Title: CA622 Advanced Algorithms
1CA622 Advanced Algorithms
2Course Overview
- 4 Parts 6 Lectures on each part
- Part I
- Primality Testing
- Factorisation
- Implications to Cryptography
- Part II,III and IV will be taught by another
lecturer - Continuous Assessment
- 25
- Groups of 5
- Will be related to part I of the course
3Course Overview
- Exam
- 8 exam questions, answer 4, one from each part of
the course - Therefore there will be two questions on the exam
relating to the next 6 hours of lectures
4Course Website
- Notes for part I can be found at
- www.computing.dcu.ie/cwhelan/teaching.html
- although the site is not live just yet
5Advanced Algorithms Part I
6Section 1Primality Testing
7 8Overview
- Since ancient times mathematicians have been
facinated by problems concerning prime numbers.
Since the days of Euclid (ca. 270 BC) and
Eratosthenes (ca. 240BC) prime numbers have been
the subject of intense mathematical scrutiny. - Why are they so interesting? Well prime numbers
are more elusive than they seem. They do not
follow a set pattern or particular sequence,
there is no formula that can tell you whether a
number is definitively prime in a reasonable
amount of time. - The Prime pages demonstrates the current
facination for primes - The search for primes continues
- http//www.mersenne.org/prime.html
- On September 4th 2006 the most recent Mersenne
prime was found. The 44th - known Mersenne prime, 232,582,657 1, a
9,808,358 digit number. The - discoverers used 700 PCs as part of a grid
(PrimeNet) in CMSU, which is networked - with 70,000 computersto work in parrallel to
compute 22 trillion calculations per - second. This would have taken 4000 years on a
single PC
- A prime number is a positive integer p having
exactly two positive divisors, 1 and p. - A composite number is a positive integer n gt 1
which is not prime. - i.e. iff it admits a nontrivial factorisation
n ab, where a and b are integers and between 1
and n. - Hence, primality testing and factorisation go
hand in hand (a field inextricably entwined with
10Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
- For each natural number n there is a unique
factorisation - Where ai are positive integers and
- p1 lt p2 lt pk
- are primes.
11What is Primality Testing?
- Primality testing
- Determining whether a number is prime or not
- Prime factorisation
- Decomposing a number into its constituent prime
13Testing Primality?
- Obvious approach
- Given an integer n, check if any integer m from 2
to n-1 divides n. If n is divisible by any m,
then n is composite, otherwise it is prime. - An improvement
- Check whether n is divisible by any of the prime
numbers - Also can skip all even m except 2, since if any
even number divides n then 2 does - Can repeat this for all prime numbers (Sieve of
14Sieve of Erratosthenes
15Primality Testing
- Two varieties of prime tests
- Probablistic
- Probable prime a false positive, a composite
number is identified as prime. This will happen
with very low probablity. - But much faster than deterministic tests
- Pseudoprime A number which passes a probablistic
primality test but which is actually composite - Types
- Fermats Little Theorem
- Miller-Rabin
- Deterministic
- Identifes real prime numbers
- Types
- Lucas-Lehmer
- Elliptic Curve Primality Proving
16Probabilistic Algorithms
17Fermats Little Theorem
- If p is prime and 1 lt a lt p, then
- a p-1 1 mod p
- To test if n is prime, a number of random as are
chosen in the interval, and see if the equality
holds for each value of a. - a n-1 1 mod n
- However, some composites pass Fermats test, and
so are falsely identified as prime.Carmichael
Numbers - Carmichael numbers are numbers that for all
values of a for which gcd(a,n) 1 are Fermat
liars. -
18Modular Exponentiation
- How to calculate ak mod n?
- As will be seen throughout the lecture, modular
exponentiation is required for use in all
primality tests
19Modular ExponentiationSquare and Multiply
- Input a, k
- Set b 1
- If k 0, return b
- Set A a
- If k0 1 then set b a
- For i 1 to t
- Set A A2 mod n
- if ki is 1
- Set b Ab mod n
- Output ak mod n
20Modular ExponentiationSquare and Multiply
- Example Calculate 5596 mod 1234 1013
- Similar to Fermat in that it tests a series of
equalities that old true for prime values. Then
see whether they hold for a number we want to
test. - First a note about x 2 1 mod p where x in Fp
- x 2 1 mod p and so x sqrt(1) mod p and so x
-1 - However, (x1)(x-1) 0 mod p and so x can
neither be or 1. - Therefore, if a prime cannot divide either of
these two integers, it cannot divide their
- Let n be an odd prime. We can write n -1 as 2sr,
where s is an interget and r is odd. - So for all a in Fp either
- ar 1 mod n
- Or
- -1 mod n
- If
- ar ! 1 mod n
- Or
- ! -1 mod n
- For all 0 lt j lt s 1
- Then a is a strong witness to compositeness
- for n.
- If
- ar 1 mod n
- Or
- -1 mod n
- For some 0 lt j lt s 1
- Then n is said to be a strong pseudoprime
- to the base a.
- Then a is a strong liar to primality for n.
25Miller-Rabin Example
- n 91
- 90 245, s 1, r 45
- 1,9,10,12,16,17,22,29,38,53,62,69,74,
75,79,81,82,90 are all strong liars. - 945 1 mod 91
- 1045 1 mod 91
- .
- All other bases are strong witnesses.
- 97 9 mod 91
- 98 81 mod 91
26Miller Rabin
- If n is an odd composite, the number of strong
liars for n is at most ?(n)/4. - For example, ?(91)/4 18
- Note ?(n) is the Euler Phi Function
27Miller-Rabin The Algorithm
- Input An odd integer n and security parameter t
- Write n-1 2sr such that r is odd
- For i to t do
- Choose a random integer a, 2 lt a lt n 2
- Compute y ar mod n
- If y !1 and y ! n 1 then
- j 1
- While j ? s 1 and y ! n 1
- Compute y y2 mod n
- if y 1 then return COMPOSITE
- j j1
- if y ! n-1 then return COMPOSITE
- Output PRIME
28What is required to compute this?
- Algorithm for modular exponentiation
29 30Special Primes
- Generally deterministic algorithms are used to
test prime numbers with a special form, such as - Mersenne Primes
- A prime of the form 2s - 1
- Solinas Primes
- A prime number with low hamming weight
- Particularly of interest for pairing-based
31Lucas-Lehmer test for Mersenne Primes
- Input a Mersenne number n 2s 1 for s gt3
- Use trial division to check whether s has any
factors between 2 and - Return COMPOSITE
- Set u 4
- For k1 to s-2
- Compute u (u2 2) mod n
- If u 0 Return PRIME
- Else Return COMPOSITE
32Mersenne Primes
33Elliptic Curve Primality Proving
- 2004
- 4769 digit number was certified as prime in
approx. 2000 hours of computation 3 months of
uninterupted computing time on a 1GHz processor
- The first polynomial time primality test
- In August 2002 a deterministic polynomial time
primality test was written by Agrawal, Kayal
Saxena, namely the AKS algorithm - Ref PRIMES is in P, Agrawal, Kayal and
- Saxena.
35AKS The Algorithm
- Input An odd integer n gt 1
- If(n is of the form ab, bgt1) Output COMPOSITE
- r 2
- While(r lt n)
- if(gcd(n,r) ! 1) Output COMPOSITE
- if(r is prime)
- let q be the largest prime factpr of r-1
- if((qgt4sqrt(r)log n)(n(r-1)/q!1 mod r))
- break
- r r1
- For(a1 to 2sqrt(r)log n)
- if((x - a)n !(xn - a) mod(n,xr-1)) Output
- Output PRIME
36Organisation of the AKS algorithm
- Module 1
- Detecting Perfect Powers
- Module 2
- Finding a suitable r value
- Module 3
- Evaluating a prime identity function
37What is a Perfect Power?
- n is a perfect power if n
- can be written as n ab
- For example,
- 65536 216
- Therefore, need an algorithm to determine whether
n can be written as an integer to the power of
another integer. - A brute force approach is obviously not feasible.
- A method by Dan Bernstein gives an optimised
approach - Ref Detecting Perfect Powers in Essentially
Linear Time, Mathematics of Computation,1998.
38Bernsteins Detecting Perfect Powers
- Only prime exponents are checked.
- If n ab, then n (am)p xp
- Therefore the following main checks are performed
- n x2
- n 2p
- n xp due to Bernstein
39Bernsteins Detecting Perfect Powers
- Compute an intermediate value y to help choose an
appropriate approximation to the p-th root - An approximate p-th root of n is calculated using
Newtons method - This approximate root x is tested to see if n
xp. If so then x is a perfect power, if not then
another p value is chosen up to log2n - The proof for these steps is given in Bernsteins
- paper.
40Algorithms required to compute Module 1?
- Method to generate square roots
- Method to generate prime numbers
- a bit of a chicken and egg scenario!
- Method to generate the tentative root p and
finding whether xp n - Newtons Method
- Obviously, a fast exponentiation algorithm
41How do we find the correct r?
- r is the value that will be used as the exponent
of the modulus polynomial xr 1in the prime
identity function - The value r must satisfy a number of conditions
- r lt n
- r must be prime
- r is O(log6n)
- r-1 contains a prime factor which is close to the
size of the square root of r - Requiring both primality and factorisation
42The Algorithm to find r
- Intermediate primality test
- Factorization method
- Trial Division
- Pollard Rho
- Pollard p-1
- GCD method
- Euclidean Algorithm
- Square Root method
- Log2 method
43Euclidean Algorithm
- Input Two non negative numbers a and b with agtb
- While b!0
- set r a mod b, a b, b r
- Output a
- Find gcd(4864,3458)
- 4864 13458 1406
- 3458 21406 646
- 1406 2646 114
- 646 5114 76
- 114 176 38
- 76 238 0
- Therefore gcd(4864,3458) 38
45Square Root
- Firstly, use the Legendre Symbol to determine
whether a square root exists or not - x y2
- Is x a quadratic residue or a quadratic
non-residue? - If it is found that a square root exists, then a
square root algorithm must be used to find the
square root.
46What is the Prime Identity Function?
- The prime identity function is the heart of the
primality test - n is prime iff
- for a 1.bound
- (x a)n xn a mod (n, xr-1)
- If LHS RHS, for every value of a
- gt n is prime
- This identity is based on Fermats little theorem
47Example on board to demonstrate
48What do we need for this part?
- Knowledge of how operations on polynomials are
performed a polynomial API? - Polynomial addition, multiplication, reduction
49So how good is it?
- Say n 833310469,
- a 1, r 53699
- gt(x-1) 833310469 x 833310469 1
- (mod 833310469, x53699-1)
- This primality test will take a very long time to
complete - The number of polynomial operations to be
performed 833310469 a - This is without module 1 OR module 2 being
evaluated - AND 833310469 is not a big prime number
50(No Transcript)
- Have mentioned some of the algorithms which are
required to implement AKS and other primality
tests. - Some libraries will have some of these algorithms
in built. For example, Javas BigInteger API. -
- BigInteger in Java provides a probabilistic
primality test, isProbablePrime(). - To use probable prime a certainty must be passed
as a parameter. - The certainty is the amount of error that the
user is willing to tolerate. - The higher the certainty, the more probable the
number is prime. - public boolean isProbablePrime(int certainty)
- The certainty is calculate from (1-1\2
certainty), which will dictate the number of
rounds of tests performed on the input. - isProbablePrime() uses Miller-Rabin and
- Considering that the last prime found was
estimated to take 1 PC approximately 4000 years
to test I think the crypto community will use
probablistic primality tests.
- Pomerence
- Prime Numbers, A Computational Perspective
- Bressoud
- Factorisation and Primality Testing
- Koblitz
- A Course in Number Theory and Cryptography
- Wolfram Mathworld, Wikipedia
- The Prime Pages
- http//primes.utm.edu/
- Recap on finite field and modular arithmetic
- Implement modular exponentiation
- Implement any of the probabilistic or if you are
patient deterministic primality test
- Trial Division
- p-1 Method
- p1 Method
- Pollard Rho Method
- Continued Fraction Method
- Quadratic Sieve
- Elliptic Curve Method
- Number Field Sieve