Title: The Struggle for Equality
1The Struggle for Equality
2Path to Abolishing Slavery
- The Constitutional Convention would have failed
without a compromise on slavery. - Counted slaves as 3/5ths of person
- Returned runaway slaves to their owners
3In the Constitution
- What terms are used to describe African Americans?
4- The Framers Use terms like,
- All other persons and such people
5What was the Missouri Compromise of 1820
6Divided new lands into slave territories and
free territories.
7Who was Dred Scott?
8Dred Scott Case 1857
- A Slave from South
- Traveled and lived in North
- Slavery was illegal in this territory
- After coming back to Missouri, Scott argued he
should be free - Court ruled that according to the Constitution
Slaves were property
913th Amendment 1865
10African Americans
- Even though the Constitution banned slavery,
the struggle for citizenship and the right to
vote had only just begun.
1114th Amendment - 1868
- Ensured Citizenship for CitizensTakes power away
from states to grant citizenship - Sometimes called the 2nd Bill of Rights
12- Did the 14th Amendment ensure equal treatment of
African Americans?
13- NO!Many
- states created new ways to segregate.
14 15The Right to VOTE
16The Path to Suffrage
- For African Americans
- For Women
- For Young Adults
1715th Amendment 1870
- States may not deny the vote to any person on the
basis of race, color, or previous condition of
servitude - What did they forget????????
1924th Amendment 1964
- Southern states were using a poll tax to prevent
African Americans from voting.This amendment
made poll taxes illegal
20Womens Suffrage Movement
21When the Constitution was written, only white
men had the right to vote. Women also did not
have many other rights such as the right to own
property or to be educated for certain jobs.
22As time passed, many people came to feel that
this was unfair and that women should have the
same rights as men in our country.
Womens suffrage (right to vote) became an
organized movement in 1848 at a convention in New
23Womens Suffrage Parade in New York City
24Susan B. Anthony
Susan B. Anthony born 2/15/1820 From
Adams,MA 1871 Arrested for voting in a
presidential election Her speech, We, the
people, not we, the white male citizens, nor yet
we, the male citizens..
25Elizabeth Cady Stanton
In 1851 Stanton met Susan B.
Anthony and for the next fifty
years they worked together.
Stanton wrote and gave speeches Anthony
organized and campaigned to achieve these goals.
26Lucretia Mott
Lucretia Mott helped to organize and call
together the first women's rights convention in
Seneca Falls, New York in July of 1848.
27Seneca Falls Convention
- We hold these truths to be self evident..that
all men AND WOMEN are created equal - 1848
28Sojourner Truth
Truth became a speaker on women's rights issues
after attending a Women's Rights Convention in
2919th Amendment 1920Finally after years of hard
work, women earned the right to vote
3026th Amendment 1971 Lowered voting age from 21
to 18 If you are old enough to die for your
country you should be able to vote
3114th Amendments principle of EQUAL PROTECTION
- Equal Protection
- Means that people must be treated fairly
- it does not mean that everyone must be treated in
exactly the same way.
32Can you give an example of Equal Protection?
33- The banks right to not have to give a loan to
everyone who applies for one. - BUT
- Cant base it on race, gender, or age.
- Separation of blacks and whites in public places
- Laws of segregation were passed after 14th
amendment granted citizenship - Did segregation violate the principle of equal
protection under the law?
35Plessy v. Ferguson 1896
- Homer Plessy
- Refused to leave a whites only railroad car
- Court said that separate but equal standards did
not violate the 14th amendment
36Thurgood Marshall 1950s
- Can they really be equal and separate?
- NAACP (National Advancement of Colored People)
- First African American on Supreme Court
37Brown v. Board of Education 1954
- Linda Brown
- 7 blocks from white school
- 21 blocks from African American school
- Supreme Court Case
- Separate facilities are inherently unequal
- students made to feel inferior
- Overturned Plessy v. Ferguson of 1896
38Brown v. Board of Education
39Affirmative Action
- Steps to counteract the effects of past racial
discrimination and discrimination against women. - Colleges, businesses.
40University of California v. Bakke 1973
- Reverse Discrimination
- White applicant rejected
- Other racial and ethnic groups were admitted with
lower GPAs, test scores and interview ratings. - Stated race could be a factor when achieving a
more diverse student body
41- Marchers protesting the Court's decision in
Bakke. (AP/Wide World Photos)
42Grutter v. Bollinger 2003
- White female denied admission (same grounds as
Bakke) - Race or ethnicity is a legal and necessary tool
for determining college admissions
43Phillips Case
- Ida Phillips
- Denied employment because of gender
- Do You Have Young Children?
- Court ruled that company could not have one
hiring policy for women and another for men
44Citizens and the Constitution
- 13th, 14th, and 15th came about as a result of
the Civil War - The other changes were made through peaceful
efforts of active CITIZENS