Title: Jeffersonian Republicanism
1Jeffersonian Republicanism
2Thomas Jefferson
- What do you know about Thomas Jefferson?
- Why is he important in American history?
- What did Jefferson
- think was worth
- remembering about
- himself?
3Jeffersons grave marker
4Thomas Jefferson
5Jeffersonian Republicans
- Favored an agrarian society over an industrial
society. - Preferred power in the hands of the common
people. - Advocated public education
- Favored France over Great Britain
- Were strict constructionists of the Constitution.
6The Jeffersonian View of Land
7The Revolution of 1800
8The Candidates
9 Results of the Election of 1800
Presidential Candidate Party State Popular Vote Electoral Vote
Thomas Jefferson Democratic-Republican Virginia Unknown 73
Aaron Burr Democratic-Republican New York Unknown 73
John Adams Federalist Massachusetts Unknown 65
Charles Cotesworth Pinckney Federalist South Carolina Unknown 64
John Jay None New York Unknown 1
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11Tripolitan War
"Burning of the Frigate Philadelphia in the
Harbor of Tripoli, February 16, 1804"
12Marbury v. Madison 1803
Chief Justice John Marshall
14The Lewis and Clark Expedition
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16Ceremonial Transfer of the Louisiana Purchasein
New Orleans - 1803
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18The Pike Expedition
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20Embargo Act 1807
In response to the
British actions against the US Cheasapeake the
Congress passed a law banning trading with almost
every nation.
21The Burr Conspiracy - 1806
22James Madison
Fourth President 1809-1817
23The War of 1812
- Battle of the Thames (1813).
- USS Constitution and the
- USS Chesapeake
- War on the Great Lakes USS Chesapeake
- The Burning of Washington, D.C.
- Battle of New Orleans (1815)
24On the Great Lakes
25The Burning of the Nations Capital
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28The Star Spangled Banner
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30O say can you see, by the dawn's early
light,What so proudly we hail'd at the
twilight's last gleaming,Whose broad stripes and
bright stars through the perilous fightO'er the
ramparts we watch'd were so gallantly
streaming?And the rocket's red glare, the bomb
bursting in air,Gave proof through the night
that our flag was still there,O say does that
star-spangled banner yet waveO'er the land of
the free and the home of the brave?On the shore
dimly seen through the mists of the deepWhere
the foe's haughty host in dread silence
reposes,What is that which the breeze, o'er the
towering steep,As it fitfully blows, half
conceals, half discloses?Now it catches the
gleam of the morning's first beam,In full glory
reflected now shines in the stream,'Tis the
star-spangled banner - O long may it waveO'er
the land of the free and the home of the brave!
31- And where is that band who so vauntingly
swore,That the havoc of war and the battle's
confusionA home and a Country should leave us no
more?Their blood has wash'd out their foul
footstep's pollution.No refuge could save the
hireling and slaveFrom the terror of flight or
the gloom of the grave,And the star-spangled
banner in triumph doth waveO'er the land of the
free and the home of the brave.O thus be it
ever when freemen shall standBetween their lov'd
home and the war's desolation!Blest with vict'ry
and peace may the heav'n rescued landPraise the
power that hath made and preserv'd us a
nation!Then conquer we must, when our cause it
is just,And this be our motto - "In God is our
trust," And the star-spangled banner in triumph
shall waveO'er the land of the free and the home
of the brave.
- Francis Scott Key
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33The Battle of New Orleans
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35The Eerie Canal