अपनाएं ये हेल्थ टिप्स और नवरात्र व्रत में रहें फिट फेस्टिव सीज़न अपने पूरे रंग में है और इसी महीने नवरात्र भी शुरू होने जा रहे हैं। इस दौरान मां दुर्गा में आस्था और श्रद्धा रखने वाले लोग व्रत रखते हैं जिससे उनका शरीर शुद्ध हो और उनकी रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता भी बढ़े। हालांकि इस दौरान लगातार किए जाने वाले व्रत से आपकी सेहत पर बुरा असर भी पड़ सकता है, इसलिए हम आपको हेल्थ टिप्स बताएंगे जिन्हें अपनाने से व्रत रखने के दौरान आपका शरीर सेहतमंद रहेगा। 1. भूखें नहीं रहें व्रत के दौरान ध्यान में रखने वाली सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बात यह होती है कि आपको कुछ भी नहीं खाने के चक्कर में इन दिनों भूखे नहीं KNOW MORE ABOUT-अपनाएं ये हेल्थ टिप्स और नवरात्र व्रत में रहें फिट | 98Fit Blog READ MORE-Best Diet, Meal & Workout Plans for Weight Loss | 98Fit
त्योहार के दिनों में कैसे रहें सेहतमंद एक बार फिर से वह समय आ गया है, जब पूरे देश में त्योहारों का मौसम शुरू हो गया है। कुछ ही दिन पहले नवरात्रि और दशहरे का त्योहार मनाया गया था और अब करवाचौथ, धनतेरस, दिवाली से लेकर भाई दूज तक त्योहारों का यह मौसम जारी रहेगा। त्योहार के इस मौसम में, रोगों से रोकथाम के उपाय करने और स्वस्थ जीवन शैली अपना कर रोग रूपी राक्षसों पर विजय प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है। आप 98फिट द्वारा बताए गए निम्नलिखित नियमों पालन करके त्योहार के दिनों में सेहतमंद रह सकते हैं और जान सकते हैं कि इस दौरान आपको अपने शरीर का किस प्रकार से ध्यान देना चाहिए। हर दिन की शुरुआत पौष्टिक नाश्ते से करें
करवा चौथ पर बनाएं ये खास रेसिपी, जानें विधि भारतीय त्योहारों में नारियों का प्रमुख त्योहार करवा चौथ का व्रत माना जाता है। यह त्योहार कार्तिक मास के कृष्ण पक्ष की चतुर्थी को मनाया जाता है जो इस साल 8 अक्टूबर को रविवार के दिन पड़ रही है। करवा चौथ मुख्य रूप से सभी महिलाएं अपने पति की लंबी उम्र के लिए, अपने पुत्र की खुशहाली एवं दीर्घायु और सुखद गृहस्थ जीवन के लिए रखती हैं। भारत में हिंदू धर्म में आस्था रखने वाले लोग बड़ी धूम-धाम से इस त्योहार को मनाते हैं लेकिन उत्तर भारत खासकर पंजाब, हरियाणा, राजस्थान, उत्तर प्रदेश, मध्यप्रदेश आदि में तो इस दिन अलग ही नजारा देखने को मिलता है। सभी महिलाएं पूरे दिन का उपवास रखतीं हैं, दोपहर से लेकर सांयंकाल तक के समय में कभी भी पूजन करतीं हैं और चौथमाता की कथा सुनतीं हैं। वहीं, दिन ढलते ही विवाहिताएं रात को चांद के दर्शन के बाद ही अपना व्रत खोलती हैं।
Yoga exercises for beginners are great to strengthen and conditions the body; they also help channelize the mind towards positivity. The process is extremely fulfilling. You will notice the body strengthen with consistent practice. The mind will overcome limitations that you had set for yourself and you will experience freedom of a different kind.
This workout program is challenging. It is rigorous. But, it gives you the results that you want. So get ready to flaunt your washboard abs with this effective Six Pack Abs Workout Program.
Looking for a convenient diet plan to lose weight? Here is a list of the best Indian recipes that you can include in your routine to see quick results.
Scrap these weight loss workout myths to get better results. At 98Fit we believe that one must stay consistent and practice healthy fitness habits. This will give you better results and will also help you in the long run.
We often feel sick after eating while we are fasting. This is due to unhealthy fasting foods. There is a whole list of foods to avoid while fasting to feel energetic and healthy while fasting.
Eating healthy when traveling gets a tad too tough even if you are very strict with yourself. Traveling makes one feel good and excited and we tend to get liberal with ourselves towards our diet or weight loss goals.
The workout diet that you eat should be light enough so you do not end up feeling queasy while you pump those muscles. At the same time, the food should be wholesome enough to fuel your body.
Follow this effective Indian diet chart for weight loss to shed the kilos and get back in shape. Designed by experts this diet chart is a must-follow for a healthy lifestyle.
Create a weight loss workout plan that is fun and inviting everyday. Hitting the gym daily is not everyone’s cup of tea. For some this gets excruciatingly monotonous. Needless to say, you even lose the motivation to keep up a regular routine to workout for weight loss.
What to Eat Before and After Karwachauth Fast: Karwachauth is a very significant day for married, Indian women. Celebrated largely in the Northern part of India, this day is marked by a daylong Karwachauth fast that a married woman observes for the long and prosperous life of her husband.
Weddings are all about looking and feeling great. You have the best clothes in place, jewelry and even skin and hair treatments in place. But, feeling good from the inside is just as important. If you are looking to lose some pounds before the wedding, here is the perfect wedding diet meal plan.
Get the ideal diet plan for pregnancy to help you through the most crucial phase of your life. Easy-to-follow this week-by-week diet chart during pregnancy is the perfect guide for moms to be.
Ways to trick yourself into eating more greens Are you someone who hates those greens on your plate? Have you just been gulping down those veggies simply because they are good for health? If yes, you are in serious need of our tips on how to trick yourself into eating vegetables. This is because greens help enhance your health in many ways. Here is how: Green veggies improve metabolism. They keep you fuller for longer. They are a natural source of dietary fiber. They keep you hydrated. Green veggies are high in antioxidants and minerals. They are great mood enhancers. Here are some great ways to ensure that you eat your vegetables without scowling and rather, learn to enjoy them. The best ways to eat vegetables are as below: READ MORE-Best Diet, Meal & Workout Plans for Weight Loss | 98Fit
5 healthy Fruit and vegetable Juices to boost immunity in Hindi कुछ लोगों को जूस पीना बहुत पसंद होता है। हालांकि बहुत सारे लोग बाजार में मिलने वाले पैकेटबंद जूस पीते हैं मगर ये सेहत के लिए नुकसानदायक होते हैं और मोटापा बढ़ाते हैं। अगर आप सचमुच सेहतमंद रहना चाहते हैं, तो पैकेट वाला नहीं बल्कि ये 5 तरह के हेल्दी जूस पिएं, जिससे आपके शरीर को ढेर सारे फायदे मिलेंगे। इन जूस में भरपूर एंटीऑक्सीडेंट्स, मिनरल्स और विटामिन्स होते हैं, जो आपके सेहत को अच्छा बनाते हैं और आपको कई गंभीर बीमारियों से बचाते हैं। आइए आपको बताते हैं कौन से जूस हैं सबसे सेहतमंद। अनार का जूस अनार विटामिन्स का बहुत अच्छा स्रोत है, इसमें विटामीन ए, सी और ई के साथ-साथ फोलिक एसिड भी होता है। इसमें एंटी आक्सीडेंट, एंटी वायरल की विशेषता पाई जाती
Workout Plans for Men There are three body types in general- endomorphs, mesomorphs and ectomorphs. The body type determines how one responds to a workout routine. Endomorphs are people who are usually on the bulkier side, and more likely to gain weight. Mesomorphs are those who are naturally athletic. Ectomorphs, also known as hard gainers are the ones who are naturally skinny and those who find it the hardest to gain mass. Get Free Workout Plan for Men There are some things to keep in mind irrespective of your body type if you want to gain well. First, do not over train and give your body enough time to rest. Second, make sure your nutrition goes hand in hand with your workout regime.
A fitness routine is 20% workout and 80% your diet. This is something that you must have heard time and again from experts. But the hardest thing to do with a diet is to stay consistent. For most people planning the meal and sticking to it seems like a Herculean task. Also, given that most diet plans are western in terms of ingredients and recipes, it may seem even harder. This diet plan for workout uses some of the most common Indian foods. That way, you can plan your diet and even see great results in no time. Simple 4 week diet plan to lose weight
Best weight gain exercises for women vAre you are looking at ways to gain some weight to flaunt a filled up and healthy look? One of the best ways to gain those extra kilos healthily is to have a proper workout routine in addition to a nutritious and healthy diet as well as a disciplined lifestyle. A woman’s body is far different from that of a man’s. Hence, the complete idea of a woman’s worry about gaining weight adequately needs a lot of planning and training. Best workout to gain weight fast for females
Top 5 Healthy Bedtime Snacks for Weight Loss Bedtime snacking – how to deal with it A lot of people face night time hunger pangs despite having a full meal. Some just cannot fight the urge to pop in a snack before sleeping and others must get up mid-sleep to munch at something post lights-out. However, if you are on a weight loss regime, this late night snacking might actually interfere with your plans to shed the flab. Therefore, not only is it important to identify the reason behind your bedtime snacking; it is also vital to pick out some healthy bedtime snacks that aid your weight loss efforts rather than tossing them out the window.
Indian Diet food recipes for weight loss Indian recipes that support your diet for weight loss Indians have a wide array of delectable dishes cooked with a lot of oil and ghee. When eating with family, it sure gets tough to resist such wonderful preparations. These food items are heavenly on the tongue and equally generous on adding to our weight. However, if on a weight loss program, it is important that your diet for weight loss below in fats and high on proteins. The Indian cuisine, in general, includes a lot of fried food items. But were you aware that there is an equally good number of Indian delicacies perfect for those who are trying to shed some weight? Mentioned below are some easy to prepare recipes for weight loss that you can try.
How to lose weight in winter without exercise Winters can be extremely demotivating. All you want to do is lay in bed and cuddle up. Of course, some days are just too cold to gather the courage to get out of the house altogether. The fact is that winter is also the season when binge eating is at its peak. You feel like loading up on foods that are high in fats and sugars. In all this, your fitness levels can suffer quite a bit. For anyone who is looking for a good plan to lose weight without exercise, here are a few tips that will definitely help you this winter:
Making Diet Food Fun, No Cravings Anymore Do you desperately wait for a cheat day because you miss that flavor of non diet food? Don’t worry; you can make nutritious food tasty too. Here’s how! Eating healthy is one of the most important elements for a fit body and a positive lifestyle. People who enjoy food often run away from nutritious food assuming it is tasteless and boring. But this isn’t true! You can spruce up that salad, garnish that meal and sprinkle your diet with flavors that will never make you want to cheat!
Benefits Of Breastfeeding For Mom And Baby Every mom will agree that there is no better nourishment for her baby than breast milk. But, there is a lot more to breastfeeding than just feeding your baby. As we approach World Breast Feeding Week 2018, let us take a look at the many benefits of breastfeeding for mom and baby. Benefits of breastfeeding for baby Breast-milk is loaded with nutrients that your baby needs in the growing and developing years. Breastfeeding your baby provides that following benefits: Better brain and neurological development
Diet Plan for PCOS Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a common problem for women who reach the child-bearing age. Along with making it difficult to get pregnant, PCOS also causes other issues like skin issues, sudden weight gain, hair loss or growth of extra hair on the face and body. When neglected, it can lead to heart diseases and diabetes. Good exercise and a dedicated PCOS diet plan to lose weight can reduce most symptoms. What is PCOS? A person with PCOS develops cysts on the ovaries, hence the name. This condition also leads to extreme imbalance in hormones. With this, insulin resistance also develops. This means that the body is unable to use insulin, increasing the chances of diabetes.
8 Simple Ways To Detox Your Body In the simplest terms, to detox, your body means to clean it up from the inside. The common signs that there are several toxins in your body are poor skin health, feeling bloated or uncomfortable, dry and lifeless hair and feeling lazy and lethargic all the time. When you detox your body, you improve metabolism, regain energy and also end up looking and feeling a lot better. There are many ways you can get rid of the toxins that enter your body through contaminated food, poor eating habits and a lifestyle that is not healthy. Here are 8 simple ways to detox your body:
Are you choosing the right workout clothes Know what to wear for your weight loss workout A good weight loss workout leaves you tired, sweaty and fantastic. But, do you know you can feel even better after a workout if you choose the right workout clothes? Considering factors like comfort, the fabric and the kind of exercise the clothes are meant for will help you feel a lot better. KNOW MORE ABOUT-https://www.98fit.com/blog/are-you-choosing-the-right-workout-clothes/
Indian Keto Diet Plan to lose weight A low carb diet is essential to hit your fitness goals in time. One of the most revolutionary diet plans is the Keto diet plan bodybuilding which is a high fat and low carb diet designed to help you manage your weight and keep your eating habits in check. What is the Keto diet? A Keto diet plan India is a specially formulated low carb and high-fat diet that initiates the process of Ketosis in the body. When we consume foods that are high in carbs, the glucose obtained from it is used to produce energy. Then, any fat that you consume is stored in the body making it harder to burn them. When you consume a diet that is low in carbs, the body enters a state called Ketosis. This is when the body produces Ketones to be used as energy units. The liver produces ketones by burning all the stored fats. What are the benefits of a Keto diet?
Diet For High Energy Levels All Through The Day Do you feel lethargic and sleepy right at the start of the day? Does it seem that the night you spent resting was not enough? Are you perpetually tired and listless? If yes, then you need to hear the alarm bells ringing. Perpetual lethargy is a clear indication of low energy levels that stem from an improper diet and daily routine gone bad. The best, easiest, and immediate way to combat this problem is by boosting your diet with high-energy foods that give you energy all day. Here are some handy tips on how to have a high energy level all day:
5 Reasons Why You Should Quit Eating Red Meat Does your body really need red meat or are you doing yourself more harm than good by eating it? One of the first things physicians suggest a patient drop from their menu during any illness is Red Meat. Have you wondered why? Well, the reasons are many and they are alarming. For a complete diet plan click here. It is said that even pure vegetarians outlive red meat eaters. This is because despite being a great source of high-quality amino acids, vitamins, and minerals; Red meat is also loaded with bad fat and cholesterol. It is a possible storehouse of preservatives, antibiotics, infections, and synthetic hormones, which are the best, kept at bay. Read on to learn about some top reasons to stop eating red meat.
Diet Plan for Men Men and women have different body structures and that is why a healthy diet chart for men differs from that of a woman. Men are larger and have more muscle mass than women and this is due to the presence of the hormone testosterone in their bodies. The genetic designing of men is such that they have more muscle mass and less fat than women. This is a great advantage for them as it allows them to eat more calories and yet keep fit. An ideal meal plan for every guy has to be devised on the basis of his likes, preferences, as well as, his weight loss goals. However, continuous consumption of fatty food and unhealthy food makes men fat and the right combo of a diet plan and exercise routine has to be followed to lose weight. There are some basic golden rules, which will help in the ultimate weight loss diet plan for men.
Gym Workout For Beginners To Lose Weight If you have made up your mind to get started and shed those extra pounds, then getting started correctly is extremely essential. The idea is to build your way up towards the physique that you dream of. Consistency is the key to achieving the body that you dream of. There are simple workout plans that you can start with. Once you feel like your muscles are able to take more load and can push harder, you can look for a more intermediate gym workout for to lose weight.
Best midday snacks to kill hunger One of the hardest things to overcome is those mid-day hunger pangs. In reality, the midday meal is quite an important one as it makes sure that your metabolic rate is high and that your body consistently burns calories. Often, people ignore this meal and tend to eat fatty and sugar-rich foods in turn. When you are hungry, your body’s cravings for fat and sugar increases drastically. It is a quick way for the body to restore the necessary calories. However, these foods are low in nutritional value and pack in several loose calories. Instead, keep the following healthy midday snacks handy to stay on your fitness regime.
Best Way To Lose Weight At Home If you are looking for an effective way to manage your weight, you will be surprised to know that you can even lose weight at home. It is all about managing the food that you eat and ensuring that you are getting all the exercise that you need to stay fit. Here are some simple tips that you will be able to follow without any hassles. 5 exercises that you can do at home These exercises are simple to do and will target the whole body. When you exercise, the accumulated fats will be burned to produce the fuel that your body needs. Start with three sets of each exercise. If they are isometric which means exercises that require you to hold a certain position, begin with 30-40 seconds. For those with movement, try 10-15 repetitions in each set.
Foods To Avoid When You Want To Lose Weight One of the most important factors that contribute to weight loss is the diet that you follow. If you are looking at shedding those extra pounds, there are two things that you should keep in mind- the calories that you consume and the nutritional value of the food that you eat. There are certain foods that pack in several loose calories that slow down the process of weight loss. For a full 7-day diet plan for free, click here. Here are five foods that you should definitely avoid in order to start eating healthy:
5 reasons why you must drink Lemon Juice The first thing you think about when you hear the word lemon juice is Vitamin C. No doubt, it is one of the best sources of Vitamin C but is also loaded with several other beneficial nutrients. Some may even say that it is called a super food because of the health benefits it provides. Nutrient content of lemons The best thing about lemon is that it is very low in calories. It is also low in any saturated fat or cholesterol. It loads the body with Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, and Vitamin B1. It has several minerals such as copper, potassium, and calcium. They help prevent inflammation, balance the pH levels of the body, and strengthen the bones respectively. Whether you choose to add lemon juice to water or prefer to dress a salad, having lemon juice as part of your diet can have endless benefits. The top 5 benefits include:
5 Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice That You Should Be Aware Of We have always heard about the innumerable benefits of the Aloe Vera plant. The fact that it is so versatile, makes it a great remedy for various skin, hair, digestion, and general wellbeing related issues. For a full day diet plan click here. However, the truth is that, just like everything else, Aloe Vera to comes with its cons. It is important to know the flip side if you are a regular Aloe Vera user. Some of these are precautionary measures that must be taken while using the plant, while others are serious side effects of Aloe Vera that cannot be ignored. Read on to find out. Five side effects of Aloe Vera juice that one needs to be aware of are:
Easy steps for a full body workout without equipment at the comfort of your home. We at 98Fit present you with six five minutes full body workout you can do in between the four walls of your room toning every part of your body without any equipment.
We all hope dieting was as easy as it sounds. Yes, losing weight is an AMAZING experience. If losing weight is something that matters so much to you, the first question that you must ask yourself is ‘Am I doing it the right way?’ In today’s hectic lifestyle, it’s very difficult to eliminate carbs from your diets.
The workout diet that you eat should be light enough so you do not end up feeling queasy while you pump those muscles. At the same time, the food should be wholesome enough to fuel your body.
Influencer Marketing is bigger than ever, influencers are increasingly having more and more important role in brand development and promotion of products and services. Below are few reasons why brands should work with influencers: Relationship building: Influencers build a relationship between your brand and their followers, their followers tend to trust their recommendations, they have that authority and influencer over their followers. Value for Money: When compared to traditional marketing, influencer partnerships are more cost effective and generate excellent value for money. Influencer marketing generate returns quickly on your investment, which makes it better than any other forms of marketing. Content creation: The best part about influencer marketing is that content is created by influencers.
PCOS Diet Chart Before you begin your PCOS Indian eating regimen design, you have to recognize what part various types of nourishments play. You should comprehend what sustenances to incorporate and the rundown of nourishments to stay away from with PCOS. When you are sure about these you can make your own PCOS eating routine arrangement formulas that incorporate sustenances that are beneficial for you.
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