Werner Sun, Cornell University. for the CLEO Collaboration ... Werner Sun, Cornell University. 5. D Tagging Technique. Technique for most results presented today: ...
for the CLEO-c Collaboration. CKM 2005 Workshop on the Unitarity Triangle ... Resonant substructure. 0.6. y(3770) width. 0.5 ST / 1.0 DT. FSR 0.2. Trigger e ...
CLEO-c & CESR-c: Probing Physics Behind & Beyond the Standard Model Mats Selen, University of Illinois 2002 Aspen Winter Conference on Particle Physics
The CLEO-c Detector Steve Gray Cornell University BESIII Workshop January 13, 2004 New Era - New Needs Need Quality Tracking AND Precision EM Calorimetery ...
... 6 possible from 3 fb-1 data (still pretty good) e e- K . p- e e ... than at Y(4S) due to backgrounds. See Daniele Pedrini's. talk in beyond SM. working group ...
CLEO-III drift chamber (DR3) is very well suited to running at lower energies. ... TILE Board Fixes to improve 'Sharing Mode': Added a couple. of capacitors. to ...
Once all sub-jobs complete, collate binary files into database in event-number order ... completes successfully the JM starts the collation sub-job ...
Measuring Strong Phases, Charm Mixing, and DCSD at CLEO-c Mats Selen, University of Illinois HEP 2005, July 22, Lisboa, Portugal It s a feature, not a problem
Nuclear int'ns cause 'splitoffs' separated from central shower matched to track ... Based on lateral shower profile- collimated or not? Proximity to track ...
N cleo e Divis o Celular Prof. Magr o N cleo Celular Cromatina = Cromossomos O material gen tico descondensado cromatina - ativo, pois pode ser transcrito ...
The demands of doing physics in the 3 - 5 GeV range are easily met by the existing detector ... Precision Flavor Physics ... Study fundamental states of the theory ...
it so affects the minute and capillary. circulation, as to render greater action ... Percutaneous revascularization-1.1millions --Surgical revasculariztion-571,000 ...
... in this talk were obtained using the following data samples: ... The same analysis is repeated for D e . No signal candidates are seen: DATA. Oct., 2006 ...
Measurements of B( (nS) m m- ) Electric Dipole Transitions (1S) ( c c ) X. Summary ... GE1 GM1. Hyperfine (spin-spin) splitting. Spin-orbit. 3PJ 3P0,1,2. CLEO III ...
Post-docs: Peter Gaidarev, Chris Jones, Martin Lohner, Adam Lyon, Ken McLean, John O'Neil, Alex Undrus, Andreas Warburton. Graduate Students: Pablo Hopman, Mike ...
I: The CESR-c and the CLEO-c Experiment. II: Leptonic D decays. ... Signal: Gaussian bifurcated Gaussian. Background: ARGUS function. 3/11/2005. CLEO / Doris Kim ...
Easy run-time configuration: any number of algorithms can supply the same data ... Fast turn-around time needed. Cutting link times from hours/minutes to ...
quark mass effects and. matching between 4 and 5 flavour effective theories ... For each scan point, fit mass-sideband subtracted momentum spectrum of the D0, D ...
2 Holzl hner and Menyuk, CLEO 2003. Resolving the Tails of a pdf ... B. Berg and T. Neuhaus, Phys. Lett. 267, pp. 249 253 (1991) D. Yevick, Photon. Technol. ...
7 June 2006. R. Poling CHARM 2006. Results from the CLEO-c Ds Scan. Ron Poling ... Cut values determined by kinematics no double counting allowed, cross-feed ...
... only widgets. labeled 'y' The problem is: Working fast means you make some ... Take enough time (number of pipelined steps) to make a sophisticated Level-1 ...
... started in 1975; design settled & construction under way by late 1977 ... Reconstruct on Ds to KK and other modes, reconstruct a plus a firmly identified ...
Ci s can be affected by new physics; enters at same order as SM amp. mix of Z-penguin, ... B0 mixing 212 pb-1 Argus ARGUS ARGUS, Phys. Lett. B 192, 245 ...
... DS m n along with DSt n, t p n. This requires finding a DS- tag, a g from either ... To choose tag candidates: Fit distributions & determine s. Cut at 2.5 s ...
Measurement of B(D ? ) and the Pseudoscalar Decay Constant fD at CLEO. Istv n Dank ... Helps to reject D p p0 background. Use double tag D0 data sample to study ...
NACT N cleo de Actividades Cient fico-Tecnol gicas Recursos Naturales, Ecodiversidad y Agroecolog a Facultad de Agronom a - Facultad de Ciencias Humanas UNCPBA
Main actors concerning Air Quality. Local, regional, city-region and province ... Main actor concerning health. Local. Now all on the HEAVEN Steering Committee ...
Cerebeloso Inferior Tracto Olivocerebeloso N cleo Dentado N cleo Postero-marginal N cleo Cueniforme y Gracilis Haz Espinoolivar Anterior N cleo Emboliforme N cleo
* Ciclo de Vida de N cleos Empresariales Sectoriales * Ciclo de Vida de N cleos Organismos Vivos Tiempo Nivel de Actividad Crecimiento Madurez Agotamiento Muerte ...
Sujeto Llamamos sujeto al elemento nominal (SN o equivalente) cuyo n cleo determina el n mero y persona del n cleo del predicado. El n cleo del sujeto y el ...
La C lula Unidad Fundamental de la vida N cleo El n cleo es el centro de control de la c lula, pues contiene toda la informaci n sobre su funcionamiento y el de ...
EL N CLEO, LA MITOCONDRIA Y EL CLOROPLASTO EL N CLEO Es el centro de control de la c lula. Tiene una membrana nuclear porosa. Situado generalmente en el centro y ...