Title: Twice Nobel Prize Winner
1 Twice Nobel Prize Winner
- Prasanna Khandavilli
2Curiosity is the key for Scientific Discovery
3Frederick Sanger
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1958
- "for his work on the structure of proteins,
especially that of insulin
4The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1980
for their
contributions concerning the determination of
base sequences in nucleic acids
Walter Gilbert
Frederick Sanger
5Frederick Sanger
- Born August 13, 1918
- Place of Birth Rendcombe, Gloucestershire,
England - Residence U.S.A./Great Britain
- Affiliation MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology,
6Basic Principles of Protein Chemistry
- Proteins - Amino Acid residues
- Physical and Biological Properties-
- Arrangement of the Amino Acid residues
7Bergmann and Niemann
- Periodic arrangement of Amino Acids
- Pure protein A random mixture of similar
- individuals
- Studies on Insulin
- Simpler composition
- Tryptophan and Methionine absent
- Accurate analysis
9Van Slyke Procedure
- High content of free a-amino groups
- Short Polypeptide chains
- Jensen Evans
- Phenylalanine at the end of one of the chains
10Molecular weight of Insulin
- Physical methods 36,000 to 48,000
- Gutfreund 12,000
- Harfenist Craig 6,000
11Dinitrophenyl (DNP) method
- 124 flourodinitrobenzene (FDNB)
Alkaline conditions
12DNP method contd.
- Hydrolysis of DNP protein with Acid
13DNP method contd.
- Extraction with Ether
- Fractionation (Partition Chromatography)
- Comparison of Chromatographic rates (Silica-gel
Chromatography or Paper Chromatography) - Identification and Estimation Calorimetrically
14DNP labeling of Insulin
- Three yellow DNP-derivatives
- e-DNP-lysine (not extracted with Ether)
- DNP-phenylalanine
- DNP-glycine
15Edman phenyl isothiocyanate method
- Standard method for studying N-terminal
16Disulphide bridges
- Cystine residues
- Reduction to SH derivatives
- Polymerization gave insoluble products
- How to break these Disulfide bridges?
17Oxidation with Performic Acid
18Precipitation of Oxidized Insulin
- Fraction A
- N-terminal residue Glycine
- Acidic
- Simpler composition (Lys, Arg, His, Phe,
- Thr, Pro were absent)
- Fraction B
- N-terminal residue Phenylalanine
- Basic Amino acids
19Acid hydrolysis of DNP-Phenylalanine
- Position of residues
- Only two types of chains
- Molecular weight 12,000
- Paper Chromatography for Fractionation of
- small peptides
- Consden, Gordon, Martin Synge worked on
- pentapeptide Gramicidin-S
22Fraction B studies
- Ionophoresis, Ion-exchange Chromatography,
- Adsorption on Charcoal
- 5-20 peptides
- Paper Chromatography
- Analysis of the constituent Amino Acids
- Five sequences present in Phenylalanine Chain
- How the 5 sequences are joined ?
- Hurdles in solving this mystery
- Technical difficulty in fractionating peptides
with non-polar residues (Tyr Leu) - Acid lability of the bonds involving Serine and
26Solution is
- Enzymatic Hydrolysis
- Use of Proteolytic enzymes
- More specific than acid hydrolysis
27Proteolytic Enzymes
- Pepsin Peptide Bp3 fragment
- Phe (CySO,H, Asp, Glu, Ser, Gly, Val, Leu,
His) - Trypsin, Chymotrypsin studies
28Fraction A studies
- Problems in applying fraction B studies to
- fraction A
- Few residues that occur only once
- Less susceptible to enzymatic hydrolysis
- Water soluble peptides- difficult to fractionate
on paper chromatography
29Paper Ionophoresis
- pH 2.75
- -COOH groups uncharged
- -SO3H groups negative charge
- -NH2 groups positive charge
- pH 3.5
- -COOH groups charged
30Results of Paper Ionophoresis
31Sequence of Fraction A
32Acid Hydrolysis
- Ammonia produced from Amide groups on
- Aspartic and Glutamic acid residues
- Position of Amide groups
- Ionophoretic rates
- Amide contents of peptides
33Arrangement of Disulphide bridges
- Assumptions and hypothesis
- Harfenist Craig Mol Wt 6000
- Two chains with three disulphide bridges
- Two bridges connecting the two chains
- One intrachain bridge in fraction A
34Disulphide interchange reaction
35Disulphide interchange reaction
- Two types of disulphide interchange reactions
- In neutral alkaline solution catalyzed by
- SH compounds
36Enzymic Hydrolysis
- Chymotrypsin action
- -CySO3H.AspNH
- -Leu.Val. CySO3H.Gly.Glu.Arg.Gly.Phe.Phe
37Cystine peptide structure
38The Structure of Insulin
39Sequenced Insulin supports Protein chemistry
- Hofmeister Fischer Classical peptide
hypothesis - No evidence of periodicity
- Random order
- Unique most significant order
40Insulin from different species
41Determination of Nucleotide Sequences
- Smallest DNA molecule - Bacteriophage fX174
5,000 nucleotides - tRNA - 75 nucleotides
42Fractionation of 32P-labelled oligonucleotides
- G.G.Brownlee and B.G.Barrell method
- Partial degradation by enzymes
- Separation of smaller products
- Determination of sequence
- Applied to RNA sequences
- Slow and tedious
- Requires successive digestions and fractionations
- Not easy to apply to larger DNA molecules
44Copying Procedures
- C.Weissmann Bacteriophage Qß
- -Qß Replicase Complementary copy
- -Pulse-labeling with radio actively labeled
- nucleotides
- DNA Polymerase substitutes Replicase
- -Primer, Triphosphates containing 32P in a
position - Sanger
45Copying Procedure
46Primer Source
- Synthetic Oligonucleotides
- Restriction enzymes
47Copying procedure
- Results
- Short specific regions of labeled DNA were
obtained - Unable to obtain individual residues for
sequencing - How to obtain individual
- nucleotide residues?
48Solution is
- Incorporation of ribonucleotides in DNA
- Sequence by DNA Polymerase
- Splitting of ribonucleotide residues later by
- action of alkali
- Technique put forth by Berg, Fancher
- Chamberlin
49The Plus and Minus method
- a32P-dNTP labeling and sequence specific
- termination
- J.E.Donelson - Ionophoresis of products on
- acrylamide gels
50The Dideoxy method
- Quicker and more accurate
- fX174
- Bacteriophage G4
- Mammalian mitochondrial DNA
51Dideoxynucleoside triphosphates
- Lack 3 hydroxyl group
- Incorporated into growing DNA chain by DNA
polymerase - Chain terminating analogues
52Dideoxy nucleotide triphosphate
53Chain Termination with ddNTP
54Chain-Terminating Method
55Autoradiograph DNA sequencing gel
56Chain terminating method
- Problem Requires single
- stranded DNA as template
- Solution
- A.J.H.Smith Exonuclease III
- Fragments cloned in
- plasmid vectors and Human
- mitochondrial DNA
57Cloning in single-stranded Bacteriophage
- Method to prepare template DNA
- Based on studies of bacteriophage M 13 and
restriction fragments provided by others
- Gronenborn Messing M13 Bacteriophage
- Insert of ß-galactosidase gene with an EcoRI
restriction enzyme site in it - Heidccker 96-nucleotide long restriction fragment
from M13 vector flanking EcoRI site
- Same primer on all clones
- Very efficient and rapid method of fractionating
- Each clone represents progeny of a single
molecule and is therefore pure - No theoretical limit to the size of DNA that
could be sequenced
61Bacteriophage fX174 DNA
- First DNA sequenced by Copying procedure
- Single-stranded circular DNA
- 5,386 nucleotides
- Ten genes
- Genes are overlapping
62Gene Map
63Reading Frames
64Mammalian mitochondrial DNA
- Two ribosomal RNAs (rRNAs)
- 22-23 transfer RNAs (tRNAs)
- 10-13 inner mitochondrial membrane proteins
- Transcription and translation machinery of
- mitochondria is different from other biological
- systems
65The genetic code in mitochondria
- Steffans Buse - Sequence of Subunit II of
- Cytochrome Oxidase (COII) from bovine
- mitochondria
- Barrel, Bankier Drouin DNA sequence for
- protein homologous to the above amino acid
- sequence in human beings
- TGA - Tryptophan (not termination codon)
- ATA Methionine (not isoleucine)
- Is it Species variation (?)
- Young Anderson-isolated bovine mtDNA
- - Confirmed Uniqueness of mtDNA
67mtDNA Genetic Code
68(No Transcript)
69Transfer RNAs
- Cytoplasmic tRNAs
- Clover-leaf model
- Invariable features
- Mammalian mt-tRNA
- Invariable features missing
- Serine tRNA lacks loop of cloverleaf structure
70Cytoplasmic Transfer RNAs
- Wobble effect forming Family boxes
71Mitochondrial Transfer RNAs
- 22 tRNA genes in Mammalian mtDNA
- For all family boxes-
- Only one which had a T in the position
- corresponding to the third position of the
codon - One tRNA-Recognizes all codons in a family
- box
72Distribution of Protein genes
- Cytochrome oxidase
- ATPase complex
- Cytochrome b
73Gene Map of Human mtDNA
74Mitochondrial DNA Conclusions
- Very compact structure
- Reading frames coding for proteins and rRNA genes
are flanked by tRNA genes - Simple model for transcription
- IN
- 1974
- Conventional Sequencing Method Sanger,
- Maxam Gilbert
- 1986
- A regiment of scientists and technicians
- Caltech and Applied Biosystems Inc.,invented
- the Automated DNA Fluorescence Sequencer.
- Craig Venter's Sequencing Method
- In 1991, working with
- Nobel laureate Hamilton Smith, Venter's
genomic - research project (TIGR) created a new
sequencing process coined shotgun technique.
Trend Setter Gene Hunter
Dr. Craig Venter
78Automated DNA Sequencing
- Smith et al. 1986
- DNA molecules labeled with fluorescent dyes
- Products of dideoxy-sequencing reactions
separated by gel electrophoresis - Dye molecules are excited by laser beam
- Fluorescent signals are amplified and detected by
Photomultiplier tubes (CCD Camera) - Computer software identifies each nucleotide
based on the distinctive color of each dye
79Automated Sequencing (Contd)
80Automated Sequencing (Contd)
81Genome Projects
- 1999
- Celera genomics Rockville, Maryland
Drosophila genome - 2000
- Completed Human Genome Project
- http// www.genome.gov/
- 2002
- Mouse Genome Project
- www.informatics.jax.org/
82Human Genome Project
- The Human Genome Project Started in 1988,
Public Domain - Collaborative work between Celera Genomics
- and NIH
- Accomplishments
- Identify all the approximately 35,000 genes in
human DNA - Determine the sequences of the 3 billion chemical
bases that make up human DNA (completed July 2000)
83Other Genome Databases
- A lot of Organism specific databases at NCBI
- Allows for Comparative Genomics studies
- Phylogenetic Analysis studies
- Gene Annotation and Identification issues
- Drug therapy and Gene Therapy- Cystic Fibrosis
etc. - DNA Vaccines
84Insulin and Biotechnology
- 1978 Genentech, Inc. - Genetic engineering
techniques used to produce human insulin in E.
coli - 1983 Genetech, Inc. licensed Eli Lily to make
85Insulin Production in E.coli
87Insulin Trends
- Insulin was first isolated from the pancreas of
cows and pigs in the early 1920s - In 1978, a synthetic version of the human insulin
gene was constructed and inserted into the
bacterium Eschericia coli, in the laboratory of
Herbert Boyer at the University of California at
San Francisco
88Insulin Trends in Medicine
- Recombinant human insulin was developed by
Boyer's fledgling company, Genentech, in October
of 1982, the first product of modern
biotechnology - Humulin
- Various modes of delivering Insulin to the Tissue
- Less Adverse reactions, More strict glucose
control in diabetics
- Nobel e-Museum
- The Nobel Prize Internet Archive
- Britannica Nobel Prizes, Guide to the Nobel
Prizes - Michigan State University, Department of
Chemistry - Science Daily
- http//www.geocities.com/jdelaney25/FrederickSange
r.html - The wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
90Questions and Suggestions
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