Title: A1258690121wsNCF
1D. List and Explain Various Methods of Air
Pollution Control
D1. Summarize the Clean Air Act
Congress passed the original act in 1963.
Amended and made a Federal Law in 1970. Amended
again in 1977 and 1990
Purpose is to limit the amount of air pollutants
that are placed into the air in the US
2D2. List ways to reduce outdoor air pollution
Drive less, consolidate trips, carpool, walk,
Make fewer fires leaves, trash, wood
Use fewer aerosols
3D3. List ways to reduce indoor air pollution
Reduce and remove sources of indoor air
pollutants cleaners, furniture, carpeting,
paint, gasoline, air fresheners
Open windows
4D4. Explain the function of an automobiles
catalytic converter
Catalytic converter changes bad exhaust gases
into harmless atmospheric gases
5D5. Explain how a smoke stack could be modified
to reduce smoke emissions
Precipitators collect charged pollution particles
by running electricity through the smoke stack
Bag filters work much like a vacuum cleaner.
Pollutants are run through a bag which filters
out the particulates
Wet scrubbers use water to catch particulates as
they pass up the smoke stack