Title: Mobile Technology
1Mobile Technology By Devin Satterthwaite
November 27, 2007
2Apple introduced the mobile phone as a Web device
3But mobile data speeds are still too slow
PC broadband data speed
Mobile (2G) data speed
.200 MBPS
Mobile data speed is 2/10 or slower than PC
broadband data speeds
4 Mobile browsers complexity prevents usage
Consumers cant find it
- It often takes 5-click for consumers to access
their mobile browser - Typing long URLs on small keypad small screen
is too hard for most consumers - Slow connection speed make consumers click
wait too long for page re-fresh
URLs are complex
Too Slow
5AJAX resolves slow data speed on the PC
Enables a fluid application look feel through
continuous client - server interaction
The webs industrys standard browser language
for application logic
The webs industrys standard language for data
Google leveraged AJAX programming for its famous
Google Maps application
6Traditional vs. AJAX based web connections
Traditional browser
World Wide Web Server
Browser user interface
Web page is refreshed with each request
Ajax enabled browser
Web page is updated in the background independent
of each request
World Wide Web Server
Browser user interface
AJAX Engine
7Bling offered the 1st AJAX for mobile phones
Blings AJAX Client
World Wide Web Server
Asynchronous (AJAX) communications compensates
for slow mobile data speeds
Blings AJAX Engine
User interaction happens independent of data
8Active-Idle-Screen (AIS) Solution for Carriers
Bling delivers its AJAX based client on the
consumers handset idle-screen (or home screen)
and delivers content in the form of webbased
The consumer can now have their favorite Web
content on their home-screen such as their
Facebook or MySpace profile and other popular
content like sports score and movie times.
For more examples of widgets go
to http//widgets.yahoo.com/
9Bling is installed on the idle-screen for
easy access
Idle-screen of phone
- 1.http//developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/AJAX
- 2. http//www.blingsoftware.com/
- 3.http//www.adaptivepath.com/ideas/essays/archive