Title: Recent Charm Electroweak Results from CLEO
1Recent (Charm) Electroweak Results from CLEO
- Content
- I The CESR-c and the CLEO-c Experiment.
- II Leptonic D decays.
- III Semileptonic D decays Exclusive
- IV Semileptonic D decays Inclusive
- V Inclusive BF of D ?Xln and ln
- VII Summary Future.
Moriond EW sessionMarch 5-12, 2005La Thuile,
Doris Y. KimUniversity of IllinoisUrbana-Champai
2I. The Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR)
Ebeam 1.5 5.6 GeV
Added 12 superconducting wigglers to CESR for low
energy running.
3The CLEO-c Detector
Run plan ?, ?(3770) and Ds, J/ ?
thresholds. CLEO-c ? CLEO III det.
- New inner drift chamber replaced old silicon
vertex - 1T B field (old 1.5 T)
- Track (93 of 4p) s 0.6 _at_ 1 GeV
- PID Rich (80 of 4p), dE/dx, EM calorimeter,
muon (gt 1GeV) - E? s 2.2 _at_ 1 GeV, 5 _at_ 100 MeV.
4Impact of CLEO-c Measurements
An example of semileptonic decay
QCD form factors
- Leptonic decays give fD and fDs
- validate Lattice QCD and improve fB
- Semileptonic decays give Vcs, Vcd and form
factors - test theoretical form factor models
- enhance LQCD calculations, which will improve B
decay form factors. - test CKM unitarity.
- Improved (already) BF measurements of many
important normalization modes and more coming. - Hadronic decays measure strong phases, needed for
CPV. - Initial state is coherent Ideal for charm mixing
and CPV.
5The Future of Precision Flavor Physics
The Goal Measure all CKM matrix elements and
associated phases in order to over-constrain the
unitary triangles.
?Vus/Vus 1
?Vud/Vud 0.1
?Vub/Vub 15
?Vcb/Vcb 5
?Vcd/Vcd 7
?Vcs/Vcs 16
?Vtb/Vtb 29
?Vtd/Vtd 36
?Vts/Vts 39
6 ?(3770) Analysis Techniques
Fully reconstruct 1st D the tag, then analyze
decay of 2nd D to extract exclusive or inclusive
- ?(3770) DDbar threshold
- No extra fragmentation simpler geometry /
combination - Clean neutrino reconstruction
- High tagging efficiency at 25 of all Ds
7Examples of CLEO-c Tagged D samples
60,000 tagged D0 decays
From Dec 03 to Mar 04, we collected the first
60pb-1 _at_ 3770 MeV with 6 wigglers, corresponding
to 360,000 DDbar pairs.
Basic selection / fit variables are
Signal Gaussian bifurcated GaussianBackground
ARGUS function
Preliminary MBC plots from semileptonic BF study
8II. Leptonic Decays D?mn
- A D? hadronic tag is required.
- An additional charged track as m and no extra
shower gt 250 MeV as a signal. - Fit missing-mass2
Tag D
Signal D
60 pb1
Yellow Book
Phys. Rev. D, 70, 112004 (2004)
8 signal candidates
9fD from Absolute Br(D ? mn)
Vcd (1.1) from 3 generation unitarity tD (0.3)
- The first CLEO-c paper published.Phys. Rev. D,
70, 112004 (2004) - Based on 60 pb1, 28651 tags and 8 signal
events. - Background is one event.
- Lattice 2004
- CLEO-c
- Isospin Mass Splittings
- Potential Model
- Rel. Quark Model
- QCD Sum Rules
- QCD Spectral Sum Rules
Mark III lt290 MeV BES I 1 event (1998) BES II
3 events (2004) fD 371 MeV
ICHEP 2004
10III. Exclusive Semileptonic BF.
Analysis Techniques
Fit to U
P, V
Fit to MBC
- Reconstruct one hadronic D tag.
- Reconstruct a semileptonic signal candidate from
the remaining tracks/showers. - Fit kinematic variable U( Emiss Pmiss )
for the missing neutrino of the signal.
Decay rate for D ? P
Latest LQCD, PRL 94, 011601 (2005)
11Signal Candidates of Neutral Semileptonic Modes.
Cabibbo favored modes
Cabibbo suppressed modes
The first 60pb-1
(1400 events)
(110 events)
First Observation
(90 events)
(30 events)
Preliminary U ( Emiss Pmiss ) plots
12Signal Candidates of Charged Semileptonic Modes.
Cabibbo suppressed modes
Cabibbo favored modes
(60 events)
(500 events)
Events / ( 10 MeV )
Events / ( 10 MeV )
(400 events)
Events / ( 10 MeV )
Events / ( 10 MeV )
(30 events)
Preliminary U ( Emiss Pmiss ) plots
The first 60pb-1
13The Preliminary Exclusive BF.
(8 events)
World First Observation
Events / ( 10 MeV )
The first 60pb-1 Preliminary
Preliminary U( Emiss Pmiss )
14Or We Can Do Without D Tagging!
With D Tag, we have cleaner signal sample, but
we loose statistics. What if we do not use D
Tagging? Lets try for D ? K/p e n decays.
- Require a signal one e and one K or p
- Assume the other tracks/showeres are coming from
the other D, ID them using dE/dx, RICH and EM
calorimeter information. ? Calculate Pmiss - Fit on ?E, MBC
15Semileptonic Events without D Tagging
16IV. Inclusive Semileptonic BF.
Preliminary P(e) spectra
PDG(2004) B(D0 ? X e n) ?6.87 0.28
PDG(2004) B(D ? X e n) ?17.2 1.9
Analysis Techniques
- Reconstruct one hadronic D tag.
- Signal e IDd by dE/dx, RICH and E/p
calorimeter - Right/Wrong sign defined by K charge for D0,
signal side charge for D ? background
subtraction by wrong sign events.
CLEO-c (in D rest frame)
17Expected Uncertainty from the First 60 pb-1
tag mode
tag mode
Preliminary No BR yet
18V Inclusive BF of D ?Xln, ln
Electron and Neutrino Spectra are Different!
Conservation of angular momentum ? n get boost
from W in the lab frame.
Analysis Techniques
- Reconstruct one hadronic D tag.
- Signal side IDd by dE/dx, RICH and E/p
calorimeter, than add all. - Get Pmiss and Mmiss2.
- KL suppression is important.
19MC Example of Emiss Spectra
Red signal Blue background Black Red Blue
D ? ln
20The Inclusive D ? Xln, ln Candidates
60 pb-1
Missing Energy (GeV)
KL Background
KL Background
21VI. CPV search in D0 ? Ks p p- from CLEO II.V
D0 D0bar
D0 - D0bar
- PRL 92, 142001 (2004)
- D0 / D0bar tagged by D ? D0 p(slow).
- Standard Model prediction at 106 for this
channel from K mixing. ? sensitive to new physics - Dalitz technique studies decay amplitude, not
decay rate. ? sensitivity increase.
M(Ks p-)
M((p p-)
M(Ks p)
22VII Summary and Future
- New results on BF D ? mn and fD
- (2) Exclusive BF of semileptonic decays coming
(pretty) soon. - With just 60 pb-1, stastistical power of many
decay modes already at the world best. - The world first events of
and - We have two analysis options available With and
wo DTag - (3) Inclusive BF of D ?Xen and D ?Xln, ln coming.
- (4) Currently we are running at ?(3770) with 12
8-pole wigglers. More data is coming on
?(3770), Ds threshold, etc.
23Question slides
24CLEO-c Impacts on the Unitarity Triangle
Now Theory Uncertainties Dominate
Future With CLEO-c, improved LQCD and 500 fb-1
each from the B factories
25Electron Spectrum of Inclusive Events
Very Preliminary
CLEO-c (in D rest frame)
26Charged D Meson Tags Distributions of Mbc
30,000 tagged D decays
Preliminary MBC plots from semileptonic BF study