Title: Why Call IsaJesus al Masih
1Why Call IsaJesusal Masih ?
Graduates Christian Fellowship
Comparative Religion Interest Group
For Internal Circulation Only
2Why Call IsaJesus al Masih ?
1 The title Al Masih is used 11 times in the
Quran and it is used in relation to IsaJesus,.
In fact, the title Al Masih is used a
personal Name of Isa and it has been used
interchangeability in the QurahAppendix C. It
has been used in place of Isa or the Son of
MaryIbn Maryam. The title al Masih is also
given to Isa in the Hadiths 2 Even though the
Quran assigns the title Al Masih to IsaJesus,
it did not give a clear explanation or
implication of the title Al Masih. The Hebrew
word "Mashiach" for "Anointed" simply means to
pour oil on something or somebody. Unlike the
Quran, the Bible gave the meaning to the title
the Messiah Al Masih. The Messiah is the
only one unique Person, predicted in the Bible
who would restore the human race to its Edenic
glory which would include the restoration of
Israel and the eternal rule of Yahweh on earth
fromJerusalem in the last days.. This Messiah is
Jesus. As the eternal Messiah, He was also given
other titles a) Prophet Like Moses
(Deut 1818) b) Priest (Psa 1104)
c) Servant of the Lord (Isa 5213, 5312.
Psalm 22) d) Eternal King (Dan 244,
434, 713, 14, 27, Psa 28, Zech 149)
e) The Branch as King (Jer 285, 6)
Servant (Zec 38) Man (Zec 612) Eternal Son
(Psa 27,12) g) God (Isa 96) 3 The
Bible calls Jesus the Messiah or the Anointed
One ie as the one and only unique eternal
Messiah(Dan 925,25, Mk 829, Jhn 625, Mk 14
61-64, Act 236, Rom 14). The Bible also
teaches that there are also other temporal
anointed ones ie priests (Lev 43,9,16) prophets
(Psa 105 15) Kings of Israel (1 Sam 210,35,2
Sam 114, Psa 22, 1850, Hab 3 13), believers
(2 Cor 126) and even a heathen King Cyrus (Isa
451). Inanimate objects eg shields (2 Sam
121), tabernacles and furniture in the temple
(Ex 3022) were also anointed. 4 King Cyrus
as a temporal Messiah, was instrumental in
bringing the Jews back to Jerusalem. But it was
the Servant of the Lord (the Messiah) who would
bring the Jews back to Yahweh. In other words,
the anointing of Cyrus was limited to only
political and temporal purposes for the
restoration of Jews to Jerusalem and nothing
more. He was not the pre-existent Messiah
prophesied in Dan79 925, 26. Even though the
Servant of the Lord was not formally identified
as the Messiah or anointed as such, he indeed
performed the work of the Messiah in restoring
Israel back to God.(Isa 491-6).
5 A heathen King Hazael of Syria was anointed
by prophet Elisha in 1 King 1915. The anointing
here served a limited and temporal purpose only
to the weakening of King Ahaz's army (2 Ki 813,
28). There was no religious or eternal reason in
the anointing of King Hazael. In other words,
this reiterates the fact that any word whether
Hebrew or Arabic should be understood in its
context. In case of Jesus, the title Al Masih
is given to Jesus for the special , universal and
eternal role for restoration the rule of Yahweh
especially in the Last Days and the Day of
Judgement ! 6 In Islam, the role of the
Prophets and Apostles are distinct. According to
FSA Majeed, The Religion id Simple, page 103,
The difference is that a nabi is a prophet or
messenger for one particular community whereas a
rasool is a prophet or messenger for many
communities. In other other words, every rasool
is a nabi but not every nabi is a rasool.
Moulavi MH Babu Sahib, Know Islam, page 21,
says. Prophets are not commissioned with
any particular code. and that Rasuls are given
particular codes or shariahs. 7 There is also
need to highlight the fact the shariahs of the t
Rusul in the Quran are also different.
AllKull foodtaam was lawful to the Children
of Israel except what Israel made lawfulHill
for itself before the Law of Moses was revealed.
Surah 393 IJesus have come to to you) to
attest the Law which was before mebayna yaday
that which is between the hands and to make
lawfulyuhillu to you part that was (before )
forbidden to you. Surah 350 For the iniquity
of the Jews, We made unlawfulu-hilla for them
certain (food) good and wholesome which has been
lawful for them. Surah 4160. 8 The
MessiahAl Masih in the Bible and Quran is not
sent only to the people of Israel Matthew
106,1524 and as a Rasul to the
Israelites Surah 349,616 but is also sent to
all mankindMatt 2818-20 and as a Sign to
mankind(Ayatalin Nas)Surah 1921. 9 The
purpose of this Booklet is to find out the real
meaning of the Title Al Masih which is given to
Jesus in the Quran. Was Isa just an
ordinary NadhirWarner, NabiProphet or
ApostleRasul ? Was Isa just a career Prophet
or Apostle ? Why the extraordinary Birth, the
miraculous Ascension to Heaven, His Second Coming
at the Last Days ?
Why Call Isa Jesus al Masih the Messiah 11
times in the Quran if he was just of one of the
WarnersNadhir ?
Verily We have sent thee in truth, as a bearer
of glad tidings, and as a warner Innaaa
arsalnaaka bil haqqi bashiiranw wa naziraa
and there never was a people, without a warner
having lived among them (in the past) wa
immin ummatin illaa khalaa fiihaa naziir..
Surah Furqan 3524 Note Ummat -People plural
Umam Nadhir warner plural - Nudhur
Had it been Our Will We could have sent a warner
to every centre of Population wa law shi-naa
laba asnaa fii kulli qaryatin town naziiraa
Surah Furqaan 2551 Note Qaryah -city,town
plural quraa
Comments a) In Surah 3524 a Nadhir warner
would be sent to every people Ummat. But in
Surah 2551, a Nadhir warner would be sent
instead to every Qaryah City or town. The
population ratio per Nadhir is not
consistent. Now if there is no basis of
comparison, the Nadhir/population ratio is a
meaningless statistics. A people group may vary
from a few hundreds to millions persons. The
population of a city or town also varies
greatly. b) However, Surah 137 contradicted
Surah 3524. In Surah 137, instead of sending
a Nadhir, God send a Guide or Hadi for each
people Ummat or Qawm. Is this a downgrading
or upgrading of ambassadorial status ? c)
If the title al Masih is of no consequence
like the WarnerNadhir or GuideHadi, why
single out Jesus among the thousands of
warners Nudhur or Guides Hadi if we
projected it basing on the ratio from the
plurality of peoples Umam or Qawm
Why Call Isa Jesus al Masih the Messiah 11
times in the Quran if he was just of one of the
124,000 ProphetsNabi ?
a) 124,000 or 224,000 Nabis or Prophets
by some
Some reports say that there were altogether
124,000 Prophets(Nabis) while other reports say
224,000 Prophets sent to mankind at various time
and to various peoples. Of them 313 or 314 or
315 were Messengers (Rasuls). Know Islam,
Moulavi MH Babu Sahib, page 22.
b) 124,000 Nabis or Prophets by Scholars
According to the scholars, Allah has sent
124,000 prophets (Nabis) 313 or 214 or 315 of
whom were messengers (rasools). The Religion is
Simple, FSA Majeed pg 102/3
c) 124,000 Nabis or Prophets by Hadith
According to a saying Muhammad (pbuh) the number
of prophets is one hundred and twenty four
thousand. The Quran mentions only 25 most
prominent prophets. Islam Beliefs and Teachings,
Ghulam Sarwar,pg 27. Muhammad is related to have
said (Mishkat book xxiv ch.1 pt.3) that there
were 124,000 ambiya or prophets and 315 apostles
or messengers. Dictionary of Islam, Thomas
Patrick Hughes, Prophet page 475.
Comments a) The 124,000 number of prophets is
rather speculative and also uncertain. Some say
it is 224,000 ! This figure is not found in
the Quran. It is supposed to be a saying of
Muhammad in a Hadith and not an opinion of
Scholars as suggested. However, the Hadith
appeared to be a weak one. c) However, if
Jesus was selected from among 124,000 Nabis, He
must have outstanding characteristics which met
the job specifications of al Masih ! Yes. Al
Masih is of great significance in the Quran !
What great things would al Masih do ? He is not
just a Nabi to Israel. He is the Ayatalin
NasThe Sign to Mankind (Surah 1921). Al
Masih is definitely more than a Nabi !
Why Call Isa Jesus al Masih the Messiah 11
times in the Quran if he was just of
one of the Ambiya ?
Comments a) The Muslim Scholars gave the idea
that every Ummat has its Nabi. The concept of
124,000 nabis seems to support the Nabi-Ummat
ratio. But there is no such Nabi-Ummat ratio as
it is not mentioned in the Quran. The Quran only
supports the idea of Nadhir-Ummat and the
Rasul-Ummat ratios. Perhaps, the Scholars would
be more accurate if they assert that the concept
of 124,000 Rasuls or Nadhirs since the concept of
Nabi-Ummat ratio does not exist in the Quran. c)
Nevertheless, it does not make any sense to call
any ordinary Nabi as al Masih unless that Nabi
would be performing a special role or function.
Al Masih is the last Prophet of Mankind. Hadiths
says that al Masih will return as a Judge in the
closing chapter of human history. He also had a
special knowledge of the end times which is known
only to Allah And (Jesus) will be the SignIlmu
Knowledge (for the coming of ) the Hour lis
saaati (of Judgement) Therefore have no doubt
about the (Hour) Surah Zurhkur 4361. Al Masih
is defintiely more than a Nabi !
Isa Jesus is called al Masih the Messiah
because of the distinction between Prophets in
the Quran ?
Comments a) Yes. Jesus is
a Nabi in the Quran (Surah 1930). He is one of
prophets who was preferred over other
prophets even though not explicitly in Surah
1755. Hence, the conferring of the Title al
Masih on Isa must have a special significance !
It is not possible that the title given was
superfluous, exaggerated and meaningless ! b)
Al Masih is an extraordinary Nabi. Al Masih is
also called Kalimatuhu or His Word (Surah
4171), Kalimatim min Hus or A Word from Him
(Surah 345) and Kalimatim minallahi or A Word
from Allah (Surah 339).
Why Call Isa Jesus al Masih the Messiah 11
times in the Quran if he was just of one of 25
Rasuls ?
Comments a) The criteria for the Umma-Rasul
Ratio (11) is based on the following - A
Rasul is sent to every Umma - the definition
of the people group is dependant on the language
the Umma uses to communicate Basing on
this criteria, the number of rasuls would run
into thousands - it would definitely exceed the
124,000 figure in view of the numerous
people language groups. This criteria would
support the 124,000 Rusul, instead of the
124,000 Nabis as proposed earlier. b)
Notwithstanding the fact that the Quran claims
that there is a Rasul for each people group,
the Quran is able to name only 25 Rasuls. Muslim
Scholars tried to overcome this difficulty by
saying that only the more prominent Rasuls are
mentioned. b) However, the criteria of 11
Umma - Rasul ratio is not adhered to religiously
! Even in this century, we still have many
unreached people groups ! Can we presume that
each of these unreached people groups had their
own native Nadhir or Rasul ? We cannot be
sure of it ! Nevertheless, if not every Umma
had their own Rasul, it would not be proper for
an Umma to have more than one Rasul ! In the
case of Israel, there were 21(84)of the 25 known
Rasuls in the Quran ! Why the partiality ?
Why Call Isa Jesus al Masih the Messiah 11
times in the Quran if there is no distinction
between Rasuls in the Quran ?
Comments If there is no
distinction among the Rasuls, why make a
distinction in the person of Isa ? Why set him
apart from the other Rasuls ? Yes. Al Masih is
special !
Comments This verse Surah 2253
openly contradicted Surah 4152. Here, there is
a distinction among the Rasuls. There is a
preferencefaddala among the Rusul. The Arabic
word faddala means preferred. Not only is there
a basic distinction, there is a multi-tier scale
of honour as indicated by the Arabic word
darajaat or degrees ! Al Masih is definitely
on the top of this Honour List !
Comments Al Masih as Rasul, commands all his
followers to obey Him personally as long as He
lives. The Arabic words atii uun means obey
me(Jesus) ! The command to obey Al Masih is
still valid because He is still alive today !
Reasons Why Isa is called Al Masih
Extraordinary Titles given to Al Masih
Extraordinary Titles given to Al Masih
Word from Him Kalimatim min hus
Honour in this world and the Hereafter wajiihan
fid dunyaa wal Aakhirati
Nearest to Allah wa minal Muqarrabiin
Word from Allah Kalimatim-minallaahi
Apostle of Allah Rasul ul Allah,
Spirit proceeding from Him Ruhum minh
His Word Kalimatuhu
O People of the Book yaaa ahlal Kitaabi !
Commit no excesses in your religion laa tagluu
fii diinikum nor say of Allah aught but truth
wa laa taquuluu alallaahi illal- haqq.
Christal Masih (3) Jesus the son of Mary was
(no more than) an apostle of Allah innamal
Masiihu li-sabnu Maryama Rasuulullaahi, and His
Word wa Kalimatuhu, which He bestowed on Mary
alqaa-haaa ilaa Maryama, and a Spirit
proceeding from Him wa ruuhum minh so believe
in Allah and His apostles, Fa aaminuu billaahi
wa Rusulih Surah Nisaa 4171
Reasons Why Isa is called Al Masih
Virgin Birth of al Masih
Comments The Virgin Birth of
Jesus is the most unique miracle in all humanity.
It would never be duplicated at all. Yes. Adam
was born without a father and mother but so are
the first monkeys, guinea pigs, giraffe etc !
Only Jesus was born without a father !
The Sinless of al Masih
Righteous Salih Surah Ali Imran 346
Nearest to Allah al-Muqarrabin
Surah Ali Imran 345
Mercy from Us Rahmatam min naa Surah
Maryam 1921
Comments Even though the Quran
teaches that all prophets are sinless, the sins
of all other prophets are recorded in the Quran
except Isa Al Masih. Al Masih is a sinless
Ghulam(youth, not a baby) ! Ghulam a youth
having attained the age of moral accountability.
This doctrine of the sinless Al Masih is not
formulated from an isolated verse. It has
support from other Quranic verses !
Reasons Why Isa is called Al Masih
Miracles by Jesus
287 We gave Jesus the son of Mary clear (Signs)
and strengthened him with the holy
spirit. 2253To Jesus the son of Mary We gave
Clear (Signs) and strengthened him with the Holy
Spirit. 5113Then will Allah say O Jesus the
son of Mary! Recount My favour to thee and to thy
mother. Behold! I strengthened thee with the holy
spirit, ...And behold! I did restrain the
Children of Israel from (violence to) thee when
thou didst show them the clear Signs, and the
unbelievers among them said This is nothing but
evident magic.'
Reasons Why Isa is called Al Masih
by Allah's leave bi-iznillaah
by Allah's leave bi-iznillaah
Obtaining Permission from Allah
No sinner would get permission from God to
sin ! Some who wrong their own
souls some who follow the middle course and
some who are, by Allahs Leavebi-iznil-laah,
foremost in good deeds.Surah 3532
Which of these Sinners would ask God for the
permission to sin ?
No expressed permission needed to bear fruit
No expressed permission required to cut palm tree
Whether ye cut down (o ye Muslims !) the tender
palm-trees or ye left them standing on their
roots, it was by the leave of Allah.bi-iznillaah
Surah 595
It good tree brings forth its fruit at all
times by the leave bi-izni of Allah Rabbihaa-
its Lord Surah 14 25
Reasons Why Isa is called Al Masih
Escape from the Cross
Jesus did not Die on the Cross
Jesus is still Alive Today !
- Comments
- The crucifixion and death of Jesus is one of the
documented fact of history. Jewish and Roman
historians like The Talmud, Josephus, Tacitus,
Suetonius, Pliny etc. recorded this incident.
The crucifixion and the vicarious death of Jesus
is the very foundation and existence of the
Christian Church. - For the 1st 300 years, Christianity was an
illegal religion many died for their faith !
Why the devotion and allegiance to a publicly
executed criminal ? The explanation for this is
that not only Jesus died on the cross, He rose
from the dead on the third day ! Jesus is the
living and resurrected Messiah today ! Jesus is
alive today ! Praise be to God ! Jesus had also
promised to return to this world in the last days
Reasons Why Isa is called Al Masih
Comments (Contd) b)
Jesus is the most extraordinary Rasul in the
Quran. Even though the Quran denies the
crucifixion of Al Masih, it clearly teaches the
death of Al Masih Surah 19334159. If Gods
intention is to save Jesus from the Cross, there
is no reason for God to make another to look like
Jesus and then have him crucified on the Cross !
Why ? If God had already completed His mission in
saving Jesus, the mission is complete ! There is
no necessity for God to do anything more ! Why
the substitute another in place of Jesus ?
c) Assuming that Isa was not
crucified, Where is He now ? Where is His Body ?
Where is his grave ? Muslims says that Isa is
still alive today and is in Heaven ! Praise be
to God !
Ascension of Isa al Masih to the presence of Allah
Comments According to the Quran,
Allah rafaa raised physically to Himself
after rescue. This ascension cannot be
metaphorical because it would be blasphemous for
any human being to be exalted in terms of honour
upto the position of God Himself ! God Himself
is called Ar Rafi, one of the 99 names of Allah !
If we accept the metaphorical interpretation,
Jesus would be raised up to the position of Ar
Rafi !
Comments Now it Jesus, a
mere human being, is now in the presence of
Allah, there is not mention of Him being
pulverized when He is in the presence of Allah.
In the case of Moses, when Allah appeared before
Moses, the mountain was turned to dust ! It is
amazing that Al Masih could be in the presence of
Allah without suffering any pulverization !
Reasons Why Isa is called Al Masih
Al Masih is the Last and Final Prophet of Mankind
Jesus has the Knowledge of the Hour Ilmus
And (Jesus) will be the SignIlmu Knowledge
(for the coming of ) the Hourlis saaati (of
Judgement) Therefore have no doubt about the
(Hour) Surah 4361
But in the Quran, Only God has the Knowledge of
the Hour Ilmus Saaah
They ask theeMuhammad about the (final) hour
Saaat when will be the appointed time ?
Say The knowledge ilmu thereof is with my
Lord Rabbii alone None but He can reveal as
to when it will occur. Surah 71873363 Verily
, the knowledge of the Hourilmus-Saaah is with
Allah. Surah 3134 4147, 4385
Al Masih is the Last and Final Prophet of Mankind
Why Call The False Prophet in the Last Days
Dajjal al Masih ?
Comments a) According to the Hadiths,
one of the reasons why Jesus would return in
the Last Days is to kill the Dajjal Al Masih or
The Anti-Christ. In the above hadith, Jesus was
given the extraordinary title Spirit of Allah.
b) However, it is strange that the false
prophet in the last days would be called Dajjal
as an Anti-Christ. Muslim scholars have always
maintained that Muhammad, the Seal of Prophethood
Khatam ul Nabiyuun, came after Jesus, hence
making Muhammad to be the last and final
Prophet. As such, Islam would also be considered
the final revelation and religion of mankind ! c)
Now, if we say that Muhammad is last and
final prophet, one would expect the Dajjal,coming
after Muhammad and Islam, would to be
Anti-Muhammad or Anti-Islam. But this is not the
case. The Dajjal is not Anti-Muhammad or
Anti-Islam ! Instead, the Dajjal is
Anti-Christ ! d) In the Second Coming
or Descent(Nuzul) of Jesus, Jesus would truly be
the Last Prophet since He would come after
Muhammad. There is no reason for the Dajjal to be
Anti-Christ unless Christ would be around for
the Dajjal to oppose or to anti. Yes. Christ
would return ! Christ Jesus would indeed be the
Last and Final Prophet of Mankind in the closing
chapter of human history in both Bible and the
Quran !
- God does not delve in sports or a game of chance.
Whatever God says or does, it is intentional,
rational, accurate and full of wisdom and
meaning ! The titles conferred should not be
hollow and an exaggeration ! There is an economy
of words used ! No unnecessary words would be
used. The words would express exactly what God
says ! When God calls Jesus Al Masih, He did
not make any mistake. He meant what He said ! - 2 Al Masih is more than a
- Nadhir(Warner) -
Nabi(Prophet) - Rasul(Apostle) - 3 Al Masih is given extraordinary titles which
are hardly appropriate for any Nadhir, Nabi or
Rasul ! The titles are as follows -
Ghulam Zakiy (Sinless Youth)
- Kalimatuhu (His Word)
- Kalimatim min Hus (A Word from
Him) - Kalimatim minallaahi (A Word
from Allah) - Ruhum minh (A Spirit from
Him) - 4 The miracle of His Birth is never duplicated in
all human history ! He performed miracles
especially the making of a live bird which no
prophet or rasul had ever done. He had knowledge
of the Hour which only Allah possesses. He is the
longest living human being in all human history.
He is still alive today in Heaven - about 2,000
years old ! He will return in His Second Coming
as Judge in the Last Days ! - 5 Since Isa Al Masih is still alive, we, the Ahl
ul Injil (Surah 550, are duty-bound to obey
Him ! Surah 351,4363 Lets us all obey Al
Masih now !
Appendix A
The Title Al Masih in the Quran
1 Behold ! The angels said O Mary ! Allah
giveth thee glad tidings of a Word from
HimKalimatim min hus his name will be Christ
ul Masih (1) Jesus, the son of Mary, held in
honour in this world and the hereafter and of
(the company of) those nearest to Allah. Surah
Ali Imraan 345 2 And because of their
saying (in boast)Wa qawlihim, We killed innaa
qatal-nal Messiah al Masih (2) Jesus, son of
Mary Masiiha lisabna Maryama, the Messenger of
Allah Rasuulallaah, - but they killed him not
wa maa qataluuhu, nor crucified him wa maa
salabuuhu, but so it was made to appear to
themwa laakin-shubbiha lahum, and those who
differ therein are full of doubts wa
innal-laziinakh-talafuu fiihi lafii,
shakkim-minh, with no (certain) knowledge,
But only conjecture to follow maa lahum bihii
min il-min illat-tibaa azzann. For of a
surety They killed him not wa maa qataluuhu
yaqiinaa Surah 4157
Nay, Allah raised him up unto Himself
Bar-rafaa a-hullaahu ilayh and Allah is
Exalted in Power, Wise wa kaanallaahun Aziizan
Hakii-maa. Surah 4158 3 O People of the Book
yaaa ahlal Kitaabi ! Commit no excesses in your
religion laa tagluu fii diinikum nor say of
Allah aught but truth wa laa taquuluu alallaahi
illal- haqq. Christal Masih (3) Jesus the son
of Mary was (no more than) an apostle of Allah
innamal Masiihu li-sabnu Maryama Rasuulullaahi,
and His Word wa Kalimatuhu, which He bestowed
on Mary alqaa-haaa ilaa Maryama, and a Spirit
proceeding from Him wa ruuhum minh so believe
in Allah and His apostles, Fa aaminuu billaahi
wa Rusulih Say not Trinity wa laa taquuluu
Salaasah(Three not Trinity) desist It will
be better for you intahuu khayral lakum but
Allah is One Allah innamal laahu Ilaahunw
Wahid Glory be to Him (For exalted is He)
above having a son Suhaanahuuu any yakuuna
lahuu Walad. To Him belong all things in the
heavens and on earth Lahuu maa fis samaawaati wa
maa fil arz. And enough is Allah as Disposer of
affairs Wa kafaa billaahi Wakiilaa. Surah
Nisaa 4171 4 Christal Masih(4) disdaineth not
to serve and worship Allah, Nor do the angels,
those nearest (to Allah) Those who disdain His
worship and are arrogant He will gather them
all together unto Himself to (answer). Surah
Nisaa 4172
Appendix A
The Title Al Masih in the Quran (contd)
- 5 In blasphemy indeed are those that say that
Allah is Christal Masih(5) the son of Mary. Say
Who then hath the least power against Allah,
if His will were to destroy Christal Masih(6)
the son of Mary, his mother and all everyone
that is on the earth ? For to Allah belongeth the
dominion of the heavens and the earth and all
that is between. He createth what He pleased. For
Allah hath power over all things. Surah al Maida
519 - 6 They do blaspheme who say Allah is
Christal Masih(7) the son of Mary. But said
Christal Masih(8) O Children of Israel !
Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. Whoever
joins other gods with Allah Allah will forbid
him the Garden, and the Fire will be his abode.
There will for the wrong doers be on one to
help. Surah al Maida 5 75 - 7 Christal Masih(9) the son of Mary was no more
than an Apostle many were the apostles that
passed away before him. His mother was a woman of
truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food.
See how Allah doth make His Signs clear to them
Yet see in what ways they were deluded away from
the truth. Surah al Maida 5 78 - 8 The Jews call Uzair a son of Allah, and the
Christians call Christal Masih(10) the Son of
Allah. That is a saying from their mouths (in
this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of
old used to say how they are deluded away from
the Truth! Surah Tawbah 930 - 9 They take their priests and their anchorites
to be their lords in derogation of Allah. And
(they take as their Lord) Christal Masih (11)
the son of Mary yet they were commanded to
worship but one Allah There is no god but He.
Praise and glory to Him (Far is He) from having
the parents they associate (with Him) Surah
Tawbah 931
Appendix B
Quran condemns Christian Heresies ! A careful
study of the Quran shows that it does not
orthodox Christianity ie the Trinitarian Church
as expressed in the Nicene Creed(AD 325) and
Chalcedonian Creed (AD 451). It condemns
vehemently some of the early church heresies
which were still prevailing during the time of
Muhammad. Some of these heresies are as follows
- Patripassionism and Sabellianism
- Doceticism a) Patripassionism God
the Father is Christ ! (i) Patripassionism,
literally means the passion of the Father ie
that God the Father died on the Cross. These
heretics were confused about the teaching of
Trinity. They taught that God the Father is God
the Son and also God the Holy Spirit and vice
versa. Another similar heresy is called
Sabellianism. This concept is not only defective
and also deceptive ! If they are only one
person, why is there a need for the Son to the
Father and vice versa in the Bible ? It is a
ventriloquism and puppetry. If there is only one
person, why pretend or give the false impression
that there are three persons ? Why the deception
? Furthermore, if God the Father is Spirit, how
could a Spirit, which is immaterial, be crucified
on the cross ? (ii) The Quran condemns the
Christian heresy of Patripassionism and
Sabellianism ! They do blaspheme who say
Allah is Christal Masih(7) the son of Mary.
But said Christal Masih(8) O Children of
Israel ! Worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord.
Whoever joins other gods with Allah Allah will
forbid him the Garden, and the Fire will be his
abode. There will for the wrong doers be on one
to help. Surah al Maida 5 75. (iii) In the
context of Christian Theology, this
verse is saying that the Godhead or God the
Father is the Son and this amounts to
a heresy ! The Godhead comprises
of God the Father, God the Son and God
the Holy Spirit is analogous to the concept of
space comprises of length,
breath and height. It would be proper
to say that the Son is also God like
saying Christ is also
Allah ! Hence,it is a Christian heresy to say
that Allah is Christ as condemned in
the Quran !
Space is not Length
Length is also Space, not 1/3 Space
Appendix B
Quran condemns Christian Heresies ! b) Rebutted
the Docetic Heresy - Christ has no
humanity (i) The Quran condemns the Christian
heresy called Docetism. According to The Oxford
Dictionary of the Christian Church, page 413,
Docetism In the early Church, a tendency,
rather than a formulated and unified doctrine,
which considered the humanity and sufferings of
the earth Christ as apparent rather than
real. (ii) Docetism is a false teaching
because it contradicts the Bile. John 114 says
The WordGod the Son became Flesh, yet
Docetist says that Jesus do not have a real body
! This is an open contradiction to John 114 !
The reason why the docetists do not accept the
position of John 114 is because they think that
Jesus being the Word of God or Mind of God is
immaterial, hence being immaterial, he could not
suffer any pain. In the Bible, Jesus had a real
human body, capable of hunger, tiredness, pain
and suffering - a direct contradiction to the
position held by the Docetists ! (iii) The
position of the Quran is also the same as that of
the Bible. The Quran asserts that Christ is human
and like other Rusul, Christ also would die
khalaa passed away, had a mother, ate food
like His mother, etc. ! Christal Masih the son
of Mary was no more than an Apostle Mal
Masihubnu Maryam illaa Rasuul many were the
apostles that passed away khalaa before him
qad khalat min qab lihir rusul. His mother was
a woman of truthwa ummuhuu Siddiiqah.. They had
both to eatya kul their (daily) foodtaaam
Kaanaa ya kulaanit-ta aam. See how Allah doth
make His Signs clear to them Yet see in what
ways they were deluded away from the truth.
Surah al Maida 5 78 (iv) Hence, Surah 5 78
tried to rebut the heresy of Doceticism ! The
Quran is not rebutting the orthodox doctrine of
Jesus had a real human body !
Appendix B
c) Quran condemns Heretical Christian Saint
Worship !
Comments a) We should acknowledge at the onset
of this discussion is that there is a great
difference between orthodoxy and heresy. For
example, in Islam, we can also find saint worship
ie kramat where dead saints were venerated. This
is, of course, not representative of orthodox
Islam. In fact, Islam condemns such practices. In
the same way, saint worship had also crept into
some churches. Does it mean the Christianity
allows saint veneration and worship ? Of course
not ! bi) Yes, Surah 931 condemns saint
veneration and worship ! That does not the Quran
is condemning all Christians as saint worshippers
! The Quran is against a Christian minority
which practises this idolatrous saint worship !
c) This view is further reiterated in the
Hadith by one Adl bin Hatim who had objected
vehemently that Christian are idolators and they
do not worship their saints, scholars, rabbis,
priests or monks as lords beside Allah. Muhammad
had in fact conceded that Christians do not
worship saints in the Hadith ! But Muhammad
added that even though they did not worship the
saints or leaders directly, they would have done
so if they followed their leaders teaching
blindly on what is haram or hallal. The Hadith is
appended below.
Appendix B
c) Quran condemns Heretical Christian Saint
Worship !
Comments a) The other verse Surah 364 also
reiterated the Quranic teaching that the People
of Book took humans as lords besides Allah -
From among ourselves, Lords and patrons other
than Allah. yattakhiza bazunaa bazan arbaabam
min duunillaah Surah Ali Imran 364 b) But on
the other hand, the Quran expects all Muslims to
obey and follow the not only the Quran but also
the sunan of Muhammad. He who obeys the Apostle,
obeys Allah Surah Nisaa 480. The verse
commands all Muslims to obey the office of the
Rasul and not the Rasul personally. Yet the
sunan of Muhammad, including his personal
traits, have been closely followed with such
devotion which should be given to God alone. c)
Furthermore, in addition to Quran and the
hadiths, Scholars like Imams Shafiee, Malik,
Hambal, Haneefah and Ali have added into the
Sunan through Ijma(consesus) and Itijad legal
reasoning) on matters not found in the Quran and
Hadiths. The Imams gave their only Madhad which
were followed religiously ! In view of the
different Madhads, contradictions, confusion and
uncertainty would arise naturally because of the
human origin Furthermore, these Imams did not
claim infallibility in their own shariah decision
which appended below (i) Imam ash-Shaafiee
said "There is no one among us (scholars) who
has not had a Sunnah of Allah's Messenger elude
him or slip his mind so no matter what ruling I
have made or fundamentals I have established,
there will be in them things contrary to some of
the ruligngs of Allah's Messenger. But the
correct ruling is according to what Allah's
Messenger said and that is my ruling." By
Al-Haakim in Ibn Asaakir's Taarekh Dimishq,
(DamascusRawdah ash-Shaam, 1911-132) vol 15 part
1 pg3 - Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips, Tafseer Soorah
Al-Hujurat, pg56
Appendix B
c) Quran condemns Heretical Christian Saint
Worship !
Comments (ii) Imam Ahmad ibn Hambal said Do
not imitate me, Maalik, ash-Shaafiee, al-Awzaa'ee
or ath-Thawree. Take your rulings frm whence they
took theirs." Ibn al-Qayyim, a-Fulaannee's
Eeqaadh al-Hirmam, (Cairo, al-Muneereeyah Press,
1935) p113 ibid pg 56 (iii) Imam Maalik
also said"Surely I am only a mann. I err and am
at times correct so thoroughly investigate my
opinions, then take whatever agrees with the
Bookk(Qur'aan) aand the Sunnah, and reject
whatever contradicts them." Ibn Abdul-Barr,
Jaami Bayyaan al-'llm, (Cairo al-Muneereeyah
Press, 1833-1900) vol 2, p 32 ibid pg 56 (iv)
Imam Abu Haneefah said "If I have made a
ruling which contradicts Allah's Book or the
Messenger's Hadeeth, reject my ruling."
Al-Fulaannee's Eeqaadh al-Hirmam,(Cairo,al-Muneer
eeyah Press,1935)p50ibid pg 56
d) Now if Muslims are required to obey the
Sunan of Muhammad because of the command to obey
the office of the Rasul - He who obeys the
Apostle, obeys Allah Surah Nisaa 480. In the
case for Christians to obey Al Masih is even
greater ! In the Quran, Christians are required
to obey not only the office of the Al Masih but
also the Al Masih personally. Fear God and Obey
me Jesus Surah 350 and 4363 The need to
continue to obey Al Masih is of paramount
importance because Jesus is still alive now in
heaven and that his apostleship is still not over
yet ! e) Now if Muslims are required to follow
their fallible Imams in matters of the Shariah
and Faith, Why should we disallow Christians
from following our own Hujjat al NasraniyahProof
of Christianity eg Martin Luther, John Calvin,
John Wesley, etc. In Islam, Imam Ghazali has
also been called Hujjat ul IslamProof of Islam.
Appendix C
- Quran condemns Polytheism, Not Trinity
- There is no doubt that the Quran condemns
polytheism. Yes. However, - the impression is given is that Christians were
bundled together with the - Meccan polytheists in the condemnation ! But a
close scrutiny shows that the - Quran does not condemn orthodox Christians but
rather the Meccan polytheism - where the family concept of God prevailed God
having a wife and physical - children ! We, the People of the Book, would
also condemn such perverse and - sexual deities !
- a) God has no physical Son like Daughters of
Allah in Mecca ! - The Quran apparently condemns the Jews and
Christians for calling - Uzzair the Son of God and Jesus the Son of God
respectively ! The Jews call Uzair a son of
Allah, and the Christians call Christ al Masih
the Son of Allah ibn ullaah. That is a saying
from their mouths (in this) they but imitate what
the unbelievers of old used to say how they are
deluded away from the Truth! Surah Tawbah 930 - Yes. Jesus was called Son of God by Demons
(Matt 829, Luk 4 41, Mk 57) An Angel (Luk
135) His executioner (Matt 2754) Martha,
friend (Jhn 1127) Apostles (Matt 1433) Peter
(Matt 1616) Nathanael (Jhn 149) Apostle John
(Jhn 2031) )John the Baptist (Jhn 134)
Saul/Paul (Act 920, 2Cor 119) and God (Matt
317, Mk 1 11, Luk 322 Jhn 134) But Jesus
is not the physical Son of God ! He was borned
not through a sexual union ! God has no wife ! - (iii) We would like to highlight that the
concept of the Son of God is a Jewish and
Palestinian in origin and not Greek nor Pagan !
Neither Paul or New evidence from the Dead Sea
Scrolls 1st century AD showed that this idea
originated from within Palestine. Jesus had been
called the Son of God and Son of the Most High
in the Dead Sea Scrolls. According to Scroll
4Q246 (1st century AD), He shall be called the
son of God, and they shall designate call him
son of the Most High. Like the appearance of
comets, so shall be their kingdom. For brief
years they shall reign over the earth and shall
trample on all. one people shall trample on
another and one province on another until the
people of God shall rise and all shall rest from
the sword. The Signature of God, Grant R
Jeffrey, pg 101 Luke 13,35 Neither Paul or
Peter had created this concept. It is an Old
Testament concept (Psa 27,12). Jesus identified
Himself as the Son of God. (John 114, 1036,
Matt 1616)
Appendix C
- Quran condemns Polytheism, Not Trinity
- God has no physical Son like Daughters of
Allah in Mecca ! - We also take notice that the Quran condemns
the very idea that God - has a physical Son. Whenever Allah
condemns this idea, the Arabic - word Walad is used because it carries
the meaning of a physical son. - But whenever Jesus is mentioned, the
word Ibn is used. Ibn - connotes son in a metaphorical sense
just like the words Ibn al Sabil - meaning a Son of the Way or traveller
Surah 2177 In the Quran, - Jesus is called Ibn in a metaphorical
sense. In the Quran, Jesus is - called Son of Mary Ibn Maryam 22
times and once Ibn Allah Son of - God in the negative sense Surah
Tawbah 930. - Jesus is not called Walad at all in a
physical sense ! He was nearly called Walad
by Mary mistakenly in Surah 347 because
revelation had not been given to her yet. Mary
thought that Isa would be borned in a normal
process. But she was mistaken ! As such, it is
not proper to call Isa as a walad in Surah 347
! - (vi) Hence, when the Quran, like the verse
2116, condemns, it condemns the Meccan
polytheism in which God had children namely
daughters of Allah eg Allat, Manat and Uzza in
Surah 53 19,20. Al Lat, al UzzaHave ye seen
Lat and Uzza Afara ay-tumul Laat wal Uzzaa,
and another, the third (gooddess), Manat wa
Manaatas saalisatal ukhraa. Surah Najm
5319/20 They say Allah hath begotten a
SonWalad Wa qaalautta Khazallaahu waladan
Glory be to Him Nay, To Him belongs all that is
in the heavens and on earth Subhaanah ! Ballahuu
maa fissamaawaati wal arz everything renders
worship to Him kullul lahuu qaanituun. Surah
Baqara 2116
Appendix C
- Quran condemns Polytheism, Not Trinity
- God has no physical Son like Daughters of
Allah in Mecca ! - (vii) In the same way, when the Quran condemns
Salaasah meaning Three in Surah 4171, it had
Meccan Polytheism in mind and not the Chrisitan
concept of Trinity !. Say not Trinity wa laa
taquuluu Salaasah(Three not Trinity)desist
It will be better for you intahuu khayral lakum
but Allah is One Allah innamal laahu Ilaahunw
Wahid Glory be to Him (For exalted is He)
above having a son Suhaanahuuu any yakuuna
lahuu Walad. To Him belong all things in the
heavens and on earth Lahuu maa fis samaawaati
wa maa fil arz. And enough is Allah as Disposer
of affairs Wa kafaa billaahi Wakiilaa. Surah
Nisaa 4171 - (viii) However, Muhammad had also entertained
the possibility that Allah could have a physical
Son Walad), a idea our Ulema would never dare to
entertain. Say If (Allah) Most Gracious had a
Son walad Qul inkaana lir Rahmaani
waladun, I would be the first to worship fa
ana awwalul aabidiin Surah Zukhruf 43 81
Appendix C
Quran condemns Polytheism, Not Trinity (Contd)
b) God has no Wife ! (i) Against
Meccan polytheism The Quran gives the impression
that it is not against the doctrine of Trinity
but in fact, it is against a tri-theism which is
another model of Meccan polytheism involving a
wife saabih and physical children walad.
This misunderstanding is further documented in
Surah 5119 in which its concept of Trinity
involves Allah, Mary and Isa, a Meccan family
type of polytheism !
ii) Against a Meccan Polytheistic Tritheism
This sexual concept of Tri-theism
is far removed from the orthodox concept of the
Trinity - God the Father, God the Son and the
Holy Spirit. It is heretical to conceive in our
mind that Trinity comprises of 3 physical men, 3
identical men sitting in a row or 1 older man
with 2 younger men ! The Father is Spirit. The
Holy Spirit is Spirit. Only Jesus is in the flesh
! In your mind, you can only see one person -
Jesus, the visible Image of the Invisible God !
Col 115