Terrorism in America - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Terrorism in America


Terrorism in America By: Frank Jacobs Ms. Nelson-Kauffman Block : B Foreign Policy Terrorism Intro.. Terrorism is an issue that as Americans we constantly face today ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Terrorism in America

Terrorism in America
  • By Frank Jacobs
  • Ms. Nelson-Kauffman
  • Block B
  • Foreign Policy

Terrorism Intro..
  • Terrorism is an issue that as Americans we
    constantly face today it has affected thousands
    of American lives and has even hit our neighbors
    such as Europe.
  • We must find a way to prevent terrorism, but
    first we must be educated on terrorism.

What is Terrorism?
  • According to Terrorism in America There is no
    single universally accepted definition of
  • It is defined by the Code of Federal Regulations
    as the unlawful use of force and violence against
    persons or property to intimidate or coerce a
    government, the civilian population or any
    segment thereof, in furtherance of political or
    social objectives.

(September 11th 2001 attacks)
The Issue
  • Terrorism is definitely on the rise thats why we
    as Americans must find a means of prevention.
  • First we had the attack on the World Trade
    Center in 1993 that was followed by the embassy
    bombings everyone remembers the tragic terrorist
    attacks on September 11th.
  • People were in fear, didnt know what tomorrow
    would be. If you ask why? Its because of
    terrorism. We should no longer live in fear of
    terrorism we need to find ways to protect

(1993 World Trade Center bombing)
Types Of Terrorism
  • Terrorism is usually categorized as "domestic" or
    "international." The differences are not where
    the terrorist act takes place but where the
    individuals or groups responsible for it came
  • For example, the 1995 bombing of the Murrah
    Federal Building in Oklahoma City was an act of
    domestic terrorism, but the attacks of September
    2001 were international.

Ways of Prevention
  • We must be vigilant as citizens and know what is
    going on around us. Here are some facts according
    to FEMA. Terrorists look for visible targets
    where they can avoid detection before or after an
    attack such as international airports, large
    cities, major international events, resorts, and
    high-profile landmarks. These are some ways you
    can prepare your self according to FEMA. Be
    alert and aware of the surrounding area. The very
    nature of terrorism suggests that there may be
    little or no warning. Take precautions when
    traveling. Be aware of conspicuous or unusual
    behavior. Do not accept packages from strangers.
    Do not leave luggage unattended. Learn where
    emergency exits are located.
  • Think ahead about how to evacuate a building,
    subway or congested public area in a hurry. Learn
    where staircases are located. Notice your
    immediate surroundings. Be aware of heavy or
    breakable objects that could move, fall or break
    in an explosion.

Prevention Continued
  • We must seek justice, not revenge. Our collective
    response must root out the international
    terrorism networks responsible for these attacks,
    not fan the flames of yet more terror. Foreign
    policy in focus also went on to say that
    militarism will not end terrorism. We stand
    opposed to the massive, widespread, and prolonged
    military response, as foreshadowed by the
    militaristic language of the Bush administration
    officials. Such posturing will not end terrorism.
    Rather, such a response is likely to result in
    more civilian casualties, cause greater political
    violence, and engender new acts of terrorism
    against innocent people. (FPIF)
  • Instead of having a war and having military
    actions against these terrorists we must take the
    following measures in our foreign policy.

Steps for Prevention
  • Instead of having a war and having military
    actions against these terrorists we must take the
    following measures in our foreign policy. Our
    foreign policy must Forge a new global alliance
    against terrorism, linking our traditional allies
    with such disparate nations as Russia and China,
    to quickly bring together intelligence, police,
    and military agencies in an effort to identify,
    pursue, and bring to justice the terrorist
  • Use international police action and international
    tribunals as the preferred method for tracking
    down, capturing, and trying international
    criminals. As the recent case of Slobodan
    Milosevic illustrates, the world community has
    made remarkable progress in creating and using
    international norms to prosecute international
    crimes against humanity.
  • Organize strong international financial and
    diplomatic pressure against the governments of
    any nation found to be supporting or harboring
    international terrorists. (FPIF) At home we must
    take the following measures in order to protect
    ourselves from these terrorists.
  • Seek to maintain America's traditions of open
    government and open society. Avoid eroding the
    basic civil liberties that define this nation.
    Resist efforts to target people because of their
    race, religion, ethnic background, or appearance.

I earn Questions
  • Washington
  • Do you support how America is fighting the war on
    terrorism? Why orwhy not? Should the US have
    invaded Iraq?

  • Yes, because if they don't go to Iraq and fight
    them. They will cometo United State. If they
    attack the large cities again, a lot of peopleis
    going to die. That will make it worse.
  • No, because if American attack Iraq, they kill
    people who don't agreewith terrorist. Also,
    other countries army goes to Iraq to help
    them.Some of them are already dead, and some of
    them already left Iraq,because the citizen in
    their country doesn't like war.
  • Our opinions are America can attack terrorist but
    America shouldn'tattack Iraq. America is
    important for other countries America should
    begood exemplar but when America attacks the
    other country then the othercountries will learn
    bad thing and also they will attack other
    country.America doesn't have obvious clue to
    attack Iraq. If they have obviousclue to attack
    then it is okay. For example other country attack
    Iraqthen we think America can attack Iraq to
    escape them

  • I don't think America have to fight with Iraq. I
    think the othercountry have to help Iraq. The
    reason why America is starts the war.Also the
    military have to go back to America. They
    shouldn't get oilfrom them. If America really
    wants to stop the terrorism, they have tostop
    the war first. So many people were dying by the
  • America is the most powerful and strong country,
    so America has to be an example of peace to
    another country. Now Korea is helping America,
    but I thinkKorea have to request to America that
    stop the war. Now people thinkthat Bush wants
    oil from Iraq so he is attacking the Iraq.
  • However I don't think he is wrong with that,
    because he is one country'spresident and he has
    to make his country be richer, but this is not
    goodway to be the best. Therefore I think
    America has to stop the war. gtFrom The
    Northwest School, Seattle, Washington, USA

Iearn German Students
  • Of course, the USA are playing an important role
    in the world. This you can see positive and
    negative.Actually we as Germans have to thank
  • After the 2nd World War, you gave us a democracy.
    In the cold war you guaranteed that we in Germany
    could live in peace, but there is also the fact,
    that your government began the war in the Iraq,
    which was only built on propaganda and lies.It
    was a war against the human rights. It was not
    the same as in the 1st Iraq war.
  • There is no proof that the Iraq had or has got
    weapons of mass destruction. Also the USA are the
    biggest consumer of oil- except for China- and in
    a way they contribute considerably to the
    pollution in the world

Brazil iearn
  • About the terrorism we think that this is another
    way of making nations slaves. Especially in the
    case of United States.
  • You didnt have any proof that Sadam had nuclear
    weapons and even if they had, the U.S. A. does
    too, and these weapons are more powerful than the
    weapons of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
  • We are not safe anywhere especially in the

  • http//www.bbc.co.uk/spanish/specials/1522_huellas
  • http//www.terrorism-victims.org/
  • http//www.jmu.edu/safetyplan/terrorism/terrorism/

Sources Continued
  • www.ksg.harvard.Edu/ksgpress/bulletin/autumn2001/f
  • http//www.fema.gov/hazards/terrorism/
  • http//www.fema.gov/hazards/terrorism/terrorf.shtm
  • http//www.mccoy.army.mil/ReadingRoom/Triad/112220
  • www.Iearn.org

The End
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