Title: The CLEO-c Detector
1The CLEO-c Detector
- Steve Gray
- Cornell University
- BESIII Workshop
- January 13, 2004
2New Era -gt New Needs
- Need
- Quality Tracking
- Precision EM Calorimetery
- Large 93 DW
- Nearly hermetic
- Full-range Particle ID
- Simulate Alternatives
- Coordinate with
- Storage Ring
- Expect
- High Luminosity
- High Statistics
- Systematics Dominate
- Rare Decays
- Backgrounds Matter
- Fakes
- Feed-down
- Combinatorics
83 of 4p 87 Kaon ID with 0.2 p fake _at_0.9GeV
1.5 T now,... 1.0T later
93 of 4p sp/p 0.35 _at_1GeV dE/dx 5.7 p _at_minI
93 of 4p sE/E 2 _at_1GeV 4 _at_100MeV
Trigger Tracks Showers Pipelined Latency
Data Acquisition Event size 25kB Thruput lt
85 of 4p For pgt1 GeV
- U(4S)
- Typical
- Hadronic
- Event
- 10 tracks
- 10 showers
5(No Transcript)
6Drift Chamber
- Coordinated with IR
- 9796 sense wires
- 14 mm square cell
- 16 inner axial layers
- 31 stereo layers
- Outer cathode
- segmentation
- Dz1 cm Df2p/8
- Thin Inner Tube
- 0.12 X0
- 6040 Helium-Propane
7(No Transcript)
8Drift Chamber Performance
- Avg. residual 85 mm
- Best 65 mm
- MC agreement
- Momentum Resolution
- dp/p0.7 at 5 GeV/c
- dp/p0.3 at 1 GeV/c
- MS limited lt 1.5 GeV/c
- dE/dx resolution
- 5.7 at min Ionizing
- Kp sep. at low p
DR3 All Layers
Residual (mm)
Drift Distance (mm)
9ZD Inner Drift Chamber
- Charm -gt lower momentum spectrum
- Multiple scattering limited dp/p
- No vertexing needed
- Replace silicon with low-mass Z tracker
- Similar mass resolution
- More layers - better track recognition
10ZD Inner Drift Chamber
- 6 stereo layers
- r5.3 cm 10.5 cm
- 12-15o stereo angle
- cos q lt 0.93
- 300, 10 mm cells
- 1 X0, .8mm Al inner tube
- 6040 Helium-Propane
- 20 mm Au-W sense wires
- 110 mm Au-Al field wires
- Outer Al-mylar skin
11ZD Drawing
12(No Transcript)
13Tracking with ZD
P (GeV/c) 0.25 0.49 0.97 1.36 1.91 2.68
Z0 (?) 806 702 684 680 672 667
?p/p () 0.32 0.32 0.35 0.39 0.45 0.56
- ZD Calibration Underway
- Residuals now lt 200 m
- Expect to outperform
- CLEO-c/CESR Project Description
14Cosmic Ray in ZD
June 7, 2003
15CLEO-c Event in ZD
June 7, 2003
16RICH Detector
- LiF Radiators
- Flat and sawtooth
- UV photons (135-160 nm)
- N2 expansion volume
- MWPC photo-detectors
LiF radiator
17RICH Detector
18(No Transcript)
19Resolution Performance
CLEO III data D-gtKp without with RICH cuts. 80
eff, 81 bkg suppression
K-p Separation (Chisq Difference)
20RICH Performance
- Designed for B decay
- Excellent for D decay
- K p separation
- Measured in data
- D?D0p D0? K-p
- High efficiency
- Low p fake rates
- Combine with dE/dx
Kaon eff 0.8 Kaon eff 0.85 Kaon eff 0.9
B physics
21CsI Calorimeter
- Projective Barrel
- Endcaps
- 4 photodiode readout
- Triple range ADCs
- Excellent
- Photon finding
- Electron ID
- p0 h reconstruction
22CLEO CsI at a Glance
- 7800 CsI(Tl) crystals 5?5?30 cm3 (16X0)
- 4 photodiode readout w/local preamps
- 229 crystals have 1 turned off (too noisy)
- 10 crystals have 2 turned off (6 in endcap)
- 0 have 3 or 4 turned off.
- 7 dead crystals in CLEO III (all in endcaps, 5
near inner or outer radii) - External summation/pulse shaping TDC
- Total noise per crystal is 0.5 MeV incoherent
0.2 MeV coherent - Light output losses calibrate away
Barrel unchanged
TF removed, RICH inserted
DR lengthened narrowed Endplate material
Endcap repackaged Pushed back 7 cm
- Barrel unchanged from CLEO II
- But DR/Particle ID changes increase minimally
obstructed barrel from 70 to 80 of 4? - Good Barrel is 14 bigger than CLEO IIs
- Endcaps repackaged for new I.R. superconducting
quadrupoles - Thinner DR Endplate better support design make
less material in front than CLEO II - Only 40X0 , about 30 of CLEO II material
- Good Endcap coverage cos? 0.85 to 0.93
- Quality solid angle 25 gt than CLEO II
- New digitizing electronics
25CsI Performance
26Lessons from the Calorimeter
- Endcaps reconfigured for CLEO III
- Many crystals had lost signal with age
- Glue joint had opened up
- Endcap crystals reglued
- Unable to fix barrel glue joints
- Material matters
- Much improved Endcap performance
27CLEO-c Muon System
y ? y X, y ? mm-
- Programmable (FPGA), Pipelined
- Track and CsI cluster primitives
- Tracks (ptgt150 MeV/c)
- Low, Med, High shower clusters
- Combine to define triggers, e.g.
- gt2 tracks low shower
- e gt99 for hadronic events
- For CLEO-c
- Reduce med high thresholds
- Add new neutral-only triggers
- Implemented Tile Sharing
29Data Acquisition
- VME FastBus front ends
- Designed for 1 kHz 4 MB/sec
- Achieved 500 Hz 6 MB/sec
- Several upgrades completed
- A few remain for Spring 2004
- New era of high luminosity makes new demands on
the detector. - The CLEO-c Detector is state of the art,
understood at a precision level, now taking data
in the charm region.
- Calorimetry - Brian Heltsley
- DAQ - Tim Wilkson
- Tracking - Karl Ecklund, Dan Peterson
- Trigger - Topher Caulfield
32y ? y pp- y ? ee-
33CLEO-c Event Picture D ? K pp-
34CLEO-c Event Picture D0 ? Kp
35CLEO History
- CLEO I (1979-89)
- CLEO II (1989-95)
- CsI calorimeter
- CLEO II.V (1995-99)
- Silicon Vertex Detector
- CLEO III (2000-03)
- RICH Particle ID
- New IR tracking Silicon, Drift Chamber
- CLEO-c (2003-??)
- Silicon replaced by ZD inner drift chamber
Size of CLEO 120220 Collaborators
36CESR at Cornell
37CLEO III Running for CLEO-c