Aquatic 'Pillbug' Segmented, armored brownish-gray body. Flattened ventrally ... Leech. Flattened body, long or oval in shape. Two 'cup-cake' suckers, on each ...
The Effect of Hydra Head Activator on the Regeneration Rates of Heads and Tails of Planaria (Dugesia Tigrina) By Paris Thatos Abstract There are approximately 1.6 ...
... experiment, planaria were put into three flasks, one with a 1x solution of ... high levels of nitrogen in the fertilizer in the 10x flask would kill the most ...
Characteristics of Protostomia: ... the body by diffusion Most do not have a respiratory or circulatory system Planaria Marine Flatworm Tapeworm Fluke Nematodes: ...
... to come to a meeting where Drosophila is a somewhat marginal model system compared to hydra, planaria, sea cucumber or axolotl are more mainstream ...
Fasciola hepatica Clonorchis sisnensis Taenia saginata Taenia solium Planaria A B C E D SALAH JANTIMALA, M.Pd Drs. Haryanto Dra. Sumarni Nurmala, S.Ag ...
Hydra: Cross amputation of hydra led every part to regenerate to whole hydra species. ... example: Hydra, planaria and other invertebrates e.g. regeneration of ...
Aloe vera and Planaria Jackie read that Aloe vera promoted healing of burned tissue. She decided to investigate the effect of varying amounts of aloe vera and ...
5. Planaria have the ability to sense light with 2 anterior eyespots. ... Planaria have 2 anterior nerve cells called ganglia. The ganglia enables the planaria ...
As organisms increase in size, their ability to remain stable. ... 3. planaria- (flatworm)- two parallel nerve cords that run along the length of the body ...
Phylum Platyhelminthes The Flatworms Phylum Platyhelminthes Characteristics Bilateral symmetry Flattened bodies 12,000+ species 1 mm to 10 m Most aquatic or parasitic ...
Observing the Sky 2. How Does New Life Begin? Part 1 3. Asexual Reproduction Activity Look at the Sky on your way to school! Welcome to Science 2/3 On your paper take ...
Flatworms Phylum Platyhelminth Endoparasite Exoparasite / Ectoparasite Life cycles Most parasitic worms have more than one organism in their life cycle: An ...
Animal Kingdom Two Phyla Vertebrate (Backbone) Types of Vertebrates (Has Backbone) Fish, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals Example of invertebrates arthropods have ...
Asexual Reproduction. Asexual Reproduction in Fungi. Moulds, yeast, ... of asexual reproduction. Hyphae ... Asexual Reproduction in Animals. Members of the ...
BB: Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction Please copy this chart in your notebook use the WHOLE page. Name Type (asexual or sexual) What happens? Organisms that use ...
Types of Reproduction Types of Reproduction Asexual Asexual reproduction occurs when a new organism is produced from one parent. The genetic material of the new ...
The body consists of an anterior scolex solely for attachment to the host's gut and a string of proglottids, each of which possesses both male and female organs aka ...
Ecto/Endotherms Differences are based on source of body heat Which has a higher metabolic rate at cold ... marine vertebrates and some marine inverts Water balance ...
Invertebrate Review Question #1 Which of the following systems are present in a sponge? Digestive, Reproductive, Nervous, Excretory, Circulatory, Musculatory ...
Non-Coelomate Animals Porifera Simplest metazoan Cell level of organization Few cell types No true tissues Feed on material suspended in water Motile as larva ...
Usually flattened dorsoventrally Triploblastic Acoelomate Bilaterally symmetrical Unsegmented worms Incomplete gut (absent in tapeworms) Somewhat cephalized, with ...
Title: Slide 1 Author: Lee Mishkin Last modified by: admin Created Date: 4/27/2005 12:14:33 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
Animals Chapter 2 Sponges, Cnidarians, and Worms Sections 1 and 2 Definitions Nerves carry signals throughout the body Ganglia groups of nerves bundled together.
Types of Reproduction Asexual Sexual Purpose of Reproduction To make sure a species can continue. Definition: Reproduction is the process by which an organism ...
Coelom: Fluid-filled body cavity lined by cells from the mesoderm In mammals it forms the peritoneal, pleural and pericardial cavities Acoelomate Pseudocoelomate ...
Chapter 33 Lower Invertebrates Animals 1 million species of animals 95% are invertebrates! 34-36 phyla of the Animal Kingdom 1. Phyla Calcarea & Silicea ...
Title: Phylum Platyhelminthes Author: Description: The contents of this file belongs to the purchasing school of To order your own copy please ...
Unit 4 - Phylums Platyhelminthes and Nematoda Flatworms and Roundworms * * Phylum Platyhelminthes Largest group of acoelomate (no body cavity) worms Flatworms with ...
Worms, Cnidarians, and Sponges Review Sheet Answers Sponges #1 What is an invertebrate? Invertebrates are animals that do not have backbones. Sponges #2 What does ...
Smaller amounts of caddisfly, mayfly and stone fly larva, along with some worms are in this type of water Stoneflies are not present at all, more leeches, ...
The Father of Genetics . Mendel thought there was a connection between the flower color of a pea plant and the type of seed the plant produced. He began to experiment ...
DIGESTI N ANIMAL Y HUMANA Por : Vladimir Mendoza Profesor del Instituto de Ciencias y Humanidades. 1. Sistema digestivo incompleto Celenter nico, 1 orificio, ejm ...
Taenia saginata. Taenia solium. 9/4/09. 7. Topic Three. Details about this topic ... Give an example or real life anecdote. Sympathize with the audience's ...
Macroinvertebrates Little Creatures that tell us If our natural waterways are healthy Benthic Macroinvertebrates Benthic means: living at the bottom of a body of ...
ANIMALIA (Dunia Hewan) By: Maududi MA. CIRI CIRI UMUM KINGDOM ANIMAL Eukariot, Multiseluler Tidak memiliki dinding sel dan klorofil Heterotrof Dapat bergerak untuk ...