award for Business
Excellence - UK Business Excellence Award
- National Quality Award Turkey
? The EFQM Excellence Model is a registered
trademark of EFQM
The Benefits
14Importance of Excellence
- EFQM-derived Common Assessment Framework has been
adopted by Public Sector - Fundamental Concepts
The Benefits
15The Impact of Excellence
- Does Quality impact the Bottom-Line?
- Study shows that stock prices of award winners
increased by an average of 114 over a five-year
- Winners improved sales by 69, total assets by
79 - Award winners outperformed benchmarks on
operating income by 56
The Benefits
Source Vinod Singhal, TQM Boosts the bottom
line, April 2002
16Triangle of Activities
- Three interrelated activities shaping an
integrated, organisational framework underpinned
by the EFQM Excellence Model - Management Practice Studies
- Model-related Recognition Activities
- Networking opportunities Member Services
Our Activities
17Model Related Recognition
The EFQM Excellence Model
Management Practice Studies
Networking Member Services
Our Activities
18Management Practice Studies
Access to a live repository of Management
Practices gathered through Benchmarking and
- Management Practices
- Excellence One
- Good Practices and Benchmarking
The EFQM Excellence Model
Our Activities
19Management Practices
- Electronic Good Practice Studies provide
- A comprehensive, interactive, online learning
platform for Performance Excellence - Cutting-Edge Quality Management News on the
latest ideas and validated practices - Insights from the best organisations
- Over 600 pages on key management practices
- Discussion Forums and Virtual Communities of
Practice to connect peers and specialists - Benchmarking Good Practice Database
- Actual Reports from EQA Winners and Finalists
- Select by country, sector, company
Our Activities
20Management Practices
- Physical Good Practice Studies provide
- An independent provider of Benchmarking Services
at a Pan-European level - Ability to help others with the transfer and
adoption of Management Practices - Common Interest Days
- Benchmarking Groups
- Benchmarking Study Projects
- How-to Workshops
- Fast Track Benchmarking
- Research Consortia
Our Activities
21Model Related Recognition
Promoting European-wide learning about the value
of Organisational Excellence
- Levels of Excellence
- European Assessor Training Courses
- Refreshing the Model
- Self-Assessment Training
The EFQM Excellence Model
Our Activities
22Deploying the Model
- EFQM multi-level recognition programme featuring
the European Quality Award as the pinnacle - Harmonisation of national and regional awards
- Sector-specific guidelines and Awards
- Model-related training programmes
- Research on the concept of Organisational
Excellence - Model-related materials including licensed
training materials - Printed Publications in major European Languages
- Electronic - Intellectual Property Agreement for
Intranet use for our member organisation
Our Activities
23Levels of Excellence
Based on the full EFQM model
Max of 75 page submission in English
Team of 4 - 8 International Assessors
Consensus and Site Visit
Enhanced Feedback
Recognition at around 550 points
Based on the full EFQM Model
51 page structured submission in the
local language
3 - 5 Assessors
Consensus and Site Visit
Feedback Report at criteria level
Recognition at 400 points
Based on the 9 criteria of the Model
12 page Action Plan in the local language
Committed to Excellence
Two stage process, assessment and site
Supported by one Validator
Recognition based on implementation of
an Action Plan
Our Activities
24Networking Member Services
Enhancing networking and sharing opportunities on
route to business improvement and development
- EFQM Events
- Communities of Practice
The EFQM Excellence Model
Our Activities
25Member Services
- Free individual access to Excellence One
- 10 subscriptions for A Member
- 5 subscriptions for B Member
- 2 subscriptions for C Member
- 1 subscription for D Associate Member
- Use and disseminate freely the EFQM Excellence
Model inside your organisation - Free access to the EFQM Benchmarking Good
Practice Database - Validated Self-Assessment Methods
- EQA Assessor (professional development)
Our Activities
26Member Services
- CEO Round Tables
- EFQM Forum
- Learning Edge Conference
- Training Licences
- Model-related educational programmes
- National Member Groups
- Targeted Newsletters
- Member-driven EFQM magazine
- Preferential rates for publications, training
Our Activities
- Communities of Practice
- Drive Communities of Practice to monitor and
develop good practices on a topic, in a sector,
or for a function - Virtual Communities of Practice
- Join our VCoPs which enable you to discuss with
your peers and collaborate on documents together
on-line - EFQM Events
- All EFQM Events, such as the Forum, Learning
Edge, Benchmarking activities, and Training,
provide opportunities to meet peers experts
Our Activities
- EFQM News
- Monthly newsletter sent by PDF to all Members
- Can be placed on your Intranet
- Making Best Use of Membership
- Monthly Topic
- Networking
- EFQM Internal News
- Calendar of Events
- EFQM Website
- Member Section
- Benchmarking Reports
- Representative Directory
- Membership Events
29General Inquiry about EFQM
- Marketing Member Relations
- Melissa Rancourt Head of Department
- Vinciane Beauduin beauduin_at_efqm.org
- Françoise Thomas thomas_at_efqm.org
- Geni Luengo luengo_at_efqm.org
- Alexis Willems willems_at_efqm.org
- Patricia Bilteryst bilteryst_at_efqm.org
- General request
- info_at_efqm.org
- Tel 3227753511
- Fax 3227753596
30EFQM Today
31Activities News
- New and updated Publications
- EFQM Excellence Model Large Org, SME, Public
Sector - Assessing for Excellence
- Fundamental Concepts
- Introducing Excellence
- Case Studies Future Bank and Spectrum
- New Case Study Mid-East Police
- Assessment Training Courses
- New Self-Assessment Course
- New European Assessor Training
- New pass/fail criteria for Assessed version
- Roll-out to National Partner Organisations
- European Quality Award
- 210 Award Assessors in 2003, 30 New
- Raising the standards - Set of Criteria for an
32Activities News
- Good Practice Visit Programme
- 6 visits in 2004
- Members-only, Low cost
- Benchmarking Activities
- Benchmarking Group
- How-to Workshops
- Benchmarking, Balanced Scorecard, Six Sigma
- Scenario Planning
- Risk Management
- Good Practice Database
- Recently updated to last EQA applications
- Excellence One
- Peer Assist to connect you to benchmarking
33Activities News
- Research
- Above the Clouds
- Future Studies Project
- Deciding on the Future of Work
- Feeding the next generation Model development
- CEO Round Tables
- Opportunity for Member CEOs to network and share
- Press Related Events
- Press Page on web site EFQM in the News Press
Releases - ISO in collaboration with EFQM produced a special
ISO magazine dedicated to EFQM/ISO - EFQM was part of a business segment on EuroNews
in March 2003 - Press programme for Helsinki Forum 2003 included
visit to Finnish companies from journalists - Press programme for Berlin Forum 2004 currently
being developed
- Promotion opportunities for Members
- Exhibition booths available for EFQM Members
- EFQM Forum
- EFQM News
- Success Stories always welcome
- Description of New Members
- Listing of companies attaining Recognised for
Excellence and Committee to Excellence - Excellence One -- always looking for content on
organisations applying successful management
36External Relationships
- European Commission
- Involved in project to assess and audit activity
of Information and Communication at the EC - Part of EC Working group for tools for CSR
- Worked with EC to have Common Interest Day on CSR
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Working with Global Compact
- Writing guidelines to manage CSR with Model
- Development Programme with United Nations
37Public Sector
38Public Sector Steering Group
- Improving Public Sector Performance Group
- Consist of 4 sub-groups Communities of
Practice - Education
- Health
- Government
- Academic Board
- Mission to promote and support improvements by
the use of Excellence Concepts in Public Sector
39Communities of Practice
- Education
- Forum for people within the Education community
- Main focus are networking and partnership
development, benchmarking, research and
evaluation - Health Sector
- Forum for Health care services organisations
- Hospitals, public health systems, general
practitioners, specialists, laboratory
technicians, dentistry, pharmacy, mental health
care, home care, private care services, doctors,
nurses, midwives, therapists and academics
40Communities of Practice
- Local and Central Government
- Provide a pan European networking forum
- While facing some very country specific issues,
there is also a number of common topics, problems
and practices to share - Academic Board
- Group of universities who run the European
Masters Programme in TQM - Annual Summer School
41Contact Person
- Public Sector
- Public Sector Advisory Team
- Mr Jack Hudson
- Mrs Carolina Sanchez
- PublicSector_at_efqm.org
42EFQM Local Government Prize
Sponsored by CISCO, HP and CGEY
43LGP - Objectives
- To
- Extend the knowledge involvement of Local
Government in continuous Business Improvement  - Support E.U. initiatives relating to
eGovernment - Accelerate the adoption of eGovernment with Local
Authority RegionsÂ
44LGP Overall Process
- 2 Levels of Recognition
- Based on EFQM Levels of Excellence scheme and
E-Readiness tools - Culminates in annual European Prize/Prizes
45LGP Process Level 1
- Apply to NPO/invited to apply for Committed to
Excellence (C2E) - Undertake E-Readiness
- Successful at both - receive national recognition
- Possible referral for European Prize at level 1
46LGP Process Level 2
- Apply to NPO/invited to apply for Recognised for
Excellence (R4E) - Undertake E-Readiness
- Successful at both - receive national recognition
- Possible referral for European Prize at Level 2
47LGP European Prize
- NPOs and EFQM nominate best applicants from
National Levels - Citation forwarded to Jury
- Jury EFQM, Sponsors and EC representative
- Jury select prize winner/winners at each level
- Presented during annual EFQM Forum
48LGP Applicants Benefits
- Structured methods for identifying strengths and
areas for improvement and implementing
improvements - Financial assistance through sponsorship to
implement processes and gain recognition - Processes fit with requirements from ALL
governments to identify improvements and improve
services and performance
49Contact Person
- EFQM Local Government Prize
- Project Advisor
- Mr René-Charles Tisseyre
- tisseyre_at_efqm.org
- Mrs Margot Van Zon
- vanzon_at_efqm.org
50(No Transcript)
51European Foundation for Quality Management
EFQM, a not-for-profit membership foundation, is
the creator of the EFQM Excellence Model, manages
the European Quality Awards, and is a resource to
European organisations on business and continuous
improvement disciplines, tools and techniques.