Well logs electric logs, wireline logs - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Well logs electric logs, wireline logs


Boxcar trend (cylindrical trend): Low gamma, sharp boundaries, no regular internal change ... Boxcar and dirtying-up trends in alluvial succession, Lunde ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Well logs electric logs, wireline logs

  • Well logs (electric logs, wireline logs)
  • Well logs are primarily tools for petrophysical
    analyses to determine (a) reservoir rocks, (b)
    their fluid content (water, oil and gas) and (c)
    their reservoir properties (porososity,
  • Well logs reflect indirectly the lithology of
    the subsurface rocks and must be interpreted in
    terms of sandstone, shale, carbonate, coal, etc.
  • Well log patterns, trends and abrupt changes
    indicate change in the stratigraphic succession,
    facies and boundaries.

  • Well log suites
  • Caliper logs borehole diameter
  • Gamma-ray logs gamma activity in the wall rock
  • Sonic logs Sonic transit time in the formation
  • SP logs Electical potential between wall rock
    and a surface standard
  • Density-neutron logs Electron density/neutron
  • Resistivity logs Electric resistivity in the
  • Spectral logs Content of special radioactive
  • Dipmeter and related logs High resolution
    resistivity gives orientation of bedding and

  • Gamma-ray logs
  • Gamma ray activity in the formation rocks is
    generally the function of the clay mineral
    content (40K). The gamma activity is measured in
    API units, a standard from the American Petroleum
  • Gamma-ray logs indicate the relative content of
    clay and can be applied to infer energy of the
    depositional environment with increasing shale
    with increasing API values of the gamma-ray
    curve, and increasing energy and sand deposition
    by decreasing gamma-ray values
  • High contents of potassium feldspar, U and Th
    may give high gamma-ray responses. High gamma-ray
    peaks due to 40K, U and Th can be demonstrated by
    spectral logs
  • Upward-cleaning gamma-ray trends are
    stratigraphically decreasing trend responses of
    the gamma-ray curves
  • Upward-dirtying gamma-ray trends are
    stratigraphically increasing trend responses of
    the gamma-ray curves

  • SP logs
  • Spontaneous potential logs measure difference in
    electric potential between the formation rock and
    the surface (by a standard)
  • SP is sensitive to changes in permeability and
    can be applied to distinguish between permeable
    sand and nonpermeable shale
  • Works best where there is a good resistivity
    contrast between the mud filtrate and the
    formation water
  • SP logs usually show a straigt line through
    impermable shale units, the shale base line
  • SP is affected by hydrocarbons, cementation and
    changes in formation water salinity
  • In many cases, SP logs reflect many of the same
    features as the gamma-ray curve

  • Sonic logs
  • Measures sonic transit time through the
    formation rock, as for example in millisecond pr.
    m or foot. This means that high transit time
    implies low velocity and vice versa
  • Sonic logs reflect porosity and lithology
  • Shales usually have higher transit times than
    sandstones of the same porosity, thus the sonic
    logs can be applied as an indicator of grain
    size. Note that compacted and cemented mudstone
    or shale may have have higher sonic velocity than
    associated sandstone, e.g. lower sonic transit
  • High concentration of organic matter as coal and
    black shale results in very long sonic transit
    times and may be typical for some condensed
  • The sonic log is strongly affected by
    post-depositional cementation and fracturing and
    can be applied to identify such sones, as typical
    for some condensed intervals

  • Density-neutron logs
  • The density-neutron suite (the Schlumberger
    FDC-CNL log couplet, and similar commercial logs)
    is the best indicator of lithology and thus to
    decipher depositional trends
  • The density curve (FDC) measures electron
    density from the backscatter of gamma rays send
    into the formation rock the density is related
    to bulk density. Common range 1.70 to 2.9 (g/cm3)
  • The neutron curve (CNL) measures the interaction
    between neutrons emitted from the tool and
    hydrogen atoms in the formation (in water, clays
    and hydrocarbons). Common range 0.60 to -0.10
  • The density and neutron logs are calibrated to
    coincide in clean limestone in sandstone the
    neutron curve usually is separated to the right
    (lower values) and in shale to the left (higher
    values) (cross-overs)
  • Coals are easily identified by the
    density-neutron suite

  • Resistivity logs
  • Resistivity logs measure the bulk electric
    resistiviy in the formation rock, which is a
    function of porosity and pore fluid
  • A highly porous rock with saline pore water will
    have a low resistivity
  • A non-porous rock, or a hydrocarbon-bearing
    formation, will have high resistivity
  • Resistivity trends may be excellent lithology
    indicators, provided the fluid content is
    constant, i.e. in the oil, gas og water legs
  • Resistivity logs are very good for correlation
    within shale successions and within sandstones
    with uniform gamma-ray response, as for example
    applied in dip-meter logs

  • Well-log trend patterns
  • Cleaning-up trend (funnel trend) gradual upward
    decrease in gamma response increasing sand
  • Dirtying-up trend (bell trend) Gradual upward
    increase in gamma response increasing clay
  • Boxcar trend (cylindrical trend) Low gamma,
    sharp boundaries, no regular internal change
  • Bow trend (symmetrical trend) Gradual decreas,
    then gradual increase in gamma
  • Irregular trend characteristic trend at all

Lowstand Systems Tract (LST) Log response
Consists of a transition from upward shallowing
to upward deepening or an abrupt change in water
- Characterized
usually by toplap below the TS or below a
transgressive surface of ravinement
DEVELOPED, it is characterized by -
Thick intervals of coarsening upward sandstones
near the top,
They are made of shoreface and deltaic sands,
occasionally other paralic facies, which prograde
basinward into hemipelagic shale,
The PWST pinches out near the offlap break of
underlying HST or early LST LOWER BOUNDARY OF
PWST Reflectors
downlapping on a surface of a
Condensed section
characterized by a maximum clay content and a
faunal abundance peak SLOPE FAN AND BASIN FLOOR
FAN - May be present as upward
coarsening to upward fining successions of
channels,lobes, sheets etc.
Interfingering with and enclosed by hemipelagic
clay-rich mud
Modified from Sangree et al. 1990
Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) Log response
Presents commonly lowest resistivity and highest
gamma ray response of the sequence
Corresponds to a condensed
section (CS) of starved sedimentation high clay
content, faunal abundance peak and possible
phosphorite and carbonate cementation
Characterized usually by apparent truncation
below the boundary and downlap reflectors above
teh boundary (clinoform geometrt) TST INTERVAL
may be well developed, thin or totally absent. If
TST is present
- Consist of an
overall backstepping (retrogradational)
parasequence set or sets,
- Made of beach and
shorface sandstone towards the base with thin
hemipelagic shale as basin equivalent -
Correlation within TST is good even the
backstepping parasequences are time-transgressive
Corresponds to an onlap surface formed by
erosion on top of LST deposits, developed as
bottom of an
Highstand systems tracts (HST) Log Response
- May be combined with a sequence boundary
(SB) on top of the HST, formed by fluvial
erosion, whereas the TS is a transgressive
ravinement surface that may have removed all
traces of subaerial exposure
Characterized by an upward-cleaning
trend, or upward coarsening succession, of a
prograding parasequence set consisting of
alluvial plain, coastal plain, shoreline to shelf
prograding parasequence set has clinoforms
lapping down onto the maximum flooding surface
Commonly coincides with
highest GR log response - Represents a
condensed section rich in fossils covering a
relatively large time interval
May form a
firmground or hardground
Well-log suite,Middle Jurassic Brent Group, North
Sea Lithological interpretation
Well-log suite,Middle Jurassic Brent Group, North
Sea Sequence stratigraphic interpretation
Boxcar and dirtying-up trends in alluvial
succession, Lunde Formation, Upper Triassic,
Snorre Field, North Sea Fluvial channel sandstone
display characteristic boxcar to dirtying-up
trends, confirmed by grain-size trends in cored
Cleaning-up trends in the Ness Formation, Brent
Group, North Sea Individual motifs are
parasequences formed as prograding mouth bars,
interdistributary bay head deltas several capped
by coal beds
Upward-cleaning trend, Tarbert Formation, Brent
Group, North Sea The upward-cleaning trend
displayed by the gamma ray curve reflect
increasin sand content of an upward-shallowing
parasequence formed as a prograding shore-face
Boxcar trends in Upper Jurassic sandstone
succession, Miller Field,
central North Sea Turbidite sandstone units form
submarine fans or lobes of very small grain size
variation, implying a vertical aggradation of the
deposits, that is a balance between rate of
accommodatio, A, (controlled by the submarine
equlibrium profile) and the rate of
sedimentation, S
Bow-log trends in Upper Jurassic submarine
succession, Ettrick Field, central North Sea The
bow log trends indicate upward cleaning
followed by upward dirtying which again suggest
that the sandy depositional units represent
progradational to retrogradational fans or/and
lobes, separated by hemipelagic mudstone
intervals with high gamma-ray response. Note
corresponding trend on all well logs,
particularly gamm-ray and sonic
Well log trends and system tract interpretation
in Upper Jurassic sandstone reservoirs of the Ula
Field, central North Sea
Well log examples from the Båt and Fangst groups,
Middle Jurassic, Mid-Norwegian shelf The log
suite her consists of the gamma ray, density
(RHOB) and neutron (NPHI), and interval transit
time The formation is defined by the combination
of well core data and the well log responses
Dalland et al. 1988
Well log examples from the Tilje, Ror and Ile
formations, Middle Jurassic, Mid-Norwegian
shelf The abrupt shift in log patterns from the
Tilje to the Ror Formation suggests a rapid
flooding and transgression. The mud-dominated Ror
Formation consists of stacked progradational
offshore parasequences ending in the paralic and
tide-influenced sand-rich Ile Formation
Dalland et al. 1988
  • Bounding surfaces defined in well logs
  • Jurassic well 6407/2-1 Type section Ror
  • Exercise Find, if possible, candidate surfaces
  • marine flooding surface (FS)
  • transgressive surface(TS)
  • maximum flooding surface (MFS)
  • ravinement surface (RS)
  • sequence boundary (SB)
  • Define parasequences and parasquence sets, and
    make an interpretation of depositional

Dalland et al. 1988, Fig. 13
  • Bounding surfaces defined in well logs
  • Jurassic well 6506/12-1 Type section
    Tofte Formation
  • Exercise Find, if possible, candidate surfaces
  • marine flooding surface (FS)
  • transgressive surface (TS)
  • maximum flooding surface (MFS)
  • ravinement surface (RS)
  • sequence boundary (SB)
  • Define parasequences and parasquence sets, and
    make an interpretation of depositional

Dalland et al. 1988, Fig. 11
  • Bounding surfaces defined in well logs
  • Jurassic well 6407/1-3
  • Type section Garn Formation
  • Reference section Not Formation
  • Exercise Find, if possible, candidate surfaces
  • marine flooding surface (FS)
  • transgressive surface (TS)
  • maximum flooding surface (MFS)
  • ravinement surface (RS)
  • sequence boundary (SB)
  • Define parasequences and parasquence sets, and
    make an interpretation of depositional

Dalland et al. 1988, Fig. 20
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