Title: Olivier Deligny
Olivier Deligny for the Pierre Auger
Collaboration IPN Orsay CNRS/IN2P3 TAUP 2007,
2A huge detector to study the Cosmic Rays at the
highest energies (EeV).
(Results and performance Plenary 6 )
We also have the capability to detect Ultra High
Energy ?
3A huge detector to study the Cosmic Rays at the
highest energies (EeV).
(Results and performance Plenary 6 )
We also have the capability to detect Ultra High
Energy ?
4Principle A shower deeply initiated by a
neutrino looks like a hadronic shower BUT at high
angle !
5 All ? flavours can interact in the atmosphere
and produce an EAS, but the earth-skimming
mechanism can be used for ?
Lint (?) 500 km Ldecay (t) 50 km LEloss
10 km (at 1 EeV) ?gt95, Earth opaque
(µ), much larger
(e), much smaller Pierre Auger Observatory 50
x 50 km2
This channel is expected to produce more
identified neutrinos.
6Principle Build discriminative variables
sensitive to young and horizontal showers
No candidate (Jan'04 - Dec'06), while 80
identification efficiency
7Detection probability
Interactions in Earth
h parameter describing the altitude of the
shower center 10 km after the decay point, where
the shower has the largest trigger power
8- Conversion ? t
- Neutrino cross section
- Tau energy losses
- Tau decay
MC vs numerical solutions
9- Acceptance for t showers
- Depends on tau energy and altitude shower centre
- Growing detector
1 EeV
10Theoretical knowledge
All contributions
Worst/Best combination of scenarios leads to a
factor 3 difference for the flux limit
1190 CL for each flavour with the worst
systematic scenario and assuming
12- The Pierre Auger Observatory has a large
discriminant capacity to distinguish
earth-skimming neutrinos from standard Cosmic
Rays. - From Jan'04 till Dec'06 (about 1 year of a full
Surface Detector), ZERO ? candidates have been
found, leading to spectra dependent limit to tau
neutrinos of E2dN/dE 210-7 GeV cm-2 s-1 sr-1. - The Pierre Auger Observatory has its maximum
sensitivity at the most relevant energy range (
1 EeV) for GZK neutrinos, the expected level of
which will be tested in about 10 years. - The Pierre Auger Observatory is also sensitive to
neutrinos that interact in the atmosphere. This
channel has different systematics and depends
differently on neutrino properties. Studies are
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140.3 EeV
15Real event, 80º
16Real event, 20º
17Sensitivity one event per year and decade of
energy with the full SD
1890 CL for each flavour with the worst
systematic scenario and assuming
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