Gunpowder Empires 1450-1750 Land Based Power Europe s empires built on sea power Asian empires land-based power around might of gunpowder Ottomans, Safavids ...
Title: ISLAMIC GUNPOWDER EMPIRES Author: paulphilp Last modified by: Christopher Trzepinska Created Date: 3/10/2006 8:31:44 PM Document presentation format
The Gunpowder Empires Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal Islamic Empires Nomadic Nature of Origins All three empires were founded by Turkic speaking nomads Founding leaders ...
Mongol Empire (1200s - mid-1300s) Chinghis (Genghis) Khan. Largest land empire ever ... Mongol Empire. Ottoman Empire (1299-1924) Osman. Turks from Central ...
ISLAMIC GUNPOWDER EMPIRES EARLY MODERN ISLAM 1450 TO 1750 DYNASTIC STATE The Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal rulers and Islam All three Islamic empires were military ...
ISLAMIC GUNPOWDER EMPIRES EARLY MODERN ISLAM 1450 TO 1750 DYNASTIC STATE The Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal rulers and Islam All three Islamic empires were military ...
ISLAMIC GUNPOWDER EMPIRES EARLY MODERN ISLAM 1450 TO 1750 DYNASTIC STATE The Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal rulers and Islam All three Islamic empires were military ...
The Muslim Empires Artistic Achievement-Mughals Jahangir/ Shah Jahan continued with government and fought enemies while expanding the empire-much due to what Akbar ...
Mesopotamian Empires. Akkadian Babylonian. Assyrian. Neo-Babylonian. The Four ... An empire is an area of many territories and people that are controlled by one ...
First Empires of India Mauryan and Gupta Empires Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya conquered the remains of Alexander the Great s kingdom and controlled most of ...
ISLAMIC GUNPOWDER EMPIRES EARLY MODERN ISLAM 1450 TO 1750 DYNASTIC STATE The Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal rulers and Islam All three Islamic empires were military ...
Islam and the Islamic Empires Some Definitions ISLAM: The Yoke or submission to the will of God MUHAMMAD: The prophet of Islam MUSLIM: A follower if Islam ARAB ...
Early Indian Empires LEARNING GOALS and QUESTIONS Before European influence, India had established itself as a major empire with incredible religious, political, and ...
Assyrian Empire. Divided into provinces, political districts ... Capital of Assyrian Empire. One of the first libraries. Held 25,000 tablets of stories and songs. ...
Chapter 4: Empires of India & China Section 1: Hinduism & Buddhism Section 2: Powerful Empires of India Section 3: Pillars of Indian Life Section 4: Philosophy ...
As you read Create a timeline Your timeline should include at least five significant events that mark growth in the Ghana Empire. Be sure to include at least ...
Taken back by successors of Augustus. Successor Openly ruled as Emperors. Overextending Empire ... Influx of Religious Iconography. Charges of Idolatry. Greek Orthodox ...
The Muslim Empires Chapter 21 EQs: What are the key differences and similarities between these empires? How did each rise and fall? Chapter Introduction It s mainly ...
The Mongol and Ming Empires Mongols Nomadic people who lived in the steppes of Central Asia Under Genghis Khan, cast empire stretched from the Pacific ocean to ...
Muslim Empires Unit 2, SSWH 12 a & b What were the origins and contributions of the Ottomans, Safavid, and Mughal empires? a. Describe the geographical extent of the ...
Start of the Mauryan Empire. Chandragupta Maurya 321-298 BC: Chandragupta s army of 9,000 elephants and 700,000 soldiers trampled neighboring kingdoms.
This achievement was important because it was the first code of laws to apply to everyone. 6.5 Life in the ... The Assyrian Empire 6.6 The Assyrian Empire ...
This PPT will allow teachers to have a basic presentation created on the Aztec Empire's history and a basic overview of their sister empires in South America. Great for Middle School and High School
This PPT will allow teachers to have a basic presentation created on the Aztec Empire's history and a basic overview of their sister empires in South America. Great for Middle School and High School
Indian and Chinese Empires Chapter 7 Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya Seizes Power in 321 B.C., starts Mauryan Empire Chandragupta defeats Seleucus I; north India ...
Map 20.4: The Mughal Empire (page 467) 1. Which state governs the largest empire? ... artistic legacy in poetry, ceramics, carpets & architecture. Ottoman Decline ...
Empire of the Great Khan. 3. SECTION. Feudal Powers in ... Angkor Wat. Koryu Dynasty. MAIN IDEA. WHY IT MATTERS NOW. TERMS ... system and Angkor Wat ...
The Empires of Egypt and Nubia Collide. 1. SECTION. Assyria Dominates the Fertile Crescent ... III, Egyptians brought gold, cattle, ivory, and slaves from Nubia. ...
Rise and Fall of Empires Paradigm revolution or civil war Creation of a state ideology (promotes UNITY!) Rise of economic and military power Stability, prosperity ...
An Age of Empires: Rome and Han China 753 B.C.E. 330 C.E. Rome s Creation of a Mediterranean Empire 753 B.C.E. 300 C.E. Geography Italy and Sicily are at a ...
The Empires of Mali and Songhai Mali continued: Sundiata Established Timbuktu Location - Niger River Important for Islam Supported growing of food crops and cotton.
AP World History II The Ottoman Empire Ottomans gain ground in Asia Minor (Anatolia) throughout the 1350 s 1453: Ottoman capture of Constantinople under the Ottoman ...
THE ISLAMIC GUNPOWDER EMPIRES, 1300 - 1650. Themes of World History. One of the recurring themes in history is the cyclical nature of nations and empires. ...
He respected all religions. ... List three accomplishments of King Asoka. What ... List three accomplishments of Indian mathematicians during the Gupta empire. ...
West African Empires and Civilizations Chapter 15 Section 2 Setting the Stage There were three powerful empires growing in Western Africa Located in the Sahel (the ...
Empire builders first conquer other lands, then use their power to keep these ... Made discoveries that led to 60-minute hour and 7-day week. Lasted only 75 years ...
CHAPTER 15: The Muslim Empires SECTION ONE The BIG Idea: COMPETITION AMONG COUNTRIES The Ottoman Empire grew strong as it expanded its borders. Question 6 Question 7 ...
Islam is not monolithic. Sunni Approximately 90% of Muslims. ... Moved away from orthodox Islam. Transition ... Islam & Art. Military Nation-State. Empires ...
Chapter 2 : New Empires in the Americas Section 1: Europeans Set Sail In the box below, list the stages of exploration that led the Vikings to land in North America.
Chapter 2 The Ancient Near East: Peoples and Empires On the Fringes of Civilization Impact of Indo-Europeans North of the Black Sea or southwestern Asia Migrations ...