Homo neanderthalensis y homo sapiens moderno Dataci n de f siles Dataci n de f siles 1. M todo de los is topos radioactivos Desintegraci n constante en el ...
Human Evolution Human Evolution Homo neanderthalensis 250 000 to 28 000 a Cranial capacity: 1400 cm3 (bigger than H.sapiens) Brow ridge, long low skull, Height: 1.67m ...
Cro-Magnon e l uomo di Neandertal Gioia Liz e Amelie Uomo di Neandertal Uomo di Neandertal Homo neanderthalensis, comunemente detto Uomo di Neandertal, erano un ...
Hominids Worksheet 1. A hundred thousand years ago, where did the following groups lived and what is their common name? Homo sapiens neanderthalensis- Europe ...
Unit One Investigating the Past Chapter One Investigating the Past Prehistory Archeologists Historians Geographers Lascaux Cave Paintings Chapter 2 Early Hominids ...
HUMAN EVOLUTION: GENUS HOMO Time-Line of Hominid Evolution: 5 Adaptive Radiations First Adaptive Radiation: 6-7 mya in the late Miocene, potential last common ...
Title: No Slide Title Author: Parker Nunley Last modified by: Parker Nunley Created Date: 9/28/1999 3:01:50 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Human Evolution Characteristics Complex reasoning Exceptional ability to learn Make and use sophisticated tools Communicate using complex language Very large brain ...
Homo Neanderthal Introducci n: El Homo Neanderthal, tuvo su existencia alrededor de 200.000 a os a 35.000 a os atr s. Se cree que pertenece a la cadena evolutiva ...
Chapter 32-3: Primates & Human Origins Essential Questions: What characteristics are shared by all primates? What are the major evolutionary groups of primates?
Phylogeny and Systematics Fossil Formations Dating Phylogeny based on Continental Drift Pangaea Mass Extinctions Systematics Hierarchical Classification Phylogenetic ...
Dalam hal penemuan manusia purba, Indonesia menempati posisi yang penting, sebab fosil-fosil manusia purba yang ditemukan di Indonesia berasal dari semua ...
Research ancient human remains and create a timeline of the most important ancient bodies from around the world, ... Herculaneum Bodies Italy 79AD Inca Mummies ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Department of Classics Last modified by: Dwi Kusuma Wahyuni Created Date: 1/10/2003 8:05:06 PM Document presentation format
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Author: Igor Kardum Last modified by: Igor Kardum Created Date: 4/1/2003 10:18:15 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
EL HOMBRE NEANDERTAL. - Semejanzas y diferencias con el homo Sapiens. - ltimos neandertales y posible cruce Con el homo sapiens. Expansi n del Neandertal - Los ...
Primates and Human Origins Identify traits that distinguish primates from other mammals. Describe fossil evidence relating humans to primate ancestors.
L Evoluzione Umana Introduzione La comprensione dell evoluzione della specie Homo sapiens si fonda su un gran numero di reperti fossili. Introduzione Alla ...
Human Evolution D.3 Chapter 15 D.3.1: Outline a method for dating rocks and fossils using radioisotopes, with reference to 14C and 40K Fossils, or the rocks ...
Australopith que:Lucy. Homo habilis. Homo erectus. Homo sapiens de ... de Cro-Magnon. Sapiens (2003) http://www.becominghuman.org/node/interactive-documentary ...
Title: No Slide Title Author: Kelly L. Moore Last modified by: Kelly L. Moore Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles: Arial Times Default ...
Humans are dependent upon symbols. Primates use symbols but ... http://emporium.turnpike.net/C/cs/index.htm. http://www.discovery.org/ http://www.venganza.org ...
Surgimento do planeta A Terra surgiu h 4 bilh es e 600 milh es de anos, era uma enorme bola de fogo. Ap s um bilh o de anos houve o resfriamento e surgiram ...
HOM NIDOS A.Aponte * Pesaba sobre los 35 kilos. * Con herramientas como estos n cleos o Choppers , (MODO 1) los H. habilis golpeaba los huesos de sus presas, o ...
Human Evolution The rise of Homo sapiens Where to Begin? Right Now! The genetic analysis shown indicates that human ancestors migrated out of Africa three times ...
Evolutionary Relationships of Hominids Based on Skull Analysis ... Length of temporal fossa. 15.1 10-15. 0-9.9. Space between pterygoids. 36 30-35.9. 0-29.9 ...
Waar ligt de overgang ??? 40 .000 jaar geleden culturele evolutie. Rotstekeningen, kunstvoorwerpen, sjabloontechniek Religieus Jagers met gesofisticeerde speren ...
Human Evolution Chapter 17 Primates Order primates includes prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans Adapted for an arboreal life Human Evolution Humans and apes have a ...
Title: Aucun titre de diapositive Author: Gilles Bourbonnais Last modified by: Gilles Bourbonnais Created Date: 4/20/2001 6:13:33 PM Document presentation format
Eras geol gicas Se sabe que el sistema solar apareci hace aproximadamente 4600 millones de a os, es decir que el Sol y los planetas que giran a su alrededor se ...