What is a Mersenne Prime - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is a Mersenne Prime


A prime that is one less than a power of 2. MP = 2 ... in order- some were overlooked and some were included but later found to be composite numbers. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What is a Mersenne Prime

What is a Mersenne Prime?
  • Who was Mersenne?
  • What is a perfect number?
  • What is the largest/ most recently discovered
    Mersenne Prime?
  • How can I be a part of history?

What is a Mersenne Prime?
  • A prime that is one less than a power of 2
  • MP 2 ? - 1 where m is
  • Why is a Mersenne Prime special?
  • Mersenne Primes are special because they are
    required to find perfect number.
  • What is a perfect number??

What is a perfect number?
  • First appeared in the 4th century BCE in Euclids
  • A perfect number is a number whose proper
    divisors (all factors including 1, but excluding
    the number itself) sum to equal the number.
  • Modernized to If, for some m gt 1, 2 ? - 1 is
  • then 2 ? -1 ( 2 ? - 1)
    is a perfect number.
  • EX 6 123 28 124714
  • It is unknown if there are any odd perfect
    numbers and if the set of perfect numbers is

Who was Mersenne?
  • Marin Mersenne (1588-1648)
  • Minimite friar, close friend of Galileo, Fermat
    and Descartes
  • Mersenne was the recorder/secretary of a group of
    scientist and mathematicians
  • His widespread correspondence of his groups
    activities contributed to a sense of unity in
    mathematical interest
  • Called the Walking Scientific Journal
  • Mersenne compiled a list with exponents up to 257
    BUT erroneously included M67 and M257 and did not
    include M61, M89, and M107. There was no
    indication as to how they were found.

History of Mersenne Primes
  • The first 4 perfect numbers, and therefore
    Mersenne Primes, are known in antiquity. No
    documents exist to show their discovery.
  • The 5th Mersenne Prime was published anonymously
    in 1456
  • They were not discovered in order- some were
    overlooked and some were included but later found
    to be composite numbers.
  • 7 more Mersenne Primes were found before

  • 1952- First MP discovered by computer after a 38
    year lapse. M521 (13) at UCLA at the US National
    Bureau of Statistics.
  • 1963- The 21st-23rd MPs were found while a
    professor at Univ. of Illinois was testing a
  • 1978- 2 High school students made
  • national news and the front page of
  • the NY times when the computer they
  • volunteered located the 25th MP.
  • The 27th- 34th MPs (except 29th) were discovered
    by Slowinski- a Cray Computer Laboratories
    employee that ran the program in his computers
    spare time, without permission, between 1979
    and 1996. A reporting delay took place while
    Slowinski sought permission

What is GIMPS?
  • In late 1995, computer programmer George Woltman
    creates the free download of the Great
    International Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS)
    program to any individuals who would like to
    volunteer their computers memory to the cause.
  • The 35th- 44th MP were discovered using GIMPS.
    GIMPS is running at 29 TFLOPS. (Tera Floating
    Point Operation Per Second) 29 x 1012
    operations per second, as of May 08

What is the largest/most recently discovered
Mersenne Prime?
  • The 44th MP was discovered September 4, 2006
    by one of 700 clustered GIMPS volunteer computers
    belonging to Central Missouri State University
    professors Dr. Curtis Cooper and Dr. Steven
    Boone. (They found the 43rd too, what are the
    odds of that???)
  • The 44th MP is (232,582,657)-1. It has
    9,808,358 digits, just 191, 642 digits short of
    claiming the 100,000 prize offered by the
    Electronic Frontier Foundation.
  • A standard word processing program would use
    2,616 pages to display. So here they

Just kidding ?
How Can I Be a Part of History?
  • Each new MP that is discovered is attributed to
    the individual whose computer it popper up on
    (along with Woltman, the program designer)
  • Of the 10 MP that were found by GIMPS, 5 were
    discovered by undergrad college students and
  • In addition to being the newest MP discoverer,
    you will be awarded 50,000 and 25,000 will be
    donated to charity in your name!
  • WOW! Rich AND Famous!!!!
  • Snap your lazy, idling computer into shape by
    downloading the program at www.mersenne.org

  • http//www.mersenne.org/ Retrieved 7/15/08
  • http//primes.utm.edu Retrieved 7/15/08
  • A History of Mathematics, An Introduction- Victor
    Katz, 1993
  • A History of Mathematics- Second Edition- Carl
    Boyer, 1968
  • http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_primes
    Retrieved 7/9/08
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