Title: Prsentation PowerPoint
1 SIAMOIS Sismomètre Interferentiel A Mesurer les
Oscillations des Intérieurs Stellaires An
asteroseismic network with 1 site... in Antarctica
Benoît Mosser, Tristan Buey, Claude Catala
Michel Auvergne, Thierry Appourchaux, Annie
Baglin, Caroline Barban, François Bouchy,
Stéphane Charpinet, Marc-Antoine Dupret, Marie-Jo
Goupil, Jean-Pierre Maillard, Eric Michel, Reza
Samadi, François-Xavier Schmider, Frédéric
Thévenin, Gérard Vauclair et al. Observatoire
- Which program in asterosismology after COROT
? - Dome C in Antarctica
- SIAMOIS principle
- SIAMOIS performances (/ SONG)
- Project organisation, science
3Ground-based observations, 2006
Ground-based asteroseismic observations remain
limited by the window effect
4Ground-based observations, 2006
Even with bi-sites observations
Kjeldsen et al 2005
Continuous observations are required for precise
structure modelling
5In 2009, end of COROT
will have done a considerable work
And after that ???
6Photometry / spectrometry
- Spectrometry less sensitive to granulation than
photometry - Visibility of l 3 modes enhanced about 3
times in spectometry - ? Small separation between modes with degrees 1
et 3
Ground-based measurements spectrometric
observations Necessarily continuity, long
duration ? network or Antarctica
7Dome C
- Concordia station, Italy France
- 7506 south, 12321 east
- Average temperatures
- - 40C in summer
- - 60C in winter
- Slow wind
- Rare precipitations
- 2 to 10 cm snow/year
- Polar night 3 months
8Duty cycle gt 90 during 3 months in winter (K.
9 (First) observations at Dome C
- Specifications for observations at Dome C
- integrated project
- has to be fully tested before installation in
Antarctica - with limited setup
- small size telescope
- pioneering project
- project has to be fully automatic, spatial
condition - human intervention limited to routine, or
survival - mass, power, telemetry limited values
- scientific programme has to be
- ambitious
- unfeasible elsewhere
- to make sense after COROT
10Observations at Dome C
- IPEV (Institut Paul-Emile Victor)
- - in charge of the Concordia base wintering
since 2005 - - supervises scientific projects
- INSU (National Institute for Astronomy)/
Antarctic group - - promotes observations at Dome C
- - has to identify pioneering projects in
astronomy - PNPS (National programme for stellar physics)
- - promotes the rapid development of an
asteroseismometer at Dome C
-1- dedicated asteroseismometer with a small
size telescope first wintering in 2010 -2- 2-m
class telescope spectropolarimeter
11Doppler asteroseismometry
- Principle (Bouchy et al. 2001) photon noise
limited performances -
- An asteroseismometer has to be extremely stable
and efficient - - quality factor Q
- - number of photoelectrons Ne
- Q depends on
- - the spectral type and rotation of the star
- the instrument
- GS grating spectrometer
- FS Fourier Transform spectrometer
12 Stellar quality factor
- The quality factor gives a measure of the
- number
- depth
- width
- of the stellar lines
- Q dln A /dln l
Cool stars are favored Better performances in the
blue part of the visible spectrum
13 Seismology with a GS
The real quality factor depends on the resolution
R of the spectrometer A high resolution
requires a narrow entrance slit as well as a
large spectrometer R f / d
Grating spectrometer necessarily a large
14FS seismometry by TF
Fourier transform Seismometry The Doppler signal
is searched in the interferogram of part of the
stellar spectrum
15Sismometry by TF
FT seismometry successfully tested with the FTS
at CFHT Procyon Mosser et al. 1998, AA 340,
457 Jupiter Mosser et al. 2000, Icarus 144, 104
- FTS at CFHT scan of one fringe
- Dedicated instrument simultaneous scan of the
fringe signal
16 FS quality factor
- (Mosser et al. 2003, PASP 115, 990)
- Q increases with
- wavenumber s0
- working path difference dopt
- fringe contrast C
- A high fringe contrast C requires a narrow
bandwidth - in contradiction with the specification on Ne
It is necessary to observe with a post-dispersive
17 FS post - dispersion
Fourier transform seismometry with
post-dispersion The Doppler signal is searched
in the interferogram of each spectral element
defined by the post-dispersion
18FS / GS
GS smaller and simpler instrument, monolithic
interferometer, no moving parts ? possible
installation and setup in Antarctica
19Antarctic / network
Complementary projects
20Performances GS / FS
GS HARPS (ref ThAr lamp) R 90000 FS
SIAMOIS post-dispersion providing a spectral
resolution R 1000.
GS gt FS if reference ThAr lamp (Mosser et al.
2003) GS FS if reference iodine cell
21GS performances at Dome C
Photon noise limited performances SIAMOIS, at
Dome C, 40-cm telescope, 120 hours with 95 duty
cycle, mV 4 SNR on circumpolar targets
Observable targets with SIAMOIS and a 40-cm
telescope dedicated to the project
- 40-cm telescope
- - 7 targets, type F, G, K class IV V
- - many red giants d Scuti (v sin i lt 20 km/s)
- ? Scientific programme for more than 6 winterings
1) K, G, F, class IV V targets
3) delta-Scuti
1) K, G, F, class IV V targets 2) red giants
- 40-cm telescope low cost, easy antartization,
dedicated to the project - Interferometer monolithic instrument
- no moving parts, reduced size
- fiber fed
- Post-dispersion efficiency, photon noise limited
- 2004
- design
- 2006
- thermo-mechanical analysis
- 2007
- 2008
- integration
- 2009
- tests
- summer campaign Dome C
- 2010
- - first winterover at Dome C
- Laboratories LESIA (Obs. Paris), IAS (Orsay),
LUAN (Nice), LATT (Toulouse)
SIAMOIS Interferometer JP Amans, GEPI, Obs Paris
- Dome C a unique site for asterosismology
- 3-month continuous observation with duty cycle
90 - A specific scientific program after
- High performances with a 40-cm collector
- Pioneering project at Dome C
- FT seismometry suitable concept for installation
and setup at Dome C - Multiplex advantage of FT spectrometry
Big science at Dome C with a budget lt 1 ME