Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: billoir Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Affichage l' cran Other titles
TeV Gamma-ray Astronomy and UHECR-1 Trevor C. Weekes, Whipple Observatory, Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics Outline Relevance to UHECR s Atmospheric ...
EGRET. Date/Group. Type. Source. Catalog Name. C. no. 1997/Whipple. Blazar. 1ES2344 ... Only two in EGRET Catalog. July 22-23, 2004. Trevor Weekes Watson Fest ...
What is the Auger Observatory ? How can it see UHE neutrinos ? How ... First results: anisotropy (from ICRC05) Anisotropy around Galactic Center not confirmed ...
Alec Habig, Univ. of Minnesota Duluth. For the Super-Kamiokande Collaboration. July 29, 2003. Alec Habig, Chiba UHE v Telescope Workshop. S. K. Upward-going m ...
1018eV Neutrinos associated with. UHECR ( 1019eV) sources. Zhuo Li (??) ... Neutrino energy. en2n(en) For 10PeV protons, the fraction of total energy loss ...
Alfven Mach Number = 2.3. Magnetic Field Evolution. Magnetic Field Evolution ... The Alfven Mach number is the ratio V/Va. In other words the piston is ...
Earth's atmosphere is continuously bombarded by extremely high energetic particles. ... 2. Vorticity of flows. magnitude of B fields (based on turbulent dynamo) ...
... no experimental evidences in accelerator physics for inclusion of ... in Europe the biggest accelerator, - in USA the biggest cosmophysical observatory. ...
Pr dictions et limites actuelles pour les fractions de photons ... Baisse de la section efficace ?/air. Effet LPM pour les ? E 1019. Conversion de ? ...
Cosmic Ray Acceleration. What role do GRBs play in production of UHE cosmic rays? If significant UHE cosmic ray acceleration: p synchrotron. p ? initiated cascades ...
... and it remains unique to solve the homogeneity and isotropy puzzle in UHECR data: ... related to UHECR : Isotropy in AGASA, HIRES and AUGER still favour cosmic ...
Pierre Auger Observatory. for UHE Cosmic Rays. Gianni Navarra (INFN ... light source flown on balloon. FD Calibration. Absolute: End to End Calibration ...
Earth-skimming UHE at the Fluorescence Detector of Pierre Auger Observatory ... Universit di Napoli 'Federico II' Terra Incognita II - Landscape & habitants ...
Towards the trans-GZK area ray (from AGASA, AUGER, HIRES TO JEM -EUSO) ... Energy overestimation in AGASA ... New Astrophysics with heavy component at UHE? ...
sources of UHECR are unknown: are they galactic or extragalactic (AGN, GRB, Hypernovae... The only information comes from observations of Faraday rotation ...
Limit to the diffuse flux of UHE. ? at EeV energies from the Pierre ... Principle: Build discriminative variables sensitive to young and horizontal showers ...
UHE photons and neutrinos at the Pierre Auger Observatory Enrique Zas Departamento de F sica de Part culas & Instituto Galego de F sica de Altas Enerx as,
role in the production of UHECR beyond the GZK cutoff ? ... Tn T0n (1 z) --- the thermal bath of ?r was hotter (we take ) K0, T0? : present quantities ...
PROJECT FINANCE Apresenta o elaborada para disciplina de Projetos de Investimento de Capital Mestrado em Administra o UFU, com o objetivo de discutir o ...
anisotropy expectations. for different AGN types. Takami, SI , in prep. ... characteristic spectra, anisotropy, composition. hard X-rays TeV gamma-rays. AGNs ...
The redshifted 21 cm background and particle decays. Evgenii O. ... baryon density fluctuations. density-velocity cross spectrum. velocity fluctuations ...
However, HiRes observation showed the distribution has no small scale anisotropy. ... panels, MFs, especially EGMF, makes the small-scale anisotropy be weaken. ...
Volker Springel (Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics - Munich) Igor ... For E 4 1019 eV AGASA and HIRes find no evidence of a large scale anisotropy ...
Several experiments are aiming to detect the 'guaranteed' cosmogenic neutrino flux ... measuring cosmogenic neutrinos from heavy primaries is always less than ...
Tn = (4/11)1/3 Tg. Neutrinos are fermions while photons are bosons, so at a ... (Tn / Tg)3 ng0 ... neutrino properties or unconventional neutrino stories. ...
Fly's Eye, Haverah Park, Akeno. mixed composition. Hires elongation rate ... acceleration energy is fixed by the geometry of the source and its magnetic field ...
OVERVIEW OF LABORATORY ASTROPHYSICS Pisin Chen Stanford Linear Accelerator Center Stanford University Introduction Calibration of Observations Investigation of Dynamics
The NuMoon experiment: first results. Stijn Buitink. for the NuMoon collaboration ... Lunar regolith: n 1.8. GHz. Scholten et al. 2006. GHz. Reflection ...
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