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IRIS Harmonised Implementation of RIS in Europe. Status of RIS Summary ... the Sub-study for the Rhine-Seine Region including short sea links and isolated ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • Supporting tools for users to understand the
    basic principles of RIS
  • Presentation-module
  • RIS Implementation Status
  • Mario Kaufmann / Mario Sattler
  • via donau

Presentation Agenda
  • RIS Directive
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • IRIS Harmonised Implementation of RIS in Europe
  • Status of RIS Summary
  • You can use Hyperlinks for clicking
    through the presentation!
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    the Hyperlinks to watch one slide after the other!

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RIS Directive Overview
  • Agenda
  • RIS Directive
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • IRIS
  • Status of RIS Summary
  • Policy Context
  • Justification for the Directive
  • Aims of the Directive
  • Content of the Directive
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services

back to Presentation Agenda
RIS Directive Policy Context
  • RIS Directive
  • Policy Context
  • Justification
  • Aims
  • Content
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services
  • The RIS Directive contains binding rules for
    onboard equipment and electronic data exchange as
    well as the minimum requirements for future RIS

back to RIS Directive - Overview
RIS Directive Policy Context
  • RIS Directive
  • Policy Context
  • Justification
  • Aims
  • Content
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services
  • Given the positive contribution of inland
    navigation to the achievement of transport policy
    objectives as highlighted by the White Paper, the
    development of RIS is reflected upon in European
    policies and is as well strongly supported by
    international bodies and institutions.
  • Decision N 1692/96/EC of the European Parliament
    and of the Council of 23 July 1996 on Community
    guidelines for the development of the
    trans-European transport network states that the
    inland waterway network and inland ports shall
    include the traffic management infrastructure.
  • The Declaration of European Ministers of
    Transport signed in Rotterdam in September 2001
    calls upon Member and Accession States to
    implement pan-European River Information Services
    by the year 2005.
  • The development of RIS is also recognised and
    fostered by the River Commissions as well as by
    the International Association for Navigation
    (PIANC), which compiled RIS Guidelines on the
    basis of the results of different European
    research and development projects. These RIS
    Guidelines 2002 were updated in the year 2004 and
    formally adopted by the Central Commission for
    the Navigation on the Rhine in March 2004.

back to RIS Directive - Overview
RIS Directive Justification
  • RIS Directive
  • Policy Context
  • Justification
  • Aims
  • Content
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services
  • Many existing RIS applications have been
    developed independently of each other. There is
    therefore a clear danger of an emerging patchwork
    of miscellaneous RIS applications. This is not
    desirable from a European policy point of view,
    or from the point of view of the inland waterways
    transport sector itself. This leads to a strong
    demand for further co-ordination and
    harmonisation at a joint level.
  • Applications need to be interoperable and
    compatible at national as well as European level
    to allow for continuous cross-border traffic
    without technical obstacles. Accordingly, data
    exchange and communication need to be harmonised
    at European level in order to facilitate the
    interoperability of the entire system
    (applications, technologies etc.).
  • The decisions of the River Commissions are not
    binding and are regionally limited. Apart from
    the European Union there is no institution which
    can establish the (technical) framework
    conditions for successful European implementation
    of RIS.

back to RIS Directive - Overview
RIS Directive Aims
  • RIS Directive
  • Policy Context
  • Justification
  • Aims
  • Content
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services
  • The Directive aims at a Europe-wide framework for
    the implementation of the RIS concept in order to
    ensure compatibility and interoperability between
    current and new RIS systems at European level and
    to achieve effective interaction between
    different information services on waterways. By
    this means, European suppliers of equipment will
    be encouraged to produce hardware and software
    for RIS at reasonable and affordable costs and to
    perceive European RIS technology as a market
  • In accordance with the principle of subsidiarity,
    the use of a (framework) directive is considered
    to be the most appropriate form to achieve the
    intended purpose. The technical details and
    standards for the implementation, however, will
    be adopted by the Commission in cooperation with
    the Member States by means of a committee

back to RIS Directive - Overview
RIS Directive Content (1/2)
  • RIS Directive
  • Policy Context
  • Justification
  • Aims
  • Content
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services
  • The purpose of the proposed Directive is to
    establish a framework for a harmonised and
    interoperable development and deployment of River
    Information Services on all Community inland
    waterways of Class IV or higher in order to
    improve the safety, security, and efficiency of
    traffic and transport operations. It will also
    apply to inland ports as defined in the framework
    of the TEN with at least 500.000 tonnes freight
    volume per year. (Article 1 and 2)
  • The Directive is addressed to the Member States.
    However, Member States without navigable inland
    waters are not obliged to apply the provisions of
    this Directive. (Article 2)
  • Article 3 sets out the definitions applicable for
    the purposes of this Directive.
  • Article 4 lays down the obligation for Member
    States to take the necessary measures to
    implement River Information Services and sets the
    principles for their development. It identifies
    the different types of potential River
    Information Services and defines the specific
    obligations of the Member States as regards the
    provision of data necessary for the execution of
    the voyage, the provision of electronic
    navigational charts and of notices to skippers as
    well as the capability of the competent
    authorities to receive electronic ship reports on
    the vessel and cargo. These obligations are
    further specified in the technical Annex to the
  • In principle, the Directive does not oblige
    private users, boat masters and ship operators to
    install the equipment necessary for participating
    in RIS. However, Member States must take
    appropriate measures to encourage users (boat
    masters, operators, vessel agents, shippers,
    cargo owners) and vessels to comply with the
    reporting procedures and equipment requirements
    implied by this Directive. (Article 4 6)

back to RIS Directive - Overview
RIS Directive Content (2/2)
  • RIS Directive
  • Policy Context
  • Justification
  • Aims
  • Content
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services
  • Article 5 recalls that in order to ensure
    harmonised and interoperable implementation of
    RIS, guidelines and technical specifications need
    to be established. The principles for the
    guidelines and technical specifications are
    further described in the Annex to the Directive.
  • In Article 6, the use of satellite positioning
    technologies is stipulated for the purpose of
  • Article 7 stipulates further that as far as the
    safety of navigation is concerned, equipment and
    software applications shall be certified for
    compliance by national bodies to be notified by
    the Member States. Member States shall further
    designate and notify the competent authority(ies)
    for RIS.
  • Article 9 refers to the rules on privacy and
    security as well as the re-use of information.
  • Article 10 sets out the procedures for amending
    the technical annex.
  • Article 11 provides the basis for the RIS
    Committee. In adopting the necessary decisions,
    the Commission will be assisted by the Committee
    composed of representatives of the Member States.
    In particular, the Committee will assist the
    Commission in defining the technical
    specifications and details for the implementation
    of the services.
  • In its transitional provisions, Article 12
    provides for a graduated transition period for
    the implementation of the Directive. In
    principle, Member States must implement the
    requirements set out in Article 4 not later than
    24 months after the entry into force of the
    technical guidelines and the relevant
  • Article 13 sets the date for the entry into force
    of the Directive.

back to RIS Directive - Overview
RIS Directive Minimum Requirements
  • RIS Directive
  • Policy Context
  • Justification
  • Aims
  • Content
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services
  • The minimum requirements out of the RIS Directive
    are mentioned in Article 4, clause 4
  • In order to set up RIS, Member States shall
  • (a) supply to RIS users all relevant data
    concerning navigation on the inland waterways
    referred to in Article 2. These data shall be
    provided at least in an accessible electronic
    format (Network Data)
  • (b) ensure that for all European Inland Waterways
    of class Va and above in accordance with the
    Classification of European Inland Waterways, in
    addition to the data referred to in point (a),
    electronic navigational charts suitable for
    navigational purposes are available to RIS users
  • (c) enable, as far as ship reporting is required
    by national or international regulations, the
    competent authorities to receive electronic ship
    reports on the voyage and cargo data of ships. In
    cross-border transport, this information shall be
    transmitted to the competent authorities of the
    neighbouring state before arrival of the vessels
    at the border
  • (d) ensure that notices to skippers, including
    water level and ice reports of their inland
    waterways, are provided as standardised, encoded
    and downloadable messages. The standardised
    message shall contain at least the information
    necessary for safe navigation. The notices to
    skippers shall be provided at least in an
    accessible electronic format

back to RIS Directive - Overview
RIS Directive Additional Services
  • RIS Directive
  • Policy Context
  • Justification
  • Aims
  • Content
  • Minimum Requirements
  • Additional Services
  • Additional Services out of the RIS Directive are
    mentioned in Article 4, clause 2
  • RIS shall comprise services such as
  • (a) Fairway Information
  • (b) Traffic Information
  • Tactical traffic information
  • Strategic traffic information
  • (c) Traffic Management
  • Local traffic management (VTS)
  • Navigational support
  • Lock and Bridge management
  • (d) Calamity Abatement Support
  • (e) Information for Transport Management
  • Voyage planning
  • Transport Management
  • Intermodal port and terminal management
  • Cargo and fleet management
  • (f) Statistics and customs services

For more detailed information concerning the RIS
Services please see the presentation module
back to RIS Directive - Overview
Master Plan IRIS Overview
  • Agenda
  • RIS Directive
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • IRIS
  • Status of RIS Summary
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits

back to Presentation Agenda
Master Plan IRIS Context
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits
  • Setting up a Europe wide platform supporting
    comprehensive and harmonised implementation of
    RIS based on the RIS Directive of the European
    Union and providing financial subsidy from TEN-T

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Introduction
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits
  • The Master Plan IRIS deals with the Development
    of a Master Plan for the Implementation of River
    Information Services in Europe
  • Duration May 2004 June 2005
  • The development of a Master Plan is the first
    step in the implementation of River Information
    Services in Europe, intended to determine the
    size and contents of this project. The Dutch
    Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water
    Management (VW) and the Austrian Ministry of
    Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) have
    agreed to share the work into two sub-studies
  • VW is responsible for the Sub-study for the
    Rhine-Seine Region including short sea links and
    isolated waterway systems
  • DE, FR, BE, LU, NL, PL, GB, IE, EE, LV, LT
  • ES, PT and IT will be contacted for participation
  • MT, GR and CY will not be contacted
  • BMVIT is responsible for the Sub-study for the
    Danube Region
  • AT, HU, SK, HR, CS, BG, RO, MD, UA, CZ
  • Close co-operation with German Danube is ensured
  • The Dutch Ministry submits the joint proposal and
    acts as overall project manager

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Principles
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits
  • General objective consolidated applications for
    RIS implementation all over Europe
  • Allowed national projects must at least fulfil
    minimum requirements of RIS Directive in test
  • Additional services as foreseen in RIS Directive
    and related RIS guidelines (CCNR, PIANC 2004) are
  • Specific treatment of candidate and third

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Objectives
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits
  • Setting up a Europe wide platform supporting
    comprehensive and harmonised implementation of
    RIS based on the RIS Directive of the European
    Union and providing financial subsidy from TEN-T
  • The overall objective of the Master Plan IRIS is
    the preparation for coordinated implementation of
    RIS on the basis of the RIS Framework Directive
    to increase safety and efficiency of transport on
    the European inland waterways of class IV and
  • The objectives of the resulting Master Plan on
    coordinated deployment of the RIS Framework
    Directive at regional, national and pan-European
    level are the definition and agreement with the
    relevant authorities on
  • Strategies for RIS Implementation
  • RIS Services to be implemented and operated
  • Organisations for implementation and operation of
  • Legislation related to RIS
  • Time and Financial Plan for implementation of RIS

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Content
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits
  • Inventory of RIS in operation for each member
  • Inventory of RIS elements that are conform
    standards and that are not conform standards
  • Annual plans for RIS projects in the member
    states conform national for every financial year
    between 2005 and 2010
  • Annual plans for RIS projects in non member
    states, but who are part of the Danube Region
  • International plan for coordinated implementation
  • Proposal for international organisation structure
    for implementation

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Organisational Structure
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Advisory bodies
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits
  • Central Commission for Navigation on the Rhine
  • Danube Commission (DC)
  • Inland Navigation Europe (INE)
  • European Federation of Inland Ports (EFIP)
  • European Barge Union (EBU)
  • European Shippers Organisation (ESO)
  • PIANC Working Group 24 (WG24)
  • United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
  • In future
  • International Hydrographic Organisation (IHO)

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Steps
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Work Breakdown Structure
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits

click picture to enlarge
back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Expected Results
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits
  • Inventory of RIS activities in each participating
  • Complete inventory of national and international
    implementation projects
  • Basis for support from the TEN-T programme
  • Roadmap for the implementation of RIS
  • Proposal for national RIS projects targeting the
    implementation of RIS Directive and additional
    RIS service
  • IRIS Phase I June 2005 December 2006
  • IRIS Phase II 2007 2009/2010
  • Fields of required co-operation for harmonised
    implementation and further developments of RIS
  • Identification of interfaces to other transport
    modes in particular short-sea and maritime

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
Master Plan IRIS Benefits
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Principles
  • Objectives
  • Content
  • Organisational Structure
  • Advisory Bodies
  • Steps
  • Work Breakdown Structure
  • Expected Results
  • Benefits
  • The development of a Master Plan for the
    Implementation of River Information Services in
    Europe will result in several benefits
  • At European level
  • Preparation of the fulfilment of European
    transport policy objectives as defined in the
    White Book on European Transport Policy for 2010
    - Time to Decide and by the High Level Group on
    TEN and thus making Europe the first continent
    with River Information Services in operation.
  • Assistance to the competent waterway authorities
    in translation of the RIS Framework Directive
    into national policy.
  • Assistance to the competent waterway authorities
    in coordinated deployment of the RIS Framework
    Directive (important for countries, where a
    river forms a border e.g. between Bulgaria and
  • Information exchange among leading waterway
    authorities, who have been involved in European
    research work for the last 8 years and knowledge
    transfer to the followers.
  • Ensuring that the RIS Framework Directive is
    implemented in Candidate (e.g. Bulgaria and
    Romania) and Third (e.g. Serbia and Montenegro,
    Ukraine, Croatia) Countries in coherence with the
    EU Member States.
  • At national level
  • Existence of neutral coordination platform for
    deployment of RIS Framework Directive.
  • Smooth, supported and coordinated deployment of
    the RIS Framework Directive in each country.
  • Enhanced access to European funding, especially
    in Candidate and Third Countries.

back to Master Plan IRIS Overview
IRIS Overview
  • Agenda
  • RIS Directive
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • IRIS
  • Status of RIS Summary
  • Context
  • Implementation of RIS in Europe (IRIS)
  • Harmonised Implementation of RIS in Europe
    Foreseen Organisational Structure

back to Presentation Agenda
Implementation of RIS in Europe - Context
  • IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Foreseen Organisational Structure
  • IRIS will be THE implementation project
    (platform) for RIS in Europe

back to IRIS - Overview
Implementation of RIS in Europe (IRIS)
  • IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Foreseen Organisational Structure
  • IRIS aims to be the platform for implementation
    projects of RIS in Europe within the TEN-T
    programme (2007 2013).
  • IRIS aims at
  • Implementing the 4 minimum requirements according
    to the RIS Directive in Europe
  • Provide relevant data concerning navigation on
    the inland waterways in an accessible electronic
    format (Network Data)
  • Ensure that electronic navigational charts for
    all European Inland Waterways of class Va and
    above are available to RIS users
  • Provide electronic ship reporting the competent
    authorities are able to receive electronic ship
    reports on the voyage and cargo data of ships
  • Ensure that notices to skippers, including water
    level and ice reports of their inland waterways,
    are provided as standardised, encoded and
    downloadable messages in an accessible electronic
  • and additional services and applications as
    Fairway Information, Traffic Information,
    Traffic Management, Calamity Abatement
    Support, Information for Transport Management,
    Statistics and customs services, Waterway
    charges and port dues
  • Providing a platform for other RIS relevant

For more detailed information concerning the RIS
Services please see the presentation module
back to IRIS - Overview
Harmonised Implementation of RIS in Europe
Foreseen Organisational Structure
  • IRIS
  • Context
  • Introduction
  • Foreseen Organisational Structure
  • The following Organisational Structure was
    elaborated within the IRIS Masterplan

click picture to enlarge
back to IRIS - Overview
Status of RIS Summary (1/2)
  • Agenda
  • RIS Directive
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • IRIS
  • Status of RIS Summary
  • The fast development of River Information
    Services in the last decade showed that the
    inland waterway system has made maximum use of
    the opportunities offered by new communication
    technologies such as mobile communication,
    web-based applications, and satellite
    communication. Through RIS, the inland waterway
    sector will be able to make a quantum leap
    forward inland navigation is linking up with
    modern logistics management, navigation has
    become even more efficient. The young history of
    RIS has convincingly showed that RIS is no longer
    just a theoretical and promising concept. On the
    contrary, RIS applications are ready for
    implementation and bring immediate benefits in
    real-life operations.
  • Harmonisation and coordination are a core
    requirement for the further implementation of RIS
    at the pan-European level. Only through the
    creation of compatible systems, will the inland
    waterway sector and subsequently society as a
    whole be capable of reaping the full benefits
    of RIS. Technical harmonisation of RIS is pursued
    within the various research programmes and not
    least by the RIS Directive and its technical

back to Presentation Agenda
Status of RIS Summary (2/2)
  • Agenda
  • RIS Directive
  • Master Plan IRIS
  • IRIS
  • Status of RIS Summary
  • Another major issue will be to enhance awareness
    and acceptance of River Information Services
    among a broad range of potential users. Such
    acceptance is needed to create economies of scale
    and a critical mass. Every new user will lead to
    lower average system costs and more synergies
    between various applications and services.
    Therefore, efforts need to be made in order to
    raise awareness on the opportunities of RIS.
  • A main policy instrument to promote harmonisation
    and acceptance is formed by the Masterplan for
    Implementation of RIS in Europe (IRIS), which
    will provide a framework for the coordinated
    implementation of RIS in Europe based on the RIS
    Directive. The Masterplan IRIS is a study
    co-funded within the TEN-T programme which will
    work out proposals for financial measures and
    work plans to support the realisation of RIS in
    different European countries. The results of the
    Masterplan IRIS will then need to be followed up
    by a full-scale infrastructure project within the
    TEN-T framework fostering the RIS implementation
    in Europe (IRIS).

back to Presentation Agenda
  • End of Presentation
  • Thank You for Your Interest!
  • Supporting tools for users to understand the
    basic principles of RIS
  • Presentation-module RIS Implementation Status
  • Mario Kaufmann / Mario Sattler
  • via donau

back to Presentation Agenda
  • Rotterdam Declaration
  • White Paper
  • Harmonised Implementation of RIS in Europe
    Foreseen Organisational Structure
  • Master Plan IRIS Work Breakdown Structure

back to Presentation Agenda
Rotterdam Declaration
  • Declaration on conference of transport ministers
    5th/6th September, 2001 Rotterdam
  • invite governments concerned to establish
    a Pan-European River Information Service (RIS) by
    the year 2005, based on standards to be drawn up
    in the framework of the European Union, UN/ECE
    and the two River Commissions, since river
    information service contribute to safer and more
    efficient inland waterway transport...
  • For more information please see
  • RIS in general / RIS Environment / Policy
    Statements / Declaration of the Pan-European
    Conference of Ministers of Transport

back to RIS Directive Context
White Paper
  • White Paper on European Transport Policy for 2010
    / Chapter II Linking up the modes of Transport
  • Inland waterway transportation needs to be made
    more reliable, efficient and accessibly by
    installing highly efficient navigational aid and
    communication systems on the inland waterway
  • For more information please see
  • RIS in general / RIS Environment / Policy
    Statements / White paper of the European

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