Title: D-010 Well Integrity in Drilling and Well Operations
1D-010 Well Integrity in Drilling and Well
Time Activity
0930 1000 Registration
1000 1130 Common session Welcome (Standard Norge) Structure and content (TLS) New activities and operations that has been included (TLS) Barrier logic, well barrier schematics and the use Well Barrier Element Descriptions (TLS)
1130 - 1215 Lunch (behind reception)
1215 1500 Stands Stands are open authors are present to answer questions
3Standardisation in the Norwegian Petroleum
- necessary additions / deviations
- areas not covered by int. standards
4Standardisation in the Norwegian petroleum
- Sector Board Petroleum Industry,
- is managing the standardisation activities in the
Norwegian petroleum sector. - Project Manager
- reports to the Sector Board and performs the
administration of all activities, including
NORSOK standards. - Work groups in fact expert panels,
- are doing the real standardisation work through
- appointed participants in international
standardisation work. - initiating and managing ad hoc NORSOK project
groups for revision and development of NORSOK
standards - A Work group is a forum for experts, where
- Development and use of excellent standards is the
main focus - Exchange of experiences and knowledge across
company boarders - networking
5SN Sector Board Petroleum Industry
Updated 2004-06-24
Project Manager Knut Heieren
M i r r o r C o m m i t t e e ISO/TC 67 P e t r
o l e u m I n d u s t r y Chairman Rolf
Nordaunet, TBL (ABB)
HMS, Regularity, Civil, HVAC Jarle Øygarden TBL
(Bjørge SAAS)
ISO / CEN / IEC Supervision / Coordination Helge
Vestre, Auth. Kjell Ø. Tendenes, OLF Olav
Inderberg, TBL Stein Østerlie, SN
Drilling, Subsea Underwater Rolf Nordaunet TBL
Structures, Geotech, Marine, Pipeline Tore
Sildnes Maritim (DNV)
Process, Equipment, Piping Olbrigt Bolstad OLF
Electrical, Instr. Telecom, Temp.Eq. Ove Jan
Hana OLF (ConocoPhillips)
Material Helge Vestre Authorities (Ptil)
ISO/TC 67/SC 3/4
ISO/TC 67/SC 2/7
ISO/TC 67/SC 6
ISO/TC 67/SC 5
ISO/TC 67/SC 6
Ag D-Drilling Stig Hetlevik Prosafe / OLF
Ag G-Geotechnology Viggo Karlsen Hydro / OLF
Ag L-Piping Håvard Heggernes Statoil / OLF
Ag E-Electrical Odd Jan Figved Statoil / OLF
Ag M-Material Ragnar Mollan Hydro / OLF
Ag C-Civil / Architect Sven-Arne Aronsson Statoil
Ag I-Instrumentation Gunnar Gundersen ConocoPhilli
ps / OLF
Ag ZR- Regularity Criticality Runar
Østebø Statoil / OLF
Ag J-Marine Sigmund Lunde Hydro / OLF
Ag P-Process Kolbjørn Moen Aker Kværner / TBL
Ag U-Subsea William Bakke Hydro / OLF
Ag A-Administration Knut Heieren SN
W o r k i n g g r o u p s
Ag UB-Underwater Einar Wold Svendsen Statoil / OLF
Ag Z SCC-Standard Cost Coding Gudmund
Vigerust Hydro / OLF
Ag N-Structural Inge Lotsberg DNV / Maritim
Ag IM-Metering Endre Jacobsen Statoil / OLF
Ag R-Mechanical Odd Knudsen Statoil / OLF
Ag S-HMS Erik Odgaard Hydro / OLF
Ag Y-Pipeline Erling Gjertveit Statoil / OLF
K 126 Drilling and compl fluids and well
cements Arne Torsvoll Statoil / OLF
Ag I SCD System Control Diagrams Idar
Ingebriktsen Consultant
Ag RL-Lifting Svein Anders Eriksson Ptil /
Ag T-Telecom Knut Aashamar Aker Kværner / TBL
Ag H-HVAC Stein Erik Uldalen Hydro / OLF
Ag Z MCP Halvdan Holter Hydro / OLF
Ag ZTE-Temporary Equipment Ove J
Hana ConocoPhillips / OLF
Ag Z TI-Technical Info TBN
K 117 Offshore Containers Dag Steensen, DNV
K 141 Måling av olje og Naturgass Einar
Halvorsen, OD
Samordnes med K 48 Kraner og andre
løfteinnretninger K 39 Trykkpåkjent utstyr
Samordnes med NEK/NK18 Electric installations of
ships and offshore units
Samordnes med K 39 Trykkpåkjent utstyr K51 Maling
6Why Revise?
- The process for revision of the D-010 Standard
was initiated by OLF/Drilling Managers Forum
(DMF) and NPD to make the standard compliant with
changes in legislation and adapted to evolving
and new technology
8Author Group
9Structure and Content
10Well Integrity
- application of technical, operational and
organisational solutions to reduce risk of
uncontrolled release of formation fluids
throughout the life cycle of a well.
11- 1. Scope
- This NORSOK standard focus on well integrity by
defining the minimum functional and performance
oriented requirements and guidelines for well
design, planning and execution of well operations
in Norway. - 2. 1. Normative references (examples)
- - ISO 14310,Petroleum and natural gas industries
Down hole equipment Packers and bridge plugs. - OLF/NRs, No.024, Recommendations for Training of
Drilling and Well Service Personnel. - 2. 2. Informative references None.
12Examples 3.1.31 riser margin additional fluid
density to add to the hole below the mudline
required to compensate for the differential
pressure between the fluid in the riser and
seawater in the event of a riser
disconnect 3.1.44 under balanced drilling
(UBD) drilling operation where the dynamic
bottom-hole pressure in the well bore is
intentionally lower than the pore pressure of the
formation being drilled 3.1.50 well
influx/inflow (kick) unintentional inflow of
formation fluid from the formation into the
13 generic principles, requirements and guidelines
relating to well activities and operations which
are applicable to the specific well activities
and operations described in the sections to
4.1 General 4.2 Well barriers 4.3 Well design
4.4 Risk assessment and risk verification
methods 4.5 Simultaneous and critical activities
4.6 Activity and operation shut-down criteria
4.7 Activity programmes and procedures 4.8
Contingency plans 4.9 Personnel competence and
supervision 4.10 Experience transfer and
14 activities relating to drilling, formation
evaluation and installation of casing strings
and liners.
x.1 General x.2 Well barrier schematics x.3
Well barrier acceptance criteria x.4 Well
barrier elements acceptance criteria x.5 Well
control action procedures and drills x.6 Casing
design x.7 Other topics x.8 Well barrier
schematic illustrations
X Same structure in sections 5-14
- Fluid Column
- Casing
- Drill String
- Drilling BOP
- Wellhead
- High Pressure Riser
- Casing Float Valves
15activities relating to installation of a
temporary test string for production of
hydrocarbons or injection of fluids to evaluate
the productivity/injectivity of the well and
obtain critical reservoir characteristics.
- Well Test String
- Sub-sea Test Tree
- Surface Test Tree
- Well Test Packer
- Well Test String Components
- Subsea Lubricator Valve for Well Testing
- Downhole Tester Valve
16activities relating to installation of a
permanent completion string for
producing/injecting of fluids, including
installation of open-hole completion equipment.
- Deep Set Tubing Plug
- Production Packer
- Surface Controlled Sub-surface Safety Valve
- Annulus Surface Controlled Sub-surface Safety
Valve - Tubing hanger
- Tubing hanger plug
- Annulus Access Line and Valve
- Completion String
- Completion String Component
- Tubular String Safety Valve
17activities relating to continuous well
production or injection.
- Sub-sea Production Tree
- Surface Production Tree
18activities relating to sidetracking, suspension,
temporary or permanent abandonment of the
wellbore or parts there of.
- Casing Cement
- Cement Plug
- Mechanical Tubular Plugs
- Liner Top Packer
19.. deployment of tools and equipment by use of
wire or slickline in a well. NOTE This includes
open hole logging, pipe conveyed WL logging, well
- Wireline BOP
- Wireline Safety Head
- Wireline Stuffing Box
- Wireline Lubricator
20deployment of tools and equipment by use of
coiled tubing in a well.
- Coiled Tubing
- Coiled Tubing BOP
- Coiled Tubing Check Valves
- Coiled Tubing Safety Head
- Coiled Tubing Strippers
- Lower Riser Package
21deployment of tools and equipment by use of
jointed pipe in a well.
- Snubbing Check Valves
- Snubbing BOP
- Snubbing Stripper
- Snubbing Safety Head
- Snubbing String
- Snubbing Stripper BOP
22 drilling and completion operations when the
wellbore pressure is less or equal to the
estimated or measured pore pressure.
- Rotating Control Device
- Downhole Isolation Valve
- UBD None Return Valve
23 short term injection of fluids into the well,
stimulation, corrosion treatment, etc. or for
disposal of cuttings or waste.
- Production Tree Isolation Tool
24 Road Map to Understanding
Annex A (normative) Leak test pressures and
frequency for well control equipment.
4. General principles
15. Well barrier element acceptance tables (50
3. Definitions and abbreviations
25So whats new?
26Old vs. New Standard
- 4. General Requirements
- 5.1 Drilling (incl. PA)
- 5.2 Completion or workover
- 5.3 Testing
- 5.4 Well Intervention
- 5.5 Pressure Controlled Drilling
- Annexes Barrier Testing, Status and Availability
for - Well Completion Operations
- Well Testing Operations
- Snubbing Operations
- Coiled Tubing Operations
- Wireline or Tractor Operations
27How much old stuff did we use?
This is an estimate 30 green, which means the
majority of the text is used as is. 30
yellow, which means the text has been
modified/altered. 40 red, which means the
text has been deleted.
28How much new stuff has been included?
- Another estimate
- New standard is 160 pages
- Old stuff 56 pages 60 34 pages
- New stuff 160 34 126 pages (79)
- 8.4 pages per author
29So whats really new?
- Attempted to specify clear and concise
requirements (shall) and guidelines (should)
relating to well integrity throughout the life
cycle of the well - Well barrier terminology with definitions
- Well barriers for most common situations are
defined by use of schematics and tables - Descriptions are mostly insensitive to type of
well and installation
- Listing of situations/operations for which well
control action procedures should be in place. - A library of 50 defined well barrier elements
with acceptance criteria which you can use to
make your own barrier schematic and well barrier
acceptance criteria. - Production and Pumping Operations
- UBDC, Sidetracking, PA parts are significantly
30What did we not cover?
- Competency requirements for offshore personnel
referenced - The Education Plan approved by the Norwegian
Ministry of Church, Education and Research in
respect of Well Service Techniques, Wireline
Operations and Cementing, - OLF/NRs, No.024. Recommendations for Training of
Drilling and Well Service Personnel, - NORSOK R-003N
- Equipment specifications referenced other
national and international standards - and probably a few things more!
31Was you comment accepted?
- We received
- 42 rejected (15 )
- Big thanks to those who spent time and energy on
reading and commenting!
32Well Barriers
33Barrier Terminology
Working Well Barrier Stage This is the stage
which shows the well barrier elements that are
used to confine the pressure in a normal working
mode. Example Closed CT strippers CT body
surface test tree w. closed wing valve,
Primary Well Barrier This is first object that
prevents flow from a source. Example - blue
items Strippers CT BOP surface test tree,
Secondary Well Barrier This is the second object
that prevents flow from a source. Example - red
items Lower riser package production tree
Intermediate Well Barrier Stage This is the
stage(s) of a well barrier element activation
sequence before the ultimate well barrier stage
is reached. Examples Leak in CT strippers
close CT pipe rams.
Well Barrier Element An object that alone can
not prevent flow from one side to the other side
of itself. Example CT BOP
Ultimate Well Barrier Stage This is the final
stage of a well barrier element activation
sequence which normally includes closing a
shearing device. Example Closed CT shear ram
(primary barrier) or closed master valve
(secondary barrier),
Common Well Barrier Element This is a barrier
element that is shared between primary and
secondary barrier. Examples Body of LRP, X.mas
tree and production wing valve
Well Barrier Schematics
- 4) NOTE
- Legend
- This describes the name of the well barrier
elements. - A complete description of general acceptance
criteria for this barrier element is found in
Clause 15, which contains a library of Well
Barrier Element Acceptance Criteria tables. - This table column is used to describe comments.
- The place can be used for describing additional
requirements and guidelines. For example a
description of compensative measures if there
exist common barrier elements. - The illustration shows the primary barrier in its
normal working stage, while the secondary barrier
is shown in its ultimate stage. This stage often
described with a closed shearing device.
35Well Barrier Element Acceptance
Features Acceptance Criteria References
A. Description This describes the composition of well barrier element in words.
B. Function This describes the main function of the well barrier element.
C. Design (capacity, rating, and function), Construction and Selection For well barrier elements that are constructed in the field (i.e. drilling fluid, cement ), thishould describe design criteria, such as maximal load conditions that the well barrier element must withstand and other functional requirements for the period that the well barrier element will be used. construction requirements for how to actually construct the well barrier element or its sub-components, and will in most cases only consist of references to normative Standards. For well barrier elements that are already manufactured, the focus should be on selection parameters for choosing the right equipment and how this is assembled in the field. Name of specific normative references
D. Initial Test and Verification This describes the methods for verifying that the well barrier element is ready for use after installation in/on the well and before it can be put into use or is accepted as part of well barrier system.
E. Use This describes proper use of the well barrier element in order for it to maintain its function and prevent damage to it during execution of activities and operations.
F. Monitoring (Regular surveillance, testing and verification) This describes the methods for verifying that the well barrier element continues to be intact and fulfils it design/selection criteria during use.
G. Failure Modes This describes conditions that will impair (weaken or damage) the function of the WBE, which may lead to implementing corrective action or stopping the activity/operation.
36Well Barrier Element Acceptance Table Table 1
Fluid Column
Features Acceptance criteria See
A. Description This is the fluid in the well bore. NORSOK D-001
B. Function The purpose of the fluid column as a well barrier/WBE is to exert a hydrostatic pressure in the well bore that will prevent well influx/inflow (kick) of formation fluid.
C. Design construction selection The hydrostatic pressure shall at all times be equal to the estimated or measured pore/reservoir pressure, plus a defined safety margin (e.g. riser margin, trip margin). Critical fluid properties and specifications shall be described prior to any operation. The density shall be stable within specified tolerances under down hole conditions for a specified period of time when no circulation is performed. The hydrostatic pressure should not exceed the formation fracture pressure in the open hole including a safety margin or as defined by the kick margin. Changes in well bore pressure caused by tripping (surge and swab) and circulation of fluid (ECD) should be estimated and included in the above safety margins. ISO 10416
D. Initial test and verification Stable fluid level shall be verified. Critical fluid properties, including density shall be within specifications.
E. Use It shall at all times be possible to maintain the fluid level in the well through circulation or by filling. It shall be possible to adjust critical fluid properties to maintain or modify specifications. Acceptable static and dynamic loss rates of fluid to the formation shall be pre-defined. There should be sufficient fluid materials, including contingency materials available on the location to maintain the fluid well barrier with the minimum acceptable density.
F. Monitoring Fluid level in the well and active pits shall be monitored continuously. Fluid return rate from the well shall be monitored continuously. Flow checks should be performed upon indications of increased return rate, increased volume in surface pits, increased gas content, flow on connections or at specified regular intervals. The flow check should last for 10 min. HTHP All flow checks should last 30 min. Measurement of fluid density (in/out) during circulation shall be performed regularly. Measurement of critical fluid properties shall be performed every 12 circulating hours and compared with specified properties. Parameters required for killing of the well . ISO 10414-1 ISO 10414-2
G. Failure modes Non-fulfillment of the above mentioned requirements (shall) and the following Flow of formation fluids.
37QuoteThe standard is worth nothing unless it
is referred to.
Knut Heieren, 2003
38Questions ?