Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1 Visible imaging and DED resonance analysis
F. Dubois1), E. Dufour1), M. Lehnen2), P.
Monier-Garbet1), A. Pospieszczyk2),
G. Sergienko2), G. Telesca3), B.
Unterberg2), G. VanOost3) 1)
Association Euratom-CEA sur la fusion Contrôlée,
DSM/DRFC/SIPP, Centre dÉtudes
de Cadarache, 13108 Saint-Paul-lez-Durance,
France. 2) Institut für
Plasmaphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich,
EURATOM Association, TEC, Jülich,
Germany. 3) Department of Applied
Physics, University of Gent, 9000 Gent, Belgium.
- DED resonance in the 12/4 configuration
- What do we expect in terms of particle
screening? - Experimental results on Textor analysis of
visible imaging diagnostic
3Resonance in the 12/4 configuration
Resonance is obtained for the plasma equilibrium
for which, in magnetic coordinates (q, j) ?
maximum deviation of the magnetic
field lines in front of the divertor ?maximum
effect on the plasma edge parameters
4The width of the edge region for which sgt1 is
Ip450kA qedge2.6
- comparable to
- the e-folding length of the perturbation
Chirikov parameter
? near field effects might be dominant
5Resonance is a local extremum of s
6What do we expect in terms of particle screening?
? atomic physics lengths have to be compared to
width of the perturbed region
1.5 eV ? 4cm 20 eV ? 15cm
Deuterium ne2e18 m-3 Te
- Ionization length (?i) gt width of the perturbed
region - the perturbed region is transparent to D neutrals
- only a small effect on D screening may be expected
7- DED resonance in the 12/4 configuration
- What do we expect in terms of particle
screening? - Experimental results on Textor analysis of
visible imaging diagnostic
8Experimental scenario Ip scan
12/4 configuration
9As expected, small pump out effect is observed as
DED is turned on
10Diagnostics CCD cameras
11IDED13kA, q scan
Da recycling is modulated by the DED coils
12The period of the modulation is controlled by
q3.4 (350kA), no DED
IDED13.0kA q4.0 (300kA) q3.0 (400kA) q2.6
Poloidal extension of the DED coils
13IDED13kA, q scan
DED controls the inner wall C sources
14CIII emission gives an indication of the Te map
(possible laminar effects)
- ? Calculation of the Chirikov parameter indicate
that - the perturbed region is narrow (lt liD , the
perturbed region is expected to be marginally
transparent to neutrals) - near field effects might be dominant
- ? Actually, observations show
- small D pump out effect
- DED controlled Da modulated emission
- possible laminar effects are indicated by CIII
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18Da brightness
Poloidal extension of the DED coils