Title: Physical conditions in potential UHECR accelerators
1Physical conditions in potential UHECR
Sergey Gureev Astronomy Dept., Moscow State
University Ksenia Ptitsyna Physics Dept., Moscow
State University Sergey Troitsky Institute for
Nuclear Research, Moscow
2- Constraints on astrophysical accelerators
- Hillas plot
- radiation losses
- Particular sites Auger AGN
- manifold of active galaxies
- an important detail of the Auger correlations
- correlated objects
important experimental updates
for specific mechanisms
from powerful BL Lacs to low-power Seyferts and
how to calculate the chance probability?
3- Constraints on astrophysical accelerators
- Hillas plot
- radiation losses
- Particular sites Auger AGN
- manifold of active galaxies
- an important detail of the Auger correlations
- correlated objects
important experimental updates
for specific mechanisms
from powerful BL Lacs to low-power Seyferts and
how to calculate the chance probability?
4Constraints on astrophysical accelerators Hillas
plot radiation losses
- Assumption
- particle is accelerated by electromagnetic
forces inside an astrophysical accelerator
- General limitations
- geometry
- radiation losses
energetic particles leave the accelerator
accelerating charges radiate and loose energy
5geometry the Hillas criterion Larmor radius lt
size of accelerator (otherwise lefts the
size of the accelerator
maximal energy
magnetic field
Schluter Biermann 1950 Hillas 1984
6the (original) Hillas plot
Hillas 1984
7Boratav et al. 2000
8radiation losses rate of E gain lt rate of E loss
9radiation losses rate of E gain lt rate of E loss
depend on the mechanism
10- Limitations due to radiation losses
- disagreement on their importance?
- protons can be accelerated to (3-5)1021 eV
- At energies 1022 eV the cosmic ray primaries
have - to be heavy nuclei Aharonyan et al. 2002
- Practically, all known astronomical sources are
- not able to produce cosmic rays with energies
near few - times 1020 eV Medvedev 2003
11- Different acceleration regimes
- diffusive (shocks)
- inductive (one-shot)
- synchrotron-dominated losses
- curvature-dominated losses
12- Different acceleration regimes
- diffusive (shocks)
plot Medvedev 2003
gets a hit from time to time, radiates
synchrotron continuously
13- Different acceleration regimes
- diffusive (shocks)
- gets a hit from time to time, radiates
synchrotron continuously - inductive (one-shot)
- synchrotron-dominated losses
- curvature-dominated losses
14- Different acceleration regimes
- inductive (one-shot)
plot Medvedev 2003
is accelerated and radiates continuously
15- Different acceleration regimes
- diffusive (shocks)
- gets a hit from time to time, radiates
synchrotron continuously - inductive (one-shot)
- is accelerated and radiates continuously
- synchrotron-dominated losses
- curvature-dominated losses
general field configuration
16- Different acceleration regimes
- diffusive (shocks)
- gets a hit from time to time, radiates
synchrotron continuously - inductive (one-shot)
- is accelerated and radiates continuously
- synchrotron-dominated losses
- curvature-dominated losses
general field configuration
specific field configuration
17- Different acceleration regimes
- diffusive (shocks)
- gets a hit from time to time, radiates
synchrotron continuously - inductive (one-shot)
- is accelerated and radiates continuously
- synchrotron-dominated losses
- curvature-dominated losses
general field configuration
specific field configuration
(close to a black hole)
18updated Hillas plots (plus radiation
constraints) - diffusive acceleration
19updated Hillas plots (plus radiation
constraints) - inductive acceleration,
synchrotron losses
20updated Hillas plots (plus radiation
constraints) - inductive acceleration,
synchrotron losses
21updated Hillas plots (plus radiation constraints)
22- Constraints on astrophysical accelerators
- Hillas plot
- radiation losses
- Particular sites Auger AGN
- manifold of active galaxies
- an important detail of the Auger correlations
- correlated objects
important experimental updates
for specific mechanisms
from powerful BL Lacs to low-power Seyferts and
how to calculate the chance probability?
23Auger correlations with AGN
- the AGN term is misleading
- 20 of galaxies show nuclear activity
- luminosity, size, mass
- scatter by orders of magnitude
- powerful BL Lacs and radio galaxies
- vs. low-power Seyferts and LINERs
- quite different positions on the Hillas plot!
24Auger correlations with AGN
various AGN on the Hillas plot
25Auger correlations with AGN an important detail
how to calculate the chance probability?
list of events
list of sources
- calculate number of pairs source-event in data
- compare with expected from Monte-Carlo
- estimate the chance probability
26Auger correlations with AGN an important detail
how to calculate the chance probability?
list of events
list of sources
number of pairs source-event what if there are
several sources for one event?
1. Nearest neighbour one source for one event
2. Correlation function count every pair
27Auger correlations with AGN an important detail
how to calculate the chance probability?
1. Nearest neighbour one source for one event
formal chance probability 10-9
number of tries 104
chance probability 10-5
2. Correlation function count every pair
formal chance probability 10-4
number of tries 104
chance probability 1
28(No Transcript)
29Black hole neighbourhood physics gouverned by
the black hole mass
- size occupied by the field
measure black hole mass
estimate size
constrain field
estimate maximal energy
30measure black hole mass
31acceleration near black hole no proton
possible for iron, but huge deflection in GMF (no
chance to correlate at 3 degrees)
32- extended structures (jets, lobes)?
- detected in 7 of 17 sources
- extremely low power
- no model-independent B measurements
- equipartition proper place on the Hillas plot
- no proton acceleration
- Cen A lobes may accelerate light nuclei
33- Conclusions
- updated constraints on the UHECR accelerators
- AGNplausible accelerators
- these are NOT low-power Auger AGN!
- but powerful BL Lacs and radio galaxies
- Auger AGN cannot accelerate protons
- to observed energies
- they can accelerate iron, but no correlations
then! - Cen A low-power radio galaxy, can accelerate
medium-charge nuclei