World War I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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World War I


... Alliance = 'Triple Allicance' =Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire, (Italy) ... The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman Empire should be assured a secure ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: World War I

World War I
Causes of WWI
Causes of WWI-Imperialism
  • Competition between nations becomes fierce
  • GB-wants access to the seas
  • Germany-wants control Ottoman Empire
  • France-wants Morocco
  • AHungary-access to sea w/Balkans
  • Russia-control of Bosporus/Dardanelles
  • BG/Fr-fight over Sudan, Egypt
  • Germany starts Berlin-Baghdad rail lines
  • Brits-fear RR will reduce fees on Suez

Causes of WWI- Alliances
  • Alliance an agreement between nations
  • Central Power Alliance Triple Allicance
    Austria-Hungary, Germany, Ottoman Empire,
  • Triple Entente Allies Britain, France,
    Russia, (Italy), later the United States
  • Intended to maintain a Balance of Power in

Alliances Map of Europe
Causes of WWI - Nationalism
  • Areas of countries had specific ethnic identities
    and they wanted to have their own countries
  • Examples Albania, Austria, Hungary, Serbia,
    Turkey or pan-slavicYugoslav worried
  • Alsace-Lorraine-dispute between Germany and
  • Balkan Wars-Serbia lost chance for Med coast
    twice-created resentment

Causes of WWI Militarism
  • Nationalism led to building stronger armies to
    protect their own countrys interests
  • Alliances forced countries to build their army
    and navy in case they were called upon to fight
  • Imperialism forced countries to build their armed
    forces to protect their colonial interests around
    the world

Causes of WWI-Militarism
The Spark That Ignites War
  • Archduke Ferdinand and wife Sophie are
    assassinated in Sarajevo, part of Austrian
    province called Bosnia
  • Many Serbs wanted Bosnia to be part of their
  • Gavrilo Princip, part of Serb revolutionaries
    called the Black Hand is assassin

Alliance System Kicks In
  • Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia
  • Germany joins w/Austria-Hungary
  • Russia sides w/Serbs
  • France joins w/ally Russia
  • England joins to support France

Fronts Develop using Trenches
Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare
Life in the Trenches
Major Battles of WWI
  • Schlieffen Plan strategy to divide and conquer
  • Battle of the Marne-push Germans away from Paris
    50 miles now a long war
  • Battle of Ypres-part of race to the sea
  • Battle of Tannenberg-Russian defeat
  • Battle of Verdun, Battle of Sommes-500,000 deaths
    on both sides
  • Galipoli-shooting at fish in a barrel

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Sinking of the Lusitania
  • British luxury liner torpedoed by German
  • 1200 passengers died including 128 Americans
  • Secretly carries guns
  • Submarine attacks on American merchant ships

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare
Zimmerman Note
  • Brits decode secret message from Arthur
    Zimmerman, German foreign minister to ambassador
    in Mexico
  • If Mexico helps Germany, they can gain back the
    US southwestern states in victory

He Kept us out of War . .
April 1917, Pres Wilson Declares War
  • Allies (and Central Powers) troops are exhausted
  • Timing good because Russia has Revolution and
    drops out of war
  • Russia and Germany sign a peace treaty
  • Yanks come to the rescue
  • Armistice declared within a year of our joining

Russian Revolution 1917
  • War exacerbates food and supply shortages-w/no
    support, Nicholas II abdicates
  • Provisional govt-threatened by Mensheviks or
    radical Bolsheviks
  • Moderate Alexander Kerensky assumes leadership
    but stays in war
  • With German help, Lenin helps seize govt w/small
    group to lead revolution-Peace, Land Bread-coup
    detat-begins communism
  • 1918-3 yr Civil War Reds vs Whites

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Treaty of Versailles
  • Peace treaty Britain, France, US, and Germany
    (Russia not invited)
  • Demands of treaty plant seeds for WWII
  • - League of Nations
  • -created Poland, Estonia, Lithuania,
    Latvia, Finland, Czech, Yugoslavia
  • -Ottoman Empire split Palestine, Jordan,
    Iraq-Brit Lebanon, Syria-French
  • -all German colonies split up
  • Germany had to take full blame for war
  • Germany had to return land to France
  • Germany had to pay 33 Billion in damages
  • Germany had to disarm
  • the war to end all wars

Wilsons 14 Points
  • I. Open covenants of peace, openly arrived at,
    after which there shall be no private
    international understandings of any kind but
    diplomacy shall proceed always frankly and in the
    public view.
  • II. Absolute freedom of navigation upon the seas,
    outside territorial waters, alike in peace and in
    war, except as the seas may be closed in whole or
    in part by international action for the
    enforcement of international covenants.
  • III. The removal, so far as possible, of all
    economic barriers and the establishment of an
    equality of trade conditions among all the
    nations consenting to the peace and associating
    themselves for its maintenance.
  • IV. Adequate guarantees given and taken that
    national armaments will be reduced to the lowest
    point consistent with domestic safety.
  • V. A free, open-minded, and absolutely impartial
    adjustment of all colonial claims, based upon a
    strict observance of the principle that in
    determining all such questions of sovereignty the
    interests of the populations concerned must have
    equal weight with the equitable claims of the
    government whose title is to be determined.
  • VI. The evacuation of all Russian territory and
    such a settlement of all questions affecting
    Russia as will secure the best and freest
    cooperation of the other nations of the world in
    obtaining for her an unhampered and unembarrassed
    opportunity for the independent determination of
    her own political development and national policy
    and assure her of a sincere welcome into the
    society of free nations under institutions of her
    own choosing and, more than a welcome,
    assistance also of every kind that she may need
    and may herself desire. The treatment accorded
    Russia by her sister nations in the months to
    come will be the acid test of their good will, of
    their comprehension of her needs as distinguished
    from their own interests, and of their
    intelligent and unselfish sympathy.
  • VII. Belgium, the whole world will agree, must be
    evacuated and restored, without any attempt to
    limit the sovereignty which she enjoys in common
    with all other free nations. No other single act
    will serve as this will serve to restore
    confidence among the nations in the laws which
    they have themselves set and determined for the
    government of their relations with one another.
    Without this healing act the whole structure and
    validity of international law is forever
  • VIII. All French territory should be freed and
    the invaded portions restored, and the wrong done
    to France by Prussia in 1871 in the matter of
    Alsace-Lorraine, which has unsettled the peace of
    the world for nearly fifty years, should be
    righted, in order that peace may once more be
    made secure in the interest of all.
  • IX. A readjustment of the frontiers of Italy
    should be effected along clearly recognizable
    lines of nationality.
  • X. The peoples of Austria-Hungary, whose place
    among the nations we wish to see safeguarded and
    assured, should be accorded the freest
    opportunity to autonomous development.
  • XI. Rumania, Serbia, and Montenegro should be
    evacuated occupied territories restored Serbia
    accorded free and secure access to the sea and
    the relations of the several Balkan states to one
    another determined by friendly counsel along
    historically established lines of allegiance and
    nationality and international guarantees of the
    political and economic independence and
    territorial integrity of the several Balkan
    states should be entered into.
  • XII. The Turkish portion of the present Ottoman
    Empire should be assured a secure sovereignty,
    but the other nationalities which are now under
    Turkish rule should be assured an undoubted
    security of life and an absolutely unmolested
    opportunity of autonomous development, and the
    Dardanelles should be permanently opened as a
    free passage to the ships and commerce of all
    nations under international guarantees.
  • XIII. An independent Polish state should be
    erected which should include the territories
    inhabited by indisputably Polish populations,
    which should be assured a free and secure access
    to the sea, and whose political and economic
    independence and territorial integrity should be
    guaranteed by international covenant.
  • XIV. A general association of nations must be
    formed under specific covenants for the purpose
    of affording mutual guarantees of political
    independence and territorial integrity to great
    and small states alike.

Wilson Proposes the League of Nations
  • Wants a world wide peace keeping organization for
    countries to negotiate resolutions instead of
  • United States politicians feared that US would
    have to be subservient to other countries
  • US never approved of League of Nations
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