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Nobel prize in physics


Nobel prize in physics The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to 180 individuals since 1901. (John Bardeen was awarded the prize in both 1956 and 1972. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Nobel prize in physics

Nobel prize in physics
The Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to
180 individuals since 1901. (John Bardeen was
awarded the prize in both 1956 and 1972.(
Noble Prize In Physics- Ashraf Gouda
  • Presented by Ashraf Gouda

What Is physics?(and why should you care?)
  • Physics is the study of the basic physical world
  • It addresses How and Why questions
  • It explains and predicts how the universe works.
  • Physics is key to scientific literacy
  • Understanding physics is useful in every day life
  • Leaving physical problem to other is expensive
  • Modern technological society depend on physics.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1901
  • "in recognition of the extraordinary services he
    has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable
    rays subsequently named after him
  • Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen
  • Germany

  • How Are X-rays Made?
  • The penetrating rays discovered by Röntgen in
  • X-rays, What Are They?
  • electromagnetic waves of shorter wavelength and
    higher energy than normal light
  • But the debates over the nature of the rays
    waves or particles?
  • continued until the wave-particle duality was
    generally accepted in the 1920s. Photons can be
    described both as waves and particles.

X-rays in Use
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1902
  • "in recognition of the extraordinary service they
    rendered by their researches into the influence
    of magnetism upon radiation phenomena
  • Hendrik Antoon Lorentz
  • the Netherlands
  • Pieter Zeeman
  • the Netherlands

Zeeman effect
  • Is the splitting of a spectral line into several
    components in the presence of a static magnetic
  • Since the distance between the Zeeman sub-levels
    is proportional to the magnetic field, this
    effect is used by astronomers to measure the
    magnetic field of the Sun and other stars.

Lorentz transformation
  • converts between two different observers'
    measurements of space and time, where one
    observer is in constant motion with respect to
    the other
  • Time is different from frame to another
  • You cant transfer energy with a v
  • greater than c

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1903
  • "in recognition of the extraordinary services he
    has rendered by his discovery of spontaneous
  • "in recognition of the extraordinary services
    they have rendered by their joint researches on
    the radiation phenomena discovered by Professor
    Henri Becquerel
  • Antoine Henri Becquerel 1/2
  • Pierre Curie 1/4
  • Marie Curie 1/4
  • France

Radioactive decay
  • Radioactive decay is the process in which an
    unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by emitting
    radiation in the form of particles or
    electromagnetic waves

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1906
  • "in recognition of the great merits of his
    theoretical and experimental investigations on
    the conduction of electricity by gases
  • Joseph John Thomson
  • United Kingdom

Work on cathode rays
  • In his first experiment, he investigated whether
    or not the negative charge could be separated
    from the cathode rays by means of magnetism
  • In his second experiment, he investigated whether
    or not the rays could be deflected by an electric
  • In his third experiment, Thomson measured the
    charge-to-mass ratio of the cathode rays by
    measuring how much they were deflected by a
    magnetic field and how much energy they carried
  • Application
  • Cathode Rays Tube (CRT)

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1909
  • "in recognition of their contributions to the
    development of wireless telegraphy
  • Guglielmo Marconi
  • Italy
  • Karl Ferdinand Braun
  • Germany

Invention of radio
  • Marconi began to conduct experiments, building
    much of his own equipment in the attic of his
    home at the Villa Griffone in Pistachio, Italy.
    His goal was to use radio waves to create a
    practical system of "wireless telegraphy.
  • Marconi's system had the following components
  • A relatively simple oscillator.
  • A wire or capacity area placed at a height above
    the ground
  • A coherer receiver
  • A telegraph key to operate the transmitter to
    send short and long pulses, corresponding to the
    dots-and-dashes of Morse code
  • A telegraph register, activated by the coherer,
    which recorded the transmitted Morse code
    dots-and-dashes onto a roll of paper tape.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1915
  • "for their services in the analysis of crystal
    structure by means of X-rays
  • Sir William Henry Bragg
  • United Kingdom
  • William Lawrence Bragg
  • United Kingdom

X-ray crystallography
  • Diffraction from a three dimensional periodic
    structure such as atoms in a crystal is called
    Bragg diffraction.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1918
  • "in recognition of the services he rendered to
    the advancement of Physics by his discovery of
    energy quanta
  • Max Karl Ernst Ludwig Planck
  • Germany

Quantum Mechanics
  • The word quantum (Latin, how much) in quantum
    mechanics refers to a discrete unit that quantum
    theory assigns to certain physical quantities,
  • such as the energy of an atom at rest .The
    discovery that waves have discrete energy packets
    (called quanta) that behave in a manner similar
    to particles .
  • E h v

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1921
  • "for his services to Theoretical Physics, and
    especially for his discovery of the law of the
    photoelectric effect
  • Albert Einstein
  • Germany and Switzerland

Photoelectric effect
  • The photoelectric effect is a quantum electronic
    phenomenon in which electrons are emitted from
    matter after the absorption of energy from
    electromagnetic radiation such as x-rays or
    visible light. The emitted electrons can be
    referred to as photoelectrons in this context.
  • Study of the photoelectric effect led to
    important steps in understanding the quantum
    nature of light and electrons and influenced the
    formation of the concept of waveparticle
  • Applications??

Special theory of relativity
  • First postulate
  • The laws of physics are the same in all inertial
    frames of reference.
  • Second postulate
  • The speed of light in a vacuum is a universal
    constant, c, which is independent of the motion
    of the light source. c (299792458 m/s)
  • Time dilation (twin paradox)
  • Lorentz contraction
  • Equivalence of mass and energy, E  mc2

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1922
  • "for his services in the investigation of the
    structure of atoms and of the radiation emanating
    from them
  • Niels Henrik David Bohr
  • Denmark

Bohr model
  • In atomic physics, the Bohr model depicts the
    atom as a small, positively charged nucleus
    surrounded by electrons that travel in circular
    orbits around the nucleus similar in structure
    to the solar system, but with electrostatic
    forces providing attraction, rather than gravity.
  • The electrons travel in orbits that have discrete
    quantized speeds, and therefore quantized
    energies. That is, not every orbit is possible
    but only certain specific ones, at certain
    specific distances from the nucleus.
  • The electrons do not continuously lose energy
  • as they travel. They can only gain and lose
  • energy by jumping from one allowed orbit to
  • another.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1927
  • "for his discovery of the effect named after him"
  • "for his method of making the paths of
    electrically charged particles visible by
    condensation of vapor
  • Arthur Holly Compton
  • USA
  • Charles Thomson Rees Wilson
  • United Kingdom

Compton scattering
  • In physics, Compton scattering or the Compton
    effect is the decrease in energy (increase in
    wavelength) of an X-ray or gamma ray photon, when
    it interacts with matter

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1929
  • "for his discovery of the wave nature of
  • Prince Louis-Victor Pierre Raymond de Broglie
  • France

De Broglie hypothesis
  • all matter (any object) has a wave-like nature
    (wave-particle duality).
  • He suggested that the wave-particle dualism that
    applies to EM radiation also applies to particles
    of matter. He proposed that every kind of
    particle has both wave and particle properties. 
    Hence, electrons can be thought of as either
    particles or waves. 

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1932
  • "for the creation of quantum mechanics, the
    application of which has, inter alia, led to the
    discovery of the allotropic forms of hydrogen
  • Werner Karl Heisenberg
  • Germany

Uncertainty principle
  • which lays it down that the determination of the
    position and momentum of a mobile particle
    necessarily contains errors the product of which
    cannot be less than the quantum constant h and
    that, although these errors are negligible on the
    human scale, they cannot be ignored in studies of
    the atom.

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1933
  • "for the discovery of new productive forms of
    atomic theory
  • Erwin Schrödinger
  • Austria
  • Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac
  • United Kingdom

Atomic theory
  • In chemistry and physics, atomic theory is a
    theory of the nature of matter, which states that
    matter is composed of discrete units called
    atoms, as opposed to obsolete beliefs that matter
    could be divided into any arbitrarily small
    quantity. Or, in a nutshell, the idea that all
    things are made of atoms.
  • The chemists of the era believed the basic units
    of the elements were also the fundamental
    particles of nature and named them atoms (derived
    from the Greek word atomos, meaning
  • However, around the turn of the 20th century,
    through various experiments with electromagnetism
    and radioactivity, physicists discovered that the
    so-called "indivisible atom" was actually a
    conglomerate of various subatomic particles
    (chiefly, electrons, protons and neutrons) which
    can exist separately from each other.

Schrödinger equation
  • Solutions of the analytical solutions of the
    time-independent Schrödinger equation can be
    obtained for a variety of relatively simple
  • These solutions provide insight into the nature
    of quantum phenomena and sometimes provide a
    reasonable approximation of the behavior of more
    complex systems (e.g., in statistical mechanics,
    molecular vibrations are often approximated as
    harmonic oscillators).

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1935
  • "for the discovery of the neutron
  • James Chadwick
  • United Kingdom

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1956
  • "for their researches on semiconductors and their
    discovery of the transistor effect
  • William Bradford Shockley
  • USA
  • John Bardeen
  • USA
  • Walter Houser Brattain
  • USA

(No Transcript)
Vacuum Tubes
  • The vacuum tube that hundred years ago
  • only had a role in scientists' exploration of
  • the processes in matter, has, thanks to many
  • technical inventions, evolved into an
  • apparatus that is found in virtually every
  • home and office the television tube and
  • the computer screen.

  • First transistor

(No Transcript)
Solid-state transistor
  • Since then semiconductor devices have evolved
    tremendously. Today transistors are extremely
    small and come packed in millions onto tiny
    Silicon chips called integrated circuits
  • This invention is essential for digital
    technologies like computers, mobile phones, CDs,
    mp3s or DVDs. The list could be made almost
    infinite. For instance, without semiconductor
    technology there would be no Internet, so you
    would not be able to read this text.
  • Actions of transistor
  • Switches
  • Amplifiers
  • How many transistors on the Pentium 4??

(No Transcript)
The Nobel Prize in Physics 1969
  • "for his contributions and discoveries concerning
    the classification of elementary particles and
    their interactions
  • Murray Gell-Mann
  • USA
  • BibAlex

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1973
  • "for their experimental discoveries regarding
    tunneling phenomena in semiconductors and
    superconductors, respectively"
  • "for his theoretical predictions of the
    properties of a supercurrent through a tunnel
    barrier, in particular those phenomena which are
    generally known as the Josephson effects
  • Leo Esaki
  • Japan BibAlex
  • Ivar Giaever
  • USA
  • Brian David Josephson
  • United Kingdom

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1985
  • "for the discovery of the quantized Hall effect
  • Klaus von Klitzing
  • Federal Republic of Germany
  • bibalex

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1996
  • "for their discovery of superfluidity in
  • David M. Lee
  • USA
  • Douglas D. Osheroff
  • BibAlex
  • USA
  • Robert C. Richardson
  • USA

The Nobel Prize in Physics 1999
  • "for elucidating the quantum structure of
    electroweak interactions in physics
  • Gerardus 't Hooft
  • the Netherlands
  • bibalex
  • Martinus J.G. Veltman
  • the Netherlands

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2006
  • "for their discovery of the blackbody form and
    anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background
  • John C. Mather
  • USA
  • George F. Smoot
  • USA

The Nobel Prize in Physics 2007
  • "for the discovery of Giant Magnetoresistance
  • Albert Fert
  • France
  • Peter Grünberg
  • Germany

Hard Disks
  • Portable computers, music players, and powerful
    search engines, all require hard disks where
  • the information is very densely packed.
    Information on a hard disk is stored in the form
  • differently magnetized areas
  • A certain direction of magnetization corresponds
    to the binary zero, and another direction
    corresponds to the binary value of one.
  • In order to access the information, a read-out
    head scans the hard disk and registers the
    different fields of magnetization.
  • When hard disks become smaller, each magnetic
    area must also shrink. This means that the
    magnetic field of each bite becomes weaker and
    harder to read. A more tightly packed hard disk
    thus requires a more sensitive read-out technique
  • Recently, the maximum storage capacity of hard
    disks for home use has soared to a terabyte (a
    thousand billion bytes).

(No Transcript)
  • In a metal conductor, electricity is transported
    in the form of electrons which can move freely
    through the material. The current is conducted
    because of the movement of electrons in a
    specific direction, the straighter the path of
    the electrons, the greater the conductance of the
  • material

  • In a magnetic material the scattering of
    electrons is influenced by the direction of
  • The very strong connection between magnetization
    and resistance that one finds in giant
    magnetoresistance arises because of the intrinsic
    rotation of the electron that induces a magnetic
    moment the quantum mechanical property called
    spin which is directed in either one of two
    opposite directions

  • In the following an example of the simplest type
    of system where giant magnetoresistance can arise
    is described It consists of a layer of
    non-magnetic metal sandwiched between two layers
    of a magnetic metal

  • http//
  • http//
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