Title: Black Freedom Struggle
1Black Freedom Struggle
21955, Murder of Emmett Till
Mose Wright
31955 Rosa Parks Arrested
41956 Montgomery bus boycott
51957 Little Rock Nine
6Lunch counter sit-ins
7Freedom Rides
81963 Murder of Medgar Evers
91963 March on Washington
10Selma to Montgomery Marches 1965
11SNCC, Stokely Carmichael
- Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
- Among its leaders James Lawson, Ella Baker,
Stokely Carmichael
- Congress of Racial Equality
- Organized Freedom Rides
13Major Civil Rights legislation
- Civil Rights Act of 1964, guaranteed access of
all Americans to public accommodations, public
education, employment, and voting
14What did Congress do?
- Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 opening of the
War on Poverty - Voting Rights Act, 1965, banned literacy tests
and ensured access to the voting booth - National Housing Act of 1968, authorized increase
in funding for affordable housing - Civil Rights Act, 1968, banned discrimination in
housing and jury service
15After passage of Civil Rights Act
- Black protest moved from simply legal equality to
economic equality. It no longer held nonviolence
as its basic principle. - Waves of urban uprisings in the 1960s, Watts in
LA Newark and Detroit in 1967, and DC in 1968.
16Radicalizing the Civil Rights Movement
- Black protest moved from simply legal equality to
economic equality. - It no longer held nonviolence as its basic
principle. - Waves of urban uprisings in the 1960s, Watts in
LA Newark and Detroit in 1967, and DC in 1968.
17Malcolm X
- Initially a member of the Nation of Islam, black
muslims called for separation from white
society - In 1964 he left the Nation of Islam and worked
with integrationists - Assassinated by three black muslims in 1965 at a
Harlem rally.
18Black Panther Party
- Huey Newton and Bobby Seale organized the Black
Panther Party after an unarmed teen was killed in
SF in 1966 - Founded in Oakland
- White backlash to Black Panther Party
19Black Panther Party
20Feminism 1960s and 1970s
21During Kennedys New Frontier
- President Kennedy established the Presidents
Commission on the Status of Women (PCSW) in 1961 - First chairwoman Eleanor Roosevelt
- Equal Pay Act 1963
22During Johnsons Great Society
- Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned
discrimination based on gender in hiring and
extended affirmative action to women. - It was not enforced, called a fluke
- Betty Friedan and Pauli Murray founded the
National Organization for Women (NOW) in 1966
23NOW organizing committee, 1966
24Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm
- First Black woman elected to Congress
25Womens Liberation Movement
- Inspired by successes of SNCC
- More radical than NOW
- Cellestine Ware founded New York Radical
Feminists and called the predominately white
leadership of womens groups to work for issues
of minority women.
- Womens magazine founded by Gloria Steinem
- Equal Rights Amendment passed Congress in 1972
- Equality of rights under the law shall not be
denied or abridged by the United States or by any
State on account of sex. - It was endorsed by President Nixon
- It was never ratified
- Conservative wing Republican Party
- Spokewoman Phyllis Schlafly
- She believed God predetermined womens roles and
that the Congress or legal structure should not
regulate them