Title: The Integration Train is Moving
1The Integration Train is Moving Are You
Onboard? If Not, Learn How to Get Your Ticket!
- Presented by
- Mark A. Engelhardt, MS, MSW, ACSW
- Rick Hankey, MA
- Laureen Pagel, PhD, MS, CAP, CPP, CMHP
- Rita Chamberlain, MBA
- Kay Doughty, MA, CAP, CPP
- Phillip Brooks, LMHC
2Learning Objectives
- Identify national, state and local models of
behavioral healthcare and primary health
integration - Identify and describe the continuum of healthcare
integration models - Use the tools and tips provided to establish an
integration action plan for beginning and/or
enhancing integration efforts - Self-assess where their organization stands on
the integration continuum model. - Leave with a list of contacts/resources
pertaining to integration
3Integrated Behavioral Health Primary
CareNational/State/Local Development
- FADAA/FCCMH Annual Pre-Conference
- Mark A. Engelhardt, MS, MSW, ACSW
- USF FMHI Dept. of Mental Health
- Law Policy
4The Case for Integrated Care
- People with mental health and substance abuse
disorders die 25 years earlier that the average
person, mostly from untreated and preventable
chronic illnesses like hypertension, diabetes,
obesity and cardiovascular disease. - Poor health habits, such as inadequate physical
activity, nutrition, smoking and substance abuse - Barriers to primary healthcare complex systems
- Solution Integrated behavioral (SAMH) and
primary healthcare produces better outcomes for
people with complex needs involved in multiple
systems of care. - Quality of Integrated Care Cost to Person/System
5Organizational Support (2003-14)
- World Health Organization
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Service
Administration (SAMHSA) - Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA)
- National Council for Behavioral Healthcare
Community Mental Health Centers and Integrated
Substance Abuse Providers - Community Health Centers Federally Qualified
Health Centers (FQHCs) - Health Behavioral Healthcare Advocates
6Four Quadrant Model
- Population Based (NCCBH)
- Population with low to moderate risk/complexity
for both behavioral and physical health issues - High Behavioral health risk/complexity and low to
moderate physical health risk/complexity - Low to moderate behavioral health risk/complexity
and high physical health risk/complexity - High risk and complexity for both behavioral and
physical health ( SAMHSA HRSA Grant focus)
7Integration Models (A Few)
- Primary Care in Behavioral Health Settings
Behavioral Health in Primary Care Settings or
Bi-Directional - Patient-Centered Health Homes (Approach, Not a
Physical setting) Integrated Treatment Planning - Chronic Care Disease Management Models
- Improving Mood Promoting Access to
Collaborative Treatment IMPACT Early
Evidenced-based - Cherokee Health Systems Fully Integrated
(Tenn.) - Range Coordinated Co-Located Integrated
More on Slide 13 with Hand out Afternoon
8SAMHSA HRSA Solutions
- Target People with Serious Mental Illnesses
- 100 Current SAMHSA-HRSA Primary Behavioral Health
Care Integration grants - Center for Integrated Health Solutions National
Technical Assistance - http//www.integration.samhsa.gov
- Supplemental Health Information Technology (HIT)
One Year Grants to supports the development of
Electronic Health Records (EHR) with grantees - New PBHCI Grant applications to be awarded in
9Southeast Learning Community
- Seven (7) Florida Grantees
- Apalachee Center Tallahassee
- Coastal Behavioral Healthcare Sarasota
- Lakeside Behavioral Healthcare Orlando
- Lifestream Behavioral Healthcare Leesburg
- Henderson BH (V)
- Miami Behavioral Health Center Miami
- Community Rehabilitation Center Jacksonville
- 7 Others in HHS Region
- Georgia 3 Community Service Boards
- 4 Kentucky (I) S.C. State DMH NC TN (V)
- Cohorts I V (2009-14)
10National Outcome Measures
- Functioning Wellness Healthy Overall
- Functioning in Everyday Life
- No Serious psychological distress -
- Using Illegal Substances
- Not binge drinking
- Retained in the community
- Housing Stability
- Education and Employment
- Criminal Justice Involvement
- Perception of Care
- Social Connectedness
- Positive outcomes overall
- Rand Evaluation
11At Risk Criteria Tracking TRAC
- Blood Pressure (130/85)
- Body Mass Index (Greater of equal to 25)
- Waist Circumference (Male 102cm Female 88 cm)
- Breath CO ( Greater than or equal to 10)
- Fasting Plasma Glucose ( Greater than 100)
- Cholesterol (HDL less than 40 LDL, Greater than
or equal to 130 Triglycerides, Greater than or
equal to 150 - The big one SMOKING
12Rand Research Questions
- Process Evaluation Is it possible to integrate
Primary and Community-based Behavioral Health
agencies? Structural and clinical approaches - Outcomes Does integration lead to improvement
of in SAMH and health of a population of
individuals with serious mental illnesses (
co-occurring) - Model Features Which models or features of
integration lead to better SAMH and Healthcare - National data (NOMS and TRAC) - Progress
13Grantee Evaluation Rand Corp.
- 56 Grantees included in the National Evaluation
- 67 Partnered with FQHCs
- Over 16,000 served since 10/1/09 -2012
- Outcome (Data), Process and Model Evaluation
- 78 of Grantees are urban programs in 26 states
- Use of Evidenced-based practices
- Challenges - Data, recruiting staff and
consumers, licensing, info-sharing - 1 arrested in past 30 days 63 in stable housing
14Rand Corporation Report
- Early Programs SAMH in Health Care Settings
- Now Primary Care in SAMH Settings
- Common Features
- Embedded Nurse, On-site Physician, Health
Screenings, Illness Management Recovery
Programs Wellness Recovery Action Plans
Screening Brief Intervention- Referral to Tx
(SBRIT) Peer Specialists Case management - Diverse Models Clinic Based to Home visits
15Levels of Integrated Healthcare
- Coordinated Key element Communication
usually minimal to basic coordination - Co-located Key Physical Proximity usually
basic to close collaboration on-site - Integrated Key Practices Change usually
close collaboration to a fully transformed/merged
integrated practices Clients experience a
seamless response to all of their health and
behavioral healthcare needs - Heath, Wise Reynolds March 2013 (CIHS)
16Workforce Issues
- Peer Support Specialists
- Shared Decision Making Person Driven
- Nursing Physicians Assistants
- Access to Psychiatry Outpatient SAMH Treatment
- Training On-line, Certificate Programs (UMASS)
Numerous Webinars Cross-training among
disciplines, attitudinal changes case and care
management models Recovery-oriented care - Recruitment and retention (Future Medicaid
Expansion and Affordable Care Act) - Cultural proficiency
17Clinical Considerations
- Screening Tools ( I.E. SBIRT Screening, Brief
Intervention Referral to Treatment) - Health Indicators ( Substance use, tobacco, blood
pressure, cholesterol, weight, nutrition, etc.) - Motivational Interviewing
- Medication Assisted Treatment Pharmacology
- Pain Management (Agency Policies)
- Trauma Informed Care
- Targeted Populations
18PBHCI Programs
- Million Heart Campaign National HHS campaign to
prevent 1 Million heart attacks strokes in 5
years - Wellness programs Strategies Education,
healthy eating, physical activity, stress
management, recovery processes, peer support,
diabetes management, etc. - Tobacco cessation (I.E., Univ. of Colorado)
- Substance abuse prevention/relapse
- Targeted populations homeless, drop-in centers,
housing is healthcare, in-vivo. - Interns , students, volunteers, existing programs
19Administration Operations
- Memorandum of Understanding with partners (I.E.
FQHCs) Array of services who will provide
what? - Contracts and formal agreements Partners
- Clarify Billing Opportunities and Revenue Sources
Grants, Medicaid, Medicare, Physical Health
Behavioral Healthcare Now Future (Affordable
Healthcare Act Prospective) - Health Information Technology Electronic Health
Records Confidentiality Integration - Meaningful Use Data Analysis
20Organization Readiness
- Are you providing Primary Healthcare? If so, is
it a Bi-directional On-site Off-site Service? - Do you have signed contracts with FQHCs, County
Health Departments, Medicaid Managed Care Plans
(I.E. Magellan, HMOs) or Private Funding Panels - Are there shared staffing agreements?
- Do you provide Wellness programs on-site or with
a community partner? - To what degree are peer specialists employed?
- Do you have Integration Strategic Plan?
21Organizational Readiness
- Have you conducted an Integration Readiness
Assessment for the agency or pilot program? - What does your workforce look like? Physicians,
SAMH Professionals, Nurses, Psychiatry, etc. - Do you consider your agency as Co-occurring
capable for SAMH? If so, how? Now, complexity
capable? - Is your agency involved in a network or merger
that will draw on the strengths of all
organizations? - Do you know the mix of Indigent, Medicaid,
Medicare, Dual Eligible or other local payer
plans? (Counties)
22COMPASS PH/BH (Cline, Minkoff)
- Self-assessment Tool
- Program Philosophy
- Administrative Policies
- Quality Improvement Data
- Access to Care
- Screening Identification
- Integrated Assessment
- Integrated Treatment Program Relationships
- Welcoming Policies
- Medication Management
- Integrated Discharge Transition Planning
- Program Collaboration Partnerships
- Staff Competencies
23Pilot Tool Kit MTM Zia Partners
- Executive Walk through from a consumer
perspective - Admin. Readiness
- Self-assessment -Program Organizational Level
PBHCI Capability - Strategic Partnership Inventory
- Structured Prioritization Template
- Guidance on design Performance Plans with
Indicators - Project Planning and Organizational Templates
- References for Specific Materials (I.E. Tools)
24Homeless Integrated Care Examples
- SAMHSA - PBHCI Grantee Seattle, WA. Downtown
Emergency Services Center (DESC) - Housing First Model Development Pathways to
Housing PA Primary Care Partnership with
Thomas Jefferson University Dept. of Family
Community Medicine Philadelphia Dept. of
Behavioral Health Office of Supportive Housing - U.S. Dept. of Veterans Affairs Homeless
Veterans Patient Aligned Care Teams (H-PACT)
Homeless Medical Home 23 Pilots 37 sites
funded in 2012/13
25Contact Information
- mengelhardt_at_usf.edu
- 813-974-0769 (Direct Line)
- USF Florida Mental Health Institute (FMHI)
Department of Mental Health, Law Policy - http//mhlp.fmhi.usf.edu
- www.floridatac.org
- Thank You
26Primary and Behavioral Health Care
Integration Practical Approaches to
ImplementationRick Hankey, Senior V. P. and
Hospital Administrator LifeStream Behavioral
Center, Inc.
27- Mental health care cannot be divorced from
primary care, and all attempts to do so are
doomed to failure - (Frank Degruy)
28What is Integrated Care? Our Definition
- Integrated care is a service that combines
medical and behavioral health services to more
fully address the spectrum of problems that
individuals have - It meets patients where they are in their
experience of problems or pain - Integrated care is the structural realization of
the biopsychosocial model - Reunification in practice of mind and body
29Collaborative Care-Where Were We?
- Courtesy report of involvement
- Referral call for information exchange
- Development of special referral relationship
- Meeting to discuss cases
- Meeting of providers with patient
- Working together regularly in delivering services
- (Blount, 1998) MORE
30Reasons for Integration Why We Did It
- The burden of behavioral disorders is great.
- Behavioral and physical health problems are
interwoven. - The treatment gap for behavioral disorders is
enormous. - Primary care settings for behavioral health
services enhance access. - Delivering behavioral health services in
integrated care settings reduces stigma and
31Reasons for Integration Why We Did It
- Treating common behavioral disorders in
integrated care settings is cost-effective. - The majority of people with behavioral disorders
treated in collaborative settings have good
outcomes, particularly when linked to a network
of services at a specialty care level and in the
community. - Individuals with serious mental illness die on
average 25 years sooner than the general
32Factors Increasing Health Risk
Less Likely to be Screened
Poor Access to Primary Care
Self-Care Capacity/Resource
Disconnectedness of Physical Mental
Health Care Systems
Under Diagnosis Under Treatment
Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Symptoms
Weight Gain
System Navigation Barriers
Tobacco and Substance Abuse
33Reasons for Integration
Major Cause of Death Increased Risk of Death
(Florida Council For Community Mental
34Barriers to Integration
- Behavioral and physical health providers have
long operated in their separate silos. - Sharing of information rarely occurs.
- Confidentiality laws pertaining to substance
abuse (federal and state) and mental health
(state) are generally more restrictive than those
pertaining to physical health. While HIPAA is
often cited as a barrier to sharing information
between primary care and mental health
practitioners, this is not accurate sharing
information for the purposes of care coordination
is a permitted activity under HIPAA, not
requiring formal consents. - Payment and parity issues are prevalent.
35Understand The Differences
36Culture Differences
PACE 15 minute appointment 50 minute session
SETTING An exam room Office setting
LANGUAGE Diagnosis, medical terminology, complaints Assessment, behavioral health terminology, issues
HIERARCHY Clear Doctor in charge Diffuse Administrator in Charge with Medical Director
FLOW Flexible patient flow Scheduled client flow
37Integration Considerations
38Readiness Assessment
- Leadership and Relationship Building
- High Performing Provider-Access and Outcomes
- Person Centered Healthcare Home Participation
- Business Infrastructure
- Consumer Advocacy
39Readiness Assessment-Leadership
- How active are you pursuing relationship building
with leaders in the healthcare community? - How successful have you been in communicating the
importance of mental health and substance use
treatment in improving quality in the healthcare
system? - Are you involved in assessing community needs and
designing a local health improvement plan? - How involved are you in planning and decision
making at the state level? Do you local leaders
understand and support integration? - What have you done to develop and implement
healthcare reform education within your
organization? At what level has the discussion
been held and what depth? Do you know how
integration will affect your organization and
community? What is the organization commitment? - How educated is your community?
40Readiness Assessment-High Performing Provider
- Readiness and recovery deeply embedded into your
culture? - How quickly can individuals get access to care?
Two hours for emergent? 24 hours for urgent and
no later than 7 days for routine care requests? - How much is evidence based practices and programs
utilized in your organization? Does leadership
prioritize and promote the use of EBP? - Does your organization use person centered care
planning and consumer engagement? - Are care management models utilized in your
agency? Does your agency know the difference
between case and care management? - Are you familiar with treat to target approach?
- Are you a high performing provider?
41Readiness Assessment Person Centered Healthcare
- Have you worked closely with your communitys
primary care partners to determine how involved
to ensure that all consumers with mental
health/substance abuse disorders have a
person-centered healthcare home? - How capable are you of being a good neighbor to
the Person Centered Health Home, including - a) effective communication, coordination and
integration with health homes - b) appropriate and timely consultations and
referrals - c)efficient, appropriate and effective flow
of patient/care information - d)providing guidance in determining
responsibility in co-management situations and - e) supporting the health home as the leader
of the care team
42Readiness Assessment Infrastructure
- Where is your organization regarding information
technology? Do you have a electronic record that
is available and appropriate for all staff? Is
your information technology able to support
real-time clinical decision making, quality
improvement and effective management? - Is quality improvement part of your
organizational culture or just as a department?
How quickly can you complete Rapid Cycle
Improvement? - How effective is your revenue cycle management?
- Are you familiar with new payment models? If
not, are you willing to learn them? - How bullet proof is your compliance plan and does
it address healthcare reform, fraud and abuse?
43Readiness Assessment Consumer Advocacy
- Do you have a workforce expansion plan?
- How well educated are you on federal parity
implementation? Do you have linkages with
federal and state organizations to support or
educate your agency on the implementation of
federal parity regulations for Medicaid, Health
Exchanges and private health insurance? - Do you have an enrollment strategy that provides
outreach, assistance with the enrollment process
and advocacy for the removal of structural
barriers? - Are you ready to meet the needs of the additional
44The Wellness Integration Network (W.I.N.) Clinic
45W.I.N. Clinic Philosophy
46The W.I.N. Clinic Model
- Components
- Integrated services
- Screen/registry tracking and outcomes
- Primary care staff located in behavioral health
setting/no FQHC - Embedded Nurse Care Managers
- Wellness/prevention programming
- Evidence Based Models
- IMPACT (Improving Mood-Promoting Access to
Collaborative Treatment) Model - Motivational Enhancement Techniques (MET)
- Eli Lilly Wellness Program
47W.I.N. Clinic-Our Program
- Integration Model Co-locate primary care
physicians in behavioral health facilities to
provide routine primary care services and serve
as a consultant to the psychiatric care team all
staff are employed by LifeStream. There is no
FQHC involvement. - Service delivery includes providing wellness
programming and incorporating integrated
services psychiatric and primary care are
offered during the same visit. The clinic
serves as a Medical Home. Specialty care is
provided through agreements with community
partners. - Enrollment Target 1,000 during the four year
grant period. - Populations Served Adults with serious mental
illness living in Lake County who do not have
access to primary care services or a medical
48W.I.N. Clinic-Our Program
- Integrated Primary and Behavioral Health Care
both services provided during the same
appointment (when applicable), along with
appropriate follow up. Emphasis is on preventive
care. - Home visits by LPN Care Managers to coordinate
and monitor care and assess goals. - Referrals to specialists and enhanced care
coordination. The clinic has had great success
with coordinating free and/or reduced rates with
the specialists in our community for our clients. - Transportation to appointments when needed.
49W.I.N. Clinic-Our Program
- Wellness Activities and workshops on topics such
as exercise, diet and nutrition, weight
management, and tobacco cessation. - Wellness activities include wellness testing
(fitness and medical tests), health risk
appraisals, hypertension screening and education,
disease management seminars, in home education
with care managers, stress management activities,
and time management workshops - Access to LifeStreams full continuum of care,
including behavioral health and substance abuse
50W.I.N. Clinic Work Flow
51W.I.N. Clinic-Staff
- Medical Provider
- Performs examinations, wound care, assigns care
managers, prescribes medications, and completes
histories, physicals and psychiatric evaluations.
- Lead LPN Care Manager
- Assists the medical provider, monitors all care
managers, prepares education packets for clients,
recruits new clients and is responsible for
marketing. - Care Managers
- Responsible for home visits, charting, monitoring
progress, wellness activities, treatment plans,
education and teaching of consumers. - Follow-up Specialist
- Responsible for contacting clients at 6, 12, and
18 months monitoring progress towards treatment
plan goals assisting clients with affordable
prescriptions and referrals for patient
assistance and transporting. - Administrative Support
- Responsible for completing the NOMS, scheduling
appointments, contacting referrals, and data
52The W.I.N. Clinic-Successful Strategies
- Care Managers educate clients on nutrition and
the importance of eating the right foods. - A personalized diet plan with weekly menus is
provided. - Weekly trips to the grocery store teach clients
how to shop for nutritious foods. - Cooking lessons are provided on how to prepare
healthy meals and show clients that healthy food
does not have to be unappetizing or expensive. - As a result, average weight loss is 15 pounds.
Over 48 of the consumers report weight loss. - Care Managers utilize MET with consumers with
regard to exercise regimen, often starting out
with basic exercise such as walking. Care
Managers often participate in activities to
encourage consumer participation.
53What Does our Data Suggest?
Outcome WIN Data All Grants
Functioning in every day life 79 32
No serious psychological distress 44 18
Retained in the community 41 9
Stable Housing 25 12
Education/employment 27 12
Overall Healthy 56 22
Illegal substance use 15 7.3
Social Connected 19 18
54Lessons Learned
- Hurdles, challenges and obstacles, oh my!!
- -Personnel issues
- -Cultural change/paradigm shift
- -Lab work, medications, specialty care
- -Workforce development
- What may seem simple often is not.
- -Referrals
- -EHR Considerations
- -Wellness Activities
55Lessons Learned (continued)
- It takes a village to raise a child
- -Partnerships are important
- -Teamwork Are you ready???
- Just when things are working smoothly
- -Systems Issues/Client flow
- -Program fidelity
- -Funding Issues/Sustainability
56Recommendations for Implementing Integrated Care
- Think big, start small
- Improve physical proximity
- Keep a joint medical record
- Focus on primary care providers as important
customers for mental health providers - Explore new practice styles
- Senior management buy-in is critical
- Learn and understand billing codes and funding
57Recommendations for Implementing Integrated Care
- Include mental health consultation earlier in the
course of a patients evaluation in order to
minimize unnecessary expenses - View patients as people the organization is
committed to working with over time, rather than
people presenting a series of isolated treatment
episodes - Its not all about your organization but the
people we serve - Teamwork, partnerships and thinking outside of
the box are very critical for success.
58Contact Information
- Rick Hankey, Senior Vice President and Hospital
Administrator - LifeStream Behavioral Center,
- Leesburg, Florida
- Email rhankey_at_lsbc.net
- Telephone 352-315-7810
59Integrated care on a small scale
- Laureen Pagel
- Starting Point Behavioral Healthcare
60Integrated care - Important Facts
- Bi-directional integration is critical for
improving patient care and containing costs - Changes due to HCR will have a great impact on
the way SAMH services are delivered and financed - Health homes is seen as a move toward integration
61Integrated Care - How do I begin?
- Identify community partners
- Rural health clinics
- Primary care practices
- Hospital
- Managed care plans
62Integration Core Competencies
- Interpersonal communication
- Collaboration teamwork
- Screening assessment
- Care planning coordination
- Intervention
- Cultural competence adaptation
- Systems oriented practice
- Practice-based learning Quality improvement
- Informatics
63Integrated care - Whats in it for me?
- The most successful integration attempts are
those in which the needs of the medical care
setting are considered primary. - Ask yourself How can integration be seen as
solving an existing problem in primary care? - Educate primary care about the efficacy and cost
effectiveness of integrated care. - Model must be a good fit for that setting.
64Integrated care How did SPBH do it?
- Partnered with another agency to write an FQHC
planning grant - Met for a year with community stakeholders to
gather health data and identify unmet needs - Reached out to RHC on west side of county about
co-location of services - It took a year of relationship building to make
any progress. - These are examples of core competencies I II.
65Integrated care - Our integration model
- Worked with nursing staff at RHC to get buy-in.
- Surveyed their clients to determine need and
motivation for SAMH services. - Placed an LCSW on site 1 day a week. Conduct
screenings using the PHQ, crisis intervention,
and individual sessions from 30-60 minutes. (core
competencies III and V) - We bill the clients for her time. Most clients
have Medicaid. - All services are documented in our electronic
health record. (core competency IX) - Use Outreach for her screening time.
66Integrated care - Another opportunity
- Our community partner wrote us in on a Blue
Foundation grant for MH services at their medical
clinic. - We wrote them into a WGA grant for MH services
for women and girls with trauma. - Both grants were awarded. Evidenced-based
practices are utilized for both grants. - We have 10 hours of MH services at their clinic
paid by Blue Foundation and 24 hours paid by WGA - A therapist is on site 5 days a week
- We can bill Medicaid for all eligible services
67Integrated care - Next Steps
- Meet with staff at medical clinic weekly to
review process and make adjustments as needed
(core competency VII) - Working with our local hospital on strategic
partnerships. - In talks with our Hospital President about having
a social worker and case manager team to screen
patients in the ER.
68Thank You!
- Laureen Pagel, PhD, MS, CAP, CPP, CMHP
- Starting Point Behavioral Healthcare, CEO
- lpagel_at_spbh.org
- 904-225-8280 ext. 416
- www.spbh.org
69Community Healthcare Integration A Coalitions
- Rita Chamberlain, MBA
- Associate Director, Manatee County (FL) Substance
Abuse Coalition
- The Affordable Care Act is an opportunity to make
prevention services a national priority - There are numerous opportunities to expand and
integrate prevention with the services of other
healthcare providers - People want more than treatment for illnesses,
they want to be kept healthy - Prevention has a major role to play in promoting
and preserving wellness - ACA requires insurance companies to cover
preventive care - Coalitions are the voice for prevention in
communities - Source The Power of Prevention, Healthcare
Reform The role for substance abuse prevention,
by Terese Voge and Kerrilyn Scott-Nakai,
Community Prevention Initiative, 2011.
- Reduction of obesity through physical activity
and improved nutrition - Addressing smoking and other tobacco use with
prevention and cessation programs - Prevention of HIV
- Increasing mental health and substance abuse
prevention services that promote wellness and
reduce risk for serious emotional problems
Source The Power of Prevention, Healthcare
Reform The role for substance abuse prevention,
by Terese Voge and Kerrilyn Scott-Nakai,
Community Prevention Initiative, 2011.
72- From CADCAs Coalitions and Community Health
Integration of Behavioral Health and Primary Care - Together, coalitions and community stakeholders
can address integration comprehensively and
ensure that the community experiences measurable
and meaningful improvements in population-level
outcomes as a result.
73Keep in mindthe social geographyof the issue !
74How To Work Together Coalition Thinking
- Vertical integration
- The role of the convener
- Adaptive vs. Technical problem
- Solutions for complex problems Theory U
75Coalition as CatalystAdaptive Approach
- Loose connections
- Mapping (linking)
- Passion
- Emotional intelligence
- Trust in process
- Inspiration
- Tolerance of ambiguity
- Hands off approach
- Receding
- Backing away as work advances
- And--pointing at the pole star
76To a realistic shared solution
A new group wants to jump to solutions
But a wise convener leads them through the U
C. Otto Scharmer (2007) Theory U Thanks to Gary
Oftedahl for the Theory U diagram
77Five Specific Roles Coalitions Can Play
- Promote Collaboration
- Educate About Integration
- Engage in Outreach and Enrollment Activities
- Support Integrated Care Service Development and
Delivery - Support Integrated Care Workforce Development
78SunCoast Regional Plan for Coalitions
- Promote Collaboration
- Coalition and Provider Survey
- SAFE Rx Initiative
- Engage Treatment Providers
- Educate about Integration
- Regional Presentation on ACA and Integration
- Engage Treatment Providers
- Engage in Outreach and enrollment opportunities
- Tie into surveys being conducted in our community
- Have info pages at office or in displays and
community health fairs - Support Integrated Care Services Development and
Delivery - Speakers bureau based on survey for providers to
help lay the ground work - Support Integrated Care Workforce Development
- Provider Survey and Speakers Bureau in regards to
education and training - Developed by Chrissie Parris, Coalition
Coordinator, Alliance for Substance Abuse
Prevention - ASAP of Pasco County - Lisa Jones,
Central Florida Behavioral Health Network, Inc.
Prevention Program Manager
79Need More Information?
- Resource Links
- http//www.cadca.org/
- Coalitions and Community Health
- http//www.integration.samhsa.gov/
- Power of Prevention
- http//www.cars-rp.org/publications/PowerOfPrevent
80Thank You!
Rita Chamberlain, MBA Manatee County Substance
Abuse Coalition (MCSAC) Associate
Director/CFO Email rchamberlain_at_drugfreemanatee.o
rg Phone 941-748-4501 X 3477 www.drugfreemanatee
81Behavioral Health Integration to Primary Care
- Kay Doughty, MA, CAP, CPP
- VP, Family and Community Services
- Operation PAR, Inc.
Phillip J. "P.J." Brooks, LMHC Vice President,
Outpatient and Youth Services First Step of
Sarasota, Inc.
82Whats in it for me?
- Why integrate?
- Parity
- Affordable Care Act
- Our world is changing
- Making change
- Understanding what you can control
- Funding
- Consider repurposing funds.
83Our History
- Small Steps
- SAMSHA grant working with FQHCs
- Circumstances
- Collaboration
84Rate of Fetal Substance Exposure
Source Hal Johnson, MPH, Florida Department of
Children and Families.
- What can be done in Pinellas County to intervene
with mothers who have delivered (or will deliver)
an NAS infant?
- A program designed to engage pregnant or post
partum prescription using mother into services
with a Behavioral Health Consultant with the
ultimate goal of engaging the mother in substance
abuse services and the completion of in-home
parenting classes
- Introduce concept to Substance Exposed Newborn
workgroup--Collaboration - Met independently with staff from Neonatal
Intensive Care Units (NICUs) to introduce
concept with how tos (our expectations of
Behavioral Health Consultants) and - 1. Elicit their willingness
- 2. Brainstorm actual practice and identify
- barriers, needed actions, and next
steps. Care - Coordination
- 3. Determine key individuals whose approval
- needed. Collaboration
- Internal planning to complete follow-up
connections, forms, etc. - Next meeting with hospital staff to review
actions to date same process Collaboration - Set start date and pilot
- Continual meetings with key players to assess
implementation and remove barriers identified.
Collaboration/Care Coordination/System
Orientation/Cultural Competence/ Practice Based
Learning - Quarterly meetings with hospitals
- Expand reach to High Risk Pregnancy center and
Methadone Treatment Programs. - Report out to SEN committee
90Motivating New Moms
- Consultants receive referrals from Hospitals,
High Risk Pregnancy Centers, Child Welfare, and
Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities.
Screening/Assessment - Consultants begin engaging mother with in
home/hospital visits using the Nurturing
Parenting Curriculum and providing referrals to
community based programs to help support the
mother Intervention
91Collaborative Expansions
- LAUNCH grant opportunity
- Implementation of Parenting Prevention Services
integrated into Community Health Center services
(Planned Expansion) - Implementation of S-BIRT services at Community
Health Center (in process)
92Help Primary Care with their Problem
- Help them see what they dont know about their
problem patients - Primary care is just as concerned and confused
about the impact of the Affordable Care Act - Find an in through a secondary partner i.e.
Healthy Start, Child Welfare, etc. - Offer Staff training on Motivational
Interviewing, SBIRT, etc. - Synchronize our target populations
- Learn how to approach primary care practices from
Pharmaceutical/Medical supply industry - Sell your Managing Entity on Integrated
93(No Transcript)
94Contact Information
Phillip J. "P.J." Brooks, LMHC Vice President,
Outpatient and Youth Services First Step of
Sarasota, Inc. 941-552-2078 ext.
1303 PBrooks_at_fsos.org
- Kay M. Doughty, MA, CAP, CPP
- VP, Family and Community Services
- Operation PAR, Inc.
- (727) 545-7564Â ext. 274
- kdoughty_at_operpar.org
- The SAMHSA-HRSA Center for Integrated Health
Solutions (CIHS) promotes the development of
integrated primary and behavioral health services
to better address the needs of individuals with
mental health and substance use conditions,
whether seen in specialty behavioral health or
primary care provider settings. - The Center provides training and technical
assistance to 100 community behavioral health
organizations as well as to community health
centers and other primary care and behavioral
health organizations. - http//www.integration.samhsa.gov/about-us
96- Social Workers
- Addiction Treatment Professionals
- Psychiatrists
- Peer Specialists
- Case Managers
- Behavioral Health Consultants
- Frontline staff
- P.S. Primary Care Clinicians
97Questions/Group Activity/Discussion