These courses are intended for anyone who requires a course completion card for a job, regulatory (e.g., OSHA), or other requirements. Some of the courses can also be taken by anyone who wants to be prepared for an emergency in any setting. Please contact your employer or regulatory board to ensure that you are selecting the correct course. It is not our instructors or staff's responsibility to know the right certificate that you need, if you are not sure, please verify with your employer or regulatory agency first. Once Certificate is issued, and activated, we can not be able to deactivate it, refund it, or cancel it.
Education efforts to teach bystander CPR should intensify in minority communities, according to the lead author of a recent study that showed Hispanic and African-American children were less likely to get CPR with breaths, which had improved survival compared to compression-only CPR or no CPR.
All Certifications are issued immediately at the completion of the class. American Heart Ecards certification, with its added security, authenticity can be verified at American Heart Association ECC for 2 years.
Comprehensive cardiac emergency response plans can help schools save more lives, and should be required by state law, according to an American Heart Association policy published in the September issue of School Nurse.
We teach, and prepare you in a Quick, Made-easy, Fun, and Stress-Free, student-friendly Learning Environment. We believe that when students enjoy their class, they learn better and retain more knowledge, which helps them gain more confidence. Preparing rescuers with the knowledge and skills they need to save lives.
The Pro-Active Parenting and Divorce class is an approved parenting class in all counties throughout the state of Florida, so regardless of where you reside, if you are a Florida resident, if you are seeking to divorce and if you have children 18 years of age or younger we can offer you an approved class that will meet your requirements.
Pro-active Parenting and Divorce, meets or exceeds all the standards and criteria necessary as a Nationally Recognized Co-Parenting class and has been approved by the Florida DCF/Court System as a required Parent Education and Family Stabilization class.
As Marriage and Family Therapists and educators, we are preeminently qualified to provide you with important and useful information presented in an enjoyable format designed to help you retain what you have learned.
We specialize in relationship, divorce, co-parenting and blended family issues. Based on feedback from the community, we have developed a very comprehensive program known as Divorce Matters 360 to address these issues and more.
... track programs that give undergraduates a head start in these careers. ... T-Z Teri Gimbel (Dept. Head & Scholarships ) Cathie Piland Guidance Secretary ...
... include benefits i.e. insurance, paid leave and holidays, 401 K plans, etc. ... TWO Beaches Sertoma Sign Language Interpretation Scholarships per semester; ...
The Student Support Services Project A collaborative project of the Florida ... Barker. Fantasy is what [we] want, reality is what [we] need. Lauren Hill ...
Money Smart Classes are offered in Jacksonville at the ILRC, targeting ... with the IRS to secure unclaimed Earned Income Tax Credit dollars for qualifying ...
Robyn Cenizal, CFLE. Jacksonville Children's Commission. Network for Strengthening Families ... Provide training, services and support to Jacksonville families ...
Basic Life Support (BLS) is an important life skill that everyone, especially teachers, caregivers, parents, and healthcare providers, should know. Understanding BLS steps for adults can make a significant difference in emergency situations, potentially saving lives. Let’s dive into what BLS is, why it’s so important, and a step-by-step guide on how to perform it.
5 minutes ago - DOWNLOAD HERE : DOWNLOAD/PDF THE DIARY OF AN UNWED MOTHER: If only I had listened to my Mother | CORETHA GANTLING also known as Sister G is a native of Jacksonville, Florida. An anointed prayer warrior and intercessor, a divinely framed mentor for children, particularly young ladies. A gifted extraordinary master with Holy Spirit inspired strategies and lessons to reach and teach today’s youth. Her life’s
To write a successful personal essay, you must approach the ... the wedding is too spontaneous, the parents are not usually present, and Elvis is officiating. ...
A New Paradigm: Using Race as a Transformative Bridge ... Atlanta, GA MSA. 1. Least Disparity. Jacksonville, FL MSA. 2. Los Angeles-Long Beach, CA PMSA ...
... that people and places in neighborhoods are primary resources for families in crisis ... Develop and expand neighborhood-based resources to help families ...
What you need to know to start planning for college!!! * Counselor Breakdown Honors/AP Students Counselor 9th 10th Clayton A - H A - H ...
The health and socioeconomic status of one generation directly affects the ... the Early Learning Coalitions, Episcopal Children's Services, Jax Children's Commission. ...
Students must register with NCAA Clearinghouse. Online form at ... Watch the newsletter, school bulletin boards and website for ...
for Health Care Transition Talk ... Psychological health emotions, introspection, competence and ... Create a map and plan for transition in the future ...
V. The Colonial Economy A. The Southern Economy 1. exported raw materials for building ships overseas and to the northern colonies 2. sold naval stores such as pitch ...
Truancy, Dropouts and Delinquency: Lessons, Costs and Strategies Virginia Truancy Prevention Institute What is NCSE? Troubling Statistics Truants are 2 to 8 times as ...
America has very high achievement in more affluent areas, and some of the lowest ... 'Good Morning America,' CNN, Fox News Channel, Tom Joyner Morning Show, CNN ...
... do not have time to work extensively with each teacher. They also ... local boards cannot create new forms of taxation. will block grants be used for science? ...
It also involves appropriate expression of anger, and the use of 'sane' messages ... ...
High Throughput Computing 10 years ago we had The Grid We claim that these mechanisms, although originally developed in the context of a cluster of ...
Bank of America Overview. Associate Metrics. Customer Delight. Sales - Relationship Building ... number of free seminars to Bank of America managers and ...
The House of Hope and Horizon House in Columbia, S.C., serve the homeless who ... I conduct research in the New York City metropolitan area and the foci of my ...
* 0 1 2 3 4 5 $100 $80 $120 $150 $200 ... possible criteria include political, economic, environmental, and ... Jeff Wright Class Notes and Handouts Course material ...
Dean, School of Social Science, Urban Affairs, and Public Policy ... Neoclassical Growth Theory vs. New Growth Theory. Changing Fortunes of U.S. Cities ...
Knowledge: An awareness and understanding of the facts and principles. ... Continuously assess and adjust teaching strategies to fit the needs of learners ...
The content and opinions expressed on this Web Page do not ... Apocalypse/end of world. Christian fiction. Classics. Coming-of-age. Crime. Death. Disabilities ...
In which town did the girls buy dresses for the first dance? Port Angeles ... Rachel and Rebecca (Twilight, pg 119) A 400. Welcome to Forks 500. A 500 ...