Title: HumanComputer Interaction
1Human-Computer Interaction
BSc IMD Year I 2D Multimedia Authoring Semester
2 2002/03 Dr. Garry Patterson
2Human-Computer Interaction 1 Aims
- Knowledge of HCI
- Some practical analysis and design skills
- Practical implementation of GUIs
- Enable you to assess how HCI may be incorporated
into software lifecycle - Personal transferable skills
3Information, Slides, Notes Software on WWW
4Lecture Overview
- Course outline
- Background and aims of HCI
- Usability
- Rise in importance of
- Interactive Systems
- Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- The Web - the global GUI
5The Parts of User Interface Development
Development of the user interface
Development of the interaction component
Development of the interface software
6Disciplines Contributing to Human-Computer
Computer Science
Cognitive Psychology
Human-Computer Interaction
Graphic Design
Artificial Intelligence
Ergonomics and Human Factors
7Central Aim and Approach of HCI
Aim To optimise performance of human and
computer together as a system
- Approach User-Centred
- Users should not have to adapt to the interface
the interface should be intuitive and natural for
them to learn and to use. - Talking to users is not a luxury, its a
necessity -
8Software Quality (ISO 9126)
- Functionality
- Reliability
- Usability
- Efficiency
- Maintainability
- Portability
9Requirements Gathering
User Requirements
- For Specified user and specified task
- Learnability
- Ease of learning
- User retention over time
- Throughput -
- High speed of user task performance
- Low user error rate
- Flexibility
- Freedom of object / action selection
- User expertise levels
- Attitude - subjective user satisfaction
11Microsoft and Quicken
- 1995 - Microsoft tries to purchase Quicken from
Intuit for 1.5 billion - Reason for attempted purchase Quicken more
usable than Microsofts own product
12Mitchell Kapor (Designer of Lotus 1-2-3)Quotes
from A software Design Manifesto 1990
- The lack of usability in software and the poor
design of programs are the secret shame of the
software industry. - One of the main reasons most computer software
is so abysmal is that its not designed at all,
but merely engineered. - ... implementors often place more emphasis on a
programs internal construction than on its
external design. -
- (Reprinted in Bringing Design to Software, T.
Winograd, 1996, Addison Wesley)
- Relationship between
- users goals
- required actions
- results
- must be meaningful,
- not arbitrary
14Problems with ATMs
- Older people make much less use of ATMs
- 24 year olds average 7 visits to an ATM per
month - Use drops off among those over 45
- 65 years two-thirds NEVER use an ATM
- Senior citizens often put off by ATMs because
they find the machines complicated, inconvenient
and intimidating. - Buttons that didnt line up with commands
- Dimly lit screens hard to read in the glare of
daylight - Sometimes confusing menu choices
Source http//cnn.com/TECH/9712/04/t_t/atms.senio
rs/index.html Reporting on research by W. Rogers
and A. Fisk, Georgia Institute of Technology
15Problems with ATMs (Continued)
- Researchers and banks expected ATMs to be
intuitively easy to use - Testing among senior citizens found only 20
percent correct operation - For example, one man tried to withdraw 30. He
entered the amount he wanted incorrectly because
the directions -- calling for "multiples of 10"
-- confused him - Usability suggestions
- Simpler on-screen instructions
- More "undo" buttons
- Banks should provide training for any customers
who need it - A "large percentage" of people they surveyed said
they would use ATMs if trained
16Poor interface may cause
- Increased mistakes in data entry and system
operation - Inaccessible functionality
- User frustration low productivity and/or under
utilisation - System failure because of user rejection
17Poor interface may cause
- Increased mistakes in data entry and system
operation - Inaccessible functionality
- User frustration low productivity and/or under
utilisation - System failure because of user rejection
Nearly half of entire software development effort
relates to the user interface. (Myers and Rosson,
18Rise in Importance of Usability
Research machines 1950s Mathematicians Machine
Scientists users do
programming Mainframes 1960s Data-processing Use
rs of output (business
professionals managers) grow
1970s disenchanted
with delays,
costs and lack of flexibility Minicomputers 19
70s Engineering and Users must still do must
other non-computer program
ming usability
professionals becomes a problem Microcomputer
s 1980s Almost anyone Usability is the major
Shackle, 1991
19ENIAC 1943 Research Machine
(U.S. Army Photo)
20IBM Mainframe 1960s
(Photograph courtesy of the IBM archives)
21Minicomputers 1970s and 1980s
U.S. Army Photograph, courtesy of Michael John
22Microcomputers 1970s - 1990s
23PC Processor Performance Trends
Pentium II
10 GHz-bit
Processor Performance
1 GHz-bit
100 MHz-bit
10 MHz-bit
1 MHz-bit
100 KHz-bit
1970 1980 1990
- Current situation after functional needs are
fulfilled, still plenty of capacity to support
highly interactive user interfaces
24CPU Development EffortSeptember 1997
- Intel, AMD and Motorola invest 250m to form new
company, EUV LLC, working in partnership with
some US government research facilities. - Aim to develop ultraviolet etching technology to
place 1000 million transistors onto a chip by
2011. (Pentium II has 7.5 million.) - CPUs 100 times more powerful
- Memory chips 1000 more storage capacity
25Hard Disk Drive Trends
- Capacities up
- Costs down
- Affordable support for multimedia applications
Anticipated 3.5 inch 14Gb drive by 1998
26GUIs in the 1990s
The pervasiveness of graphical user interfaces
(GUIs) is a clear sign that all software of the
future must address the users needs for ease of
use. IEEE Software, Nov 1990
A very rich design medium
27Browser is Becoming theNew Graphical User
28Benefits of GUIs over Text Interfaces
- User completes tasks faster
- Lower frustration e.g.
- Less modal operation
- Easy interleaving tasks
- Perceived lower fatigue
- Better able to self-teach - Reduced training
costs - Better able to learn more capabilities of
29The Web The Global GUI
- Exponential growth
- Interactive multimedia and E-commerce
- HTML being enhanced with Extensible Markup
Language (XML)
30Lecture Review
- HCI and other subject areas
- User-centred
- Usability
- Faster CPUs / bigger disks support highly
interactive systems - Benefits of GUIs
- The Web - the global GUI