Title: projecto PPEPP
1 Assessment of Wind Power Fluctuations in
Power Systems. Study on the smoothing effects.
by A. Estanqueiro (1), H. Holttinen
(2) aknowledgments, wind park/wind power
production data assessment Mattos Parreira
(3), Amarante dos Santos(4), Rui Pestana
(4) (1) INETI - Instituto Nacional De
Engenharia, Tecnologia E Inovação, I.P.
Finland (3) ENERSIS, S.A. (4) REN, Rede
Eléctrica Nacional S.A. (Portuguese Transmission
System Operator) Brussels, 2nd of April, 2008
2Smoothing of wind production variability in the
Portuguese power system
Abstract The high wind power variability, both
in time and space, is one of the major concerns
of TSOs, due to its impact on power reserves and
commitment of other units. But, seen within an
entire area of control, wind power deviations
tend to smooth very strongly, whilst in the time
domain, they show very typical and known
wind-driven frequencies.
3Smoothing of wind production variability in the
Portuguese power system
Definitions u(t) umed u u(tDt) u(t)
Du(t) /Dt
4Smoothing of wind production variability in the
Portuguese power system
The spatial averaging effect
5Smoothing of wind production variability in the
Portuguese power system
The turbulence effect
6Smoothing of wind production variability in the
Portuguese power system
The clustering effect
PWT ?3 MW Ppark?100 MW
7Smoothing of wind production variability in the
Portuguese power system
The wind turbine/park size effect
Single turbine wind parks, Pnlt1 MW
Large wind parks, Pn? 3 MW
8Smoothing of wind production variability in the
Portuguese power system
The wind park aggregation effect
9Smoothing of wind production variability in the
Portuguese power system
- The van der Hoven wind spectrum
10The spectral approach. Coherence of the synoptic
scale wind power fluctuations
- The active power PSD (CA WP, 2006 Oct. data)
11The spectral approach. Coherence of the synoptic
scale wind power fluctuations
- The active power PSD (CDR WP, 2007 data)
Espectro de Van der Hoven (x3100 m) Brookhaven
National Laboratory. ?Davenport, 1963 Van der
Hoven, 1957?.
12The spectral approach. Coherence of synoptic
scale wind power deviations
- The active power PSD deviations (Dp/Dt). CD WP
2007 data
13The spectral approach. The coherence of the
synoptic scale wind power deviations
- The active power PSD deviations (Dp/Dt).
Candeeiros 2007 data
24 hours
12 hours
4 days
17 days
12 days
37 days
14 Synthesis Although the assessment in still
underway, initial results indicate very effective
spatial smoothing effects that strongly reduce
its anticipated impact on added reserves and unit
commitment. Deviations in the time domain, show
very typical and known wind-driven frequencies,
that system operators can characterize and
effectively prevent.