Title: Waves and Particles Nuclear Physics
1Waves and ParticlesNuclear Physics
2Waves and Particles
- Wave Particle Duality
- Black Body Radiation
- The Photo-electric Effect
- The Compton Effect
- De Broglie Wavelength
- Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
3Wave - Particle Duality
- Waves exhibit particle-like characteristics
- Particles exhibit wave-like characteristics
- Youngs Double-Slit Experiment using a stream of
electrons showed a similar deflection pattern to
light wave
4Blackbody Radiation
- All bodies radiate electromagnetic waves.
- Blackbodies are objects that absorb all
electromagnetic waves that fall on them. - Materials that are good absorbers are good
emitters. - Materials that are good reflectors (like polished
silver) are poor emitters. - Max Planck stated that objects emit energy at
integer multiples of the frequency of the wave
5Plancks Equation
- E n h f
- Where E is energy, n 0,1,2,3,, f is the
frequency of the wave and h is Planks Constant, - Plancks Constant(h) 6.6260688 X 10-34 Js
- These energy packets have a value hf
6- Plancks equation verifies Einsteins earlier
claim that light consists of energy packets - He received the Nobel Prize in 1918 for his work
on Quantum Theory.
7The Photoelctric Effect
- Photons hit metal surface with sufficient
frequency - Energy from photons creates a current
- Photo cells are commonly used in various
detection systems (garage doors, alarm systems,
8The Compton Effect Aurthur Compton
- Decrease in energy (increasing wavelength l) when
photons interact with matter. - Compton used x-rays and gamma rays to prove
Einsteins Photoelectric Effect/Photon theories. - Inverse Compton Effect occurs when photons gain
energy from their interaction with matter.
9Compton Effect
Arthur Compton Nobel Prize 1927
- Mathematical Explanation
- h f h f KE
- Energy of incident energy of
Kinetic Energy gained - Photon scattered photon by scattered
electron. -
10DeBroglie and the Wave Nature of Matter
- Using the wave-particle duality work done by
Einstein and Planck, De Broglie stated that ALL
objects that move have a wavelength similar to a
wave associated with them.
11The De Broglie Wavelength
- De Broglie stated that the wavelength of any
particle or object is inversely proportion to its
momentum (p). - l h / p
- Where l wavelength
- h Plancks Constant
- p Momentum (m v)
12De Broglie Wavelength
- Verified experimentally by several physicists in
the U.S. and in Europe - The De Broglie Wavelength is only observable for
very small masses (protons, neutrons, electrons,
etc) - Because the l for larger masses would be very
small, diffraction and interference cannot be
observed. (See example 5 in book)
13The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
Werner Karl Heisenberg Nobel Prize 1932
- Limits the accuracy with which momentum and
position of a particle can be described
simultaneously - These limits are imposed by nature and cannot or
of the quality of the equipment used) - Heisenbergs Principle describes uncertainty
between position and momentum as well as energy
and time.
14The Heisenberg Uncertainty PrincipleMomentum and
Momentum and Position (Dpy)(Dy) __h__
4 p Where Dy
uncertainty in the particles y direction Dpy
uncertainty in the vertical component of the
particles momentum. h Plancks Constant
15The Heisenberg Uncertainty PrincipleEnergy and
Momentum and Position (DE)(Dt) __h__
4 p Where DE
uncertainty in the particles energy when in a
certain state. Dt Time interval that
the particle is in that state h Plancks
If you understood all of this I am impressed
because. This is tougher than Rocket Science!!!