Title: Propagation of UHE protons in magnetized large scale structure
1Propagation of UHE protons in magnetized large
scale structure
Santabrata Das
ARCSEC, Sejong University, South Korea.
- Collaborators
- Heysung Kang, PNU, Korea.
- Dongsu. Ryu, CNU, Korea.
- Jungyeon. Cho, CNU, Korea.
- Earths atmosphere is continuously bombarded by
extremely high energetic particles. - Such particles strikes every 100 sq.km/yr and
form the tail of the cosmic-ray spectrum that
extends from 1Gev to beyond 100EeV. - We know little about them, in particular, we do
not understand clearly how and where these
particles gain their remarkable energies.
- They may be the evidence of unknown physics or
of exotic particles formed in the early universe.
- They are possibly the only samples of
extragalactic materials that can be detect
3Observed energy spectrum of Cosmic Rays
Nagano, M. and Watson, A. A., 2000, Rev. Mod.
Phys., 72, 689
4Enigma of UHECRs
- A cutoff in spectrum around 50 EeV is expected
due to the interaction of particles with CMB
photons (GZK limit). - Observations establish particles with E gt 50EeV.
- This follows a nearby sources on cosmological
scale. - No nearby astronomical source have yet been
5Composition of UHECRs
- Experimental studies of extended air shower
establish the fact in favour of light composition
above 10 EeV (Abbasi et al. 2005). This are in
very good agreement with the HiRes, Yakutsk,
Haverah Park data (Ave, M., et al, Astropart.
Phys., 2003, 19, 47 Abu-Zaayad, T., et al,
PRL., 2005, 84. 4276 Glushkov, A. V., et al,
JETP Lett., 2000, 71, 97). - UHECR composition is dominated by proton,
although a mixed composition dominated by heavier
nuclei cannot be ruled out.
6Origin of UHECRs
- UHECR sources need to satisfy few conditions
- Source must be strongly luminous and powerful.
- It must accelerate particles above E_max gt 1000
Astrophysical Sources
- Active Galactic Nuclei
- Gamma Ray Bursts
- Cosmological Shocks
- Etc.
7Extragalactic magnetic fields
- The strength and morphology of the
intergalactic magnetic fields remain largely
unknown as it is intrinsically difficult to
observe. So far, direct evidence for the presence
of the EGMFs has been found only in galaxy
clusters. - Geometry of cosmic magnetic field (special
distribution of field strength and its
orientation) is strongly correlated with large
scale non-linear structures of the universe. This
suggests, the field strength increases with the
matter density.
8Numerical Simulation of large scale structure of
the universe
L cold dark matter cosmology ?L 0.73, ?DM
0.27, ?gas 0.043, h0.7, n 1, ?8
0.8 Computational box (100 h-1 Mpc)3
grid-based Eulerian TVD code.
(Ryu, Kang et al 2003, 2005)
6 sets of different realizations of initial
conditions are used.
EGMF model (Bx, By, Bz) are obtained from 1.
Passively evolving B fields in the simulations
? directional information
2. Vorticity of flows ? magnitude of B
fields (based on turbulent dynamo)
9Turbulent Dynamo model
- Magnetic field is assumed to result from the
turbulent motion of the intergalactic gas. - EGMFs are computed directly by equating magnetic
energy to the suitable fraction of turbulent
energy of intergalactic gas.
10Magnetic field strength in large scale structure
of the universe
- inside clusters, B a few mG
- around clusters (T gt 107 K), B 0.1 mG
- in filaments (105 K lt T lt 107 K), B 10 nG
- in sheets (104 K lt T lt 105 K), B 10-10 G
- in voids (T lt 104 K), B 10-12 G
112-D cuts of baryonic density EGMFs
12CR sources and observers
- CR Sources
- AGNs inside galaxy cluster with kT gt 1.0 keV.
- 20-30 sources in the simulated volume with source
density - Mean separation
- Most massive cluster with
13CR sources and Observers
- Observer locations
- Groups of galaxies with 0.05keV lt kT lt 0.5 keV.
- 1000 1300 observers in the simulated volume.
- Groups along filaments with
14Source-Observer locations inside Simulation Volume
15CR injection propagation through magnetized
- CR injection
- for
- 30000 protons launched into random direction
from sources.
- CR propagation
- Solve the equation of motion.
- B field our turbulent dynamo model.
Energy losses
100EeV proton loses 1/e of its energy in 140 Mpc
16CR Injection propagation through magnetized
- CR observation
- Passage within the observer sphere with
- Arrival direction (q) deflection angle from
source position. - Time delay relative to the rectilinear
propagation. - Continue its journey until proton loses energy
down to 10EeV. - Multiple visits observed events.
17Particle trajectories in EGMFs
- Random injection.
- 100h-1Mpc spatial distance propagation.
- Energy loss considered.
18Particle trajectories in EGMFs
- Random injection.
- 100h-1Mpc spatial distance propagation.
- Energy loss considered.
19Particle trajectories in EGMFs
- Random injection.
- 100h-1Mpc spatial distance propagation.
- Energy loss considered.
20 Particle trajectories in EGMFs
- Random injection.
- 100h-1Mpc spatial distance propagation.
- Energy loss considered.
21Distribution of deflection angles
g 2.7
E gt 50 EeV
Kang, et al., ICRC, 2007
22Distribution of UHECR detection energy E and
deflection angle
g 2.7
23 Distribution of time delay
g 2.7
E gt 10 EeV
E gt 100 EeV
Kang, et al., ICRC, 2007
24Distribution of UHECR detection energy E and Time
g 2.7
25Energy spectrum of observed protons
Log E (eV)
Kang, et al., ICRC, 2007
- Below GZK energy, the deflection angles and time
delay are substantial. - Around 20 of super-GZK events are expected to
arrive at Earth within TWO degree. - UHE charged particle astronomy may be possible
for E gt 100 EeV. - Predicted UHE proton spectrum with g 2.4-2.7
fits HiRes data and exhibits the GZK cutoff.
27Thank you