Title: Aquitaine
2Virtual discovery of a region
- Aquitaine huwa regjun li jinsab fis-south west
ta Franza. Huwa jmiss mal-Ocejan Atlantiku,
mal-Pirenej u ma Spanja. L-aktar ibliet
importanti faquitiane huma Bordeaux li hija
l-kapitali tar-regjun, Pau, Bayonne, Biarritz u
Bergerac. L-ibliet ta pau u bordeaux huma
maghrufa ghall- universitajiet taghhom filwaqt li
Bayonne, Biarritz u l-kosta kollha mahgrufa bhala
Cote dArgent jigbdu hafna turisti specjalment
zaghzah li jinteressahom is-surfing. Dan
ir-regjun huwa varjat hafna fdak li hu xenarju u
pajzaggi. Huwa maghruf ghall- kosta meraviljuza
la Cote dArgent. Fin- Nofsinhar insibu
l-muntanji Pyrenei li jmissu wkoll ma Spanja.
FAquitaine jiltaqghu wkoll ix-xmajjar Garonne u
Dordogne. Insibu wkoll l-akbar foresta tapine
fl-Ewropa kollha. - L-agrikultura hja mportanti fdan ir-regjun bil-
prodott principali jkun proprju l- gheneb
ghall-produzzjoni u l-industrija tal-imbid. Skond
l-istatistikici miljuni kbar talitri tambid
jigu prodotti kull sena fBordeaux. Insibu wkoll
it-trobbija tal-baqar u nteressanti mmens dik
tal-oysters/ arzell fpost maghruf bhala
Arcachon. - Is-sit li ser inzuru llum huwa http//www.tourisme
-aquitaine.fr li huwa s-sit ufficjali tal- office
de tourisme ta dan ir-regjun. Naraw li ma
l-ewwel daqqa tghajn insibu hafna rkejjen
interessanti. Fin-nofs ghandna informazzjoni fuq
attivitajiet li huma ghaddejjin bhalissa u
fin-naha tal-genb ghandna sezzjoni li tidhol
fid-dettal fuq dak kollu li ghandu xjaqsam
mar-regjun ta Aquitaine. - Nikklikkja fuq lAquitaine cest u naraw li
ghandna hafna items differenti. Kif qed taraw dan
ir-regjun igawdi minnn temp moderat matul is-sena
kollha. Fejn fpostijiet ohra fi Franza
t-temperatura fDicembru tkun taht iz-zero,
it-temperatura medja fAquitaine hija dik ta
ghaxar gradi. - Postijiet interessanti xtara hemm kemm trid.
Nikklikkjaw fuq Des Lieux Incontournables. Le
phare de Cordouan hija lighthouse li ghadha
storja twila. Fil-fatt ilha tezisti mis-seklu
sittax. U ghandha importanza fl-Ewropa kollha.
Fil-fatt hija lighthouse li minbarra li ghadha
mportanza storika ghadha mizmuma fi stat tali
kwali sal-llum.
3- Nghaddu ghal-parti li titratta dwar l-istorja.
Nikklikkjaw ghalhekk fuq Un Patrimoine
saisissant. Fil-Preistorja dan ir-regjun kellu
rwol importanti. Il-Wied taVezere fDordogne
huwa maghruf bhala l-benniena tal-umanita peress
li 400 000 elf sena ilu kien jghix hemmehekk dak
li llum huwa maghruf bhala homo erectus.Fdan
il-wied insibu koncentrazzjoni kbira ta
fdalijiet specjalment fil-grotti u postijiet ohra
interessanti li huma kollha xhieda ta dawn
iz-zmenijiet. Fil-fatt fdan ir-regjun insibu
l-isbah fdalijiet taz-zmien paleolitiku li llum
huma parti mill-patrimonju mondjali tal- Unesco.
Fosthom insibu l-famuza grotta ta lascaux li
hija mimlija bi tpingija tal- bniedem
preistoriku. Fil- fatt din il-grotta hija
maghrufa bhala l- Kappella Sistina
tal-Preistorja. Interessanti wkoll jekk
nikklikkjaw fuq Prehistoire et Antiquite fejn
insibu dik li hija maghrufa bhala la Dame de
Brassempouy li hija l-ewwel versjoni ta statwa
fejn il-wicc gie mnaqqax ukoll. Instabu wkoll
verzjonijiet ohra tal-mara l-hoxna bhalma nstabu
fit-tempji Neolitici hawn Malta. Ta min jghid li
din l-istatwa tmur lura 22 elf sena u nstabet
fil- Grotta ta Pair-non-Pair - Postijiet interessanti xtara hemm kemm trid.
Nikklikkjaw fuq Des Lieux Incontournables.Le
phare de Cordouan hija lighthouse li ghadha
storja twila. Fil-fatt ilha tezisti mis-seklu
sittax. U ghandha importanza fl- Ewropa kollha.
Il-belt ta Bordeaux mhux belt ta min jitlifha.
Hija l-hames l-akbar belt fi Franza u l- kapitali
tal- indusriji tal- inbid. Hija kkunsidrata wkoll
bhala l-aktar post importanti fl- Ewropa fdak li
ghandu xjaqsam ma ricerka militari, spazjali u
aeronautika. Il- parti storika tal-belt hija
mnizzla fil-Unesco World Heritage List minhabba
l-arkitettura tal-post li tmur lura ghas-seklu
18. - Nikklikkjaw fuq Vive les villes dAquitaine.
Il-belt ta Bordeaux mhux belt ta min jitlifha.
Hija l-hames l-akbar belt fi Franza u l- kapitali
tal-industrija tal- inbid. Hija kkunsidrata wkoll
bhala l-aktar post importanti fl- Ewropa fdak li
ghandu xjaqsam ma ricerka militari, spazjali u
aeronautika. Il-parti storika tal-belt hija
mnizzla fil-Unesco World Heritage List minhabba
l-arkitettura tal-post li tmur lura ghas-seklu
18. Bliet ohra nteressanti huma l-belt ta Agen
maghrufa ghat-tkabbir tal- pruna, Bayonne fejn
ghadha ssir il-korrida u Biarritz la plage des
rois et la reine des plages- il- bajja
tar-rejjiet u r-regina tal- bajjiet- post
popolari fejn fost dawk li jhobbu l-isports tal-
bahar fosthom is-surfing. - Imma la qed nitkellmu dwar Aquitaine u Bordeaux
ma nistghux ma naghtux daqqa tghajn lejn
Destination Vignobles. Tistghu tahsbu jigu
prodotti aktar minn 700 miljun flixkun imbid
Bordeaux fis-sena- li jvarjaw minn imbid ta
kuljum imbid tal- mejda nghidlu jien sa whud
mill-aktar imbejjed fini u prestiggjuzi
fid-dinja. Il- maggoranza tal- imbejjed ta
Bordeaux huma homor pero insibu wkoll xi mbejjed
bojod u rose ta reputazzjoni gholja. Insibu 9000
kumpanija li tipproduci l-imbid . FBordeaux
insibu t-tieni l-akbar wesgha tart li tintuza
ghat-tkabbir tal-gheneb fid-dinja kollha. Qabilha
nsibu r-regjun ta Languedoc fi Franza wkoll.
Imma ghaliex dan is-success kollu fl-imbid
fBordeaux? L-ewwel nett hemm ix-xmajjar li l-
hin kollhu jfornu l-ilma ghad-dwieli u il-
hamrija fiha percentagg gholi ta kalcju u tafal.
It-tipi diferneti ta haeneb li nsibu huma
Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, merlot, peit
verdot, Malbec u Carmenere. L-aktar li nsibu huwa
l-imbid Cabernet Sauvignon fil- Medoc u Il-
Merlot fSaint Emilion. Il- Bordeaux l- abjad
huwa generalment helu bhas-Sauternes.
4- Ovvjament mal- imbid imur l-ikel. Fil-parti Des
Plaisirs Gourmands, nsibu li ricetta tipika tal-
post hija dik ta la poule au pot- ricetta tipika
tat-tigieg, li r-re Henri 4, Enriku r-raba kien
ordna li ssir mill- inqas darba fgimgha fkull
dar fir-regjun. Ikel popolari iehor huwa l-papra
u anke l-fwied tal-wizz maghruf bhala foie gras u
s-soppa La Garbure. Bayonne hija maghrufa
ghall-perzut, Arcachon ghat-trobbija tal-oysters
u Agen ghall- pruna. Ma ninsewx fl-ahhar
id-dezerta appuntu le gateau basque.
5To go further ...
- La Côte dArgent (the Silver Coast) is the name
given to the Atlantic ocean sea shore of the
region Aquitaine. It is located in south west of
France, and it is a part of the bay of Biscay.
Many tourists go to that part of France during
the summer thanks to its endless sand beaches. - Bordeaux is a city of France very famous for its
wine production. Its inhabitants are called les
bordelais. Thanks to its location near the sea
and the river (la Garonne) , Bordeaux had a long
history of trade. But tourists are also attracted
by that city thanks to its atmosphere and its old
areas. There are many historical, religious and
cultural sites (le Grand Théâtre, les allées
deTourny, le Pont de Pierre, la Basilique
Saint-Michel) to visit and people can also
enjoy doing shopping in that big city. - Le phare de Cordouan (the lighthouse of Cordouan)
is located 7kms away from the coast, on rocks in
the Atlantic ocean. It gives light to the boats
arriving in the estuary (the estuary is made by
the confluence of two main rivers the Garonne
and the Dordogne that gather before entering the
ocean). It was built in 1862 and is also called
the Versailles of the Sea, the Lighthouse of the
Kings or the King of the Lighthouses. In this
lighthouse, one can find an apartment called the
apartment of the King even is no one ever lived
in there, a chapel at the second floor where
wedding are celebrated every year, and a big room
on the third floor called room of the
Girondins, on the fourth and fifth floors, there
are rooms where the watchmen sleep. Finally, on
the sixth floor, there is the light of the
lighthouse. The lighthouse of Cordouan is the
last lighthouse of France where watchmen keep on
working they care if everything works well,
clean the place and welcome visitors who come to
visit it. It is planed that during the year 2008,
the lighthouse will be completely automatic so
the human presence will disappear on what was
called before the Cordouan Island.
6- The Lascaux Cave is probably the most famous
painted cave of France thanks to its numerous
paintings dating from the Paleolithic age. It is
located in Aquitaine, near Perigueux. It was
discovered in 1940 when four teenagers where
waling, looking for their dog. One of the
teenager felt in a hole made by the fall of the
tree. Quickly, the young boys go and warn their
former teacher of their discovery and they call a
specialist of prehistory who came to that region
to flee the occupation of the north part of
France during World War 2. Many specialists came
to work on that discovery and they managed to
count about 1900 paintings in that cave. In 1948,
the cave opened to visitors but in 1960, because
of the alteration due to the visits, the cave had
several problems and the conservation of
paintings was in danger. A part of it opened
again to visitors later but is still a source of
problems. Many tools where found, but also bones
and colorings. The cave was never inhabited,
there are several hypothesis concerning it role,
but the religious purpose is the more plausible
one. Nowadays, the Lascaux cave is closed to
public but a copy was made for people to have an
idea of the paintings found in the real one. - La Dame de Brassempouy (the Brassempouy Lady) is
a fragment of an ivory statue dating from the
Paleolithic superior . It is one of the oldest
representation of a human face. It was found in
Brassempouy , a small village in the Landes in
1894. It was carved in the ivory of a mammoth. It
is particular because of its realistic features
and one can see it in the museum of national
antiquities in Saint-Germain-en-Laye during
special exhibitions the rest of the time, it is
conserved in a special place, not visible by
visitors. - The Pair-non-Pair cave is located in the
department of La Gironde. In this cave there are
also paintings dating from -30 000BC and was
discovered in 1881 by a landowner, M. Daleau. He
was the one who explored it, listed about 15 000
tools made of flint and bones, he discovered also
ivory and many animal bones. That cave was
probably inhabited between -33 000 and -26 000 BC
and the walls are covered with curved
representations of animals (horses, mammoths,
ibexes and cervidae species). That cave can be
visited all along the year but the number of
visitors is limited. - Bayonne is a French city located near the border
with the Pays Basque. It is an important harbor
that makes work its economy. People there speak
French, but some of them also speak a dialect le
Basque. Bayonne is famous for its celebrations
such as its corridas during the summer, its Salsa
festival and its ferias y bodegas gathering many
people in the streets, dressed in red and white,
to party during summer. Its is also known thanks
to its ham le Jambon the Bayonne.
7Weekly Song Clip
- Lets now listen to this duo that keeps being one
of the most beautiful of French music. Garou is a
Canadian singer who gained popularity in France
when he acted in the musical Notre dame de
Paris. People like him for his grave voice and
his kindness. On the other side, Michel Sardou
is a famous French singer who sang some of the
most beautiful and famous songs that belong now
to the French culture such as Je viens du sud,
Les lacs du Connemara, En chantant, La
maladie damourMichel Sardou is without doubt
the best-selling, with tens of millions of albums
sold and a string of more than 25 consecutive hit
singles. Sardou has often written solid,
impact-driven songs which illustrate his
political and social views without fear of
popular compromise. He has also ignored the
prospect of international audience, preferring
instead to focus his attention and artistic
ability on his homeland. The following song was
written by Didier Barbelivien, a famous french
singer and composer. - Garou et Sardou La rivière de notre enfance
Je me souviens d'un arbreJe me souviens du
ventDe ces rumeurs de vaguesAu bout de
l'océanJe me souviens d'une villeJe me souviens
d'une voixDe ces Noëls qui brillentDans la
neige et le froidJe me souviens d'un rêveJe me
souviens d'un roiD'un été qui s'achèveD'une
maison de boisJe me souviens du cielJe me
souviens de l'eauD'une robe en dentelleDéchirée
dans le dos
RefrainCe n'est pas du sang qui coule dans
nos veinesC'est la rivière de notre enfanceCe
n'est pas sa mort qui me fait d'la peineC'est de
n'plus voir mon père qui danseJe me souviens
d'un phareJe me souviens d'un signeD'une
lumière dans le soirD'une chambre anonymeJe me
souviens d'amourJe me souviens des gestesLe
fiacre du retourLe parfum sur ma veste
Je me souviens si tardJe me souviens si peuDe
ces trains de hasardD'un couple d'amoureuxJe me
souviens de LondresJe me souviens de RomeDu
soleil qui fait l'ombreDu chagrin qui fait
l'hommeau Refrain, x2
8Intercultural Differences Eating habits
- In France, there are three main meals. In the
morning the breakfast consists in fruit juice,
toasts or cereals and tea coffee or chocolate.
People also buy sometimes croissants and pains au
chocolat but it is not everybody and not every
day we reserve it for the week end, when we
have time to go to the Patisserie to by them. - n Malta, it seems that not much importance is
given to breakfast but nowadays a lot of effort
is being done to encourage this eating habit. On
Sunday, people eat also as a breakfast bacon
with eggs and sausages or pastizzi. - In France, all the meals are accompanied with
fresh bread. French people eat everything with
bread, even the pastas. - During the week-ends, or when there are guests,
the lunch ort he diner start with an Apéritif
which consists in drinking one or two glasses of
alcohol and to eat small appetizers before
eating. - In France, in schools or even at work, people can
go to eat in a canteen which avoid bad food and
sandwiches every day. A lot of efforts are made
regarding the meals that are more and more
healthy with vegetables and fruit. In Malta, a
few schools have canteens but most of them don
not serve healthy food to the students. It is
more snacks. - In France, at about 4.00, the students would eat
le Gouter after school which consists mainly in
biscuits. Adults also have a small snack at that
time. This corresponds to the Maltese Tea time.
9- France is also known for being the country of the
cheese. French people eat cheese at every meal
usually. Each region has a special cheese. It is
the same for the wine. The Maltese appreciate
cheese and good wine too but they do not have a
good impression of French food because of the
stereotypes that is a nicely decorated plate with
only a small amount of food. But this kind of
cuisine is only found is big restaurants. Most of
the traditional food in France is very copious ! - In France, there is also the Semaine du Gout
(taste week). This week is dedicated to food to
make the children aware of the importance of
eating healthily. Children cook, taste different
food during that week.