Title: The Auger Observatory and UHE neutrinos
1The Auger Observatory and UHE neutrinos
- Why UHE neutrinos ?
- What is the Auger Observatory ?
- How can it see UHE neutrinos ?
- How to discriminate them ?
- What sensitivity ?
- Systematic errors
NOW 2006 Pierre Billoir LPNHE Paris,
CNRS/univ. Paris 6 and 7 Auger Collaboration
2UHE neutrinos
- expected from interaction of accelerated
particles with photons in the source region or
with the CMBR (GZK effect) - relatively soft spectrum
- decay of ultra massive objects harder spectrum
expected - UHE photons and neutrinos are a signature of
top-down scenarii
- propagation in straight line point to the source
- differences with photons
- propagation over cosmological distances
- low probability to produce an observable
atmospheric shower
Photons and neutrinos possible interesting
byproducts of the Auger Observatory
3general framework
- n oscillations equal fluxes of the 3
flavours - assume neutrinos weakly interacting, even at UHE
- probability of interaction in atmosphere lt
10-4 - better sensitivity to nt t in earth
skimming scenario - (t emerging within a few degrees from
This study based on Astrop. Phys. 17 (2002)
183 (X. Bertou, P.B., O. Deligny, C. Lachaud, A.
Letessier-Selvon) work on first Auger Surface
Detector data (2004-06) (special contribution of
Oscar Blanch Bigas) Studies on Fluorescence
Detector exist also
4Water Cherenkov tanks
5Optical system (fluorescence telescopes)
corrector lens (aperture x2)
440 PMT camera 1.5 per pixel
segmented spherical mirror
aperture box shutter filter UV pass safety curtain
6Present status (beg. Sept.2006)
(Loma Amarilla)
Los Morados
central buildings
Los Leones
7First results spectrum (from ICHEP06)
Error bars at 1018 at 1020
Caveat energy scale still uncertain !!!
8First results anisotropy (from ICRC05)
SUGAR region
AGASA region
Anisotropy around Galactic Center not confirmed
(AGASA and SUGAR results excluded) global
distribution compatible with isotropy no
9(No Transcript)
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111 atmospere
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142 atmospheres
15Hybrid detection
16normal (nucleic) showers
almost vertical thick curved front muons
very inclined thin flat front High energy muons
17a real vertical event (20 deg)
Noise !
18a real horizontal event (80 deg)
single peaks fast rise exp. light decay (t
70 ns) accidental background signals are
19a real monster (lightning event)
15 km !
Many stations triggered with abnormal signal
(e.g. quasi-periodic oscillations) easily
rejected (even if pattern is not well understood
20neutrino showers
(distinguishable if almost horizontal)
downgoing (direct n interaction in atmosphere)
upgoing (n t in earth t decay in flight )
21Simulation chain
- inject nt at 0.1, 0.3, 1, 3, , 100 EeV into
earth crust - generate c.c. and n.c interactions (CTEQ4-DIS) ,
t decay and energy loss - if a t emerges generate decay in atmosphere
- (modes e, p, pp0, ppp0 , pp0p0, ppp , pppp0 ,
pp0p0p0 neutrinos) - inject the products of decay into AIRES (shower
simulation package) - regenerate particles entering the tank from the
ground output file - simulate the Cherenkov response and FADC traces
- apply a specific analysis (trigger selection)
22ground spot
decay of an horizontal t of 1 EeV
enn (almost pure e.m. cascade)
pn (hadronice.m. cascade)
injected t
average level of trigger
23- Simulated t
- p (0.27 EeV) n
- 400 m above ground
24- Simulated t
- p (5.1) p0(16.1) n
- 1800 m above ground
25 candidate selection 1. young showers
- online local triggers (one tank)
- threshold one slot above Th
- (detection of peaks)
- time over threshold N slots within 3 ms above
th - (detection of long signals)
Global condition at least 3 t.o.th. stations
satisfying area/peak gt 1.4 single one
central one within 1500 m one within 3000 m
26Trigger efficiency
Fraction of decaying t (excluding mnn channel)
giving a trigger
En 0.1 EeV
En 1 EeV
En 100 EeV
En 10 EeV
1 km
2 km
27footprint analysis
- Variables defined from the footprint
- (in any configuration, even aligned)
- length L and width W
- (major and minor axis of the ellipsoid
of inertia) - speed for each pair of stations
- (distance/difference of time)
major axis
28 candidate selection 2. Discriminating variables
Search for long shaped configurations, compatible
with a front moving horizontally at speed c, well
contained inside the array (background vertical
or inclined showers, d/Dt gt c )
cuts L/W gt 5 0.29 lt av. Speed lt 0.31
r.m.s. lt 0.08
from years 2004-2006 no real event survived
29Possible additional criterion front curvature
Quasi-horizontal real events
Fitted from arrival times in stations radius of
curvature center
q gt 70 deg
q gt 80 deg
Shower axis
Peak around 10 km (lower values expected for
30A nearly candidate event (rejected for shape)
trom times trans-horizontal event (L/Dt
0.294 m/ns for all pairs) rare coincidence small
shower (right side) a double accidental (left) ?
31What can be measured ?
- direction precision better than 2 deg
- (improving with Nstat)
- difficult to distinguish up-going/down-going
- (narrow distribution around 90 deg ?)
- energy possible lower bound for a given event
- - unknown energy losses in interaction/decay
chain - - estimation of Eshower depends on altitude
- (possible evaluation from signal shapes, with
large Nstat ?)
possible strategy in a first step inject
in the simulation chain a spectrum with a given
shape deduce from the selected data a level
(or an upper bound) model dependent
32systematic errors (1)
- detection triggering/selection efficiency,
effective integrated aperture to be evaluated
(not dominant) - topography (Andes, Pacific Ocean) not crucial
- cross section of neutrinos
- modelling of UHE hadronic interactions
- (not dominant, but maybe not well known)
t of 3 EeV (all channels except m)
33systematic errors (2)
- t polarization (depends on parton distribution)
- using TAUOLA
- here extreme cases (very unlikely !)
difference 30
h -1
h 1
h 1
h -1
34systematic errors (3)
energy loss of t in earth big uncertainty !
-dE/dx a b(E) E -
bremsstrahlung pair production well defined
- deep inelastic scattering in photonuclear
process pessimistic hypothesis from
Dutta et al, Phys.Rev. D63 (2001)
Contrib. of dE/dx
factor 5 between low and high estimations of
the acceptance dominant at high E
35Auger sensitivity
uncertainty range
pessimistic t energy loss
Points 1 event / year / decade of energy
36upper bounds for 1 year of full Auger(if no
(pessimistic hypothesis for t energy loss)
Solid various models from Protheroe
(astro-ph/9809144) Dashed upper bounds at 95
C.L. for each shape if no candidate
uncertainty range
37Detection with fluorescence telescope ?
Can see showers well above the ground, but -
duty cycle 10 of the time - limited range
at low energy Potential advantages - can
distinguish up-going showers - direct
evaluation of altitude and energy (if large
angle of view)
- Acceptance studied in
- C. Aramo et al., Astrop. Phys. 23 (2005) 65
- G. Miele et al., Phys. Lett. B634 (2006) 137
38summary and perspectives
- the Pierre Auger Observatory is sensitive to
UHE neutrinos - most promising earth skimming (decay of t
in air) - real data are clean
- simple criteria allow to reject the background
- still room for refinement
- constraining upper bounds expected within a few
- Ongoing studies
- other criteria to select neutrino candidates
- specific trigger to enhance sensitivity at low
energy - acceptance calculations
- shower energy evaluation
- observation with the fluorescence detector
- atmospheric n interactions (down-going, less