Extremity: Functional Consequences of Bipedality Form Follows Function (From J.G. Fleagle s Primate Adaptation & Evolution, 1988) Comparison to Shoulder the hip is ...
... split between human and chimpanzee ancestors. Millions of years ago ... KW hypothesis: Chimpanzee/human bipedalism ... in a forested, not savannah habitat ...
& BIOMECHANICS LAB Walking the walk: ... and scoliosis increase in size of babies head at birth Women s average pelvic size has not been able to keep up !!!!!
Some classify Neanderthals as archaic H. sapiens Homo sapiens First fossils of anatomically modern humans about 100,000 years old in Africa and Israel, ...
'Radiator Theory' Efficient Locomotion. Disadvantages of Bipedalism? ... For Monday, Zimmer, Chapter 6. Title for Ch. 6 in the syllabus is wrong but page ...
Arm-hanging anatomy persists long after the onset of ... Large muscle attachment areas. Paranthropus robustus. DNH 7, 'Eurydice', Paranthropus robustus. ...
Use lizards as a model system because they show wide range of variation in both ... Comstock Publishing Associates, Ithaca, New York. xii 276 pp. Djawdan, M. 1993. ...
... nearby genes associated with transcriptional regulation and neurodevelopment are upregulated in humans. - only 2 changes in sequence between chicks and chimps; ...
Human Chimp Gorilla Orangutan Gibbon. Human Evolution. I. What are ... Human Chimp Gorilla Orangutan Gibbon 1% difference in gene sequence. Human Evolution ...
... closest relatives? bats and rodents. What distinguishes primates from bats, rodents and other ... partial transition from claw to nail. reduced ability to ...
Phylogenetic terms and concepts Phylogeny 1. Defined 2. Phylogeny vs. tokogeny 3. Clade and monophyletic group 4. Sister group III. Sources of variation for ...
... Racism and Uncertainty Human origins commonly at center of the Evolution vs. Creation debate Evolution and human origins are investigated scientifically ...
East African fossil remains assigned to the genus Australopithecus (or in some ... of large animals, such as antelope, were discovered near the fossils displaying ...
Chimp and us At the sequence level (coding sequence level) Nucleotide divergence: 1.23 % 14-22 % of these differences are due to polymorphism - fixed divergence rate ...
Having two bones allows for better limb motion and more precise movements ... (an ancestor of living cattle), deer, reindeer and musk ox, to name but a few. ...
Name means 'sauropod form'; Sauropoda means 'lizard feet', even though their ... Extremely large size: all sauropods were at least elephant-sized as adults, and ...
Life of the Mesozoic Era main points .. 1.marine invertebrates that survived end Permian extinction diversified and repopulated the seas 2. flowering plants evolve ...
Primate and Human Evolution main points . 1. primates demonstrate a great deal of variation and increasing complexity through time. 2. hominids include present day ...
Human Evolution Human Evolution Homo neanderthalensis 250 000 to 28 000 a Cranial capacity: 1400 cm3 (bigger than H.sapiens) Brow ridge, long low skull, Height: 1.67m ...
PRIMATE EVOLUTION Chapter 16 Primate Adaptation & Evolution Ch. 16, Sec. 1 Primates Primates = group of animals that includes lemurs, monkeys, apes, and humans Common ...
Dr. Devendra Singh At University of Texas Buss, Langlois, etc. Psychologist Food and alcohol addiction Body image and dieting-related research led into his early ...
Title: 2 Million B.P. Author: Gary Sterling Last modified by: Gary Created Date: 1/30/2002 6:42:25 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3)
You are responsible for reading these chapters we will be discussing these s in class, however, we will not be going slow enough for students to copy word-for-word
Fossils of the family Hominidae Australopithecus afarensis 3.9-3my 375-550 cc Chimp-like skull with human-like teeth post cranial skeletal structure more human-like ...
Most bird communities or faunas are mosaics of species of various ages from various historical backgrounds ... (leaping or gliding) Vigilence Migration, etc ...
Building Background Knowledge through Academic Vocabulary Why does it matter? Read the following definition: A charizard is a final evolution in an RPG.
The Age of Things: Sticks, Stones and the Universe Potassium, Argon, DNA and Walking Upright http://cfcp.uchicago.edu/~mmhedman/compton1.html The Age of Things ...
Key Points. Heritable characteristics increase or decrease an organisms chance of survival. Evolution is the change of the genetic makeup of a population over time
LECTURE 7: Mesozoic Era 248 mya 65 mya Periods of the Mesozoic Era Triassic 248 mya-206 mya Jurassic 206 mya-146 mya Cretaceous 146 mya-65 mya What Significant ...
Suchomimus had an elongate skull, probably indicative of being a fish eater (piscivore) ... Tyrannosaur skulls are extremely robust compared to other theropods. ...
Chapter 20: Human Evolution - How do humans differ from closely related species? Hominids Upright walking primates (includes monkeys, apes, & humans) Earliest ...
Human Evolution Chapter 17 Primates Order primates includes prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans Adapted for an arboreal life Human Evolution Humans and apes have a ...
Hominid Evolution Bipedal Hominids 4.2 MYA (Dec. 31 9:33 p.m.) * Planetary Evolution Earth and Solar System form 4.5 BYA (Sept. 13) Evolution of Technology